Mike Pence is a Dangerous Bigot and Theocrat

Why do you care?

I don't believe in government officials discriminating against anyone.

He isn't discriminating against anyone. He simply isn't leaving himself open to the nasty scams that democrats try to play. He is proactively protecting himself, and that is a good thing. I support him in his endeavor to protect himself against false accusations.

That’s the point, he isn’t denying access to himself to anyone, he just has an extra person there, which in politics isn’t a bad thing.

If that applies to men and women equally that is fine. That is not what he said

Why the lack of honesty?

Is he denying access to the Vice President? It seems you are being dishonest.

He said he would deny equal access.
Just remember, his private life is none of your business. He is FREE to make his own choices regarding such things, whether you like it or not. Nobody needs your approval. You are irrelevant.

We aren't discussing his private life. If people really were able to support his position they wouldn't be making all this stuff up and defend the actual position.

What? Of course you are.

He has never claimed this only applies to his private life. Again, if this was defensible you would not have to make things up.

Why do you care?

I don't believe in government officials discriminating against anyone.

What if the anyone is White and Christian and Right-Wing, you'd support discrimination against IF the Government was Leftist yes? You would support a Leftist Government discriminating against White Christian Right-Wingers yes?
Sorry, that is NOT discrimination. Pence does not refuse to meet these women. Only that a third party must be present. Given the actions and lies of Dims all over the place, a very smart move on his part. You’re just mad you can’t make up any phony charges on Pence.

There is nothing phony about what I say. I am simply discussing what he admits to.

And that is NOT discrimination. Making your statement false. Requesting a third party be present at a SCHEDULED meeting is not discrimination.

It most certainly is. Meetings at some times only requires two people. He doesn't do this if he is going to meet with a man. In reality a man could make the same claims as a woman. It happens.

I highly doubt that when he said about not being alone with a woman, involve in government building, meeting with government people, with government cameras and security personnel in every direction.

Pretty sure he means being alone, as in, with someone in a non-official capacity, in place secluded.

Highly doubt he means that he's going to have top-level meetings, and have random people without security credentials in the room, while he's talking with a woman in an official capacity.

Are you just reading between the lines, to fit your pre-determined judgment on him? Where did he say he was going to have doors to the oval office open 24/7 so he'll never be alone with a woman?

If that is what he meant, that is what he should have said. He did not. I do not have to narrow down what he said. I am commenting on exactly what he said.

You can spin it all day but by spinning it you are acknowledging that it's not defensible.

Look idiot, you’re getting destroyed here. You have not addressed the FACT that nothing Pence does is discriminatory or out of the norm. All you have done is deflect to priests, Boy Scouts, and other straw men, then infer that Pence may hit on other men. Your hatred of upstanding loyal men is noted. To sum it up, what YOU exactly said is a blatant LIE.
What is so dangerous about a man who refuses to be unfaithful to his wife?

Apparently, Mike Pence gives them negative leftist feels. Why they would care about his personal life and preferences, I have no idea.
We're supposed to keep our noses out of liberals' bedrooms, but they're entitled to know what goes on in conservatives'.
Name one person who's been discriminated against by this.

I have no idea who he has turned down. I can still condemn his discriminatory position.

Which you cannot verify has actually denied anyone access to the Vice President. Therefore, you complain about an imaginary problem. Again, strange that anyone should criticize someone's stance to thus respect his marriage, his family, and his public image.

I never claimed he did it. Meeting with a woman neither disrespects his marriage, family or public image.

Just remember, his private life is none of your business. He is FREE to make his own choices regarding such things, whether you like it or not. Nobody needs your approval. You are irrelevant.

We aren't discussing his private life. If people really were able to support his position they wouldn't be making all this stuff up and defend the actual position.
It is his private life. Don't be absurd. Just accept that you don't get a say in his life and move on.
Just remember, his private life is none of your business. He is FREE to make his own choices regarding such things, whether you like it or not. Nobody needs your approval. You are irrelevant.

We aren't discussing his private life. If people really were able to support his position they wouldn't be making all this stuff up and defend the actual position.

What? Of course you are.

He has never claimed this only applies to his private life. Again, if this was defensible you would not have to make things up.

Why do you care?

I don't believe in government officials discriminating against anyone.
YOU'RE making shit up.
There is nothing phony about what I say. I am simply discussing what he admits to.

And that is NOT discrimination. Making your statement false. Requesting a third party be present at a SCHEDULED meeting is not discrimination.

It most certainly is. Meetings at some times only requires two people. He doesn't do this if he is going to meet with a man. In reality a man could make the same claims as a woman. It happens.

I highly doubt that when he said about not being alone with a woman, involve in government building, meeting with government people, with government cameras and security personnel in every direction.

Pretty sure he means being alone, as in, with someone in a non-official capacity, in place secluded.

Highly doubt he means that he's going to have top-level meetings, and have random people without security credentials in the room, while he's talking with a woman in an official capacity.

Are you just reading between the lines, to fit your pre-determined judgment on him? Where did he say he was going to have doors to the oval office open 24/7 so he'll never be alone with a woman?

If that is what he meant, that is what he should have said. He did not. I do not have to narrow down what he said. I am commenting on exactly what he said.

You can spin it all day but by spinning it you are acknowledging that it's not defensible.

Look idiot, you’re getting destroyed here. You have not addressed the FACT that nothing Pence does is discriminatory or out of the norm. All you have done is deflect to priests, Boy Scouts, and other straw men, then infer that Pence may hit on other men. Your hatred of upstanding loyal men is noted. To sum it up, what YOU exactly said is a blatant LIE.

He obviously does not have the intellectual capacity to know when he's been beaten, so he just keeps commenting the same gibberish and off topic deflections.
I have no idea who he has turned down. I can still condemn his discriminatory position.

Which you cannot verify has actually denied anyone access to the Vice President. Therefore, you complain about an imaginary problem. Again, strange that anyone should criticize someone's stance to thus respect his marriage, his family, and his public image.

I never claimed he did it. Meeting with a woman neither disrespects his marriage, family or public image.

Just remember, his private life is none of your business. He is FREE to make his own choices regarding such things, whether you like it or not. Nobody needs your approval. You are irrelevant.

We aren't discussing his private life. If people really were able to support his position they wouldn't be making all this stuff up and defend the actual position.
It is his private life. Don't be absurd. Just accept that you don't get a say in his life and move on.

The Leftist Fascists though think they have a right AND a duty to dictate EVERYTHING about everyone's life, how everyone is supposed to live, what everyone is allowed to say, what everyone is NOT allowed to say and especially actively encouraging everyone NOT to use their independent thought process to go off the predetermined Plantation of Political Correctness and Leftist Woke Propaganda.
What is so dangerous about a man who refuses to be unfaithful to his wife?

Apparently, Mike Pence gives them negative leftist feels. Why they would care about his personal life and preferences, I have no idea.
We're supposed to keep our noses out of liberals' bedrooms, but they're entitled to know what goes on in conservatives'.

We already know that Leftists do not adhere to the rules that they DEMAND Non-Leftists HAVE to adhere to, they are the ultimate hypocrites and they also are the ultimate of purist bigots.
Why the lack of honesty?

Only you can answer that, for sure.

The rest of us can only guess at why you're being dishonest.

Gotta have some reason to create a victim.

The Leftists politically and socially have become thanks to their Cultural Marxism the party of victims and Anti-White Anti-Christian Anti-Hetereosexual racist bigots. The Leftists are the party of Hate, Victimhood, Division and Discrimination and collectively they call this being Tolerant when ALL they represent is the polar opposite of being Tolerant.
He [pknopp] obviously does not have the intellectual capacity to know when he's been beaten, so he just keeps commenting the same gibberish and off topic deflections.

In that sense, he's sort of like a lesser version of the likes of TheOppressiveFaggot or Tainted Tommy or JoeB131—so disconnected from reality, and so out-of-touch with mainstream thought, that he keeps making absurd, meaningless arguments that he believes are seen by anyone else as anything but absurd, meaningless arguments.

He doesn't do it nearly as well as the others that I named, but basically, he's trying to do the same as what they do.
He [pknopp] obviously does not have the intellectual capacity to know when he's been beaten, so he just keeps commenting the same gibberish and off topic deflections.

In that sense, he's sort of like a lesser version of the likes of TheOppressiveFaggot or Tainted Tommy or JoeB131—so disconnected from reality, and so out-of-touch with mainstream thought, that he keeps making absurd, meaningless arguments that he believes are seen by anyone else as anything but absurd, meaningless arguments.

He doesn't do it nearly as well as the others that I named, but basically, he's trying to do the same as what they do.

Here we go again Bob, below another example of why you, me and others have been correct from day one about the ulterior motive of the LGBTQ Agenda, below an article that California Democrats have introduced a bill to PROTECT PAEDOPHILES under the guise of protecting LGBTQ Rights and this also is why the Leftist Maniacs are FANATICAL about brainwashing young children with the LGBTQ Pervert Propaganda because they want these young children sexualised so the paedophiles can have their way with them and then the Leftist Maniacs will protect the child RAPISTS with laws like the below one:





CA Democrats Author Bill to Protect Sex Offenders Who Lure Minors - California Globe

Here's another article about this:



^^^^ Here are the California Leftists who are Pro-Child RAPISTS, who have introduced a bill to PROTECT Child RAPISTS under the guise of protecting LGBTQ Rights. WHAT fucking sickos they should be submerged in vats of acid.





Just wow: California Dems author bill to PROTECT adults who lure, then sexually abuse, minors
Democrats have introduced a bill to PROTECT PAEDOPHILES under the guise of protecting LGBTQ Rights
But, arent we lectured that pedophilia has nothing to do with "normal" homosexuality?

Look where letting homosexuality out of the closet has gotten us!
Democrats have introduced a bill to PROTECT PAEDOPHILES under the guise of protecting LGBTQ Rights
But, arent [sic] we lectured that pedophilia has nothing to do with "normal" homosexuality?

Look where letting homosexuality out of the closet has gotten us!

That's what they keep claiming, never mind the connection between the early homosexual movement, and NAMBLA.

But the connection is undeniable between the homosexual movement, and grooming that is taking place against children in public schools in the form of teaching the homosexual/transsexual/pedophile agenda to young children there, the “Drag Queen Story Hour” events in public libraries, the promotion of underage “drag queens”, and so on.

And now, this.

Also, even though homosexual men make up less than 4% of the population, nearly half of children who are victims if sexual assault are boys, which means that nearly half of child molesters are homosexual men. You have to know that when nearly half of all child molesters come from 4% of the population, that there is something very wrong with that 4%.

I think one thing is very obvious—if the homosexual movement didn't intend to try to normalize and mainstream pedophilia, then they wouldn't be going after children in the way that they very obviously are.
Mike Pence is a Dangerous Bigot and Theocrat

So true....so true.....

HEY ! Let's get ALL these dirty Republicans out so we can have a nation we can be proud of !!!!!

Progressives....."the way forward"

Homeless woman in Portland sleeping in front of garage run over by driver, dies at hospital, police say
Portland, with a metropolitan area of about 2.4 million people, has joined West Coast cities such as Los Angeles and San Francisco in struggling with a growing homeless crisis that ranks among the worst in the country.

Who didn't see this coming? lol. Americans are such idiots. First they allow people who OPENLY call for the destruction of America to be elected to Congress.
Now this.

Put a fork in it. It may be wrong, it may be evil, it may be immoral.......but it's what Americans have accepted.
NORMAL Americans haven't accepted this, by any means. THAT'S what's so frustrating.

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