Midterms Are Getting Close

Reagan had a pretty good economy in 86 and the Republicans still lost the Senate
Reagan had a pretty good economy in 86 and the Republicans still lost the Senate
But the democrats were not running nut case progs back then....I don't think the dems have connected well enough with the people to take either house....
Reagan had a pretty good economy in 86 and the Republicans still lost the Senate

While true the DNC funding gap and the Ds having three times as many incumbents as the Rs to defend the senate is a very rough row to hoe for the Ds. The house is a real possibility but the senate?
trump doesn't give a rat's ass about anything except trump

the sooner you fucking morons figure that out, the less disappointed you'll be.
Yet he has a higher approval rating than Obama at this time in his term....Geeeeeeeeeeee.......wow..........how does that work?????

He is also on his way to a second term...in case you didn't notice pro Trump candidates won their primaries all over the country last week... hmmmm maybe you need to do some more research.....

What cons are trying to ignore.

Which is good ignore it, don't ignore it. Doesn't matter.
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trump doesn't give a rat's ass about anything except trump

the sooner you fucking morons figure that out, the less disappointed you'll be.
Yet he has a higher approval rating than Obama at this time in his term....Geeeeeeeeeeee.......wow..........how does that work?????

He is also on his way to a second term...in case you didn't notice pro Trump candidates won their primaries all over the country last week... hmmmm maybe you need to do some more research.....

Give credit where credit is due. Trump got his bounce primarily from Pelosi and Waters plus whoever slipped LSD into their meds.
trump doesn't give a rat's ass about anything except trump

the sooner you fucking morons figure that out, the less disappointed you'll be.
Yet he has a higher approval rating than Obama at this time in his term....Geeeeeeeeeeee.......wow..........how does that work?????

He is also on his way to a second term...in case you didn't notice pro Trump candidates won their primaries all over the country last week... hmmmm maybe you need to do some more research.....

Well, according to Rasmussen he does, if you want to believe that. Most don't.
The 4% is no where near coming true.
You also told us Trump had no path to victory. And that the sky would fall from his policies. Your credibility sucks snowflake.
Is the Orange doofus running?

Are the GOP candidates running from the Orange doofus?*

*Don't worry: he will catch them and taint them.

Your analytical skills speak for themselves.

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