Millionaire Dave Ramsey says on Fox News does Not Believe in Stimulus because "You were pretty much screwed Already."

"I don't believe in a stimulus check because if $600 or $1400 changes your life you were pretty much screwed already. You got other issues going on."

His message to viewers: If you're not already rich, you're screwed.

Dave Ramsay is not wrong when he says that. If $600-$1,400 changes your life, you do have other issues going on.

If you understand his complete body of work, you'll know why he says that. I disagree with him on a few things relative to ones' financial well being but he's on the money in this argument.
His argument fails. Whether someone has other issues going on or not is irrelevant. The fact of the matter is that for some people $600 could be the difference between having their utilities shut off and not having them shut off.

That's for sure

The argument Ramsay made was whether it will "change your life".


Not whether you can make a monthly payment or not.
Who here does not want $1400?

Me. I don't need it. I want to keep working. The tens of thousands of Americans Joe Biden put out of a job want their jobs back / want to work.

Part of wgy manyof us don;t want this money is because we undersstand where this money comes form and dont want to add another $2 TRILLION in new debt for our children to have to deal with.

The Democrats are great at coming up with solutns for the problems they create.

THEY helped create this financial crisis / piss-poor economy by forcibly shuttng down business and locking people down, successfully wiping out 50% of all minority-owned small businesses, puting thousands of fossil fuel industry workers out of work , and put the border fence manufacturers and border wall workers out of a job...

...and now they are telling Americans they can solve our problems...that theyhave adding Trillions of new deficit dollars to throw scraps to Americans they put out of work.
All those executive orders for dreamers and illegals, and migrant hoards. Seems like Obiden has forgotten the people he is putting out of work at breakneck speed. They like to eat too.
The $1400 will help everybody eat and pay bills. Give me $1400 now, Biden. Cmon Pelosi do not say no.
The nation gets what it deserves at this point. Dems did everything they could to destroy the economy, people and their lives just to win an election. Then the people elected the very stupid shits to did it.
"I don't believe in a stimulus check because if $600 or $1400 changes your life you were pretty much screwed already. You got other issues going on."

His message to viewers: If you're not already rich, you're screwed.

Dave Ramsay is not wrong when he says that. If $600-$1,400 changes your life, you do have other issues going on.

If you understand his complete body of work, you'll know why he says that. I disagree with him on a few things relative to ones' financial well being but he's on the money in this argument.
His argument fails. Whether someone has other issues going on or not is irrelevant. The fact of the matter is that for some people $600 could be the difference between having their utilities shut off and not having them shut off.

$600 could keep someone from having their car repossessed and subsequently losing their job due to a lack of transportation, then losing their house because of a loss of income.

And so could a job.
The $1400 will help everybody eat and pay bills. Give me $1400 now, Biden. Cmon Pelosi do not say no.
Think of the Relief Bill as a paid Mexican Drug Cartel 'Mule'. To look at the outside, he / it doesn't look criminal/ dangerous. Whet he / it is carrying is, though.

Pelosi and the Democrats don;t give a damn about the American people or helping suffering families/citizens. This was demonstrated when Pelosi called $1k+ Americans got earlier 'CRUMBS' yet called their pork-packed, Socialist / Foreign country Billion$ paying Trillion tax-dollar/deficit-dollar-funded previous bill that doled out only $600 to Americans a great gift to struggling Americans.

Nearly $3 Trillion in 3-weeks?!

You SEEM to demonstrate that you do not understand thatthe United States in NOT 'GOING Bankrupt' - the US is WAY PAST being 'Bankrupt'. We would have to pay off nearly $30 TRILLION in debt to move up to be 'Bankrupt'.
"I don't believe in a stimulus check because if $600 or $1400 changes your life you were pretty much screwed already. You got other issues going on."

His message to viewers: If you're not already rich, you're screwed.

Is that the DemoKKKrat party line now? If you're worth more than $1,400, you're rich? LOL
Who here does not want $1400?
I want the $2000 Joe and has party promised before the GA elections. They lied, but the MSM ignored their lies. They never did that with Don. Strange no?
I will take $2000 as well. Hell, I'll take any help...just send me money Gubment. Cmon now keep your promise, Uncle Joe.

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