Mike Pence and classified documents

Well, there is only one right now who can legally have them……Biden
Not the ones he has. They were gotten after he lost his clearance. He can have documents he got since he took office, but not from before. Please try to keep up when you're defending the indefensible.
He was Vice President. I'm sure everyone occasionally takes stuff because they multitask. I don't think it's a problem. He would have brought classified information home with him. I'm sure Reagan did the same thing.

What's the point then with having classified info if people can just take it and leave it laying around?
Geesus, youre having trouble being a devout hypocrite aren’t you ? You aren’t that bright.
Sorry, bro; I'm just not cut from the same cloth as you. :dunno:

You seem to think it's "bright" to be clever and cunning, whereas I just see it as being a dishonest douchebag.

I thank God I don't roll like you, and with a little effort and luck, hopefully never will.
The howling will never end.

Yes, let's have trials and hang all traitors. Guaranteed Biden, Obama, and Harris are gallows bound.

Harry Reid, too. I'm sure I can think of more.



Bush II

Every member of Congress since 2000.

Tiny hands too.

Howling for fraud.


Bush II

Every member of Congress since 2000.
You seem to have left quite a few more recent and obvious ones out of that list, brah.

Who's enabling a willy nilly invasion of the United States of America right now, jackass?
i remember Jim Clyburn used to call Pence "Mike Spence" (by mistake?) when they were both in Congress during the Obamacare debates

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