Millions lose coverage

I vote Democrat and have done so all my life and will continue to do so. I work and am not on foodstamps and don't have an EBT card.
If that's the case why do you think the government should take care of your healthcare? You can do everything else on your own so why can't you shop for your own insurance?

The government regulating and nationalizing healthcare is a good way to eliminate insurance companies and get rid of skyrocketing premiums and costs and ensure everyone can be treated.
It's a good way to ration healthcare.

After all the failures of single payer healthcare it's amazing that there are actually people who think it means that everyone gets health care. They get coverage, just not actual care.
Most of the rest of the world would disagree with you.

Yes that is why the come to the US so they can actually get care and not wait months!

Silly far left drone!

I lived in Washington State for seven years near the Canadian border. We usually didn't schedule a doctor's appointment for Monday because that is when the Canadians would be coming and using our doctors and health care facilities. The waiting rooms were full of them. They would rather pay for health care in the US than to get free government provided health care in Canada.

A government will always screw up everything it touches. Health care is the poster child for that. A government bureaucrat will never give a shit about how good your health care is.
If anybody is confused about what socialized medicine would be like in the US all they have to do is look at how screwed up the VA system is. The military provides great care for wounded soldiers on the battlefield and good treatment at Walter Reed for the seriously wounded. However, after that is a bureaucratic disaster with veterans dying waiting for treatment and waiting months to get appointment and procedures.

The government is incapable of ever doing anything worth a shit. Only an idiot would want the the DMV to be giving them health care. .
^Tis a good point. Lots of vets up here and they are constantly getting fucked around by the VA. The system can't keep their laid out systems shit straight to save their own lives, much less our vets'...
If no one loses their healthcare in this bill, how is it that they found 600 million in tax cuts for the wealthy?

They took that away from someone.
Bernie Sanders


Donald Trump and Republicans just celebrated voting to let thousands of Americans die so that billionaires get tax breaks. Think about that.

4:15 PM - 4 May 2017
American Medical Association Eviscerates GOP For Snatching Healthcare Away From Millions

Following the passage of the American Health Care Act, the American Medical Association issued a scathing statement. The AMA, which is the largest group of its kind in the U.S. and represents more than 20,000 physicians, slammed the bill for leaving millions without access to medical care.

The bill passed by the House today will result in millions of Americans losing access to quality, affordable health insurance and those with pre-existing health conditions face the possibility of going back to the time when insurers could charge them premiums that made access to coverage out of the question,” AMA President Andrew Gurman said
The AMA urges the Senate and the Administration to work with physician, patient, hospital and other provider groups to craft bipartisan solutions so all American families can access affordable and meaningful coverage, while preserving the safety net for vulnerable populations,” he said
Since you Moon Bats love socialized medicine so much then you should move to Cuba. It is only 90 miles away and your hero Michael Moore said they had much better health care than the US and it is free. You Moon Bats love free stuff, don't you?
Hey guys....a plan that has a $5000-$7000 deductible is not "coverage" may like to think it is, but is actually a donation.

Its worse than no coverage, for the VAST MAJORITY of healthy people they are forced to BOTH pay the plan premiums then ALSO pay for all their healthcare expenses out of pocket while LOSING the healthcare savings accounts and low cost catastrophic coverage they used to have before Obamacare.

Where is all THEIR money going? You guessed it, to Democratic party pals and free loaders.
This would not be a problem if we had Jobs Booms since we have a capital gains preference.
And the millions of women, children, elderly, people of color, transgendered, and environmentalists who will DIE because of this !!!!!!

Hysteria , proceed
libturds spreading all of the healthcare lies is what they do. they want humans dead. just remember that. they have started with babies, moved all of the middle class jobs off shore and putting more on foodstamps to starve and die off. yep they are classelssness at its best.
it is the right wing that operates for the bottom line.
If no one loses their healthcare in this bill, how is it that they found 600 million in tax cuts for the wealthy?

They took that away from someone.
Yes. Foolish expenditures like planned parenthood and schools in Africa. They can end the study on how much Vietnamese prostitutes drink and how fast shrimp can run on a treadmill too.
Nobody does freeloading and leeching better than Congress does. Nobody.

Which is precisely why we need to stop them from taxing and spending our money. There is no reason we should work months to pay a tax bill. No matter how much money we make

Yet they are allowed to tax and spend per our Constitution. Congress has to collect taxes and the tax money has to go somewhere.
they collect zero taxes, try again.
the Congressional Budget Office claims otherwise.
And the millions of women, children, elderly, people of color, transgendered, and environmentalists who will DIE because of this !!!!!!

Hysteria , proceed
The poor have the same medicaid they always did. The elderly have the same medicare they always did. The transgendered can pay for their own sex change.

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