Mike Pompeo is right!

I'm agnostic at best and always hold the bible thumpers at arm's length.....I just know a evil practice when I see it.....As you seem to condone such evil and have the unmitigated gall to equate it with "individual rights" that makes you a sick and evil person in my eyes.

What, if a parent, doctor, and underage child decided that incest would be a good thing for the child would you condone that under the guise of "individual rights" too? Fuck, who am I kidding?....Of course you would.
The crap propaganda you believe about Democrats and for that matter gays trans Any minority you wanna name it's just amazing
Translation: "I have no rational response to your post so I'll fling some shit. Take THAT!".

The crap you believe about Democrats and for that matter the election steal or the global warming hoax or the vaccine pandemic hoax or whatever is just amazing. These are all people Democrats are just regular people, they just don't listen obsessively to garbage hurtful divisive hateful lies all day like you do, idiot. Oops brainwashed functional idiot I'm sure besides your ridiculous politics and possible violence against minorities gays Dems etc. Lol, besides that you're just a lovely person.... Adolf loved dogs... By the way if you think Nazis are leftists you're out of your tiny mind. Left wing means communist the Nazis loved aristocrats and business tycoons as long as they weren't Jewish or against them. Everyone but brainwashed English speakers knows that socialists are simply always democratic fair capitalists with a good safety net like every other country in the world but us....
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The crap propaganda you believe about Democrats and for that matter gays trans Any minority you wanna name it's just amazing
Just calling balls and strikes so go ahead a boo the ump all you want....It's water off a duck's back to me as I hardly even consider your ilk a people in the first place, much less concern myself with what comes out of your putrid pie-holes.
Translation: "I have no rational response to your post so I'll fling some shit. Take THAT!".

All your facts are total garbage, you have no evidence, so you are do for mockery and insults based on your idiocy. Try some real news someday and try reality. Listening to your propaganda for example you probably don't know the Supreme Court said trump has the turnover his tax records to the Democrats in the house and they can publish them immediately end of story. Things are so bad for the orange clown the five program on fox are talking about dogs and irrelevancies stupid stuff... And I'm sure you're conspiracy nut jobs are in OverDrive. It's all over you lost and it's getting worse. Try reality. Your party and you are a disgrace as is. Ladies and gentlemen, America's real team, the Buffalo Bills red white and blue and coming out of a 40 year nightmare. Lol. The Dallas Cowboys are corporate of America steam. Pure crapn: "I have no rational response to your post so I'll fling some shit. Take THAT!".

All your facts are total garbage, you have no evidence, so you are do for mockery and insults based on your idiocy. Try some real news someday and try reality. Listening to your propaganda for example you probably don't know the Supreme Court said trump has the turnover his tax records to the Democrats in the house and they can publish them immediately end of story. Things are so bad for the orange clown the five program on fox are talking about dogs and irrelevancies stupid stuff... And I'm sure you're conspiracy nut jobs are in OverDrive. It's all over you lost and it's getting worse. Try reality. Your party and you are a disgrace as is. Ladies and gentlemen, America's real team, the Buffalo Bills red white and blue and coming out of a 40 year nightmare. Lol. The Dallas Cowboys are corporate of America steam. Pure crap bring back the AFL god dammitlol

The crap you believe about Democrats and for that matter the election steal or the global warming hoax or the vaccine pandemic hoax or whatever is just amazing. These are all people Democrats are just regular people, they just don't listen obsessively to garbage hurtful divisive hateful lies all day like you do, idiot. Oops brainwashed functional idiot I'm sure besides your ridiculous politics and possible violence against minorities gays Dems etc. Lol, besides that you're just a lovely person.... Adolf loved dogs... By the way if you think Nazis are leftists you're out of your tiny mind. Left wing means communist the Nazis loved aristocrats and business tycoons as long as they weren't Jewish or against them. Everyone but brainwashed English speakers knows that socialists are simply always democratic fair capitalists with a good safety net like every other country in the world but us....

Paid by the word.

Nice work if.............................


Pompeo is a very smart man.
He knows that if you start out with a nutty belief, that you end up with a nutty result!!

What Pompeo doesn’t seem to know is that teachers are not the ones who are setting the curriculum or buying the books. That’s the school boards and the state education department. It’s not the teachers who are poisoning children’s minds it’s the Republican states the children live in.
It's a conspiracy!!! You people are absolutely nuts, politically and unfortunately hatefully. I have voice to text. Happy Thanksgiving! Screw the NFL bring back the AFL, the Democrats of Pro Football

Wow! What an articulate guy you are! I'm impressed by how profound you thought you sounded saying that.

Pompeo is a very smart man.
He knows that if you start out with a nutty belief, that you end up with a nutty result!!

Pompeo is proof positive of this corollary. He's has nutty beliefs, and when he opens his mouth and talks about them, people think he's completely nuts. This intellect is the result of a US Military Academy Education, and Harvard Law School Degree, you people are in deep doggy dew with your leadership.
Pompeo is proof positive of this corollary. He's has nutty beliefs, and when he opens his mouth and talks about them, people think he's completely nuts. This intellect is the result of a US Military Academy Education, and Harvard Law School Degree, you people are in deep doggy dew with your leadership.

"doggy dew"? Is that a new soft drink?

What Pompeo doesn’t seem to know is that teachers are not the ones who are setting the curriculum or buying the books. That’s the school boards and the state education department. It’s not the teachers who are poisoning children’s minds it’s the Republican states the children live in.

The doorman of the gas chambers at Auschwitz was just following orders, too!
This is a an extension of your nutty logic, not mine.
"doggy dew"? Is that a new soft drink?

No it's your understanding of politics and history. Like most Republicans. They go to school for accounting and think they are educated.
The doorman of the gas chambers at Auschwitz was just following orders, too!
This is a an extension of your nutty logic, not mine.
This is just another one of your absolutely ridiculous no evidence conspiracy theories... absolute idiocy from the rubes.
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Another nobody who thinks his/her/its vote is actually the one that counts. Shut up, Jackoff.

S'matter sweetie?? A little triggered? :auiqs.jpg:

I know Pompeo will never be President and people of your ilk are just looking for the next "savior"....since all of your choices so far seem to be....well...lacking. :)

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