Mike Pence is a Dangerous Bigot and Theocrat

If you trust each other there is nothing to worry about.
And how do you establish that trust? By proving yourself trustworthy, and Pence is taking strong measures to prove himself trustworthy. It's simply amazing that some find that troublesome and criticize it.

I criticize it because it's discriminatory.
Name one person who's been discriminated against by this.

I have no idea who he has turned down. I can still condemn his discriminatory position.

Which you cannot verify has actually denied anyone access to the Vice President. Therefore, you complain about an imaginary problem. Again, strange that anyone should criticize someone's stance to thus respect his marriage, his family, and his public image.

I never claimed he did it. Meeting with a woman neither disrespects his marriage, family or public image.
And how do you establish that trust? By proving yourself trustworthy, and Pence is taking strong measures to prove himself trustworthy. It's simply amazing that some find that troublesome and criticize it.

I criticize it because it's discriminatory.
Name one person who's been discriminated against by this.

I have no idea who he has turned down. I can still condemn his discriminatory position.

Which you cannot verify has actually denied anyone access to the Vice President. Therefore, you complain about an imaginary problem. Again, strange that anyone should criticize someone's stance to thus respect his marriage, his family, and his public image.

I never claimed he did it. Meeting with a woman neither disrespects his marriage, family or public image.

Making sure he can't be falsely accused, however, does. You can't demonstrate that anyone has been harmed by his stance. Therefore you are complaining about a phantom problem.
This is the only thing they've got to whine about, I suppose. Leftists are only happy when they can rub something in your face, or whine and complain about something. Also, they are humorless and miserable people in general.
Piers Morgan: 'Liberals have become unbearable'

British news anchor Piers Morgan tore into modern liberalism during his recent interview with conservative commentator Ben Shapiro.

Morgan, who describes himself as liberal, said the reason why populism is on the rise is because "liberals have become unbearable."

"But liberals have become utterly, pathetically illiberal, and it's a massive problem," he said. "What's the point in calling yourself a liberal if you don't allow anyone else to have a different view? You know, this snowflake culture that we now operate in — the victimhood culture, the 'everyone has to think a certain way, behave a certain way' ... it's all completely skewed to an environment where everyone's offended by everything, and no one's allowed to say a joke."

"The liberals get what they want, which is a humorless void where nothing happens, where no one dare do anything, or laugh about anything, or behave in any way that doesn't suit their rigid way of leading a life," he continued. "No thanks."
Piers Morgan: 'Liberals have become unbearable'

British news anchor Piers Morgan tore into modern liberalism during his recent interview with conservative commentator Ben Shapiro.

Morgan, who describes himself as liberal, said the reason why populism is on the rise is because "liberals have become unbearable."

"But liberals have become utterly, pathetically illiberal, and it's a massive problem," he said. "What's the point in calling yourself a liberal if you don't allow anyone else to have a different view? You know, this snowflake culture that we now operate in — the victimhood culture, the 'everyone has to think a certain way, behave a certain way' ... it's all completely skewed to an environment where everyone's offended by everything, and no one's allowed to say a joke."

"The liberals get what they want, which is a humorless void where nothing happens, where no one dare do anything, or laugh about anything, or behave in any way that doesn't suit their rigid way of leading a life," he continued. "No thanks."

What's amazing is that it hasn't been that long since Piers Morgan was widely-regarded as being on the extreme leftwrongmost fringes of LIbEralism, and in that short time, mainstream LIbEralism has moved so far to the left wrong that it zoomed right past Mr. Morgan, so that now, without having changed his own positions at all, he's now fairly moderate compared to mainstream LIbEralism.
And how do you establish that trust? By proving yourself trustworthy, and Pence is taking strong measures to prove himself trustworthy. It's simply amazing that some find that troublesome and criticize it.

I criticize it because it's discriminatory.
Name one person who's been discriminated against by this.

I have no idea who he has turned down. I can still condemn his discriminatory position.

Which you cannot verify has actually denied anyone access to the Vice President. Therefore, you complain about an imaginary problem. Again, strange that anyone should criticize someone's stance to thus respect his marriage, his family, and his public image.

I never claimed he did it. Meeting with a woman neither disrespects his marriage, family or public image.

Just remember, his private life is none of your business. He is FREE to make his own choices regarding such things, whether you like it or not. Nobody needs your approval. You are irrelevant.
Piers Morgan: 'Liberals have become unbearable'

British news anchor Piers Morgan tore into modern liberalism during his recent interview with conservative commentator Ben Shapiro.

Morgan, who describes himself as liberal, said the reason why populism is on the rise is because "liberals have become unbearable."

"But liberals have become utterly, pathetically illiberal, and it's a massive problem," he said. "What's the point in calling yourself a liberal if you don't allow anyone else to have a different view? You know, this snowflake culture that we now operate in — the victimhood culture, the 'everyone has to think a certain way, behave a certain way' ... it's all completely skewed to an environment where everyone's offended by everything, and no one's allowed to say a joke."

"The liberals get what they want, which is a humorless void where nothing happens, where no one dare do anything, or laugh about anything, or behave in any way that doesn't suit their rigid way of leading a life," he continued. "No thanks."

What's amazing is that it hasn't been that long since Piers Morgan was widely-regarded as being on the extreme leftwrongmost fringes of LIbEralism, and in that short time, mainstream LIbEralism has moved so far to the left wrong that it zoomed right past Mr. Morgan, so that now, without having changed his own positions at all, he's now fairly moderate compared to mainstream LIbEralism.

#WalkAway Piers Morgan? :D
I criticize it because it's discriminatory.
Name one person who's been discriminated against by this.

I have no idea who he has turned down. I can still condemn his discriminatory position.

Which you cannot verify has actually denied anyone access to the Vice President. Therefore, you complain about an imaginary problem. Again, strange that anyone should criticize someone's stance to thus respect his marriage, his family, and his public image.

I never claimed he did it. Meeting with a woman neither disrespects his marriage, family or public image.

Just remember, his private life is none of your business. He is FREE to make his own choices regarding such things, whether you like it or not. Nobody needs your approval. You are irrelevant.

Hey, it's the left wing. They know what you think and what you should think.

They are the ultimate thought police.
Name one person who's been discriminated against by this.

I have no idea who he has turned down. I can still condemn his discriminatory position.

Which you cannot verify has actually denied anyone access to the Vice President. Therefore, you complain about an imaginary problem. Again, strange that anyone should criticize someone's stance to thus respect his marriage, his family, and his public image.

I never claimed he did it. Meeting with a woman neither disrespects his marriage, family or public image.

Just remember, his private life is none of your business. He is FREE to make his own choices regarding such things, whether you like it or not. Nobody needs your approval. You are irrelevant.

Hey, it's the left wing. They know what you think and what you should think.

They are the ultimate thought police.


Having a different opinion and not agreeing with the Leftist position on things does NOT make a person a bigot. The Regressive Left need to STOP being so hate driven in their total intolerance to accepting that a person IS allowed to have a different opinion and NOT accepting that a person is allowed to have a different opinion makes The Regressive Left the actual bigots and basically The Regressive Left which includes the LGBTQ Crowd are complete Fascists and that is with a capital F.

I criticize it because it's discriminatory.
Name one person who's been discriminated against by this.

I have no idea who he has turned down. I can still condemn his discriminatory position.

Which you cannot verify has actually denied anyone access to the Vice President. Therefore, you complain about an imaginary problem. Again, strange that anyone should criticize someone's stance to thus respect his marriage, his family, and his public image.

I never claimed he did it. Meeting with a woman neither disrespects his marriage, family or public image.

Just remember, his private life is none of your business. He is FREE to make his own choices regarding such things, whether you like it or not. Nobody needs your approval. You are irrelevant.

We aren't discussing his private life. If people really were able to support his position they wouldn't be making all this stuff up and defend the actual position.
A man could make the same charge.

lol. Pence appears to not think so.

My point stands. Taking him to task, for dealing with a real threat, is not rational.

The only threat is in his head.
I see you learned absolutely nothing from the Kavanaugh hearings.

It seems he is pretending they didn't happen.
Leftists can't exist without ignoring reality.

It takes a real asshole to insult someone, for wanting to protect themselves from a real threat.

It reminds me of that time a lefty made fun of me for being afraid of nuclear war. They will say anything, if it gives them, not even an excuse, but an avenue to be an asshole.
Name one person who's been discriminated against by this.

I have no idea who he has turned down. I can still condemn his discriminatory position.

Which you cannot verify has actually denied anyone access to the Vice President. Therefore, you complain about an imaginary problem. Again, strange that anyone should criticize someone's stance to thus respect his marriage, his family, and his public image.

I never claimed he did it. Meeting with a woman neither disrespects his marriage, family or public image.

Just remember, his private life is none of your business. He is FREE to make his own choices regarding such things, whether you like it or not. Nobody needs your approval. You are irrelevant.

We aren't discussing his private life. If people really were able to support his position they wouldn't be making all this stuff up and defend the actual position.

People ARE supporting his position as rational, logical and respectable. You are complaining about a phantom problem that harms no one.
Name one person who's been discriminated against by this.

I have no idea who he has turned down. I can still condemn his discriminatory position.

Which you cannot verify has actually denied anyone access to the Vice President. Therefore, you complain about an imaginary problem. Again, strange that anyone should criticize someone's stance to thus respect his marriage, his family, and his public image.

I never claimed he did it. Meeting with a woman neither disrespects his marriage, family or public image.

Just remember, his private life is none of your business. He is FREE to make his own choices regarding such things, whether you like it or not. Nobody needs your approval. You are irrelevant.

We aren't discussing his private life. If people really were able to support his position they wouldn't be making all this stuff up and defend the actual position.

What? Of course you are.
I have no idea who he has turned down. I can still condemn his discriminatory position.

Which you cannot verify has actually denied anyone access to the Vice President. Therefore, you complain about an imaginary problem. Again, strange that anyone should criticize someone's stance to thus respect his marriage, his family, and his public image.

I never claimed he did it. Meeting with a woman neither disrespects his marriage, family or public image.

Just remember, his private life is none of your business. He is FREE to make his own choices regarding such things, whether you like it or not. Nobody needs your approval. You are irrelevant.

We aren't discussing his private life. If people really were able to support his position they wouldn't be making all this stuff up and defend the actual position.

What? Of course you are.

He has never claimed this only applies to his private life. Again, if this was defensible you would not have to make things up.

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