Might As Well Flip A Coin

Liberal logic:

Cop shoots black criminal? Despite almost no evidence....they assume racism and an excessive use of force.

Plane blows the fuck up entering a Muslim nation? Oh....we must wait for all forensics and details and amalysis. Despite the fact that planes literally NEVER just come apart or blow up on their own these days....and the last few dozen that have were terrorism.....we can't assume this one fits the pattern of literally ever plane blowing apart midair being done intentionally.

See??? Lib logic.
Trump is employing a time honored tradition politicians use wherein they seek to get out in front of an incident solely for political gain. We saw it happen in Benghazi, when the OA immediately blamed the attacks on a video because there was an election going on and Obama had made a fuss about how he had AQ on the run. We saw it also when Obama leaped into the police brutality cases, in at least one instance declaring the police had acted stupidly before any of the details were reported. IOW, yeah, bad judgement, but par for the course. Apparently, Trump is learning how to be a politician.

Awwwww. Obama!

Sorry.....this thread is about Trump. Obama's administration didn't speak out of turn after Benghazi and he didn't speak out of turn when his friend was arrested in his own home. You deflect...and lose.
Maybe you missed this:

"IOW, yeah, bad judgement". That's okay.
Shortly after news that an Egyptian airliner was lost at sea, the presumed GOP presidential nominee took to Twitter and exclaimed that Islamic extremists had struck again.

Given what he knew at the time, his comments were not based on any facts whatsoever. It was pure speculation. That's fine......unless you are interviewing for the most important job in the world.

A day or so passed and the cause for the plane's disappearance was still unknown. That didn't stop the intrepid Mr. Trump from taking the stage and stating that he is 100% certain that the plane was blown out of the sky by Islamic terrorists.

He may as well have flipped a coin. He spoke.....and continues to speak about this tragedy.....without knowing the facts.

Now....we STILL don't know what caused this plane to crash. No organization...over 100 hours on....has claimed responsibility. None of the debris found thus far tells us much. So...a wise person will withhold judgement.

My take.....Mr. Trump has not displayed wisdom in this case. Has he?

And it turns out Trump was correct. Ouch! That puts a damper on your thread. LOL
Shortly after news that an Egyptian airliner was lost at sea, the presumed GOP presidential nominee took to Twitter and exclaimed that Islamic extremists had struck again.

Given what he knew at the time, his comments were not based on any facts whatsoever. It was pure speculation. That's fine......unless you are interviewing for the most important job in the world.

A day or so passed and the cause for the plane's disappearance was still unknown. That didn't stop the intrepid Mr. Trump from taking the stage and stating that he is 100% certain that the plane was blown out of the sky by Islamic terrorists.

He may as well have flipped a coin. He spoke.....and continues to speak about this tragedy.....without knowing the facts.

Now....we STILL don't know what caused this plane to crash. No organization...over 100 hours on....has claimed responsibility. None of the debris found thus far tells us much. So...a wise person will withhold judgement.

My take.....Mr. Trump has not displayed wisdom in this case. Has he?

You do realize that Hillary is also on record calling it an act of terrorism, right?
Liberal logic:

Cop shoots black criminal? Despite almost no evidence....they assume racism and an excessive use of force.

Plane blows the fuck up entering a Muslim nation? Oh....we must wait for all forensics and details and amalysis. Despite the fact that planes literally NEVER just come apart or blow up on their own these days....and the last few dozen that have were terrorism.....we can't assume this one fits the pattern of literally ever plane blowing apart midair being done intentionally.

See??? Lib logic.

These liberal partisans are the absolute kings and queens of "do as I say, not as I do" and it's disgusting.

There is of course a chance that this was not terrorism, but there is also a chance that I am signed to play in the NBA at age 45.

Cops are guilty until proven innocent and Muslims are never guilty, get that through your fucking head.
Shortly after news that an Egyptian airliner was lost at sea, the presumed GOP presidential nominee took to Twitter and exclaimed that Islamic extremists had struck again.

Given what he knew at the time, his comments were not based on any facts whatsoever. It was pure speculation. That's fine......unless you are interviewing for the most important job in the world.

A day or so passed and the cause for the plane's disappearance was still unknown. That didn't stop the intrepid Mr. Trump from taking the stage and stating that he is 100% certain that the plane was blown out of the sky by Islamic terrorists.

He may as well have flipped a coin. He spoke.....and continues to speak about this tragedy.....without knowing the facts.

Now....we STILL don't know what caused this plane to crash. No organization...over 100 hours on....has claimed responsibility. None of the debris found thus far tells us much. So...a wise person will withhold judgement.

My take.....Mr. Trump has not displayed wisdom in this case. Has he?
One cannot display that which he does not possess.
Sounds like he's using the page from the obama playbook where obama jumps to the conclusion that the cops are to blame when blacks get themselves in trouble with the law.
Difference in this case is that it's the muslims fault every time where it's usually the black perp's fault most of the time with the police.
This fails as a red herring fallacy.
Shortly after news that an Egyptian airliner was lost at sea, the presumed GOP presidential nominee took to Twitter and exclaimed that Islamic extremists had struck again.

Given what he knew at the time, his comments were not based on any facts whatsoever. It was pure speculation. That's fine......unless you are interviewing for the most important job in the world.

A day or so passed and the cause for the plane's disappearance was still unknown. That didn't stop the intrepid Mr. Trump from taking the stage and stating that he is 100% certain that the plane was blown out of the sky by Islamic terrorists.

He may as well have flipped a coin. He spoke.....and continues to speak about this tragedy.....without knowing the facts.

Now....we STILL don't know what caused this plane to crash. No organization...over 100 hours on....has claimed responsibility. None of the debris found thus far tells us much. So...a wise person will withhold judgement.

My take.....Mr. Trump has not displayed wisdom in this case. Has he?
One cannot display that which he does not possess.

Well, that certainly explains why none of your posts display any intelligence.

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