Mike Pence and classified documents

At least it was at a “think tank”. Trump never claimed to do much thinking while in office.
But they can, just like Hillary with the emails.
What did Hillary do with emails? She refused to allow the Justice Department to go through 60,000 emails and was allowed, to have her own attorneys sort through them to determine which were personal. Thirty thousand were left which she destroyed. Along with numerous Blueberries, that were destroyed with hammers.
As you know, but refuse to acknowledge, is the FACT that President Trump sent dozens of boxes to the National Archives. He was in talks with them about which others should be returned. In the meantime, they were in a secure, locked location at Mar A Lago which has Secret Service Protection.

The raid with flashing lights, sirens, and guns was a stupid gimmick by a failed administration trying to distract from the coming explosion in the Whitehouse.

Worse still, the Whitehouse and justice department knew before the raid on Trump, that President Biden had classified documents hidden in the Biden Penn Center "Think Tank".
A Trump trained monkey making excuses for him. The national archives and others heard he had classified documents. They contacted Trump. He stalled but eventually gave up some classified documents. The national Archives and others heard he had more classified documents. They negotiated for 2 months and did not receive any more documents. A Trump lawyer signed a document swearing he had no more classified documents. An inside source said he had more documents. The government sent a subpoena requesting classified documents that they were told he still had. He ignored the subpoena. Ultimately a search warrant was issued.
Pence and Biden allowed or did their own search for classified documents in their possession. No subpoena required. No subpoena ignored. No search required.
Well, there is only one right now who can legally have them……Biden
Then you are saying that it was OK for Trump to have them too since he took his while in office and had the authority to declassify them. Besides, we're not talking about right now-- -- the docs that Biden had, he's had illegally since he was VP and senator when he NEVER had the authority to possess them.

You can't rob a store then 15 years later buy the chain and say that then absolves you of the crime!
Then you are saying that it was OK for Trump to have them too since he took his while in office and had the authority to declassify them. Besides, we're not talking about right now-- -- the docs that Biden had, he's had illegally since he was VP and senator when he NEVER had the authority to possess them.

You can't rob a store then 15 years later buy the chain and say that then absolves you of the crime!
So, you claiming Biden robbed a store ? Cause that’s not necessarily a federal crime unless……
Am I the only person who finds thios a might suspicious? Why were they searching Pence's home? Could they have been planted? Is there a plot here? What next, a search of Pelosi's and Schiff's homes too?
It’s because he was afraid his wife might turn him in, I hear…..
Am I the only person who finds this a might suspicious? Why were they searching Pence's home? Could they have been planted? Is there a plot here? What next, a search of Pelosi's and Schiff's homes too?
Pence hired attorneys specifically to look for classified materials.

Read an article for once.
No, I guess you are a moron and don't understand analogies.
I’m not the moron, moron. Analogy ? Robbing stores isn’t a federal crime. It’s only federal not state and local crimes you can be pardon for by the president. Guess you didn’t know. Try another analogy that works.

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