Military members seen with MAGA patches on jumpsuits at Trump speech...

Proving exactly why snowflakes are called just that - 'snowflakes', the easily-offended, hyper-sensitive, fragile dears became emotionally triggered at the sight of a 'Make Airmen Great Again' morale patch worn by military members onboard the USS Wasp during a visit by their Commander and Chief.

As usual, these ticking emotional time-bombs just 'self-detonated' before troubling themselves with finding out the facts, instead becoming faux news-spreading anti-Trump triggered 'jihadis'....

The leftists became equally triggered earlier when military personnel at a base in Iraq the President visited were seen carrying / wearing 'MAGA' hats at that event... I guess the offended leftists forgot the facts explained to them after that incident:

"The U.S. Air Force later said the airmen were not in violation of the UCMJ. “There is no rule against Airmen bringing personal items to be signed by the president,” U.S. Air Forces Europe said in a statement."

Sorry, folks - Nothing to see here...just another 'triggered snowflake' report...
Proving exactly why snowflakes are called just that - 'snowflakes', the easily-offended, hyper-sensitive, fragile dears became emotionally triggered at the sight of a 'Make Airmen Great Again' morale patch worn by military members onboard the USS Wasp during a visit by their Commander and Chief.

As usual, these ticking emotional time-bombs just 'self-detonated' before troubling themselves with finding out the facts, instead becoming faux news-spreading anti-Trump triggered 'jihadis'....

The leftists became equally triggered earlier when military personnel at a base in Iraq the President visited were seen carrying / wearing 'MAGA' hats at that event... I guess the offended leftists forgot the facts explained to them after that incident:

"The U.S. Air Force later said the airmen were not in violation of the UCMJ. “There is no rule against Airmen bringing personal items to be signed by the president,” U.S. Air Forces Europe said in a statement."

Sorry, folks - Nothing to see here...just another 'triggered snowflake' report...

Wearing something on your uniform is not the same as bring a personal item to be signed by the POTUS. Even as fucking stupid as you are, you should be able to see the difference.

There is no such thing as moral patch, that is some made up bullshit.

Once again for those like you who never served, the UCMJ does not deal with uniform regulations as they different from branch to branch.
Well, if they were Navy aircrew, they were in violation of directives..........

2.3. A candidate for civil office as defined by DoD Directive 1344.10, Political Activities by Members of
the Armed Forces, may not be permitted to engage in campaign or election-related activities (e.g.,
public assemblies, town hall meetings, speeches, fund-raisers, press conferences, post-election
celebrations, and concession addresses) while on a United States military installation, which includes
overseas installations and areas under the control of combat or peacekeeping forces of the United
States military.
2.4. National Guard armories and other state facilities will review applicable state law for guidance
and restrictions.
2.5. Definition of political campaigns and elections. A political campaign or election begins when a
candidate, including an incumbent officeholder, makes a formal announcement that he or she seeks to
be elected to a federal, state, or local political office. A political campaign or election also begins when
an individual files for candidacy with the Federal Election Commission or equivalent state or local
regulatory office. Once initiated, a political campaign or election does not end until one week after the
conclusion of the relevant election.
2.6. Support of Political Activities by DoD Personnel.
2.6.1. The DoD has a longstanding policy of encouraging DoD personnel (including members of the
Armed Forces on active duty (AD), members of the reserve components (RC) not on AD, and retired
members) to carry out the obligations of citizenship. However, active duty members should not engage
in partisan political activities and should avoid the inference that their political activities imply or appear
to imply DoD sponsorship, approval, or endorsement. Political activity by members of the Armed Forces
continues to be governed by reference (c). Political activity by federal civilian personnel continues to be
governed by references (d) and (e).
2.6.2. Public commentary and endorsement. Any activity that may be reasonably viewed as directly
or indirectly associating with the DoD, or any component or personnel of the department, with a
partisan political activity or is otherwise contrary to the spirit and intention of this policy guidance will
be avoided. Public commentary, distribution of campaign literature, and other forms of permissible and
prohibited partisan political activity are detailed further in the references listed in section one of this
Proving exactly why snowflakes are called just that - 'snowflakes', the easily-offended, hyper-sensitive, fragile dears became emotionally triggered at the sight of a 'Make Airmen Great Again' morale patch worn by military members onboard the USS Wasp during a visit by their Commander and Chief.

As usual, these ticking emotional time-bombs just 'self-detonated' before troubling themselves with finding out the facts, instead becoming faux news-spreading anti-Trump triggered 'jihadis'....

The leftists became equally triggered earlier when military personnel at a base in Iraq the President visited were seen carrying / wearing 'MAGA' hats at that event... I guess the offended leftists forgot the facts explained to them after that incident:

"The U.S. Air Force later said the airmen were not in violation of the UCMJ. “There is no rule against Airmen bringing personal items to be signed by the president,” U.S. Air Forces Europe said in a statement."

Sorry, folks - Nothing to see here...just another 'triggered snowflake' report...

Wearing something on your uniform is not the same as bring a personal item to be signed by the POTUS. Even as fucking stupid as you are, you should be able to see the difference.

There is no such thing as moral patch, that is some made up bullshit.

Once again for those like you who never served, the UCMJ does not deal with uniform regulations as they different from branch to branch.
Thank you for that wonderful triggered opinionated response, but I think I will stick with listening to what the US Air Force, USCENTCOM, and the military / DOJ says (feel free to actually open up and read the article) about the issue.


Proving exactly why snowflakes are called just that - 'snowflakes', the easily-offended, hyper-sensitive, fragile dears became emotionally triggered at the sight of a 'Make Airmen Great Again' morale patch worn by military members onboard the USS Wasp during a visit by their Commander and Chief.

As usual, these ticking emotional time-bombs just 'self-detonated' before troubling themselves with finding out the facts, instead becoming faux news-spreading anti-Trump triggered 'jihadis'....

The leftists became equally triggered earlier when military personnel at a base in Iraq the President visited were seen carrying / wearing 'MAGA' hats at that event... I guess the offended leftists forgot the facts explained to them after that incident:

"The U.S. Air Force later said the airmen were not in violation of the UCMJ. “There is no rule against Airmen bringing personal items to be signed by the president,” U.S. Air Forces Europe said in a statement."

Sorry, folks - Nothing to see here...just another 'triggered snowflake' report...

Wearing something on your uniform is not the same as bring a personal item to be signed by the POTUS. Even as fucking stupid as you are, you should be able to see the difference.

There is no such thing as moral patch, that is some made up bullshit.

Once again for those like you who never served, the UCMJ does not deal with uniform regulations as they different from branch to branch.

Exactly. And, what is and isn't allowed on your uniform is covered under the various regs of each service.

And, while there isn't such a thing as a "moral patch", there are things known as "cruise patches" in the Navy, and they commemorate various cruises that a person has been on. While I was in, we were allowed to put cruise patches on the back of our flight jackets, and still wear them while in uniform. HOWEVER, there was NEVER any political slant on any of them. All of them specifically referred to the cruise itself, or a memorable event that happened on the cruise.

But, the thing that makes that patch illegal on their uniforms is the depiction of Trump. Navy regs say that you cannot support a particular candidate or party while in uniform. Post 26 has a copy of the current NAVADMIN, and it says that those patches would be illegal in uniform.
Proving exactly why snowflakes are called just that - 'snowflakes', the easily-offended, hyper-sensitive, fragile dears became emotionally triggered at the sight of a 'Make Airmen Great Again' morale patch worn by military members onboard the USS Wasp during a visit by their Commander and Chief.

As usual, these ticking emotional time-bombs just 'self-detonated' before troubling themselves with finding out the facts, instead becoming faux news-spreading anti-Trump triggered 'jihadis'....

The leftists became equally triggered earlier when military personnel at a base in Iraq the President visited were seen carrying / wearing 'MAGA' hats at that event... I guess the offended leftists forgot the facts explained to them after that incident:

"The U.S. Air Force later said the airmen were not in violation of the UCMJ. “There is no rule against Airmen bringing personal items to be signed by the president,” U.S. Air Forces Europe said in a statement."

Sorry, folks - Nothing to see here...just another 'triggered snowflake' report...

Wearing something on your uniform is not the same as bring a personal item to be signed by the POTUS. Even as fucking stupid as you are, you should be able to see the difference.

There is no such thing as moral patch, that is some made up bullshit.

Once again for those like you who never served, the UCMJ does not deal with uniform regulations as they different from branch to branch.
Thank you for that wonderful triggered opinionated response, but I think I will stick with listening to what the US Air Force, USCENTCOM, and the military / DOJ says (feel free to actually open up and read the article) about the issue.



Wearing something on your uniform is not the same as bring a personal item to be signed by the POTUS. Even as fucking stupid as you are, you should be able to see the difference.
Proving exactly why snowflakes are called just that - 'snowflakes', the easily-offended, hyper-sensitive, fragile dears became emotionally triggered at the sight of a 'Make Airmen Great Again' morale patch worn by military members onboard the USS Wasp during a visit by their Commander and Chief.

As usual, these ticking emotional time-bombs just 'self-detonated' before troubling themselves with finding out the facts, instead becoming faux news-spreading anti-Trump triggered 'jihadis'....

The leftists became equally triggered earlier when military personnel at a base in Iraq the President visited were seen carrying / wearing 'MAGA' hats at that event... I guess the offended leftists forgot the facts explained to them after that incident:

"The U.S. Air Force later said the airmen were not in violation of the UCMJ. “There is no rule against Airmen bringing personal items to be signed by the president,” U.S. Air Forces Europe said in a statement."

Sorry, folks - Nothing to see here...just another 'triggered snowflake' report...

Wearing something on your uniform is not the same as bring a personal item to be signed by the POTUS. Even as fucking stupid as you are, you should be able to see the difference.

There is no such thing as moral patch, that is some made up bullshit.

Once again for those like you who never served, the UCMJ does not deal with uniform regulations as they different from branch to branch.
Thank you for that wonderful triggered opinionated response, but I think I will stick with listening to what the US Air Force, USCENTCOM, and the military / DOJ says (feel free to actually open up and read the article) about the issue.



I posted a copy of the current NAVADMIN concerning whether or not these patches are legal in post 26. As that NAVADMIN is written, those patches are illegal.
There is no such thing as moral patch, that is some made up bullshit.
Sorry, I am 'guilty' of leaving off the 'e' -- my bad. I know how the slightest things set you snowflakes off...

"Morale patches are patches troops wear on their uniforms designed to be a funny inside joke, applicable only to their specific unit or military career field. They are usually worn during deployments, but the wear of morale patches is at the discretion of the unit's commander."

Morale Patches actually have a rather long history in the military....but that can't possibly be, right, because you know everything and declared there to be no such thing...?!

I posted a copy of the current NAVADMIN concerning whether or not these patches are legal in post 26. As that NAVADMIN is written, those patches are illegal.

If that is the case then they will certainly be courts martialed / disciplined....


Military members seen with MAGA patches on jumpsuits at Trump speech...

Patriotism is not lost on our defense soldiers. Thank you servicemen for loving America!

View attachment 262857

Nice, but mediocre Photoshop.
I don't think they photoshopped that. Why would they?
when I was in the USMC, you couldn't just put anything on your uniform
there are rules

(& when were you in last?)

I find it numerous that snowflakes are triggered and find it to be a capitol offense for a member of the United States Military to show support / loyalty for his commander and chief ...

Probably because it is being exposed how so much disloyalty and an attempted failed coup is all that has come from the left for the last 3 years

Well, if they were Navy aircrew, they were in violation of directives..........

2.3. A candidate for civil office as defined by DoD Directive 1344.10, Political Activities by Members of
the Armed Forces, may not be permitted to engage in campaign or election-related activities (e.g.,
public assemblies, town hall meetings, speeches, fund-raisers, press conferences, post-election
celebrations, and concession addresses) while on a United States military installation, which includes
overseas installations and areas under the control of combat or peacekeeping forces of the United
States military.
2.4. National Guard armories and other state facilities will review applicable state law for guidance
and restrictions.
2.5. Definition of political campaigns and elections. A political campaign or election begins when a
candidate, including an incumbent officeholder, makes a formal announcement that he or she seeks to
be elected to a federal, state, or local political office. A political campaign or election also begins when
an individual files for candidacy with the Federal Election Commission or equivalent state or local
regulatory office. Once initiated, a political campaign or election does not end until one week after the
conclusion of the relevant election.
2.6. Support of Political Activities by DoD Personnel.
2.6.1. The DoD has a longstanding policy of encouraging DoD personnel (including members of the
Armed Forces on active duty (AD), members of the reserve components (RC) not on AD, and retired
members) to carry out the obligations of citizenship. However, active duty members should not engage
in partisan political activities and should avoid the inference that their political activities imply or appear
to imply DoD sponsorship, approval, or endorsement. Political activity by members of the Armed Forces
continues to be governed by reference (c). Political activity by federal civilian personnel continues to be
governed by references (d) and (e).
2.6.2. Public commentary and endorsement. Any activity that may be reasonably viewed as directly
or indirectly associating with the DoD, or any component or personnel of the department, with a
partisan political activity or is otherwise contrary to the spirit and intention of this policy guidance will
be avoided. Public commentary, distribution of campaign literature, and other forms of permissible and
prohibited partisan political activity are detailed further in the references listed in section one of this
Did that photo of black girls at west point giving the black power sign violate any directives? To serve under that would be an insult!
Proving exactly why snowflakes are called just that - 'snowflakes', the easily-offended, hyper-sensitive, fragile dears became emotionally triggered at the sight of a 'Make Airmen Great Again' morale patch worn by military members onboard the USS Wasp during a visit by their Commander and Chief.

As usual, these ticking emotional time-bombs just 'self-detonated' before troubling themselves with finding out the facts, instead becoming faux news-spreading anti-Trump triggered 'jihadis'....

The leftists became equally triggered earlier when military personnel at a base in Iraq the President visited were seen carrying / wearing 'MAGA' hats at that event... I guess the offended leftists forgot the facts explained to them after that incident:

"The U.S. Air Force later said the airmen were not in violation of the UCMJ. “There is no rule against Airmen bringing personal items to be signed by the president,” U.S. Air Forces Europe said in a statement."

Sorry, folks - Nothing to see here...just another 'triggered snowflake' report...

It falls under Morale Patches. Here is the official ruling on Morale Patches. And you can see that these were obviously photoshopped in. They don't even come close to the criteria for morale patches.

Morale Patches and Tabs. Wing Commanders may authorize the wear of morale patches on the shoulders on Fridays, or during special events. AF Reserve and ANG personnel commanders may authorize wear during weekend drills on Friday, Saturday or Sundays or during special events. A morale patch is defined as a design symbol locally developed and displayed. A morale patch will not depict a current or past official organizational emblem or any alteration thereof. Small morale tabs may be worn above unit patch on the exposed Velcro of the left sleeve; wear is not restricted. Squadron Commanders will approve and maintain a list of acceptable morale patches and tabs for wear by assigned Airmen. Morale patches may only be worn on the installation.\shitpost
Military members seen with MAGA patches on jumpsuits at Trump speech...

Patriotism is not lost on our defense soldiers. Thank you servicemen for loving America!

View attachment 262857

only, those patches say "Make Aircrew Great Again"
Yes you are right. It has the spirit and admiration for our president and gives themselves credit where credit is due. I like it.

Then you are going to really love this one. Without Trumps image on it, I would agree that would be a good thing but you add Trumps image to it and you get.

View attachment 262863


looks more like an MSNBC photoshop

Maybe you are right. I had to look very closely to see the photoshop lines. If Pawxsnews had done it it would have stood out like a sore thumb.
Military members seen with MAGA patches on jumpsuits at Trump speech...

Patriotism is not lost on our defense soldiers. Thank you servicemen for loving America!

View attachment 262857

Nice, but mediocre Photoshop.
I don't think they photoshopped that. Why would they?
when I was in the USMC, you couldn't just put anything on your uniform
there are rules

(& when were you in last?)

I find it numerous that snowflakes are triggered and find it to be a capitol offense for a member of the United States Military to show support / loyalty for his commander and chief ...

Probably because it is being exposed how so much disloyalty and an attempted failed coup is all that has come from the left for the last 3 years


Those would fall into the Morale side of things and clearly do not meet the criteria. No Unit would be caught dead wearing that. That is, unless their Wing King wanted his Job come morning.
There is no such thing as moral patch, that is some made up bullshit.
Sorry, I am 'guilty' of leaving off the 'e' -- my bad. I know how the slightest things set you snowflakes off...

"Morale patches are patches troops wear on their uniforms designed to be a funny inside joke, applicable only to their specific unit or military career field. They are usually worn during deployments, but the wear of morale patches is at the discretion of the unit's commander."

Morale Patches actually have a rather long history in the military....but that can't possibly be, right, because you know everything and declared there to be no such thing...?!


Well, I stand corrected. I guess I should not be surprised the other branches let their people put that nasty shit on their uniform.

Reason number 1487 why I joined the Corps
Military members seen with MAGA patches on jumpsuits at Trump speech...

Patriotism is not lost on our defense soldiers. Thank you servicemen for loving America!

View attachment 262857

Nice, but mediocre Photoshop.
I don't think they photoshopped that. Why would they?
when I was in the USMC, you couldn't just put anything on your uniform
there are rules

They have not changed as far as I know.

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