Millions lose coverage

The usual leftist fib.

No one's losing anything.

The Obamacare law that forced everybody to sign up whether they wanted to or not, is gone now. Everybody can remain signed up to whatever they had before if they want to, no one loses anything. Some people might decide to drop whatever insurance they had under Obamacare... and most of those will likely sign up for some other plan. But those are the ones where the hysterical liberals are screaming, "OH MY GOD, THEY LOST THEIR INSURANCE!!"

Sort of like a guy driving down the street, who decides to turn left at the next corner. The liberals would scream, "OH MY GOD, HE'S LOST HIS CHANCE TO GO STRAIGHT DOWN THE STREET!!!", as though something happened to the guy against his will.
As long as you can pay the premiums, you'll have insurance.
As far as I'm concerned, it's Congress who are the welfare queens.

We have a lot of welfare queens in this country. The core voting consistency of the Democrat Party is the largest groups. There are other groups.

I vote Democrat and have done so all my life and will continue to do so. I work and am not on foodstamps and don't have an EBT card.
If that's the case why do you think the government should take care of your healthcare? You can do everything else on your own so why can't you shop for your own insurance?

The government regulating and nationalizing healthcare is a good way to eliminate insurance companies and get rid of skyrocketing premiums and costs and ensure everyone can be treated.
It's a good way to ration healthcare.

After all the failures of single payer healthcare it's amazing that there are actually people who think it means that everyone gets health care. They get coverage, just not actual care.
Most of the rest of the world would disagree with you.
We have a lot of welfare queens in this country. The core voting consistency of the Democrat Party is the largest groups. There are other groups.

I vote Democrat and have done so all my life and will continue to do so. I work and am not on foodstamps and don't have an EBT card.
If that's the case why do you think the government should take care of your healthcare? You can do everything else on your own so why can't you shop for your own insurance?

The government regulating and nationalizing healthcare is a good way to eliminate insurance companies and get rid of skyrocketing premiums and costs and ensure everyone can be treated.
It's a good way to ration healthcare.

After all the failures of single payer healthcare it's amazing that there are actually people who think it means that everyone gets health care. They get coverage, just not actual care.
Most of the rest of the world would disagree with you.

Yes that is why the come to the US so they can actually get care and not wait months!

Silly far left drone!
this is really easy, just do the math.

Trump paid $31 million (AMT tax ) in 05 .. Joe Blow lives below the poverty line and has Medicaid ..

why on earth would some low life pos making $20,000.00 a year need health insurance when Donnie can give himself a $31$ million buck tax cut ?
Trump praises Australia's universal health care after Obamacare repeal -

"It's going to be fantastic health care," Trump said, referring to his new health care plan. "I shouldn't say this to our great gentleman and my friend from Australia because you have better health care than we do."

Australia has a universal health care system, known as Medicare, which gives citizens free access to doctors and public hospitals paid for by the government.

Republicans view 'power' as their get-out-of-jail-free-card to fuck with poor people.

Then don't be poor.

LOL The very same people who claim to be pro-life could not care less about a child once it's born. There are no pro-lifers, only pro-birthers. Because being pro-birth takes no effort and costs no money. It is the position of the lazy and the selfish. Opposite of Jesus Christ.
Frankly, it doesn't matter if millions lose healthcare. They didn't have it to begin with. The real mistake was taking a troubled private industry and changing it into another government entitlement. Obamacare was bankrupting the country and insurance companies. Now everyone expects healthcare for free or cheap. It just doesn't work that way. Another political pipe dream of the Left. We shall see how well the GOP has fixed the mess, it was so bad something had to be done, but probably, inevitably, in a few more years, it will all collapse into a single payer system (Uncle Sam) then everyone will be happy as our debt spirals to 24 trillion.

Yet every other western country has solved it and has universal healthcare.

Conservatives have been convinced that dog-eat-dog is the way of Jesus.
In Rare Unity, Hospitals, Doctors and Insurers Criticize Health Bill
Source: New York Times

The New York Times
6 hrs ago

It is a rare unifying moment. Hospitals, doctors, health insurers and some consumer groups, with few exceptions, are speaking with one voice and urging significant changes to the Republican health care legislation that passed the House on Thursday.

The bill’s impact is wide-ranging, potentially affecting not only the millions who could lose coverage through deep cuts in Medicaid or no longer be able to afford to buy coverage in the state marketplaces. With states allowed to seek waivers from providing certain benefits, employers big and small could scale back what they pay for each year or reimpose lifetime limits on coverage. In particular, small businesses, some of which were strongly opposed to the Affordable Care Act, could be free to drop coverage with no penalty.

The prospect of millions of people unable to afford coverage led to an outcry from the health care industry as well as consumer groups. They found an uncommon ally in some insurers, who rely heavily on Medicaid and Medicare as mainstays of their business and hope the Senate will be more receptive to their concerns.

“The American Health Care Act needs important improvements to better protect low- and moderate-income families who rely on Medicaid or buy their own coverage,” Marilyn B. Tavenner, the chief executive of America’s Health Insurance Plans, the industry’s trade group, said in a strongly worded statement.

Read more: In Rare Unity, Hospitals, Doctors and Insurers Criticize Health Bill
Republicans view 'power' as their get-out-of-jail-free-card to fuck with poor people.

Then don't be poor.
wow a GOP tough guy ...hey don't be a Fuck Head and you will not be called Fuck Head you shrimp testicled piece of shit .....nothing worst than To read some AYN RAND RETARDS POST IN THE MORNING.../ fUCK OFF fUCK HEAD YOU SUCK BALLS
wow a GOP tough guy ...hey don't be a Fuck Head and you will not be called Fuck Head you shrimp testicled piece of shit .....nothing worst than To read some AYN RAND RETARDS POST IN THE MORNING.../ fUCK OFF fUCK HEAD YOU SUCK BALLS

wow a GOP tough guy ...hey don't be a Fuck Head and you will not be called Fuck Head you shrimp testicled piece of shit .....nothing worst than To read some AYN RAND RETARDS POST IN THE MORNING.../ fUCK OFF fUCK HEAD YOU SUCK BALLS

wow a GOP tough guy ...hey don't be a Fuck Head and you will not be called Fuck Head you shrimp testicled piece of shit .....nothing worst than To read some AYN RAND RETARDS POST IN THE MORNING.../ fUCK OFF fUCK HEAD YOU SUCK BALLS

Pierce: Were You Invited to the Party in Washington Today?
He speaks for me (bold mine).

Were You Invited to the Party in Washington Today?

...They had a party in Washington on Thursday to celebrate the fact 24 million people would be made free by losing the healthcare that has made their lives easier since 2009. This was a thing to celebrate.

They had a party in Washington to celebrate that people with diabetes, or a genetic disposition to Parkinson's, or a congenital heart defect, would be made free because their insurance rates would be subject to the kind ministrations of Republican governors like Sam Brownback, or Republican state legislatures like the one presently sitting in the newly insane state of North Carolina. This was a thing to celebrate...

Goddamn them all. Goddamn the political movement that spawned them and goddamn the political party in which that movement found a home, and goddamn the infrastructure in which their pus-bag of an ideology was allowed to fester until it splattered the plague all over the government. Goddamn anyone who believes that blind, genetic luck is a demonstration of divine design. Goddamn anyone who believes in a god who hands out disease as punishment. Goddamn anyone who stays behind the walls and dances while the plague comes back again...

I can't deal with the politics now, though. This was a bill constructed to be as cruel as possible to as many people as possible for the benefit of the wealthiest Americans and to give a "win" to an incompetent and vulgar talking yam that flukes and circumstance have placed at the head of a once-great republic. It is an altogether remarkable piece of American political history that should follow the people celebrating it to their graves, to which they will be proceeded by thousands of their fellow citizens, who might not have, had there not been so much to celebrate on Thursday, in Washington, among all the tomb-white monuments.

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