Miller Lite executives deleting their social media accounts

Trumpers have really perfected the art of cancel culture. Y'all have come a long ways since the Dixie chicks and freedom fries.

Someone should make an app for offended trumpers that tracks all the cancelled companies that hurt their feelings. From green M&Ms to Xbox controllers that go to sleep, it must be difficult to keep track of it all.

It could even be integrated with Google maps and gives an audible alarm if you get to close to a canceled business.

Good luck with your cancel thing.
Noboby called for the Miller execs to be fired. Leftists are the one's who do this. People like you.
That phrase doesn't mean what you think it does.

Canceling is when someone is removed from their job or otherwise silenced for their opinion, ideology or speech.

A boycott is nothing like that. For you to think that we should be forced to buy their product to support their ideology is FUCKING RETARDED

Miller lite and Budweiser are free to continue their outrageous stupidity WITHOUT my money.

You're really not to bright are you. HUGE difference between being canceled and someone not buying your product or watching your shit. Hell does that mean you are trying to cancel Fox News simply by not watching because that's what you are suggesting here.

You're simply too stupid to be talking about things you CLEARLY don't understand
Semantics and ad hominem.

Well done. So I guess trumpers hurt feelings caused them to boycott freedom fries but cancel culture the Dixie chicks? Am I understanding that right?

My point remains the same.

Do you like my app idea? I guess it would have to include cancelled things and boycotted things to protect your feelings. Two different categories perhaps? The cancel culture and boycotting thing would have to be integrated into whatever tv service you have...but not sure if it could single out commercials that might sell products or what if the commercial has an actor/actress?

It's a good idea but could be hard to completely integrate so that everything that offends poor trumpers can be blocked.
What is the most interesting is that Bud Light sales, which are STILL down folks, is down in every state in the country. Including REALLY liberal states like California/WA/NY. All 50 states.
In fact there is no distribution area in the entire country where BL sales are up. Not one. all of them are down.
Gee... could it mean that even the virtue signalers don't really support the trans madness???
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Semantics and ad hominem.

Well done. So I guess trumpers hurt feelings caused them to boycott freedom fries but cancel culture the Dixie chicks? Am I understanding that right?

My point remains the same.

Do you like my app idea? I guess it would have to include cancelled things and boycotted things to protect your feelings. Two different categories perhaps? The cancel culture and boycotting thing would have to be integrated into whatever tv service you have...but not sure if it could single out commercials that might sell products or what if the commercial has an actor/actress?

It's a good idea but could be hard to completely integrate so that everything that offends poor trumpers can be blocked.
Perhaps the interference in everything we do in life to make woke groups happy is reaching a crescendo. That ad would not play well in many taverns Just saying. Progs, lighten up on these things.
Semantics and ad hominem.

Well done. So I guess trumpers hurt feelings caused them to boycott freedom fries but cancel culture the Dixie chicks? Am I understanding that right?

My point remains the same.

Do you like my app idea? I guess it would have to include cancelled things and boycotted things to protect your feelings. Two different categories perhaps? The cancel culture and boycotting thing would have to be integrated into whatever tv service you have...but not sure if it could single out commercials that might sell products or what if the commercial has an actor/actress?

It's a good idea but could be hard to completely integrate so that everything that offends poor trumpers can be blocked.
Your point remains STUPID. The Dixie Chics weren't canceled retard. We simply didn't buy their music or goto their shows.
How is this so fucking difficult for you to understand???
Semantics and ad hominem.

Well done. So I guess trumpers hurt feelings caused them to boycott freedom fries but cancel culture the Dixie chicks? Am I understanding that right?

My point remains the same.

Do you like my app idea? I guess it would have to include cancelled things and boycotted things to protect your feelings. Two different categories perhaps? The cancel culture and boycotting thing would have to be integrated into whatever tv service you have...but not sure if it could single out commercials that might sell products or what if the commercial has an actor/actress?

It's a good idea but could be hard to completely integrate so that everything that offends poor trumpers can be blocked.
Bitch Boi mad we won't buy his gay beer or listen to anti patriotic music.

Guess what?
Bitch Boi mad we won't buy his gay beer or listen to anti patriotic music.

Guess what?

Do you keep a list on paper or on your phone of all the businesses you are boycotting?

If you slip up and give one your money by mistake is there a special penance you must preform to be allowed back into the good graces of the tribe?
Bodecea is always the first and last and sometimes the only person to CONSTANTLY piss and moan about men. And the funny thing is she knows the least about them out of everyone on this forum.

Ridiculous her constant crying about men. I never met such a self absorbed bitch as her.
Much ado etc. We don't have the time or the energy for another lite beer boycott. The Miller thing might be a political distraction anyway.
Bodecea is always the first and last and sometimes the only person to CONSTANTLY piss and moan about men. And the funny thing is she knows the least about them out of everyone on this forum.

Ridiculous her constant crying about men. I never met such a self absorbed bitch as her.
She is trolling you.... just to get a rise.
Ignore her and she goes away trying to find someone else.

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