Mike Pence breaks with Trump: tells Americans to wear a mask

Now Conservatives will say they supported them all the time

Trump will still not wear one

Conservatives have supported choice like they do in most every matter. Choice is the definition of freedom, and Democrats don't like freedom.

What a stupid position

Choice to spread the virus or not?
Your choice affects the health of others

Oh please, not a word from the left during these public protests and riots about spreading the virus. You people make everything political. Take Hydroxychlorquine for example. It's a drug that's been used for generations, has documented evidence that it does help some people. Why is the left so against HCQ? Because the President recommended it's usage. That's it. Nothing else.

For crying out loud, you even made medication political. Masks are nothing to you people.
NOBODY told protesters not to wear masks

Our President sold Hydroxychlorquine as a cure while his own experts told him it was too early to make that claim. Another example of Trump jumping at short term solutions for a long term problem.

Nobody enforced them following a 6 ft distancing rule, which is supposed to be used with masks. Hell, they even made excuses for them.

Your rank hypocrisy on this reeks.
Now Conservatives will say they supported them all the time

Trump will still not wear one

Conservatives have supported choice like they do in most every matter. Choice is the definition of freedom, and Democrats don't like freedom.

What a stupid position

Choice to spread the virus or not?
Your choice affects the health of others

Oh please, not a word from the left during these public protests and riots about spreading the virus. You people make everything political. Take Hydroxychlorquine for example. It's a drug that's been used for generations, has documented evidence that it does help some people. Why is the left so against HCQ? Because the President recommended it's usage. That's it. Nothing else.

For crying out loud, you even made medication political. Masks are nothing to you people.
NOBODY told protesters not to wear masks

Our President sold Hydroxychlorquine as a cure while his own experts told him it was too early to make that claim. Another example of Trump jumping at short term solutions for a long term problem.

Show me one time where Trump said HCQ was a cure. All he said is there is evidence to suggest it helped some people here and abroad. He also stated there is nothing wrong with medical experts using it on their patients.
Now Conservatives will say they supported them all the time

Trump will still not wear one

Conservatives have supported choice like they do in most every matter. Choice is the definition of freedom, and Democrats don't like freedom.

What a stupid position

Choice to spread the virus or not?
Your choice affects the health of others

Oh please, not a word from the left during these public protests and riots about spreading the virus. You people make everything political. Take Hydroxychlorquine for example. It's a drug that's been used for generations, has documented evidence that it does help some people. Why is the left so against HCQ? Because the President recommended it's usage. That's it. Nothing else.

For crying out loud, you even made medication political. Masks are nothing to you people.
NOBODY told protesters not to wear masks

Our President sold Hydroxychlorquine as a cure while his own experts told him it was too early to make that claim. Another example of Trump jumping at short term solutions for a long term problem.

Show me one time where Trump said HCQ was a cure. All he said is there is evidence to suggest it helped some people here and abroad. He also stated there is nothing wrong with medical experts using it on their patients.

If I wear one or not is my choice, not your's, not the government's.

Until then, fuck off.
If you do not want to wear opne that is fine but do not expect entrance where ever you go. Buisness owners and private citizens have the right to ask you have one for entry. I do not require it on my boat. I am o neg blood and according to data very rare for o neg to get the virus and I have not had the flu since 1983 so IO do not reqire it. My six packs are typically of people who are together alll the time so they will infect each other anyways. If the health department tells me thats the only way I can run then I will require them till then I am fishing all day with out one.
I live way out in a tiny little town in nowhere country in SW WI, and I have everything I need right here, and no businesses around here are asking anyone to wear a mask. In fact, I rarely see anyone wearing a mask period. There's lots of scientific evidence floating around that show masks are not going stop the spread of the virus. You can believe they will if you like, and I can believe they won't. That's called freedom of choice.

I'm also O negative. We're called the "universal donor" because we can give blood to anyone, but when it comes to us, we need O negative.
My understanding of it is that the masks will reduce spread indoors better than out doors. as long as spttle does not get on you out doors uv rays will kill what hits surfaces. I do not think we need all the restrictions we have to defeat this disease. We just need to seperate the at risk people right now, the rest of us do not have a bad time with it. In the long run herd immunitiy would be best. If we can [revent the at risk people from getting it until we have herd immunity and maybe better ways of treating it we would be better off in the long run. This is my understabding how ever this is a new thing and the reality of things are that it takes a while of testing before we truely understand these things.
I don't understand why there must be a "side" to this. If I'm around people not wearing one and comfortable with that, then I don't. If I'm around people that are uncomfortable around people without masks I'll wear one.

It's not a big deal.

Obviously you didn't hear Biden's stance on this, which pretty much reflects the Democrat party. He said if elected, he would do whatever possible to make masks mandatory. That's where the debate is.

I don't care what Biden's stance is. Politicians are full of crap.

Perhaps, but you stated you didn't know how it got political. I'm telling you how.

No, I said there doesn't have to be sides. You took that to mean political because with people like yourself that is what everything is about.

It's the only thing that you could have meant. What do you mean by taking sides then? You are either for wearing a mask of you're not. You do realize you are in a political forum, don't you? You do realize the topic was about political sides, don't you?

I meant exactly what I said. Consider those around you.
The liberal argument was to protect everyone not just liberals. As more and more evidence comes out on this Novel virus Dr Birx said on national tv Sunday that the evidence suggest your're not only protecting the other person but you're also protecting yourself. The right has made this a political fight from the beginning and where I live it's coming to a boiling point people will get hurt.
I hope you and yours come out unscathed.
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If I wear one or not is my choice, not your's, not the government's.

Until then, fuck off.
If you do not want to wear opne that is fine but do not expect entrance where ever you go. Buisness owners and private citizens have the right to ask you have one for entry. I do not require it on my boat. I am o neg blood and according to data very rare for o neg to get the virus and I have not had the flu since 1983 so IO do not reqire it. My six packs are typically of people who are together alll the time so they will infect each other anyways. If the health department tells me thats the only way I can run then I will require them till then I am fishing all day with out one.
I live way out in a tiny little town in nowhere country in SW WI, and I have everything I need right here, and no businesses around here are asking anyone to wear a mask. In fact, I rarely see anyone wearing a mask period. There's lots of scientific evidence floating around that show masks are not going stop the spread of the virus. You can believe they will if you like, and I can believe they won't. That's called freedom of choice.

I'm also O negative. We're called the "universal donor" because we can give blood to anyone, but when it comes to us, we need O negative.
My understanding of it is that the masks will reduce spread indoors better than out doors. as long as spttle does not get on you out doors uv rays will kill what hits surfaces. I do not think we need all the restrictions we have to defeat this disease. We just need to seperate the at risk people right now, the rest of us do not have a bad time with it. In the long run herd immunitiy would be best. If we can [revent the at risk people from getting it until we have herd immunity and maybe better ways of treating it we would be better off in the long run. This is my understabding how ever this is a new thing and the reality of things are that it takes a while of testing before we truely understand these things.
The at risks people that Governor Cujo killed by putting Kung Flu virus infected people amongst them? That darling on New York, the butcher of the elderly?
The liberal argument was to protect everyone not just liberals. As more and more evidence comes out on this Novel virus Dr Birx said on national tv Sunday that the evidence suggest your're not only protecting the other person but you're also protecting yourself. The right has made this a political fight from the beginning and where I live it's coming to a boiling point people will get hurt.
I hope you and yours come unscathed.
Well if you lived in Minneapolis , New York City , Baltimore, or other liberal run cites, you time is coming quick as the defunding of police will make sure you have your KARMA moment, and i wont shed a tear for you.....
There has been debate in the past few months on whether people should wear a mask in public. Conservatives say not wearing one is okay and liberals saying everyone should wear a mask.
With even Mitch McConnell and Mike Pence now taking the side of the liberal argument, it is safe to say we have a winner.

I'm a Trump supporter and I wear a mask when required. I guess I won also. Thank you Mike Pence!

btw... I live in a very Liberal state and liberals don't wear masks like you think they do.
Mask arguments are the same as the old seat belt and motorcycle helmet arguments. Who ends up paying for medical costs when people refuse to wear seat belts and motorcycle helmets?
If I wear one or not is my choice, not your's, not the government's.

Until then, fuck off.
If you do not want to wear opne that is fine but do not expect entrance where ever you go. Buisness owners and private citizens have the right to ask you have one for entry. I do not require it on my boat. I am o neg blood and according to data very rare for o neg to get the virus and I have not had the flu since 1983 so IO do not reqire it. My six packs are typically of people who are together alll the time so they will infect each other anyways. If the health department tells me thats the only way I can run then I will require them till then I am fishing all day with out one.
I live way out in a tiny little town in nowhere country in SW WI, and I have everything I need right here, and no businesses around here are asking anyone to wear a mask. In fact, I rarely see anyone wearing a mask period. There's lots of scientific evidence floating around that show masks are not going stop the spread of the virus. You can believe they will if you like, and I can believe they won't. That's called freedom of choice.

I'm also O negative. We're called the "universal donor" because we can give blood to anyone, but when it comes to us, we need O negative.
My understanding of it is that the masks will reduce spread indoors better than out doors. as long as spttle does not get on you out doors uv rays will kill what hits surfaces. I do not think we need all the restrictions we have to defeat this disease. We just need to seperate the at risk people right now, the rest of us do not have a bad time with it. In the long run herd immunitiy would be best. If we can [revent the at risk people from getting it until we have herd immunity and maybe better ways of treating it we would be better off in the long run. This is my understabding how ever this is a new thing and the reality of things are that it takes a while of testing before we truely understand these things.

So how do you separate the at risk people from those who aren't legally? Do we have to carry a card or something?

I'm at risk, but I still need to go grocery shopping. I still need to get gasoline, or go to the bank which mine has no drive-thru. I still need to get my prescriptions. It's impossible to separate anybody. This is why wearing a mask should be a choice. Now, you are correct that low risk people can catch this thing, but remember, low risk people often interact with high risk people, and give it to them.
There has been debate in the past few months on whether people should wear a mask in public. Conservatives say not wearing one is okay and liberals saying everyone should wear a mask.
With even Mitch McConnell and Mike Pence now taking the side of the liberal argument, it is safe to safe we have a winner.
Make me wear a mask....

You assfucks ran in circles screaming :" Open up" "Open up":. Things opened uip & dumbfucks like you went without masks & now we are fucked. Things in many areas will shut back down.

How the fuck did you get this God damn stupid? Or are you like a child. Whining about eating their vegetables. "Whaaa whaaa whaaa I am, not weaering a mask".
I don't understand why there must be a "side" to this. If I'm around people not wearing one and comfortable with that, then I don't. If I'm around people that are uncomfortable around people without masks I'll wear one.

It's not a big deal.
There's really no sides to this other than one is for the known science and the other is for conspiracies and rebellion.
If I wear one or not is my choice, not your's, not the government's.

Until then, fuck off.
If you do not want to wear opne that is fine but do not expect entrance where ever you go. Buisness owners and private citizens have the right to ask you have one for entry. I do not require it on my boat. I am o neg blood and according to data very rare for o neg to get the virus and I have not had the flu since 1983 so IO do not reqire it. My six packs are typically of people who are together alll the time so they will infect each other anyways. If the health department tells me thats the only way I can run then I will require them till then I am fishing all day with out one.
I live way out in a tiny little town in nowhere country in SW WI, and I have everything I need right here, and no businesses around here are asking anyone to wear a mask. In fact, I rarely see anyone wearing a mask period. There's lots of scientific evidence floating around that show masks are not going stop the spread of the virus. You can believe they will if you like, and I can believe they won't. That's called freedom of choice.

I'm also O negative. We're called the "universal donor" because we can give blood to anyone, but when it comes to us, we need O negative.
My understanding of it is that the masks will reduce spread indoors better than out doors. as long as spttle does not get on you out doors uv rays will kill what hits surfaces. I do not think we need all the restrictions we have to defeat this disease. We just need to seperate the at risk people right now, the rest of us do not have a bad time with it. In the long run herd immunitiy would be best. If we can [revent the at risk people from getting it until we have herd immunity and maybe better ways of treating it we would be better off in the long run. This is my understabding how ever this is a new thing and the reality of things are that it takes a while of testing before we truely understand these things.

So how do you separate the at risk people from those who aren't legally? Do we have to carry a card or something?

I'm at risk, but I still need to go grocery shopping. I still need to get gasoline, or go to the bank which mine has no drive-thru. I still need to get my prescriptions. It's impossible to separate anybody. This is why wearing a mask should be a choice. Now, you are correct that low risk people can catch this thing, but remember, low risk people often interact with high risk people, and give it to them.
Grerat thinking. We can't stop it so we should ignore efforets that will help.
Mask arguments are the same as the old seat belt and motorcycle helmet arguments. Who ends up paying for medical costs when people refuse to wear seat belts and motorcycle helmets?
Not really. There's irrefutable proof that seat belts and helmets save lives. There is no proof masks do. In fact, there's plenty of scientific evidence that masks don't do squat. The virus is too small for most masks to filter, either from an infected person coughing or sneezing, or someone standing near, the virus will get out, and it will be inhaled by the other person regardless of a mask, not mention most masks leak 30% of all air breathed in and out.

Masks are to make the ignorant feel like they're being protected or actually helping, and it's also an exercise for the government to see how easy it is to make people follow orders just by telling them to do it, when the government really has no legal authority to do so.
You assfucks ran in circles screaming :" Open up" "Open up":. Things opened uip & dumbfucks like you went without masks & now we are fucked. Things in many areas will shut back down.

How the fuck did you get this God damn stupid? Or are you like a child. Whining about eating their vegetables. "Whaaa whaaa whaaa I am, not weaering a mask".

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