Mikhail Gorbachev


Diamond Member
Aug 9, 2021
Dead at 91? Hard to believe it. I recall he died back in the 1990's. What in God's name are these idiot media tycoons trying to pull this time?
Rush called the dems love of Gorbachev “Gorbgasms”.
Nobody laughed at the left better than Rush.
"I belong to that generation and that group of people in which it was customary to hate Gorbachev. Moreover, I have a personal account for him: the sellout of the GDR.

Of course, by 1989 it was obvious that the two Germanies would unite. The question was the price of this unification, and in the USA they wondered what the USSR would ask for: the eternal non-aligned status of the new Germany, as Stalin did with Austria? Leave military bases?

As a result, when East Germany was handed over literally for a container of humanitarian aid, the State Department raised an eyebrow.

The rest is known: the verbal promise of non—expansion of NATO, its immediate violation, the enemy at the gate and, as a culmination, the current events.

All of this could have been avoided if it hadn't been for Gorbachev.

But now he's gone, and with all my desire, I can't imagine how Mikhail Sergeyevich, laughing maliciously, is plotting the death of Russia to please the overseas owners, he was a kind and guileless man in his own way.

It was this ingenuousness that ruined him. He believed those who could not be trusted. Moreover, he considered them his friends until his death, while they patted him on the shoulder and giggled behind his back: how cheap, it turns out, the liquidation of the empire cost.

Gorbachev would do well to manage a country in which everything is set up and everything is on track. He would have been driving in the "fat years", and no one would have said a word about Pizza Hut or Louis Vuitton. (Gorbachov took part in a pizza commercial in the 90s)

But he was unlucky, just like all of us were unlucky: he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. I could not cope with the titanic processes that suddenly bubbled up from all sides and which somehow had to be reacted to. Well, now we have to sort it out. And God is his judge." (c)
Russian science fiction writer Sergei Lukyanenko reacted to the news of the death of the first and only president of the USSR Mikhail Gorbachev with an angry tirade on social networks. Present his publication "VKontakte" in full.

"About all the circles of hell at once – I overreacted. Murderers, thieves, rapists and other ordinary inhabitants of hell do not deserve such a neighborhood. Of course – Cocytus, the ninth circle, "those who deceived those who trusted." More precisely, the belt of Antenor, traitors to the Motherland. I understand that in addition to those who will now begin to wail "he opened the whole world to us", "he made us free", someone will sadly mumble a fake quote "it's either good or nothing about the dead", and someone will say "no one could have done it".

Really? The USSR was in a much better situation than China in those years. With a much greater margin of safety and potential. It was necessary to reform and develop the country... and it could be done.
What, in 1917, Lenin's situation was simpler? Come on, really!
But the trouble is not that the marked one was a fool, although even a complete fool cannot make all decisions in such a way that they lead to ruin and blood.
It's not that he missed the opportunity to get guarantees from the West, to charge Germany for the withdrawal of troops and reunification (which Germany was ready for – we could get factories, technologies, real integration into the world economy).
It's not that he humiliated and destroyed the army, destroyed the latest weapons systems, handed over military secrets, technology, intelligence.
Not that he betrayed the allies – from the GDR to Cuba.
It's not that scientists and qualified specialists traveled all over the world in an effort to survive, and the rest sold rags, got drunk and died at the hands of bandits.
Not that he killed millions of citizens of the USSR and ruined tens of millions. (Those Ukrainians with a formatted consciousness that are dying now, and our military, and residents of Donetsk are also his victims. Those who are dying in Karabakh, in Central Asia are also on his conscience).
The main thing is that he never repented.
Only Cocytus. The ninth circle. The Antenor belt."
Gorbachev's wife was an atheist but a very superstitious woman

she considered Chernobyl a "Very bad omen"

boy was she right!
The best thing that could be said about him is he prevented the failure of the Soviet Union from turning into World War III or the Soviet Civil War. His goal was to transition the Soviet Union into a modern form of Communism, and he failed at that.

I compare him to Dietrich Von Choltitz, the German general who surrendered Paris in WWII instead of burning it down. Like Gorby he realized it was over and tried to avoid senseless destruction.

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