Millions lose coverage

I believe we all pay for it together as everyone should be using it and in the same pool.

But why should I pay for out right reckless of others?

Not saying you, but it's obvious people want to take risks with driving cars.. not taking care of themselves... their health ..

And you want to come crying to me that you want me to pay for it?


What in the world are you talking about Bear? YOU DO NOT even have health insurance. We talked about this couple of times because you told us you are so tough you don't need it.
If you get sick -------- you go to hospital---- God forbid you don't get lung cancer from inhaling those powders and smoke from molding jobs------ WHO do you think will pay for your hospital bills?
Are you sure you want to be in this discussion?

I realized something .. and read the Bill

Both Obama Care and this new one

Still fucks over kids..


It's a bait and switch bill...

Get a car.. buy car insurance... decide you don't need it,

Ride a bicycle to work to try to save money.

Try to get car insurance again.and they
Fuck you up the ass..


Why all the spacings?

Car insurance VS health care insurance is like comparing spaghetti VS barb wires.

Read the Bill..

Except Trump promised better quality healthcare at a lower rate with everyone covered. This act is the antithesis of that.

I only wanted Trump to do is three things

1 piss off liberals

This is the reason Trump will NEVER be a great president by dividing this country. Liberals are also Americans.

Since when?


You can answer that yourself tough guy.

I am telling you what the scam is ..

But since you never had kids with cars you will never know.

It's the same thing..

I have 4 kids all grown ups all living successfully one of them is now my CEO, currently I have total of 6 cars, one big boat, 2 houses plus one leasing condo. They are ALL insured.
I believe we all pay for it together as everyone should be using it and in the same pool.

But why should I pay for out right reckless of others?

Not saying you, but it's obvious people want to take risks with driving cars.. not taking care of themselves... their health ..

And you want to come crying to me that you want me to pay for it?


What in the world are you talking about Bear? YOU DO NOT even have health insurance. We talked about this couple of times because you told us you are so tough you don't need it.
If you get sick -------- you go to hospital---- God forbid you don't get lung cancer from inhaling those powders and smoke from molding jobs------ WHO do you think will pay for your hospital bills?
Are you sure you want to be in this discussion?

I realized something .. and read the Bill

Both Obama Care and this new one

Still fucks over kids..


It's a bait and switch bill...

Get a car.. buy car insurance... decide you don't need it,

Ride a bicycle to work to try to save money.

Try to get car insurance again.and they
Fuck you up the ass..


Why all the spacings?

Car insurance VS health care insurance is like comparing spaghetti VS barb wires.

I despise insurance companies.. I was always promised my rates would go down...I always wished a metor would land on my house so I could collect both the equity and minerals

Insurance companies are a huge scam and they lobby Congress every day.

I only wanted Trump to do is three things

1 piss off liberals

This is the reason Trump will NEVER be a great president by dividing this country. Liberals are also Americans.

Since when?


You can answer that yourself tough guy.

I am telling you what the scam is ..

But since you never had kids with cars you will never know.

It's the same thing..

I have 4 kids all grown ups all living successfully one of them is now my CEO, currently I have total of 6 cars, one big boat, 2 houses plus one leasing condo. They are ALL insured.

So you're telling us you don't have a clue about the insurance lobby?

Kind of embarrassing don't you think?


Maybe your kids could have the queen Mary..
Once again I am for the 20 something kids in America, I want them to enjoy life... not pay into a system that they can't afford to take at least one vacation.. any where in the world they want to go

But the insurance company bitches..

Just want you to pay and pay.. so you can't afford to pay to go to nowhere...
Once again I am for the 20 something kids in America, I want them to enjoy life... not pay into a system that they can't afford to take at least one vacation.. any where in the world they want to go

But the insurance company bitches..

Just want you to pay and pay.. so you can't afford to pay to go to nowhere...

Have you priced car insurance for that age bracket?
Once again I am for the 20 something kids in America, I want them to enjoy life... not pay into a system that they can't afford to take at least one vacation.. any where in the world they want to go

But the insurance company bitches..

Just want you to pay and pay.. so you can't afford to pay to go to nowhere...

Have you priced car insurance for that age bracket?

It's a mandate..
hey, when are you jamokes going to learn how congress actually works? house to senate, back to house, back to senate and then if all agree to the president to sign. when you all going to learn this procedure? my, my
Yes and No.
To repeal and replace Obamacare, it would require 60 votes in the Senate otherwise it would be filibustered by democrats and would never be brought up for a vote. Since republicans have only 52 seats in the Senate and barring a miracle where Democrats jump on board, repeal and replace ain't gonna happen. The same is true if the Senate attempted to come up with their own version of the Healthcare bill.

There is a way which the Senate could pass a healthcare bill using a process called budget reconsideration. This process requires only a simple majority (51 votes to pass). In order to use this process, only items which effect the budget can be considered. That means the House would have to remove from their bill, everything that does not have an impact on the budget. These things can not be addressed in the bill: prexisting conditions, essential benefits, appeal process, creating options like emergency care, maternity care, legislation to encourage competition across state lines, torte reform, and most of the regulations on insurance companies and healthcare providers. Assuming the House and the Senate could agree on a stripped down healthcare bill such as this and assuming that Republicans could keep all of their senators in line, the bill could be passed.

A budget reconciliation bill would be a far cry from repeal and replace. Obamacare would still exist. Most of the requirements that make insurance so expensive such as the prexisting conditions ban, remaining on parents insure to age 26, the essential benefits, ban on life time and yearly maximums, limit on insurance company profits, and a number of other regulations on the insurance companies would still remain. In addition, the young and healthy would be able to say no to health insurance which would push premiums higher.
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Once again I am for the 20 something kids in America, I want them to enjoy life... not pay into a system that they can't afford to take at least one vacation.. any where in the world they want to go

But the insurance company bitches..

Just want you to pay and pay.. so you can't afford to pay to go to nowhere...

Have you priced car insurance for that age bracket?

It's a mandate..
Allowing healthy people to say no to insurance and forcing insurance companies to cover very sick people (ban on prexisting conditions) make insurance really expensive.
If he gets it through , signs it.

Then I hope Trump resigns .

Because his mission is finished



Except Trump promised better quality healthcare at a lower rate with everyone covered. This act is the antithesis of that.

I only wanted Trump to do is three things

1 piss off liberals

This is the reason Trump will NEVER be a great president by dividing this country. Liberals are also Americans.

How about you start acting like an American.

Liberals and democrats are Americans.

I see reading comprehension is not your strong suit, never said they weren't Americans.
Once again I am for the 20 something kids in America, I want them to enjoy life... not pay into a system that they can't afford to take at least one vacation.. any where in the world they want to go

But the insurance company bitches..

Just want you to pay and pay.. so you can't afford to pay to go to nowhere...

Have you priced car insurance for that age bracket?

It's a mandate..
Allowing healthy people to say no to insurance and forcing insurance companies to cover very sick people (ban on prexisting conditions) make insurance really expensive.

For whom?

I thought this was a country of freedom.

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