Mike Pence breaks with Trump: tells Americans to wear a mask

If I wear one or not is my choice, not your's, not the government's.

Until then, fuck off.
If you do not want to wear opne that is fine but do not expect entrance where ever you go. Buisness owners and private citizens have the right to ask you have one for entry. I do not require it on my boat. I am o neg blood and according to data very rare for o neg to get the virus and I have not had the flu since 1983 so IO do not reqire it. My six packs are typically of people who are together alll the time so they will infect each other anyways. If the health department tells me thats the only way I can run then I will require them till then I am fishing all day with out one.
I live way out in a tiny little town in nowhere country in SW WI, and I have everything I need right here, and no businesses around here are asking anyone to wear a mask. In fact, I rarely see anyone wearing a mask period. There's lots of scientific evidence floating around that show masks are not going stop the spread of the virus. You can believe they will if you like, and I can believe they won't. That's called freedom of choice.

I'm also O negative. We're called the "universal donor" because we can give blood to anyone, but when it comes to us, we need O negative.
My understanding of it is that the masks will reduce spread indoors better than out doors. as long as spttle does not get on you out doors uv rays will kill what hits surfaces. I do not think we need all the restrictions we have to defeat this disease. We just need to seperate the at risk people right now, the rest of us do not have a bad time with it. In the long run herd immunitiy would be best. If we can [revent the at risk people from getting it until we have herd immunity and maybe better ways of treating it we would be better off in the long run. This is my understabding how ever this is a new thing and the reality of things are that it takes a while of testing before we truely understand these things.

So how do you separate the at risk people from those who aren't legally? Do we have to carry a card or something?

I'm at risk, but I still need to go grocery shopping. I still need to get gasoline, or go to the bank which mine has no drive-thru. I still need to get my prescriptions. It's impossible to separate anybody. This is why wearing a mask should be a choice. Now, you are correct that low risk people can catch this thing, but remember, low risk people often interact with high risk people, and give it to them.
You are not so much wearing a mask to protect you but to protect others from your spittle
There has been debate in the past few months on whether people should wear a mask in public. Conservatives say not wearing one is okay and liberals saying everyone should wear a mask.
With even Mitch McConnell and Mike Pence now taking the side of the liberal argument, it is safe to say we have a winner.

Now, if only Liberals could get mask compliance among all of the looters, shooters, and rioters that they defend. The mask debate went soft- almost silent- during the George Floyd Riots.
If only we could get Trump to wear a fucking mask.

MAGA nation will not wear them till he does
If I wear one or not is my choice, not your's, not the government's.

Until then, fuck off.
If you do not want to wear opne that is fine but do not expect entrance where ever you go. Buisness owners and private citizens have the right to ask you have one for entry. I do not require it on my boat. I am o neg blood and according to data very rare for o neg to get the virus and I have not had the flu since 1983 so IO do not reqire it. My six packs are typically of people who are together alll the time so they will infect each other anyways. If the health department tells me thats the only way I can run then I will require them till then I am fishing all day with out one.
I live way out in a tiny little town in nowhere country in SW WI, and I have everything I need right here, and no businesses around here are asking anyone to wear a mask. In fact, I rarely see anyone wearing a mask period. There's lots of scientific evidence floating around that show masks are not going stop the spread of the virus. You can believe they will if you like, and I can believe they won't. That's called freedom of choice.

I'm also O negative. We're called the "universal donor" because we can give blood to anyone, but when it comes to us, we need O negative.
My understanding of it is that the masks will reduce spread indoors better than out doors. as long as spttle does not get on you out doors uv rays will kill what hits surfaces. I do not think we need all the restrictions we have to defeat this disease. We just need to seperate the at risk people right now, the rest of us do not have a bad time with it. In the long run herd immunitiy would be best. If we can [revent the at risk people from getting it until we have herd immunity and maybe better ways of treating it we would be better off in the long run. This is my understabding how ever this is a new thing and the reality of things are that it takes a while of testing before we truely understand these things.

So how do you separate the at risk people from those who aren't legally? Do we have to carry a card or something?

I'm at risk, but I still need to go grocery shopping. I still need to get gasoline, or go to the bank which mine has no drive-thru. I still need to get my prescriptions. It's impossible to separate anybody. This is why wearing a mask should be a choice. Now, you are correct that low risk people can catch this thing, but remember, low risk people often interact with high risk people, and give it to them.
You are not so much wearing a mask to protect you but to protect others from your spittle
Why do others need protection if they're wearing a mask?

Isn't the mask supposed to protect you?

If it isn't, then what's the point?

Argue your way out of that one...
If only we could get Trump to wear a fucking mask.

MAGA nation will not wear them till he does
Ya... see... OOOOPS... YOU LET THAT SLIP... this mask BS is all about COMPLIANCE. It's got nothing to do with PUBLIC SAFETY or HEALTH.
There has been debate in the past few months on whether people should wear a mask in public. Conservatives say not wearing one is okay and liberals saying everyone should wear a mask.
With even Mitch McConnell and Mike Pence now taking the side of the liberal argument, it is safe to say we have a winner.

Now, if only Liberals could get mask compliance among all of the looters, shooters, and rioters that they defend. The mask debate went soft- almost silent- during the George Floyd Riots.
If only we could get Trump to wear a fucking mask.

MAGA nation will not wear them till he does

I didn’t see any of the looters and shooters wearing MAGA hats during the Burning, Looting, and Murdering.
If I wear one or not is my choice, not your's, not the government's.

Until then, fuck off.
If you do not want to wear opne that is fine but do not expect entrance where ever you go. Buisness owners and private citizens have the right to ask you have one for entry. I do not require it on my boat. I am o neg blood and according to data very rare for o neg to get the virus and I have not had the flu since 1983 so IO do not reqire it. My six packs are typically of people who are together alll the time so they will infect each other anyways. If the health department tells me thats the only way I can run then I will require them till then I am fishing all day with out one.
I live way out in a tiny little town in nowhere country in SW WI, and I have everything I need right here, and no businesses around here are asking anyone to wear a mask. In fact, I rarely see anyone wearing a mask period. There's lots of scientific evidence floating around that show masks are not going stop the spread of the virus. You can believe they will if you like, and I can believe they won't. That's called freedom of choice.

I'm also O negative. We're called the "universal donor" because we can give blood to anyone, but when it comes to us, we need O negative.
My understanding of it is that the masks will reduce spread indoors better than out doors. as long as spttle does not get on you out doors uv rays will kill what hits surfaces. I do not think we need all the restrictions we have to defeat this disease. We just need to seperate the at risk people right now, the rest of us do not have a bad time with it. In the long run herd immunitiy would be best. If we can [revent the at risk people from getting it until we have herd immunity and maybe better ways of treating it we would be better off in the long run. This is my understabding how ever this is a new thing and the reality of things are that it takes a while of testing before we truely understand these things.
The at risks people that Governor Cujo killed by putting Kung Flu virus infected people amongst them? That darling on New York, the butcher of the elderly?
Dont put that on him put that on the nursing home PAC. Nursing homes are about nothing but money and they contribute political money like no other. Looking for a deep state ? Great place to look! That was about nursing homes making money. No way I go to a nursing home I will take bullet first. I suggest you do the same.. Not the place you want to go. Go to one and see what they feed those poor fucks. Not for m and not for you I am here to tell you, that is just the tip of the ice berg of what is wrong there. Make every thing better but nursing home reform would likely save way more lives than police reform. Not some thing people talk much about though.Want to push a real conservative value? Use to be we had grandma and grandpa in the house with us. Nobody takes care of family like family. Mom and dad raised ya you should take care of them on the tail end. We realy should have no need for nursing homes. Until we take care of our own we should at least make sure the people at nursing homes we pay take care of our family right.
I don't understand why there must be a "side" to this. If I'm around people not wearing one and comfortable with that, then I don't. If I'm around people that are uncomfortable around people without masks I'll wear one.

It's not a big deal.

It is a big deal, and you should be wearing one ALL of the time when with other people outside your group. Especially around people who don't wear one, because they're more likely to be infected.
I am not going to put one on. I won't take the Vax either.

Good for you. Nobody is going to tell YOU what to do. We're not the boss of YOU.

Do you also refuse to wear a seat belt when driving? Did you wear a condom during the AIDS epidemic, or go bareback? Do you insist on your kids wearing bike helmets?

If you answered "Yes" to any of the above, why are masks and a vaccine the hill you're literally prepared to die on here? I say this in all seriousness. Why is wearing a mask suddenly this bridge too far for conservatives?

How is common sense guidance from the scientific community suddenly a political statement, and why, in God's name are you prepared to follow the guy who hasn't been right about a single thing he's done since the start of this pandemic?
If masks stop the virus, then why does it matter if everyone wears one or not?

If they're so effective, then why are the people that do want to wear one so worried about those who don't?

I mean, if you're wearing a mask and you believe it's protecting you, then what's the problem?
This is a great thinker here folks, like, seriously.
There has been debate in the past few months on whether people should wear a mask in public. Conservatives say not wearing one is okay and liberals saying everyone should wear a mask.
With even Mitch McConnell and Mike Pence now taking the side of the liberal argument, it is safe to say we have a winner.

I'm a Trump supporter and I wear a mask when required. I guess I won also. Thank you Mike Pence!

btw... I live in a very Liberal state and liberals don't wear masks like you think they do.

I wear the mask, I did my part staying home during the protests. I also live in a deep blue state and I see a lot of people not wearing masks. I won as well.

Those that supported the protests, and now want everyone to take the virus seriously again are hypocrites.
Now Conservatives will say they supported them all the time

Trump will still not wear one
I notice that as we do more testing the number of people known to have the chinese disease increases

but the number of people dying does not change

in fact as we test more the percentage who die decreases

so liberals are freaking out over young healthy BLM wackos who failed to wear masks while they were rioting and looting

but more of them are dying from bullets than from the wuflu
Now Conservatives will say they supported them all the time

Trump will still not wear one

Conservatives have supported choice like they do in most every matter. Choice is the definition of freedom, and Democrats don't like freedom.

What a stupid position

Choice to spread the virus or not?
Your choice affects the health of others

Freedom to be stupid

you continue to display your ignorance and partisan stupidity.

the very best masks have a .3 micron filter, the virus is .0125 microns. No mask in the world will stop it coming in or going out. Also the virus can enter your body through your eyes, so even if masks worked, they do not protect anyone from the virus. Unless you are wearing a full face shield and a resperator with the necessary filtration rates, you are kidding yourself if you think you are protecting yourself or anyone else.

Look up the OSHA regs on masks, look at the disclaimer on the mask which says it will not protect you from any virus including covid.

the stupidity and gullibility of the american people is amazing.
I don't understand why there must be a "side" to this. If I'm around people not wearing one and comfortable with that, then I don't. If I'm around people that are uncomfortable around people without masks I'll wear one.

It's not a big deal.

It is a big deal, and you should be wearing one ALL of the time when with other people outside your group. Especially around people who don't wear one, because they're more likely to be infected.
I am not going to put one on. I won't take the Vax either.

Good for you. Nobody is going to tell YOU what to do. We're not the boss of YOU.

Do you also refuse to wear a seat belt when driving? Did you wear a condom during the AIDS epidemic, or go bareback? Do you insist on your kids wearing bike helmets?

If you answered "Yes" to any of the above, why are masks and a vaccine the hill you're literally prepared to die on here? I say this in all seriousness. Why is wearing a mask suddenly this bridge too far for conservatives?

How is common sense guidance from the scientific community suddenly a political statement, and why, in God's name are you prepared to follow the guy who hasn't been right about a single thing he's done since the start of this pandemic?

Just stop LOL. ALL Progs EVER do is try to force EVERYONE to do as they want them too so spare me your lies. Get off the "Science" trash, if you believed in "science" you would admit there is male and female. Just. Two.
Fauci, Birx, the WHO and the CDC have been wrong at every turn. Wear your mask, ake the Vax but stay out of my life.
Why is it your body when you want to kill babies but not my body when I tell you to EFF off?
If masks stop the virus, then why does it matter if everyone wears one or not?

If they're so effective, then why are the people that do want to wear one so worried about those who don't?

I mean, if you're wearing a mask and you believe it's protecting you, then what's the problem?
This is a great thinker here folks, like, seriously.

answer his question, moron. If you wear a mask and it protects you, why does anyone else have to wear one to protect you? simple question, give it a try.
If you answered "Yes" to any of the above, why are masks and a vaccine the hill you're literally prepared to die on here? I say this in all seriousness. Why is wearing a mask suddenly this bridge too far for conservatives?

From what I've seen with the protests and riots, it's not just conservatives.
I don't understand why there must be a "side" to this. If I'm around people not wearing one and comfortable with that, then I don't. If I'm around people that are uncomfortable around people without masks I'll wear one.

It's not a big deal.

It is a big deal, and you should be wearing one ALL of the time when with other people outside your group. Especially around people who don't wear one, because they're more likely to be infected.
I am not going to put one on. I won't take the Vax either.

Good for you. Nobody is going to tell YOU what to do. We're not the boss of YOU.

Do you also refuse to wear a seat belt when driving? Did you wear a condom during the AIDS epidemic, or go bareback? Do you insist on your kids wearing bike helmets?

If you answered "Yes" to any of the above, why are masks and a vaccine the hill you're literally prepared to die on here? I say this in all seriousness. Why is wearing a mask suddenly this bridge too far for conservatives?

How is common sense guidance from the scientific community suddenly a political statement, and why, in God's name are you prepared to follow the guy who hasn't been right about a single thing he's done since the start of this pandemic?

Just stop LOL. ALL Progs EVER do is try to force EVERYONE to do as they want them too so spare me your lies. Get off the "Science" trash, if you believed in "science" you would admit there is male and female. Just. Two.
Fauci, Birx, the WHO and the CDC have been wrong at every turn. Wear your mask, ake the Vax but stay out of my life.
Why is it your body when you want to kill babies but not my body when I tell you to EFF off?

Argument goes both ways. With abortion you will argue that it's not just your body. Those who promote mask usage will argue the same. While I posted the example of why science isn't always science, there is zero question concerning that fact that a mask would most certainly help stop the spread to others.
I don't understand why there must be a "side" to this. If I'm around people not wearing one and comfortable with that, then I don't. If I'm around people that are uncomfortable around people without masks I'll wear one.

It's not a big deal.

It is a big deal, and you should be wearing one ALL of the time when with other people outside your group. Especially around people who don't wear one, because they're more likely to be infected.
I am not going to put one on. I won't take the Vax either.

Good for you. Nobody is going to tell YOU what to do. We're not the boss of YOU.

Do you also refuse to wear a seat belt when driving? Did you wear a condom during the AIDS epidemic, or go bareback? Do you insist on your kids wearing bike helmets?

If you answered "Yes" to any of the above, why are masks and a vaccine the hill you're literally prepared to die on here? I say this in all seriousness. Why is wearing a mask suddenly this bridge too far for conservatives?

How is common sense guidance from the scientific community suddenly a political statement, and why, in God's name are you prepared to follow the guy who hasn't been right about a single thing he's done since the start of this pandemic?

Just stop LOL. ALL Progs EVER do is try to force EVERYONE to do as they want them too so spare me your lies. Get off the "Science" trash, if you believed in "science" you would admit there is male and female. Just. Two.
Fauci, Birx, the WHO and the CDC have been wrong at every turn. Wear your mask, ake the Vax but stay out of my life.
Why is it your body when you want to kill babies but not my body when I tell you to EFF off?

Argument goes both ways. With abortion you will argue that it's not just your body. Those who promote mask usage will argue the same. While I posted the example of why science isn't always science, there is zero question concerning that fact that a mask would most certainly help stop the spread to others.

actually "science" proves that no mask will stop the spread of the virus. I posted the facts on mask filters, virus size, eye contact, etc. you are being lied to in order to turn you into a sheep. Wake the fuck up before you get sheared and turned into mutton stew.
I don't understand why there must be a "side" to this. If I'm around people not wearing one and comfortable with that, then I don't. If I'm around people that are uncomfortable around people without masks I'll wear one.

It's not a big deal.

It is a big deal, and you should be wearing one ALL of the time when with other people outside your group. Especially around people who don't wear one, because they're more likely to be infected.
I am not going to put one on. I won't take the Vax either.

Good for you. Nobody is going to tell YOU what to do. We're not the boss of YOU.

Do you also refuse to wear a seat belt when driving? Did you wear a condom during the AIDS epidemic, or go bareback? Do you insist on your kids wearing bike helmets?

If you answered "Yes" to any of the above, why are masks and a vaccine the hill you're literally prepared to die on here? I say this in all seriousness. Why is wearing a mask suddenly this bridge too far for conservatives?

How is common sense guidance from the scientific community suddenly a political statement, and why, in God's name are you prepared to follow the guy who hasn't been right about a single thing he's done since the start of this pandemic?

Just stop LOL. ALL Progs EVER do is try to force EVERYONE to do as they want them too so spare me your lies. Get off the "Science" trash, if you believed in "science" you would admit there is male and female. Just. Two.
Fauci, Birx, the WHO and the CDC have been wrong at every turn. Wear your mask, ake the Vax but stay out of my life.
Why is it your body when you want to kill babies but not my body when I tell you to EFF off?

Argument goes both ways. With abortion you will argue that it's not just your body. Those who promote mask usage will argue the same. While I posted the example of why science isn't always science, there is zero question concerning that fact that a mask would most certainly help stop the spread to others.

There is really no evidence of that. There are still conflicting opinions on it.
If I wear one or not is my choice, not your's, not the government's.

Until then, fuck off.
If you do not want to wear opne that is fine but do not expect entrance where ever you go. Buisness owners and private citizens have the right to ask you have one for entry. I do not require it on my boat. I am o neg blood and according to data very rare for o neg to get the virus and I have not had the flu since 1983 so IO do not reqire it. My six packs are typically of people who are together alll the time so they will infect each other anyways. If the health department tells me thats the only way I can run then I will require them till then I am fishing all day with out one.
I live way out in a tiny little town in nowhere country in SW WI, and I have everything I need right here, and no businesses around here are asking anyone to wear a mask. In fact, I rarely see anyone wearing a mask period. There's lots of scientific evidence floating around that show masks are not going stop the spread of the virus. You can believe they will if you like, and I can believe they won't. That's called freedom of choice.

I'm also O negative. We're called the "universal donor" because we can give blood to anyone, but when it comes to us, we need O negative.
My understanding of it is that the masks will reduce spread indoors better than out doors. as long as spttle does not get on you out doors uv rays will kill what hits surfaces. I do not think we need all the restrictions we have to defeat this disease. We just need to seperate the at risk people right now, the rest of us do not have a bad time with it. In the long run herd immunitiy would be best. If we can [revent the at risk people from getting it until we have herd immunity and maybe better ways of treating it we would be better off in the long run. This is my understabding how ever this is a new thing and the reality of things are that it takes a while of testing before we truely understand these things.

So how do you separate the at risk people from those who aren't legally? Do we have to carry a card or something?

I'm at risk, but I still need to go grocery shopping. I still need to get gasoline, or go to the bank which mine has no drive-thru. I still need to get my prescriptions. It's impossible to separate anybody. This is why wearing a mask should be a choice. Now, you are correct that low risk people can catch this thing, but remember, low risk people often interact with high risk people, and give it to them.
You are not so much wearing a mask to protect you but to protect others from your spittle
Why do others need protection if they're wearing a mask?

Isn't the mask supposed to protect you?

If it isn't, then what's the point?

Argue your way out of that one...
The mask prevents you from projecting spittle over large distance. Keep your spit to yourself
If only we could get Trump to wear a fucking mask.

MAGA nation will not wear them till he does
Ya... see... OOOOPS... YOU LET THAT SLIP... this mask BS is all about COMPLIANCE. It's got nothing to do with PUBLIC SAFETY or HEALTH.
Because with patchy compliance you are not stopping the spread

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