Mike Pence breaks with Trump: tells Americans to wear a mask

There has been debate in the past few months on whether people should wear a mask in public. Conservatives say not wearing one is okay and liberals saying everyone should wear a mask.
With even Mitch McConnell and Mike Pence now taking the side of the liberal argument, it is safe to say we have a winner.
What makes you think the mask argument is only Liberals? I know plenty of conservatives on board with the mask wearing.
You assfucks ran in circles screaming :" Open up" "Open up":. Things opened uip & dumbfucks like you went without masks & now we are fucked. Things in many areas will shut back down.

How the fuck did you get this God damn stupid? Or are you like a child. Whining about eating their vegetables. "Whaaa whaaa whaaa I am, not weaering a mask".

Europe seems to have leaders with intelligence and wisdom and have made great progress fighting COVID 19. We have dum' fuck Donald Moron Trump.
Europe is an authoritarian shit hole with speech and thought control police.

If you think that's so fucking great, go the fuck over there to live.

They will tell you no, they don't have to move, they are entitled to make here just like those authoritarian shit holes.
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The liberal argument was to protect everyone not just liberals. As more and more evidence comes out on this Novel virus Dr Birx said on national tv Sunday that the evidence suggest your're not only protecting the other person but you're also protecting yourself. The right has made this a political fight from the beginning and where I live it's coming to a boiling point people will get hurt.
I don’t need someone to protect my health.
Forcing people to use a mask is an AUTHORITARIAN action not a liberal one.

Don't confuse democrat with liberal.
Mask arguments are the same as the old seat belt and motorcycle helmet arguments. Who ends up paying for medical costs when people refuse to wear seat belts and motorcycle helmets?
Not really. There's irrefutable proof that seat belts and helmets save lives. There is no proof masks do. In fact, there's plenty of scientific evidence that masks don't do squat. The virus is too small for most masks to filter, either from an infected person coughing or sneezing, or someone standing near, the virus will get out, and it will be inhaled by the other person regardless of a mask, not mention most masks leak 30% of all air breathed in and out.

Masks are to make the ignorant feel like they're being protected or actually helping, and it's also an exercise for the government to see how easy it is to make people follow orders just by telling them to do it, when the government really has no legal authority to do so.
There is ample evidence from around the world and in States with strict rules that masks prevent the spread

Only those who get their information from conservative media believe otherwise
Forcing people to use a mask is an AUTHORITARIAN action not a liberal one.

Don't confuse democrat with liberal.

You are not being forced to do anything. But if you choose to go into a public area, you must protect others from your germs
If I wear one or not is my choice, not your's, not the government's.

Until then, fuck off.
If you do not want to wear opne that is fine but do not expect entrance where ever you go. Buisness owners and private citizens have the right to ask you have one for entry. I do not require it on my boat. I am o neg blood and according to data very rare for o neg to get the virus and I have not had the flu since 1983 so IO do not reqire it. My six packs are typically of people who are together alll the time so they will infect each other anyways. If the health department tells me thats the only way I can run then I will require them till then I am fishing all day with out one.
I live way out in a tiny little town in nowhere country in SW WI, and I have everything I need right here, and no businesses around here are asking anyone to wear a mask. In fact, I rarely see anyone wearing a mask period. There's lots of scientific evidence floating around that show masks are not going stop the spread of the virus. You can believe they will if you like, and I can believe they won't. That's called freedom of choice.

I'm also O negative. We're called the "universal donor" because we can give blood to anyone, but when it comes to us, we need O negative.
My understanding of it is that the masks will reduce spread indoors better than out doors. as long as spttle does not get on you out doors uv rays will kill what hits surfaces. I do not think we need all the restrictions we have to defeat this disease. We just need to seperate the at risk people right now, the rest of us do not have a bad time with it. In the long run herd immunitiy would be best. If we can [revent the at risk people from getting it until we have herd immunity and maybe better ways of treating it we would be better off in the long run. This is my understabding how ever this is a new thing and the reality of things are that it takes a while of testing before we truely understand these things.

The at risks people that Governor Cujo killed by putting Kung Flu virus infected people amongst them? That darling on New York, the butcher of the elderly?

Here you are, you free thinking man, parrotting the igorance and lies of the FOX News talking points while calling Democrats "sheeple" for "not thinking for themselves".

Nursing home patients have long term care needs that cannot be met in hospitals. That's WHY these people are in nursing homes, and not in hospital in the first place. Nursing home patients die at a much faster rate in hospital because hospitals are not equipped to meet their care needs. They don't have staff to feed them, change them, bathe them, or tend to their personal care needs. Their FAMILIES are unable to look after these patients, and have placed them in care.

Nursing homes are basically very long term hospice facilities. Our county home has 3 levels of care - one is independent living - 1 bedroom geared to income apartments, with access to the dining room, foot care, the recreational facilities. Assisted living: large, private "batchelor suites" with no kitchen facilities

Finally there is full on care - where patients can no longer care for themselves. This is a essentially - a hospital you never leave. This wing of the facility is SUPPOSED to have an isolation unit, with reverse air pressure so no germs escape its walls. Where staff with sufficient PPE to keep people safe, can care for them.

But these units stay empty when not needed, so they weren't stocked, or staffed, or prepared to receive these patients. THEY SHOULD HAVE BEEN.



But by all means continue to spout the Billionaire Media narrative Jim, and continue to prove what a dupe you are to the corporate liars and thieves who continue to enrich themselves in this pandemic. I mean it's only old people and blacks that it's killing right. You're completely safe.

You're body isn't compromised by your smoking is it, Jim? Are you fat? Do you have diabetes? Kidney disease? Are you over 60?

At this point, the best thing you have going for you is that you're such a miserable old asshole that nobody wants to be around you anyway, so you're probably safe for now.
They were short term patients in the hospital and yet they were sent home. You play pure partisan BS politics don't you? China fucked up and lied to the world, yet you blame Trump. Cuomo screwed up and instead of blaming him, you double down on your stupidity.

I guess you assign blame according to party, pretty sad way to live a life.
If only we could get Trump to wear a fucking mask.

MAGA nation will not wear them till he does
Ya... see... OOOOPS... YOU LET THAT SLIP... this mask BS is all about COMPLIANCE. It's got nothing to do with PUBLIC SAFETY or HEALTH.

If I wear a mask, I still have a 30% chance of getting the virus, and your risk is much, much higher if you don't, If we both wear a mask, the risk to either of us is less than 3%.

There was a case in Arizona of a hairdresser at a Magic Cuts in Phoenix who had tested positive but was asymptomatic, who went to work because she needed the money when her shop re-opened. They followed social distancing rules in the shop and everyone wore a mask - hairdressers and clients. Her co-worker closest to her got the virus and she continued working as well. Between the two of them, they cut nearly 250 heads of hair before both got too sick to work.

Because Magic Cuts has a computer booking system with contact information, it was easy to track the people who were exposed to these two hairdressers. None of the people who had their hair cut, got sick. The only person hairdresser #1 infected, was hairdresser #2, who she worked next to for days on end.

Interesting case study, can we get a link?
If I wear one or not is my choice, not your's, not the government's.

Until then, fuck off.
If you do not want to wear opne that is fine but do not expect entrance where ever you go. Buisness owners and private citizens have the right to ask you have one for entry. I do not require it on my boat. I am o neg blood and according to data very rare for o neg to get the virus and I have not had the flu since 1983 so IO do not reqire it. My six packs are typically of people who are together alll the time so they will infect each other anyways. If the health department tells me thats the only way I can run then I will require them till then I am fishing all day with out one.
I live way out in a tiny little town in nowhere country in SW WI, and I have everything I need right here, and no businesses around here are asking anyone to wear a mask. In fact, I rarely see anyone wearing a mask period. There's lots of scientific evidence floating around that show masks are not going stop the spread of the virus. You can believe they will if you like, and I can believe they won't. That's called freedom of choice.

I'm also O negative. We're called the "universal donor" because we can give blood to anyone, but when it comes to us, we need O negative.
My understanding of it is that the masks will reduce spread indoors better than out doors. as long as spttle does not get on you out doors uv rays will kill what hits surfaces. I do not think we need all the restrictions we have to defeat this disease. We just need to seperate the at risk people right now, the rest of us do not have a bad time with it. In the long run herd immunitiy would be best. If we can [revent the at risk people from getting it until we have herd immunity and maybe better ways of treating it we would be better off in the long run. This is my understabding how ever this is a new thing and the reality of things are that it takes a while of testing before we truely understand these things.

So how do you separate the at risk people from those who aren't legally? Do we have to carry a card or something?

I'm at risk, but I still need to go grocery shopping. I still need to get gasoline, or go to the bank which mine has no drive-thru. I still need to get my prescriptions. It's impossible to separate anybody. This is why wearing a mask should be a choice. Now, you are correct that low risk people can catch this thing, but remember, low risk people often interact with high risk people, and give it to them.
You are not so much wearing a mask to protect you but to protect others from your spittle
Why do others need protection if they're wearing a mask?

Isn't the mask supposed to protect you?

If it isn't, then what's the point?

Argue your way out of that one...
WTF is the matter with Conservatives?
You get all your information from conservative media and it makes you dumber than shit.

Your mask will not offer much protection from the microscopic virus that can make it through. It is not to protect YOU.

What it will do is prevent you from expelling droplets of spittle when you sneeze, cough, laugh or speak. That spittle that contains the virus is large enough to get trapped in your mask.

Your mask protects others. Other people wearing masks protects you.
I love walking around Washington DC with out a mask on the democrats freak out! Ha but then they go to a protest lol
Forcing people to use a mask is an AUTHORITARIAN action not a liberal one.

Don't confuse democrat with liberal.

You are not being forced to do anything. But if you choose to go into a public area, you must protect others from your germs
No. There is no "must" about it.

If you don't like the freedom we have in America, you are free to move elsewhere.
If I wear one or not is my choice, not your's, not the government's.

Until then, fuck off.
If you do not want to wear opne that is fine but do not expect entrance where ever you go. Buisness owners and private citizens have the right to ask you have one for entry. I do not require it on my boat. I am o neg blood and according to data very rare for o neg to get the virus and I have not had the flu since 1983 so IO do not reqire it. My six packs are typically of people who are together alll the time so they will infect each other anyways. If the health department tells me thats the only way I can run then I will require them till then I am fishing all day with out one.
I live way out in a tiny little town in nowhere country in SW WI, and I have everything I need right here, and no businesses around here are asking anyone to wear a mask. In fact, I rarely see anyone wearing a mask period. There's lots of scientific evidence floating around that show masks are not going stop the spread of the virus. You can believe they will if you like, and I can believe they won't. That's called freedom of choice.

I'm also O negative. We're called the "universal donor" because we can give blood to anyone, but when it comes to us, we need O negative.
My understanding of it is that the masks will reduce spread indoors better than out doors. as long as spttle does not get on you out doors uv rays will kill what hits surfaces. I do not think we need all the restrictions we have to defeat this disease. We just need to seperate the at risk people right now, the rest of us do not have a bad time with it. In the long run herd immunitiy would be best. If we can [revent the at risk people from getting it until we have herd immunity and maybe better ways of treating it we would be better off in the long run. This is my understabding how ever this is a new thing and the reality of things are that it takes a while of testing before we truely understand these things.

So how do you separate the at risk people from those who aren't legally? Do we have to carry a card or something?

I'm at risk, but I still need to go grocery shopping. I still need to get gasoline, or go to the bank which mine has no drive-thru. I still need to get my prescriptions. It's impossible to separate anybody. This is why wearing a mask should be a choice. Now, you are correct that low risk people can catch this thing, but remember, low risk people often interact with high risk people, and give it to them.
You are not so much wearing a mask to protect you but to protect others from your spittle
Why do others need protection if they're wearing a mask?

Isn't the mask supposed to protect you?

If it isn't, then what's the point?

Argue your way out of that one...
The mask prevents you from projecting spittle over large distance. Keep your spit to yourself

they may catch your spit, but then what happens? bacteria grow in the mask and then you suck them back into your lungs. go for it, the more libs that die of lung infections from masks, the better off the country will be.
Mask arguments are the same as the old seat belt and motorcycle helmet arguments. Who ends up paying for medical costs when people refuse to wear seat belts and motorcycle helmets?
Not really. There's irrefutable proof that seat belts and helmets save lives. There is no proof masks do. In fact, there's plenty of scientific evidence that masks don't do squat. The virus is too small for most masks to filter, either from an infected person coughing or sneezing, or someone standing near, the virus will get out, and it will be inhaled by the other person regardless of a mask, not mention most masks leak 30% of all air breathed in and out.

Masks are to make the ignorant feel like they're being protected or actually helping, and it's also an exercise for the government to see how easy it is to make people follow orders just by telling them to do it, when the government really has no legal authority to do so.
There is ample evidence from around the world and in States with strict rules that masks prevent the spread

Only those who get their information from conservative media believe otherwise

Hannity has already started. And in the process is making fools out of all of his supporters, including the US Messageboard “conservatives”.


we are one step closer to perfection -- everybody saying the same thing, doing the same thing, covering their face, knowing their place.........

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The City of St. Augustine has mandated masks, as has Jacksonville. I wear one when I enter a business, but not until I enter a business. I don't like them, but I'm sure I'd dislike a $500 fine even more...
I don't understand why there must be a "side" to this. If I'm around people not wearing one and comfortable with that, then I don't. If I'm around people that are uncomfortable around people without masks I'll wear one.

It's not a big deal.

It is a big deal, and you should be wearing one ALL of the time when with other people outside your group. Especially around people who don't wear one, because they're more likely to be infected.
I am not going to put one on. I won't take the Vax either.

Good for you. Nobody is going to tell YOU what to do. We're not the boss of YOU.

Do you also refuse to wear a seat belt when driving? Did you wear a condom during the AIDS epidemic, or go bareback? Do you insist on your kids wearing bike helmets?

If you answered "Yes" to any of the above, why are masks and a vaccine the hill you're literally prepared to die on here? I say this in all seriousness. Why is wearing a mask suddenly this bridge too far for conservatives?

How is common sense guidance from the scientific community suddenly a political statement, and why, in God's name are you prepared to follow the guy who hasn't been right about a single thing he's done since the start of this pandemic?

Just stop LOL. ALL Progs EVER do is try to force EVERYONE to do as they want them too so spare me your lies. Get off the "Science" trash, if you believed in "science" you would admit there is male and female. Just. Two.
Fauci, Birx, the WHO and the CDC have been wrong at every turn. Wear your mask, ake the Vax but stay out of my life.
Why is it your body when you want to kill babies but not my body when I tell you to EFF off?

Argument goes both ways. With abortion you will argue that it's not just your body. Those who promote mask usage will argue the same. While I posted the example of why science isn't always science, there is zero question concerning that fact that a mask would most certainly help stop the spread to others.

There is really no evidence of that. There are still conflicting opinions on it.

No there isn't. Do you suppose doctors wear them as a fashion statement?

It's a precautionary measure, but doctors spend the day with sick people. Plus their masks are the finest quality and probably work a little better than the rest of us get. My niece made masks for our family, and I trust her because she has a biology degree.

They probably do work a little better than the ones most people use. That doesn't mean they don't work.

Do you mean to tell me no medical workers ever caught the Wuhan virus? Because they all wear masks. It's mandatory to work in these places.

What is the "Wuhan virus". Is this the new swine flu they've found in China. Why are you making a point of being as racist and Trumpian as possible in dealing with this virus?
I don't understand why there must be a "side" to this. If I'm around people not wearing one and comfortable with that, then I don't. If I'm around people that are uncomfortable around people without masks I'll wear one.

It's not a big deal.

It is a big deal, and you should be wearing one ALL of the time when with other people outside your group. Especially around people who don't wear one, because they're more likely to be infected.
I am not going to put one on. I won't take the Vax either.

Good for you. Nobody is going to tell YOU what to do. We're not the boss of YOU.

Do you also refuse to wear a seat belt when driving? Did you wear a condom during the AIDS epidemic, or go bareback? Do you insist on your kids wearing bike helmets?

If you answered "Yes" to any of the above, why are masks and a vaccine the hill you're literally prepared to die on here? I say this in all seriousness. Why is wearing a mask suddenly this bridge too far for conservatives?

How is common sense guidance from the scientific community suddenly a political statement, and why, in God's name are you prepared to follow the guy who hasn't been right about a single thing he's done since the start of this pandemic?

Just stop LOL. ALL Progs EVER do is try to force EVERYONE to do as they want them too so spare me your lies. Get off the "Science" trash, if you believed in "science" you would admit there is male and female. Just. Two.
Fauci, Birx, the WHO and the CDC have been wrong at every turn. Wear your mask, ake the Vax but stay out of my life.
Why is it your body when you want to kill babies but not my body when I tell you to EFF off?

Argument goes both ways. With abortion you will argue that it's not just your body. Those who promote mask usage will argue the same. While I posted the example of why science isn't always science, there is zero question concerning that fact that a mask would most certainly help stop the spread to others.

There is really no evidence of that. There are still conflicting opinions on it.

No there isn't. Do you suppose doctors wear them as a fashion statement?

It's a precautionary measure, but doctors spend the day with sick people. Plus their masks are the finest quality and probably work a little better than the rest of us get. My niece made masks for our family, and I trust her because she has a biology degree.

They probably do work a little better than the ones most people use. That doesn't mean they don't work.

Do you mean to tell me no medical workers ever caught the Wuhan virus? Because they all wear masks. It's mandatory to work in these places.

What is the "Wuhan virus". Is this the new swine flu they've found in China. Why are you making a point of being as racist and Trumpian as possible in dealing with this virus?

Why is it racist to point out who is responsible for all this?

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