Military leaders warning that Trump is a danger to America

STFU leftist.
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We're not getting past this, anytime soon!

Sorry muppets; all of those cheerleading corporate commercials on TV are full of shit!
Who knew Mattis is so thin-skinned and petty til now?
For someone who has a reputation for devouring books, his false pride and egotism overrode any wisdom he may have acquired from all of his reading.
I remember when Trump howled his name at rallies and all the Trumphumpers cheered. Amazing how they turn when Trump fucks up.
Elite former military leaders have issued unprecedented levels of criticism against President Trump’s response to the protests. Former Defense Secretary James Mattis said in a statement that the President doesn’t even try to unite the country and that the American people need to find a way forward without relying on his leadership. Retired Gen. John Allen criticized Trump’s photo op in front of a church during the protests, saying it was trying to use religion to gloss over an abuse of First amendment rights. Other senior military and political figures, including former Joint Chiefs Chairman Mike Mullen, have also spoken out against Trump’s rhetoric and threats of force against Americans.

Current Secretary of Defense Esper counters Trump on using troops for control of demonstrations.

Shades of Latin America buts it’s terrifying when military tells civilian leadership what policy should be.

Wait....havent we been importing Latin Americans to replace Americans for years?

We're going to get past this. Hopefully we'll learn something about those we put in the White House in the future.

We have to improve our standards, quickly.

Can we get past this?

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That's up to you. Keep bringing it up all you want.

Until I get tired of taking you to school.
Don't get tired. Keep doing what you're doing. Make sure as many people as possible see it.

Thanks in advance.
First it's "military leaders" and then it's "former" military leaders and then it's good old fired general Mattis. What next? Years ago the same lefties would laugh at an old general who criticized the president but the times are changin for the desperate left.
Elite former military leaders have issued unprecedented levels of criticism against President Trump’s response to the protests. Former Defense Secretary James Mattis said in a statement that the President doesn’t even try to unite the country and that the American people need to find a way forward without relying on his leadership. Retired Gen. John Allen criticized Trump’s photo op in front of a church during the protests, saying it was trying to use religion to gloss over an abuse of First amendment rights. Other senior military and political figures, including former Joint Chiefs Chairman Mike Mullen, have also spoken out against Trump’s rhetoric and threats of force against Americans.

Current Secretary of Defense Esper counters Trump on using troops for control of demonstrations.
Asking the military to line up unidentified against US citizens is a bad move for Trump and of course the military.
The national guard has always been used in riots....look it up...
The issue isn’t national guard, it’s calling up active duty military, a far less common event.
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Elite former military leaders have issued unprecedented levels of criticism against President Trump’s response to the protests. Former Defense Secretary James Mattis said in a statement that the President doesn’t even try to unite the country and that the American people need to find a way forward without relying on his leadership. Retired Gen. John Allen criticized Trump’s photo op in front of a church during the protests, saying it was trying to use religion to gloss over an abuse of First amendment rights. Other senior military and political figures, including former Joint Chiefs Chairman Mike Mullen, have also spoken out against Trump’s rhetoric and threats of force against Americans.

Current Secretary of Defense Esper counters Trump on using troops for control of demonstrations.
Asking the military to line up unidentified against US citizens is a bad move for Trump and of course the military.

Turning the FBI into the democrat Party SS wasn't too bright either
Trump is attacked for taking a stand against burning churches.

That is not on Trump, but the Trump haters.
Oh bullshit. Trump is on campaign brain 24/7 and is so weak and cowering behind a military who won't go against their own.

Trump took a stand against burning churches and was attacked for it.

That really happened. That shows that the problem is not Trump, but you people.
Trump took a stand against the constitutional right to peacefully assemble.
Elite former military leaders have issued unprecedented levels of criticism against President Trump’s response to the protests. Former Defense Secretary James Mattis said in a statement that the President doesn’t even try to unite the country and that the American people need to find a way forward without relying on his leadership. Retired Gen. John Allen criticized Trump’s photo op in front of a church during the protests, saying it was trying to use religion to gloss over an abuse of First amendment rights. Other senior military and political figures, including former Joint Chiefs Chairman Mike Mullen, have also spoken out against Trump’s rhetoric and threats of force against Americans.

Current Secretary of Defense Esper counters Trump on using troops for control of demonstrations.

Shades of Latin America buts it’s terrifying when military tells civilian leadership what policy should be.

Wait....havent we been importing Latin Americans to replace Americans for years?

Wrong...Which leader does Trump have the most in common with? It is not one from the Western alliance. It is with Jair Bolsonaro, the President of Brazil. Both are right-wing nut jobs who think that environmental laws are useless, the coronavirus is a fraud, laws are to be flouted, the military is a tool that can be used for domestic political purposes, and think they are surrounded by enemies embedded in the state. Our politics are much closer to Brazil's then England's or Canada's or any other western nation for that matter. Our political system is just like Brazil's: stuck in vicious partisanship and governed by wannabe strongmen.

Trump has more in common with an Argentine caudillo than with Justin Trudeau or Angela Merkel. Look at how Trump fauns over Putin, Kim, Dutarte, and every other dirt bag dictator.

It has nothing to do with illegals. It has all do with Republicans and their brand of politics.
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Trump is attacked for taking a stand against burning churches.

That is not on Trump, but the Trump haters.
Oh bullshit. Trump is on campaign brain 24/7 and is so weak and cowering behind a military who won't go against their own.

Trump took a stand against burning churches and was attacked for it.

That really happened. That shows that the problem is not Trump, but you people.
Trump took a stand against the constitutional right to peacefully assemble.

Is he stopping anybody from peaceful protest? Anybody? Once you start burning stuff and hurting people, it isn't a protest. period.
Did Mattis ever stop to think of what it has been like for Trump and his supporters over the last 4 years....
Oh the poor Trump supporters. Everyone feels so bad for them. They have no brains. How can we help them get brains,morals and ethics?

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