Millions out of work - a crumbling infrastructure - I have an idea!

thanks for your opinion. Next.

And who the fuck are YOU again?

Rshermr maintains that he actually TAUGHT economics at the college level...and get this...he did so as an undergrad! What's REALLY amazing is that he managed to teach economics but didn't know that one of John Maynard Keynes economic principles was not raising taxes in a slow economy. In short...Rshermr is a "poser". He's the kind of person that goes on the internet and pretends he's something he's can only assume because he's such a loser in real life. THAT is who the fuck he is! :D
I showed your post to my girlfriend, Scarlett Johannson, and she agrees that anyone can say anything on the internet.
thanks for your opinion. Next.

And who the fuck are YOU again?

Rshermr maintains that he actually TAUGHT economics at the college level...and get this...he did so as an undergrad! What's REALLY amazing is that he managed to teach economics but didn't know that one of John Maynard Keynes economic principles was not raising taxes in a slow economy. In short...Rshermr is a "poser". He's the kind of person that goes on the internet and pretends he's something he's can only assume because he's such a loser in real life. THAT is who the fuck he is! :D
Wrong, oh con tool. I did indeed know what Keynes principles are.
And Oldstyle is a con tool, like you all. He is a dish washier, from what I can tell. Has all sorts of time to post con dogma to this board. But has no integrity of any kind. He is now hard at trying to say the CBO is not honest, because he does not like it's findings. Having claimed that the CBO simply takes numbers from politicians, particularly democratic politicians, and analyaing them, and then having that shoved down his throat through the use of links to prove him wrong, he is now doing what he always does. Resorting to personal attacks.
The funny thing is, a food services professional, as he calls himself, is delusional enough that he believes he has the right to call someone a looser. It is laughable. But he actually has such an insignificant life that he has the conceived need to call others losers. Really, Oldstyle, that would be your opinion again, and you know how much I respect your opinion. And yes, i did notice that everything that you have said has been disproven. You know, Oldstyle, with actual links to proof of the truth. Truth, Oldstyle, that thing that you care nothing about. Sorry about that. Now what else do you want to be educated about?
Another trait that you have in common with other con tools is anger. You get so angry when someone proves you to be completely wrong. Having gotten your beliefs from your favorite bat shit crazy con site, it really pisses you off when you are proven wrong. So, while rational people would be angry at the original source of the believed but untrue thought, you, as a con, get angry at the person who tries to help you find the truth. That whole truth thing is so angering. And leaves you nothing to do but get mad at the person trying to help you to understand the truth and use personal attacks. Always the same, do deviation. Sad, but entertaining.
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thanks for your opinion. Next.

And who the fuck are YOU again?
He's the guy who's decided that only his opinions matter. And if you don't agree, you're a con tool.

Wrong. You, being a con tool yourself, know better than that. If you can back up your ideas with some sort of impartial source, then you are not a con tool. You are a con, which is fine, making an argument with data. If the data is not from some bat shit crazy con tool then you are actually making a rational argument. Which is something, daveman, that I have not seen you do. Ever. Which makes your posts simply opinion. And your opinion, like my opinion, or anyone elses opinion, is of no value. And your opinion ALWAYS lines up perfectly with the agenda driven opinion of the bat shit crazy con web sites. So, I know you to be a con tool.
Sorry you are so confused. It is simply that I think arguments need to be based on rational data, not bullshit, made up from whole cloth to fit a desired outcome. Nor from sites and or sources with an agenda. You know. And agenda, daveman, like you have proven with hundreds of posts that you have made, is what proves you to be a con tool.
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Make-work projects DON'T work.
thanks for your opinion. Next.

And who the fuck are YOU again?
Someone who believes that opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one. And none of them are worth shit. Not yours. Not mine. No one's. So I was just commenting on your opinion that you posted. Now, do you have any data to validate your opinion, or did you just feel the need to state it so that we can all ignore it and move on?
And who the fuck are YOU again?
He's the guy who's decided that only his opinions matter. And if you don't agree, you're a con tool.

Wrong. You, being a con tool yourself, know better than that. If you can back up your ideas with some sort of impartial source, then you are not a con tool. You are a con, which is fine, making an argument with data. If the data is not from some bat shit crazy con tool then you are actually making a rational argument. Which is something, daveman, that I have not seen you do. Ever. Which makes your posts simply opinion. And your opinion, like my opinion, or anyone elses opinion, is of no value. And your opinion ALWAYS lines up perfectly with the agenda driven opinion of the bat shit crazy con web sites. So, I know you to be a con tool.
Sorry you are so confused. It is simply that I think arguments need to be based on rational data, not bullshit, made up from whole cloth to fit a desired outcome. Nor from sites and or sources with an agenda. You know. And agenda, daveman, like you have proven with hundreds of posts that you have made, is what proves you to be a con tool.
So, how's the little "I'm smarter than everyone else, dammit!!" temper tantrum working out for you, kid?

Not too good, looks like. :lmao:
He's the guy who's decided that only his opinions matter. And if you don't agree, you're a con tool.

Wrong. You, being a con tool yourself, know better than that. If you can back up your ideas with some sort of impartial source, then you are not a con tool. You are a con, which is fine, making an argument with data. If the data is not from some bat shit crazy con tool then you are actually making a rational argument. Which is something, daveman, that I have not seen you do. Ever. Which makes your posts simply opinion. And your opinion, like my opinion, or anyone elses opinion, is of no value. And your opinion ALWAYS lines up perfectly with the agenda driven opinion of the bat shit crazy con web sites. So, I know you to be a con tool.
Sorry you are so confused. It is simply that I think arguments need to be based on rational data, not bullshit, made up from whole cloth to fit a desired outcome. Nor from sites and or sources with an agenda. You know. And agenda, daveman, like you have proven with hundreds of posts that you have made, is what proves you to be a con tool.
So, how's the little "I'm smarter than everyone else, dammit!!" temper tantrum working out for you, kid?

Not too good, looks like. :lmao:
And, of course, Daveman lies again. I never said I was smarter. Perhaps daveman's problem is that he has an inferiority complex. But then, that may be quite well deserved. But i do not believe myself to be smart. that is the province of stupid people. they tend to believe that they know everything. And cons. They feel the need to have everything understood.
I do not. I simply like the truth, and know enough to understand that you have to work at finding the truth, and understanding it.
But thanks again for you opinion. I do so value it.
Wrong. You, being a con tool yourself, know better than that. If you can back up your ideas with some sort of impartial source, then you are not a con tool. You are a con, which is fine, making an argument with data. If the data is not from some bat shit crazy con tool then you are actually making a rational argument. Which is something, daveman, that I have not seen you do. Ever. Which makes your posts simply opinion. And your opinion, like my opinion, or anyone elses opinion, is of no value. And your opinion ALWAYS lines up perfectly with the agenda driven opinion of the bat shit crazy con web sites. So, I know you to be a con tool.
Sorry you are so confused. It is simply that I think arguments need to be based on rational data, not bullshit, made up from whole cloth to fit a desired outcome. Nor from sites and or sources with an agenda. You know. And agenda, daveman, like you have proven with hundreds of posts that you have made, is what proves you to be a con tool.
So, how's the little "I'm smarter than everyone else, dammit!!" temper tantrum working out for you, kid?

Not too good, looks like. :lmao:
And, of course, Daveman lies again. I never said I was smarter. Perhaps daveman's problem is that he has an inferiority complex. But then, that may be quite well deserved. But i do not believe myself to be smart. that is the province of stupid people. they tend to believe that they know everything. And cons. They feel the need to have everything understood.
I do not. I simply like the truth, and know enough to understand that you have to work at finding the truth, and understanding it.
But thanks again for you opinion. I do so value it.
:lmao: You don't want the truth. You want what validates your beliefs.
So, how's the little "I'm smarter than everyone else, dammit!!" temper tantrum working out for you, kid?

Not too good, looks like. :lmao:
And, of course, Daveman lies again. I never said I was smarter. Perhaps daveman's problem is that he has an inferiority complex. But then, that may be quite well deserved. But i do not believe myself to be smart. that is the province of stupid people. they tend to believe that they know everything. And cons. They feel the need to have everything understood.
I do not. I simply like the truth, and know enough to understand that you have to work at finding the truth, and understanding it.
But thanks again for you opinion. I do so value it.
:lmao: You don't want the truth. You want what validates your beliefs.
that would be your methodology, daveman. Not mine. I do not feel comfortable with the concept of believing what I want to believe. Just can not do it. That is your province. the province of the con world. Believing what you want to believe. Which is why you do not use unbiased sources in your attempts at getting people to believe what you want them to believe. Ever.
thanks for your opinion. Next.

And who the fuck are YOU again?

Rshermr maintains that he actually TAUGHT economics at the college level...and get this...he did so as an undergrad! What's REALLY amazing is that he managed to teach economics but didn't know that one of John Maynard Keynes economic principles was not raising taxes in a slow economy. In short...Rshermr is a "poser". He's the kind of person that goes on the internet and pretends he's something he's can only assume because he's such a loser in real life. THAT is who the fuck he is! :D

Yeah, that sounds about right.
And who the fuck are YOU again?

Rshermr maintains that he actually TAUGHT economics at the college level...and get this...he did so as an undergrad! What's REALLY amazing is that he managed to teach economics but didn't know that one of John Maynard Keynes economic principles was not raising taxes in a slow economy. In short...Rshermr is a "poser". He's the kind of person that goes on the internet and pretends he's something he's can only assume because he's such a loser in real life. THAT is who the fuck he is! :D
Wrong, oh con tool. I did indeed know what Keynes principles are.
And Oldstyle is a con tool, like you all. He is a dish washier, from what I can tell. Has all sorts of time to post con dogma to this board. But has no integrity of any kind. He is now hard at trying to say the CBO is not honest, because he does not like it's findings. Having claimed that the CBO simply takes numbers from politicians, particularly democratic politicians, and analyaing them, and then having that shoved down his throat through the use of links to prove him wrong, he is now doing what he always does. Resorting to personal attacks.
The funny thing is, a food services professional, as he calls himself, is delusional enough that he believes he has the right to call someone a looser. It is laughable. But he actually has such an insignificant life that he has the conceived need to call others losers. Really, Oldstyle, that would be your opinion again, and you know how much I respect your opinion. And yes, i did notice that everything that you have said has been disproven. You know, Oldstyle, with actual links to proof of the truth. Truth, Oldstyle, that thing that you care nothing about. Sorry about that. Now what else do you want to be educated about?
Another trait that you have in common with other con tools is anger. You get so angry when someone proves you to be completely wrong. Having gotten your beliefs from your favorite bat shit crazy con site, it really pisses you off when you are proven wrong. So, while rational people would be angry at the original source of the believed but untrue thought, you, as a con, get angry at the person who tries to help you find the truth. That whole truth thing is so angering. And leaves you nothing to do but get mad at the person trying to help you to understand the truth and use personal attacks. Always the same, do deviation. Sad, but entertaining.

I hope you didn't skip breakfast just so you could post that before the (short) school bus came to pick you up.
Republicans have spent trillions on Iraq and Afghanistan. During the presidential debate, Romney said we should invest in economies and schools and infrastructure overseas.

What will it take to get conservatives to want to invest in this country?
The Election is over, Obama "won".

Will Obama keep his campaign promise from 2008 and bring the troops home?

Let's see $700 Billion is Stimulus didn't work. I have an idea!

More Stimulus! :uhoh3:
So, Mad. You say the stimulus did not work. The CBO says it did. Who should I believe??? A con tool like Mad, or the CBO. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Tough choice, but my money is on the CBO.

It worked? Then why do we still have 35,000,000+ unemployed, record numbers on public assistance, $6,000,000,000,000 new debt, continual monetizing of debt, etc?

I guess it did work in light of 75% of the monies were funneled into unionized workforces like GM, public sector employees, etc. who in turn sent a bunch of it back to the "Campaign to Re-elect Barrack Obama".
The Election is over, Obama "won".

Will Obama keep his campaign promise from 2008 and bring the troops home?

Let's see $700 Billion is Stimulus didn't work. I have an idea!

More Stimulus! :uhoh3:
So, Mad. You say the stimulus did not work. The CBO says it did. Who should I believe??? A con tool like Mad, or the CBO. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Tough choice, but my money is on the CBO.

It worked? Then why do we still have 35,000,000+ unemployed, record numbers on public assistance, $6,000,000,000,000 new debt, continual monetizing of debt, etc?

I guess it did work in light of 75% of the monies were funneled into unionized workforces like GM, public sector employees, etc. who in turn sent a bunch of it back to the "Campaign to Re-elect Barrack Obama".
And another brilliant post by a con tool. More opinion. No links. And lots of hate. Just a perfect method of acting for a con tool. Dipshit. Complete dipshit.
By the way, having seen your trailer many times before, I want you to know how much I value your opinion. But, I actually prefer to deal with people with some level of class. Which, unfortunately, you lack entirely. And yes, that is my opinion. My correct opinion.
Rshermr maintains that he actually TAUGHT economics at the college level...and get this...he did so as an undergrad! What's REALLY amazing is that he managed to teach economics but didn't know that one of John Maynard Keynes economic principles was not raising taxes in a slow economy. In short...Rshermr is a "poser". He's the kind of person that goes on the internet and pretends he's something he's can only assume because he's such a loser in real life. THAT is who the fuck he is! :D
Wrong, oh con tool. I did indeed know what Keynes principles are.
And Oldstyle is a con tool, like you all. He is a dish washier, from what I can tell. Has all sorts of time to post con dogma to this board. But has no integrity of any kind. He is now hard at trying to say the CBO is not honest, because he does not like it's findings. Having claimed that the CBO simply takes numbers from politicians, particularly democratic politicians, and analyaing them, and then having that shoved down his throat through the use of links to prove him wrong, he is now doing what he always does. Resorting to personal attacks.
The funny thing is, a food services professional, as he calls himself, is delusional enough that he believes he has the right to call someone a looser. It is laughable. But he actually has such an insignificant life that he has the conceived need to call others losers. Really, Oldstyle, that would be your opinion again, and you know how much I respect your opinion. And yes, i did notice that everything that you have said has been disproven. You know, Oldstyle, with actual links to proof of the truth. Truth, Oldstyle, that thing that you care nothing about. Sorry about that. Now what else do you want to be educated about?
Another trait that you have in common with other con tools is anger. You get so angry when someone proves you to be completely wrong. Having gotten your beliefs from your favorite bat shit crazy con site, it really pisses you off when you are proven wrong. So, while rational people would be angry at the original source of the believed but untrue thought, you, as a con, get angry at the person who tries to help you find the truth. That whole truth thing is so angering. And leaves you nothing to do but get mad at the person trying to help you to understand the truth and use personal attacks. Always the same, do deviation. Sad, but entertaining.

I hope you didn't skip breakfast just so you could post that before the (short) school bus came to pick you up.
Is that your attempt at humor?? Are you just contributing to the belief that cons have no humor? Did you think that I would be impressed by the opinion of an obvious congenital idiot? Do you ever post anything of value? I thought not. Or are you just trying to help a fellow con tool, as in Oldstyle, who has been crushed. If so, you should get a better understanding of your own capability. Cause you can help no one. Dipshit.
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And who the fuck are YOU again?

Rshermr maintains that he actually TAUGHT economics at the college level...and get this...he did so as an undergrad! What's REALLY amazing is that he managed to teach economics but didn't know that one of John Maynard Keynes economic principles was not raising taxes in a slow economy. In short...Rshermr is a "poser". He's the kind of person that goes on the internet and pretends he's something he's can only assume because he's such a loser in real life. THAT is who the fuck he is! :D
Wrong, oh con tool. I did indeed know what Keynes principles are.
And Oldstyle is a con tool, like you all. He is a dish washier, from what I can tell. Has all sorts of time to post con dogma to this board. But has no integrity of any kind. He is now hard at trying to say the CBO is not honest, because he does not like it's findings. Having claimed that the CBO simply takes numbers from politicians, particularly democratic politicians, and analyaing them, and then having that shoved down his throat through the use of links to prove him wrong, he is now doing what he always does. Resorting to personal attacks.
The funny thing is, a food services professional, as he calls himself, is delusional enough that he believes he has the right to call someone a looser. It is laughable. But he actually has such an insignificant life that he has the conceived need to call others losers. Really, Oldstyle, that would be your opinion again, and you know how much I respect your opinion. And yes, i did notice that everything that you have said has been disproven. You know, Oldstyle, with actual links to proof of the truth. Truth, Oldstyle, that thing that you care nothing about. Sorry about that. Now what else do you want to be educated about?
Another trait that you have in common with other con tools is anger. You get so angry when someone proves you to be completely wrong. Having gotten your beliefs from your favorite bat shit crazy con site, it really pisses you off when you are proven wrong. So, while rational people would be angry at the original source of the believed but untrue thought, you, as a con, get angry at the person who tries to help you find the truth. That whole truth thing is so angering. And leaves you nothing to do but get mad at the person trying to help you to understand the truth and use personal attacks. Always the same, do deviation. Sad, but entertaining.

Dude, why do you even bother? Nobody buys your story about teaching economics in college because you can't back it up with KNOWLEDGE.

You don't make me "angry" make me laugh. You are the prototypical internet wannabe...someone who tries to bolster their lack of intellect with claims of degrees and business successes. Someone mentions economics? You immediately claim to have TAUGHT the subject in college. But when someone questions that (and how could they not with your superficial knowledge of the subject!) it turns out that your claim can't be verified because you weren't actually a professor or even a Grad Assistant TA...oh, no...YOU were the only undergraduate ever to teach economics because you were just that smart!!!

[ame=]Jon Lovitz Appears as the Pathological Liar on "The Tonight Show"[/ame]

So is "Tommy" your real name?:D
So, oldstyle says:

Dude, why do you even bother? Nobody buys your story about teaching economics in college because you can't back it up with KNOWLEDGE.
Yes, Oldstyle. that would be your opinion again. And again, you know how much I value your opinion.

You don't make me "angry" make me laugh. You are the prototypical internet wannabe...someone who tries to bolster their lack of intellect with claims of degrees and business successes. Someone mentions economics? You immediately claim to have TAUGHT the subject in college. But when someone questions that (and how could they not with your superficial knowledge of the subject!) it turns out that your claim can't be verified because you weren't actually a professor or even a Grad Assistant TA...oh, no...YOU were the only undergraduate ever to teach economics because you were just that smart!!!
No, sorry oh great expert on education. I was not the only one. But then, if you had any integrity at all, you would not be working over this issue again. We went through it long ago, and I gave you the info that you asked for, based on your commitment to stop hammering on this bullshit. But, as a person with no integrity, you are back at it again.
So again, let me say that I did not lie, nor did I make anything up at all. But it does make the point that you have a very, very shallow life, if this is so impressive that you can not believe it. I guess that if you have nothing in your life to feel proud of, that is what you do, eh, oldstyle.

So, here is the deal. You put up $10K, or more if you want. I will do the same. We meat in the college town where I taught that year of econ, not as the instructor (that would be Clair Lillard, who was a PHD in economics. I simply taught the class,as you will remember, because he felt it was boreing and he saw value in dividing up a very large economics class into smaller groups, which I taught four days per week). You say I don't have a degree in econ. We can have the diploma verified. If it is invalid, you get the $10K. Then we check on my MBA. Same deal. You get the $10K. Either degree. If they are not valid, you get the bucks. All it costs you is the air fare. And, as I say, if you want more, I am perfectly willing to increase the bet. So, there you go, big mouth. Your big chance to prove your case and make some money. Or, as I know will happen, turn over the $10K to ME. Cmon, big mouth, here is your chance. If you have any guts, lets go to it.
The money goes to a trust, in the local B of A, and they pay based on the validity or lack of validity to the respective person. No way for you, or I, to loose unless you are wrong, or I am lying. Now is your chance, big mouth.
But then you will not take the bet. Because you know that you are lying. And you are just a simple food services guy. No way are you going to loose $10K. And you are pretty sure you will. All of this bravada, and personal attack, is nothing but bullshit. You know it, and I know it. And you would look like exactly what you are: A SMALL TIME FOOL.

So, leaving the personal attacks for a moment, apparently you have given up trying to prove anything that you have said on the subject. It is what you always do when you are proven to be simply posting dogma. The next step with you is ALWAYS personal attack.

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