Millions out of work - a crumbling infrastructure - I have an idea!

Only 6% of our scientists are Republicans, and Deany says our infrastructure is crumbling. Hmmmm
That's what happens when you design structures using the feelings of steel and concrete.

if its crumbling what are 320 million Americans using today?? How many bridges fell today how many died?. Perhaps its just another liberal attempt to tax and spend?
i understand your point.

However, when it comes to transportation, infrastructure is everything. Without it, no investment is really possible. Think about the amount of infrastructure that supports air travel. Most of the worlds airports are owned by government bodies who then lease to commercial entities to run them. Then there's tsa and the faa. While it could be argued that commercial companies should provide all of these things, the fact is they don't, and if you remove all of that infrastructure there is no air travel, and hence no investment in air travel.

I agree that the "infrastructure" buzz word is widely misunderstood, and often used in debates with little to no authoritativeness. I also agree and understand that nobody will invest in a form of transportation, or anything else for that matter, unless it will turn a profit. However, when it comes to transportation, the issue is not as simple as manufacturing a new widget.

Whether or not high-speed rail is viable is debatable, and not really what i'm getting at. Somebody traveling from los angeles to san francisco may very well choose high-speed rail at 200 mph over the hassles of air travel today. I don't know for sure. What i do know is that such an investment is not possible without massive infrastructural support, so without it we will never know. I am in your corner in that i tend to favor entrepreneurial innovation over anything spearheaded by the government. However, there are exceptions, and transportation is one of them.

you actually missed my point.

The federal government should not support local projects, period. The gasoline tax raises more than enough money to maintain the interstate highway system, but we waste it on building bike lanes and hiking trails so that congresscritters can get votes and pay off favors.

By the way, the only way a high speed train from la to san francisco could travel 200 mph is if it didn't stop anywhere in between. They already have over 20 different stops planned, for the route, and a few of the people involved say that the current plans will require passengers to change trains twice. No one here actually wants the damn thing, and it shouldn't get federal money unless it crosses a state line, which it won't.

no, i got it. I had simply noted a perspective about transportation infrastructure that i didn't entirely agree with, and from much earlier in the thread. I may have been reaching back too far.

Heard at Democrat scientist Engineering school:

"Oh my! What a pretty bridge! It looks just like Che!!"

"Yes, we know math is very hard subject. Do you know why? Because it's racist! So don't worry too much about it when you design your pretty bridges"

"Tell me how you feel about mechanical engineering"

As you fade into insanity, you posts make less and less sense. Did you lose the doctor's prescription?
Only 6% of our scientists are Republicans, and Deany says our infrastructure is crumbling. Hmmmm
That's what happens when you design structures using the feelings of steel and concrete.

if its crumbling what are 320 million Americans using today?? How many bridges fell today how many died?. Perhaps its just another liberal attempt to tax and spend?




How many does it take before it becomes an "issue" to the right wing? Is there a set amount? When you drive over an old bridge with your family, is there ever a "hint" of suspicion there could be a safety issue? What would it take?
Heard at Democrat scientist Engineering school:

"Oh my! What a pretty bridge! It looks just like Che!!"

"Yes, we know math is very hard subject. Do you know why? Because it's racist! So don't worry too much about it when you design your pretty bridges"

"Tell me how you feel about mechanical engineering"

As you fade into insanity, you posts make less and less sense. Did you lose the doctor's prescription?
It is their idea of humor. really sad, eh. But they think they are funny, and saying something profound. Then they congratulate each other, slap each other on the back, and clap like trained seals. It is what you do when you can not carry on a conversation.
That's what happens when you design structures using the feelings of steel and concrete.

if its crumbling what are 320 million Americans using today?? How many bridges fell today how many died?. Perhaps its just another liberal attempt to tax and spend?




How many does it take before it becomes an "issue" to the right wing? Is there a set amount? When you drive over an old bridge with your family, is there ever a "hint" of suspicion there could be a safety issue? What would it take?
If you are wealthy enough, you do not care. Cause you can always live in one of their many other mansions. You know, complete with car elevators and full staff. So, their priority is not infrastructure, but paying no taxes. Their market is world wide. Why worry about what happens in Kansas.
Funny thing is, these clowns just take their money to post dogma, and believe they are part of the team. But, the Koch brothers care as much for them as a rodent. Deluded clowns, plain and simple.
You actually missed my point.

The federal government should not support local projects, period. The gasoline tax raises more than enough money to maintain the interstate highway system, but we waste it on building bike lanes and hiking trails so that congresscritters can get votes and pay off favors.

By the way, the only way a high speed train from LA to San Francisco could travel 200 mph is if it didn't stop anywhere in between. They already have over 20 different stops planned, for the route, and a few of the people involved say that the current plans will require passengers to change trains twice. No one here actually wants the damn thing, and it shouldn't get federal money unless it crosses a state line, which it won't.
And again windbag makes pronouncements with no links to prove them. Opinion, only, windbag. And you know how much I value your opinion.

I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention.

Did you say something?
Apparently. You responded. Nice try, but you are simply too stupid.
Heard at Democrat scientist Engineering school:

"Oh my! What a pretty bridge! It looks just like Che!!"

"Yes, we know math is very hard subject. Do you know why? Because it's racist! So don't worry too much about it when you design your pretty bridges"

"Tell me how you feel about mechanical engineering"

As you fade into insanity, you posts make less and less sense. Did you lose the doctor's prescription?

The infrastructure is disintegrating the more Democrats take over engineering.

Surely, even you can see that?
That's what happens when you design structures using the feelings of steel and concrete.

if its crumbling what are 320 million Americans using today?? How many bridges fell today how many died?. Perhaps its just another liberal attempt to tax and spend?




How many does it take before it becomes an "issue" to the right wing? Is there a set amount? When you drive over an old bridge with your family, is there ever a "hint" of suspicion there could be a safety issue? What would it take?

Dean what percent of scientist are Republicans today? You keep saying 6%

Isn't it obvious that Democrats suck at this engineering thing?
Heard at Democrat scientist Engineering school:

"Oh my! What a pretty bridge! It looks just like Che!!"

"Yes, we know math is very hard subject. Do you know why? Because it's racist! So don't worry too much about it when you design your pretty bridges"

"Tell me how you feel about mechanical engineering"

As you fade into insanity, you posts make less and less sense. Did you lose the doctor's prescription?
It is their idea of humor. really sad, eh. But they think they are funny, and saying something profound. Then they congratulate each other, slap each other on the back, and clap like trained seals. It is what you do when you can not carry on a conversation.

Infrastructure spending isn't funny.

It's serious business.

And when I say "serious business," I mean "fucking serious business."
Can the Democrats tell us who build it since we didn't?

Did the government build it? Isn't Government run by Democrats?
Can the Democrats tell us who build it since we didn't?

Did the government build it? Isn't Government run by Democrats?
Maybe it would be better if we showed you how to use google. Then you could find out for yourself.
by the way, crusader, I know you think you are funny. Which is sad. Because you are stupid, you do not understand. You are just boring. Not funny at all.
Can the Democrats tell us who build it since we didn't?

Did the government build it? Isn't Government run by Democrats?
Maybe it would be better if we showed you how to use google. Then you could find out for yourself.
by the way, crusader, I know you think you are funny. Which is sad. Because you are stupid, you do not understand. You are just boring. Not funny at all.

We need A Newer Deal! To Repair the Democrat Built Infrastructure
Can the Democrats tell us who build it since we didn't?

Did the government build it? Isn't Government run by Democrats?
Maybe it would be better if we showed you how to use google. Then you could find out for yourself.
by the way, crusader, I know you think you are funny. Which is sad. Because you are stupid, you do not understand. You are just boring. Not funny at all.

We need A Newer Deal! To Repair the Democrat Built Infrastructure
Another failed attempt at humor.
Maybe it would be better if we showed you how to use google. Then you could find out for yourself.
by the way, crusader, I know you think you are funny. Which is sad. Because you are stupid, you do not understand. You are just boring. Not funny at all.

We need A Newer Deal! To Repair the Democrat Built Infrastructure
Another failed attempt at humor.

I thought those were your posts, derp.
Can the Democrats tell us who build it since we didn't?

Did the government build it? Isn't Government run by Democrats?
Maybe it would be better if we showed you how to use google. Then you could find out for yourself.
by the way, crusader, I know you think you are funny. Which is sad. Because you are stupid, you do not understand. You are just boring. Not funny at all.
...according to your worthless opinion.

Don't confuse it with fact and make grand pronouncements. You look enough like a pompous windbag as it is.

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