Military Families on Food Stamps—Fucking Ridiculous.

Shameful that this is allowed to happen…ever…regardless of politics.

Family Subsistence Supplemental Allowance Ending In September

Not sure what is more distressing….the fact that the program has ended or that there was a program in the first place.

It's been that way for at least a century or more. This predates welfare programs and goes back to the community led programs of yore. At one time, Enlisted Men under certain rank were forbidden to be married and have children. If they wanted to get married, they had to leave the service. Many did. Even a regular Cowboy got paid 30 a month and found while the Troops were being paid 13 and found. And nothing has ever been done about it.
Shameful that this is allowed to happen…ever…regardless of politics.

Family Subsistence Supplemental Allowance Ending In September

Not sure what is more distressing….the fact that the program has ended or that there was a program in the first place.
-------------------------- military , volunteer soldiers and all government employees ougta figure things out Financially before they get married or have kids and that should be the way that ALL people do things . In fact , and your info mentions it but military should not marry or have Dependents / children until they are free from Volunteer military service and can afford the kids or marriage Candy
Perhaps they should make a little more since they are volunteering to fight for our freedom?
Ridiculous only during republican administrations? Barry Hussein used to brag about how many new families (including Military) applied for food stamps every month and nobody seemed to be bothered by it.
and then you'll be looking for the Police and ALL other Public Servants --- GOVERNMENT MEN , knights of the realm and Teachers and other Special people to ALL get RAISES . Its a Slippery Slope Candy . All the 'government public servants know the rates of pay when they VOLUNTEER for their jobs Candy .
Shameful that this is allowed to happen…ever…regardless of politics.

Family Subsistence Supplemental Allowance Ending In September

Not sure what is more distressing….the fact that the program has ended or that there was a program in the first place.
Been that way ever since I was the 70s.
-------------------------------------- yeah , same for my DAD and Uncles for WW2 . Course they were smart enough to Enlist as being single men and didn't try raising families , kids while in the military Bode .
Ridiculous only during republican administrations? Barry Hussein used to brag about how many new families (including Military) applied for food stamps every month and nobody seemed to be bothered by it.

If you say a lie enough times does that make it the truth? Nope, it's still a lie. Now, go back to your party of trump hole where you belong.
Ridiculous only during republican administrations? Barry Hussein used to brag about how many new families (including Military) applied for food stamps every month and nobody seemed to be bothered by it.

Its a disgrace regardless of administration.
Perhaps they should make a little more since they are volunteering to fight for our freedom?
they get free medical and housing--big $$$$$$ there
I was single in the service--but the married members get free food on base--yes?
Shameful that this is allowed to happen…ever…regardless of politics.

Family Subsistence Supplemental Allowance Ending In September

Not sure what is more distressing….the fact that the program has ended or that there was a program in the first place.
Been that way ever since I was the 70s.

Disgraceful that this is still an issue….
just like in the civilian world = people making the wrong choices
Perhaps they should make a little more since they are volunteering to fight for our freedom?
they get free medical and housing--big $$$$$$ there
I was single in the service--but the married members get free food on base--yes?

I hear they also get free travel on their way into combat. Slackers.
as you can see they get paid a lot
I was in the military for 8 years

So much so that 2-5% are on food stamps. Disgraceful.
Ridiculous only during republican administrations? Barry Hussein used to brag about how many new families (including Military) applied for food stamps every month and nobody seemed to be bothered by it.

When was he bragging about it? Can you provide a source for his bragging?
Shameful that this is allowed to happen…ever…regardless of politics.

Family Subsistence Supplemental Allowance Ending In September

Not sure what is more distressing….the fact that the program has ended or that there was a program in the first place.
Been that way ever since I was the 70s.

Disgraceful that this is still an issue….
just like in the civilian world = people making the wrong choices

Unlike in the civilian world, spouses often can’t find long-term employment because their service-member spouse may be re-assigned at any time and they have to uproot the family and move with them.
So it’s a false comparison you’re making yet again
Shameful that this is allowed to happen…ever…regardless of politics.

Family Subsistence Supplemental Allowance Ending In September

Not sure what is more distressing….the fact that the program has ended or that there was a program in the first place.
Been that way ever since I was the 70s.

Disgraceful that this is still an issue….
just like in the civilian world = people making the wrong choices

Unlike in the civilian world, spouses often can’t find long-term employment because their service-member spouse may be re-assigned at any time and they have to uproot the family and move with them.
So it’s a false comparison you’re making yet again
free medical and housing--and they can't make it???!!!!!!????
is this what you are saying
damn--I could get a part time job and make it

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