Milwaukee Sherrif BLAST the "Don't Shoot" false narrative and race baiters.

I guess Mike Brown had no friends left with death wishes?

Sounds like a peaceful night

Granny says, "Dat's right - it's a buncha political hooligans blowin' it w-a-y outta proportion...

Milwaukee Sheriff Clarke on Riots: ā€˜This Thing Has Been Hijacked for a Political Endā€™
August 15, 2016 | According to Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke, the riots over the weekend in Milwaukee in protest of the fatal shooting of a black man by police have ā€œbeen hijacked for a political end; itā€™s a political construct nowā€
ā€œWe get our authority from the consent of the governed, if somethingā€™s bothering them we should have discussions about it. But this thing has been hijacked for a political end; itā€™s a political construct now. I mentioned it two years ago if you want to go back and look at some of the tapes. I said this was a political construct this whole war on police- that in fact a war on police, mirrored what had gone on in the 1960ā€™s,ā€ Clarke said during a press conference on Sunday.

ā€œThereā€™s a lot of misunderstanding I think in terms of what causes these situations. The police use of force serves as an igniter, thereā€™s no doubt, but to an already volatile situation a volatile mix of urban pathologies ā€“ failed urban policy that exacerbates inescapable poverty, failing public schools, inadequate parenting, father-absent homes ā€“ we all know when fathers are not around to shape the behavior of young boys they often times grow up to be unmanageable misfits that the police have to deal with in an aggressive fashion,ā€ Clarke said. ā€œPathologies like, lifestyle choices ā€“ questionable lifestyle choices, gang involvement, drug and alcohol abuse, as well as massive unemployment ā€“ those are the ingredients those are the things that cause resentment, anger and frustration to boil beneath the surface then all of a sudden a police situation comes along and thatā€™s why I said itā€™s an igniter, but itā€™s an igniter to an already festering situation.ā€


A car burns during protests Saturday in Milwaukee.​

Clarke later added, that failing to punish criminals leads to a repeat of criminal behavior. ā€œJust about everybody in this room has heard me over the last five years minimum-talking about the role of the criminal justice system. The prosecutorā€™s office, the sentencing practices in this area of Milwaukee County and ā€“ I donā€™t know I guess people didnā€™t think it played a big role ā€“ but weā€™re seeing it now. Not just last night but weā€™re seeing it time and time again - when some individual goes out and does something heinous, we look and they have a long, lengthy criminal history that nobody applied any sanctions to ā€“ or any meaningful sanctions letā€™s put it that way. Maybe some sanctions ā€“ a slap on the wrist ā€“ but thatā€™s not meaningful.

As I look, the individual that lost his life- 13 arrests. Some serious stuff. Recklessly endangering safety, thatā€™s a felony first degree. Felony ā€“ dismissed - I donā€™t know why, I donā€™t have the reason but somebody- it isnā€™t going to be me- if you all have an interest youā€™ll go back and start peeling back the layers to find out what happened.ā€ ā€œYou punish unwanted behavior youā€™ll see less of it. If you do nothing about unwanted behavior youā€™re going to see a repeat of more of it,ā€ Clarke said.

Milwaukee Sheriff Clarke on Riots: ā€˜This Thing Has Been Hijacked for a Political Endā€™
What you're watching are not protests. They are meetings to choose which business to burn,smash and grab(loot) and raise all around crazy acts. People who initiate anarchy.
The cops are the guardians of our society and the scum that assault them need to be put down like the rabid dogs that they are, post haste.

It is simply incredible that these shit4brains are allowed to exist. It is a sure clue as to the nature of the Hillary Clinton regime if they win election of what contempt and disregard they have for our police and servicemen.

Intel Firm: Even More Radical Sect of Black Lives Matter Emerges

Though definitions tend to vary between common reference sources online, #Fuck12 draws its origins from Atlanta and Oakland social media users typically decrying the fact that narcotics officers (Code 12) are bearing down on their presumed illegal activities. A senior analyst with GIPEC Worldwide explained to Breitbart Texas on the condition of anonymity (for operational security reasons) that #Fuck12 started as an online warning signal to others but has quickly morphed into a broader meaning ranging from ā€œfuckā€ to ā€œkill the police.ā€ The cyber intelligence firmā€™s data indicate that the shift in meaning coincided with #BlackLivesMatterā€™s increasing impact on the zeitgeist....

The mainstream media has buried the fact that the three women who founded Black Lives Matter all have a far leftist, radical pedigree and direct connections to 1960s radical groups such as SNCC and the violent Weather Underground. The media have also hidden the fact that the founders have openly declared they pay homage to convicted cop killer Assata Shakur at every event....

But at least the three founders of Black Lives Matter combined their violent radicalism with an intellectual pin near. The #Fuck12 movement dispenses with ideological trappings and moves to straight-up thuggery.
On Monday morning, prosecutors announced filing of ten felony charges against Tyrone Harris Jr., whom Belmar said opened fire on officers after an earlier shooting on West Florissant late Sunday. The four officers in the van fired back, then pursued the suspect on foot. The suspect again fired on the officers when he became trapped in a fenced-in area, the chief said, and all four opened fire.

Harris was in critical condition Monday after surgery. All four officers in the van, each wearing protective vests, escaped injury. They were not wearing body cameras, Belmar said.

Harris' father called the police version of events "a bunch of lies." He said two girls who were with his son told him he was unarmed and had been drawn into a dispute involving two groups of young people.

Tyrone Harris Sr. told The Associated Press that his son was a close friend of Michael Brown and was in Ferguson on Sunday night to pay respects.

The elder Harris said his son got caught up in a dispute among two groups of young people and was "running for his life" after gunfire broke out.

"My son was running to the police to ask for help, and he was shot," he said. "It's all a bunch of lies ... They're making my son look like a criminal."

Online court records show that Tyrone Harris Jr. was charged in November with stealing a motor vehicle and a gun, as well as resisting arrest by fleeing. A court hearing in that case is scheduled for Aug. 31.

Belmar said the suspect who fired on officers had a semi-automatic 9 mm gun that was stolen last year from Cape Girardeau, Missouri.

The police chief drew a distinction between the shooters and the protesters.

"They were criminals," he said of those involved in gunfire. "They weren't protesters."

Red font:

Major eye rolling going on here. The father is as bad as Browns stepdad.

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