Miller Time


Platinum Member
Jul 8, 2008
"Good afternoon everyone.

Before we get started I'd like to hand it over to Steven Miller; senior adviser to the President, to speak with you about the raise act that the President endorsed this morning.

And uh...

I know you guys will have lots of fun."

  • Miller shoots the shit with the reporters for 20 minutes
  • Blatantly ignores Acosta the whole time, winking and smiling at him while he takes someone else's question
  • OK one last question
  • Not Acosta
  • Softball question
  • Miller laughs it off, looks directly at Acosta
  • OK Jim, go ahead
  • Acosta screeches autistically while reading poems off of his phone
  • Miller can barely hold his laughter
  • Proceeds to rape Acosta on live TV

Oh boy, that was fun.
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acosta made a fool of himself

How long before CNN claims that Miller had a racist meltdown when confronted by their brave reporter?

i dont know i dont watch cnn nor have them on my al carte channel list because they suck so bad

any sane person can see acosta got his clock cleaned


MIller was right the ignorance of history by cnn is shocking
acosta made a fool of himself

How long before CNN claims that Miller had a racist meltdown when confronted by their brave reporter?

i dont know i dont watch cnn nor have them on my al carte channel list because they suck so bad

any sane person can see acosta got his clock cleaned


MIller was right the ignorance of history by cnn is shocking

You don't really need to watch CNN or go to their website to hear their megaphones elsewhere. The purpose of MSM today is not to inform people, but to inform each other and filter the information they'll feed to the people in order to achieve their goals.
Steven Miller is fucking awesome. Acosta once again proves what a partisan hack he is. A poem doesn't set national immigration policy, the people do, and the people elected Trump.
acosta made a fool of himself

How long before CNN claims that Miller had a racist meltdown when confronted by their brave reporter?

i dont know i dont watch cnn nor have them on my al carte channel list because they suck so bad

any sane person can see acosta got his clock cleaned


MIller was right the ignorance of history by cnn is shocking

You don't really need to watch CNN or go to their website to hear their megaphones elsewhere. The purpose of MSM today is not to inform people, but to inform each other and filter the information they'll feed to the people in order to achieve their goals.

it has become a leftist tool that much is certain
acosta made a fool of himself

How long before CNN claims that Miller had a racist meltdown when confronted by their brave reporter?

i dont know i dont watch cnn nor have them on my al carte channel list because they suck so bad

any sane person can see acosta got his clock cleaned


MIller was right the ignorance of history by cnn is shocking

You don't really need to watch CNN or go to their website to hear their megaphones elsewhere. The purpose of MSM today is not to inform people, but to inform each other and filter the information they'll feed to the people in order to achieve their goals.

Keeping real for those living in the bubble.
A poem?

Roses are red steves pussy is blue
getting kissed by
the blue lipped jug head
will do that to you.
It was almost endearing how he kept trying to help Jim not make a complete fool of himself, but Jim kept on flapping those lips; like a whore on a trampoline.


Then Miller proceeded to give one of the the most public verbal beat down of our time.


Jim, Jim, Jim, Jim.... Jim, Jim, Jim, Jim... Jim, Jim, Jim, Jim... Jim, Jim, Jim, Jim, Jim, Jim, Jim, Jim, Jim, Jim, Jim, Jim...
Steven Miller is fucking awesome. Acosta once again proves what a partisan hack he is. A poem doesn't set national immigration policy, the people do, and the people elected Trump.

Lets look at each of Acosta's points: tradition and English. Miller had a dialectical response to each of them. He cited historical dates, and patterns of immigration to give a fuller picture of the nature of American immigration in the past. Instead of asking follow-up questions to either point out an error, or force Miller to expound on his point, Acosta responds by calling him a name: 'revisionist'. Now, there's nothing inherently wrong with being a revisionist. It is a label devoid of content. It says nothing about whether Miller is correct or not. Rhetoric is always devoid of content.

Miller than responds with more dialectic. He attempts to pin down an objective standard that they can both agree upon for what would constitute historically traditional levels of immigration. Acosta pauses, and them makes a difficult to decipher slur about the nature of the proposal, calling it "press one for English philosophy", whatever that means. The point was yet again to label Miller rather than address a dialectical argument.

Then Acosta, despite Miller already pointing out the fact that English is already a requirement for naturalization, and everyone knows it hasn't been a barrier to non-white immigration, he suggests that the effect of the measure will be to bring in only people from Britain and Australia, effectively calling the plan racists, and by implication calling Miller a racist too.

At that point, Miller says "fuck it", and switches from dialectic to rhetorical emotional manipulation (of the audience, not Acosta) tying to pain Acosta as the racist. Acosta left him no choice. Miller attempted to be dialectic until a typical leftist tactics of trying "racist" was used against him, and he felt to need to respond in kind with his own rhetorical strategy.

This is exactly what created the Alt-Right phenomenon in the first place. It was from day one a reaction against strident SJW tactics.
It was almost endearing how he kept trying to help Jim not make a complete fool of himself, but Jim kept on flapping those lips; like a whore on a trampoline.


Then Miller proceeded to give one of the the most public verbal beat down of our time.


Jim, Jim, Jim, Jim.... Jim, Jim, Jim, Jim... Jim, Jim, Jim, Jim... Jim, Jim, Jim, Jim, Jim, Jim, Jim, Jim, Jim, Jim, Jim, Jim...

pretty cool snack down

Trump's rhetoric is what drives lefties crazy just as leftist rhetoric is, or was, driving rest of us crazy.

Virtually everything that Trump says is rhetorical. He never speaks in specifics. He never lays out a fact-based argument, and in fact often says things that are factually inaccurate. Just like Jim Acosta, he doesn't give a shit about facts when he's trying to emotionally manipulate an audience, in this case the audience is the whole country. He attack other people personally, giving them labels and names, and questioning their motives and intelligence. He does exactly what leftists have done to conservatives for decades and they hate him for it. Rhetoric vs. dialectic is the main thing that differentiates a modern rightist from a "cuck".

If we go back and watch Romney's talking points from 2012, we can see the difference.
acosta made a fool of himself

How long before CNN claims that Miller had a racist meltdown when confronted by their brave reporter?

i dont know i dont watch cnn nor have them on my al carte channel list because they suck so bad

any sane person can see acosta got his clock cleaned


MIller was right the ignorance of history by cnn is shocking

You don't really need to watch CNN or go to their website to hear their megaphones elsewhere. The purpose of MSM today is not to inform people, but to inform each other and filter the information they'll feed to the people in order to achieve their goals.

Just as I called it yesterday... CNN did not say it (yet), but megaphones did the job.

CNN's Jim Acosta claims victory in briefing beef with Stephen Miller: 'He couldn't take that kind of heat'
CNN's Acosta: Stephen Miller "couldn't take that kind of heat"

"I think what you saw unfold in the briefing room is that he [Miller] really just couldn't take that kind of heat and exploded before our eyes."
"It's not often you're accused of a cosmopolitan bias from someone who went to Duke University wearing cufflinks in the White House briefing room," Acosta later said on CNN.
Steven Miller is fucking awesome. Acosta once again proves what a partisan hack he is. A poem doesn't set national immigration policy, the people do, and the people elected Trump.

Once Acosta pulled the race card, Miller should have said something like: "How is your wife of 24 years & kids handling the divorce after you used the press corps as a way to become famous so you can chase young women around DC like a horny old predator?"

Recently separated CNN reporter is loving the single life

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