Milo Yiannopoulos will return to Berkeley to give his speech

"Y" is a self-made media creation propelled by media for self-aggrandizement for the media and for "Y".

Why would we care about "Y", not only in one way or the other, but in any way at all?
Well if they let the KKK give speeches then they need to allow other white supremacist to do the same.

He is a gay Jew who loves black cock you stupid fucking c♡nt.

So he's a Jew. Milo's last name sounds Greek to me and every Greek I met belonged to the Greek Orthodox Church. I saw a Greek Orthodox Church Bishop at the inaugural but he did not speak.

Milo is Jewish, Greek, and British.
"Y" is a self-made media creation propelled by media for self-aggrandizement for the media and for "Y".

Why would we care about "Y", not only in one way or the other, but in any way at all?

Because of what he has to say and the fact that political violence was used, with the tacit support of the government, to take away his Right to Free Speech.
Well if they let the KKK give speeches then they need to allow other white supremacist to do the same.

He is a gay Jew who loves black cock you stupid fucking c♡nt.

So he's a Jew. Milo's last name sounds Greek to me and every Greek I met belonged to the Greek Orthodox Church. I saw a Greek Orthodox Church Bishop at the inaugural but he did not speak.

Milo is Jewish, Greek, and British.
Doesn't matter, if he doesn't agree with the liberal fascist POV then he's a WACIST!
Well if they let the KKK give speeches then they need to allow other white supremacist to do the same. missed the point.......Milo is a conservative, he isn't a racist...the racists are in the democrat party......and the kkk, a democrat terror group isn't an issue anymore.......and white supremacists in the democrat party won't be speaking when Milo is there...they will be out in the streets attacking the people who want to hear what Milo has to say.
Well if they let the KKK give speeches then they need to allow other white supremacist to do the same.

YOu are calling him a white supremacist in an attempt to justify the violence.

YOu are a piece of shit.

I'm not justifying anything. Milo is free to say what he wants. I don't agree with what those rioters were doing. They shouldn't be destroying property.

But Milo is a white supremacist.

No, he isn't...that is a lie. That makes you a liar and a vile human being.
Well if they let the KKK give speeches then they need to allow other white supremacist to do the same.

YOu are calling him a white supremacist in an attempt to justify the violence.

YOu are a piece of shit.

I'm not justifying anything. Milo is free to say what he wants. I don't agree with what those rioters were doing. They shouldn't be destroying property.

But Milo is a white supremacist.

With a black boyfriend?

Slave owners had relationships with their slaves.

Yes...democrats did do that......but you more than likely belong to that political why do you have a problem with that...since your party is the party that approved of that?
Well if they let the KKK give speeches then they need to allow other white supremacist to do the same.

So whites are supremacists based on their color? Makes you the racist, not the whites you attack. Dumbass.

Most white people aren't white supremacist but most white supremacist and white supremacist sympathizers are right wingers.

actually, that isn't even remotely true.....racism is a collective thought creates groups of people and declares one superior to the others...that is what the democrats do, not conservative/libertarian/teap party people..........also, to be a racist you will support the government enacting your racist views...putting your race over others.....needing a big government to do this.....again, the democrats want big government, not conservatives/libertarians/Tea Party members....

The racists of all colors in this country are now making the democrat party their home....where before only white racists belonged to the party, now racists of all colors flock to it because the democrat party wants to concentrate power in government....and the racists of all colors want that power to push their own agendas....making allies of the other racists for the sole purpose of increasing their power over others.
Well if they let the KKK give speeches then they need to allow other white supremacist to do the same.
Now this is a special kind of stupid. Milo is gonna go down as the first and only ever gay Jewish man that loves black men white supremacist!

Next thing you know they will call him a White Hispanic.....

Look at all those democrats back there.........and yet...odds are...that girl now votes for the democrat party...if she is still alive....
He is anything but a white supremacist.
From Glamour -


From Milo-
If you’re wondering why I bother spending time and money extracting confessions and corrections from the liars and incompetents of the mainstream press, it’s to make examples of the most irresponsible and sloppy journalists in the hope that word spreads.

It’s not okay to lie about people, and particularly not okay to hurl the worst imaginable names at people just because you think you might not like their politics.

In this case, the editor rolled over so quickly I can’t help but wonder if she knew “white supremacist” was a lie when she published it, which sounds malicious to say the least.

“White supremacist” and “white nationalist” aren’t like “meanypants” — you can’t just attach them to people you don’t like without any thought to the consequences. The progressive left has done it to ordinary Americans for decades. The result? President Trump.

Trump of course has given up on ever expecting the media to cover him fairly. Instead, he trolls the fuck out of them and holds a mirror up to their obfuscations, distortions and mendacity. But I don’t quite have his social media firepower.

Hopefully these frothing progressive idiots will learn their lesson soon. In the meantime, I reserve the right to bring legal action against Glamour – and any other journalists and news organisations who repeat this odious libel.

From me-

You left wing nuts trying to smear him do it to keep him from being heard because he is a threat to your voting bloc. By the way, his mother is Jewish.
Well if they let the KKK give speeches then they need to allow other white supremacist to do the same.

Milo is great...a real fighter....just like Trump....
The left loves the right to free speech as long as its THEIR free speech. Try to suppress them and it's all the first amendment. Try to express views contrary to their socialist agenda and they'll burn your car with you still in it to shut you up.

The thing is....who ever tries to suppress the left wing free speech? The only ones actively trying to stop speech is the has been since the fake "Free Speech" movement which was actually the Orwellian term for censorship on college campuses....
Milo Yiannopoulos Represents a New Force in Electoral Politics

At 4 p.m., Milo Yiannopoulos puts on a pair of glasses for the first time today. He examines himself in a mirror to see if he wants to add a gray suit to his purchases, which will push his bill to almost $12,000 at Savile Row’s Gieves & Hawkes. He’s buying clothes for his next round of college speeches in, as his bus announces in huge letters next to five giant photos of him, the Dangerous Faggot Tour. It resumed at Texas Tech University on Sept. 12 and is scheduled to hit campuses including Columbia, Dartmouth, the University of Alabama, and the University of California at Berkeley before concluding at UCLA in February. “I have ridiculously bad eyesight, but I have learned to live with an impressionistic view. Life is a Monet painting,” he says, taking off his glasses. “I wander around enjoying myopia.”

Yiannopoulos is the 31-year-old British tech editor and star writer for Breitbart News, where he’s the loudest defender of the new, Trump-led ultraconservatism, standing athwart history, shouting to stop immigrants, feminists, political correctness, and any non-Western culture. Yiannopoulos gained his initial fame as the general in a massive troll war over misogyny in the video game world, known as Gamergate. He was permanently banned from Twitter in July after the social media company said his almost 350,000 followers were responsible for harassing Ghostbusters star Leslie Jones. He still has nearly 275,000 subscribers to his YouTube speeches, and CNBC and Fox turn to him as the most notorious spokesman for the alt-right, the U.S. version of Europe’s far right (led at various times by England’s Nigel Farage, France’s Marine Le Pen, Austria’s Jorg Haider, the Netherlands’ Geert Wilders, and Germany’s Frauke Petry). Their followers’ politics are almost exactly the same: They’re angry about globalization—culturally even more than economically. They’re angry about political correctness guilting them about insensitivity to women, minorities, gays, transgender people, the disabled, the sick—the everyone-but-them. They’re angry about feminism. They don’t like immigrants. They don’t like military intervention. They aren’t into free trade. They don’t like international groups such as the European Union, United Nations, or NATO—even the International Olympic Committee. They admire the bravado of authoritarians, especially Vladimir Putin. Some are white supremacists. Most enjoy a good conspiracy theory.

Nice set of lies and distortions........this is why you asswipes gained so much power in the could lie about a guy, and there would be no, people can go to the internet and learn about the GhostBusters story, what Milo actual thinks about things....His Rubin Report interview on youtube is very good...and you can actually listen to his speeches without leaving your home.....

Asswipes like you don't get to lie and get away with it anymore.....
You mean the white supremacist who has a black boyfriend?
Strom Thurmond had a child by a black maid in his home.
Great! Let's run with that.

I wouldn't have tried to stop him from speaking, either.

I'm not afraid of words.

I would have loved to hear what that woman had to say.

From what I read, she had no problem with Strom and was quite so that her child(ren) would NOT be a scandal for him.
The point is he, like Milo, was a White Supremacist who slept with black folks. are an asshole who lies about people.......good to know......

I suggest people go to youtube and actually listen to Milo......his Rubin Report interviews are really good.....there, you get to actually hear what he thinks.....the truth......not the lies.......
Here....instead of reading posts that lie about he is in an extended interview...the magic of the internet to stop lying assholes from destroying people....

This first video is one of the better is an hour long...

Wow so NOW you like faggots.
I still don't. Its a fucking shame that a homo is even considered conservative in my honest opinion.

He's not conservative, he's just anti-Islam and anti-feminist. That makes him "far right" or even "white supremacist" to progressives.
He's left wing. He cares about the rights of the people.

The left wing doesn't care about people....they care about power....he is actually a conservative...and a catholic too.....

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