Minimum Wage Increases Passed in All Five States Where It Was on the Ballot

Funny that is how I feel about the government and government officials. Must have something to do with power.

That you hate We the People who formed a government OF the people and FOR the people says that you have swallowed the rabid RW Kool Aid that "corporations are people" who will take care of you when you are sick and provide you with a comfortable retirement.

I don't think I ever posted any such thing, however I have no more reason to trust the government than I do a corporation.

Again, it has to do with power and those in power seem to be corrupt.


Going for the gold in the backpedaling Olympics now?
Funny that is how I feel about the government and government officials. Must have something to do with power.

That you hate We the People who formed a government OF the people and FOR the people says that you have swallowed the rabid RW Kool Aid that "corporations are people" who will take care of you when you are sick and provide you with a comfortable retirement.

I don't think I ever posted any such thing, however I have no more reason to trust the government than I do a corporation.

Again, it has to do with power and those in power seem to be corrupt.


Going for the gold in the backpedaling Olympics now?

Show me where I back peddled, I have long been against the corporate goons and the government goons, tell me, why do you trust people with power?

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
Show me where I back peddled

Right here;

DT: Corporations will never do what is right unless they are required to do so by law.

PG: Funny that is how I feel about the government and government officials. Must have something to do with power.

DT: That you hate We the People who formed a government OF the people and FOR the people says that you have swallowed the rabid RW Kool Aid that "corporations are people" who will take care of you when you are sick and provide you with a comfortable retirement.

PG: I don't think I ever posted any such thing, however I have no more reason to trust the government than I do a corporation.​

When it was pointed out to you that the government that you distrust is actually your own you immediately retracted and deflected by claiming that you don't trust corporations.

And yes, it was amusing watching you turn yourself into a pretzel.
Show me where I back peddled

Right here;

DT: Corporations will never do what is right unless they are required to do so by law.

PG: Funny that is how I feel about the government and government officials. Must have something to do with power.

DT: That you hate We the People who formed a government OF the people and FOR the people says that you have swallowed the rabid RW Kool Aid that "corporations are people" who will take care of you when you are sick and provide you with a comfortable retirement.

PG: I don't think I ever posted any such thing, however I have no more reason to trust the government than I do a corporation.​

When it was pointed out to you that the government that you distrust is actually your own you immediately retracted and deflected by claiming that you don't trust corporations.

And yes, it was amusing watching you turn yourself into a pretzel.

Wow, reading comprehension is not your strong suit, try the spinning some more.

I never said I trusted corporations, I made a comparison to the government.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
This just goes to show minimum wage isn't a progressive issue. If the GOP were smart and ran as right wing populist conservatives and less as corporatist shills, they could have made even bigger in roads with disaffected white working class voters and gained a more sizable majority. If they want to win in 2016 they will have to make such in roads or they don't have a chance. The electorate in 2016 will be far less white and far younger, if they want to win and are smart about it, they will at least thrown a bone like minimum wage or immigration reduction to the white working class part of the base that didn't turn out in 2012 for Romney and cost him the election.

This would be such an easy issue for the GOP to pick apart Democrats on. The left claims to support workers yet they have no problem with driving down wages and taking jobs from working class Americans through mass immigration(legal and illegal) and free trade deals. Expose their hypocrisy and take the initiative by going out in front in favor of both a minimum wage tied to inflation, protecting American workers by reducing immigration, and standing up to China on trade. They would do this if they had brains but the GOP are inept corporate shills with no vision, courage, or traditional conservative values.

This election was a repudiation of Obama, not an endorsement of typical GOP neo-conservatism. If the GOP doesn't recognize this, and continues with more of the same they won't hold this majority for long.
Show me where I back peddled, I have long been against the corporate goons and the government goons, tell me, why do you trust people with power?

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

What other possible way is there to rein in corporate power in the modern world that doesn't involve government? If you can't come up with something then yes you did backpedal.
Show me where I back peddled, I have long been against the corporate goons and the government goons, tell me, why do you trust people with power?

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

What other possible way is there to rein in corporate power in the modern world that doesn't involve government? If you can't come up with something then yes you did backpedal.

You can't rein in corporate power, those elected officials both parties are not going to. They go hand in hand, that is why Occupy Wall St was so silly, the only group that can do anything is government and a government owned by corporations isn't going to change the anything. The Democrats and Republicans have failed repeatedly for decades. I find it so funny that the nutters think either one is better than the other.

I have not and will not trust either and any power and any tax loophole or any exemptions or any privilege that corporations take advantage of are allowed by every member of Congress and the President, to claim anything less or that one party or the other is going to clean it up is absolutely idiotic. You realize how simple minded one must be to some how giving a $2 an hour raise is going to solve anything. Yet, we got nutters claiming we need it, all of society will benefit. Any increase in cost to any company will increase the price of goods and services. Any increase to corporations in taxes will result in an increase of goods and services. So, raise the wages, and tax the hell out of corporations and we get higher prices. So, who you really hurting, the consumer, not the rich, not the corporations.

Never backpedal, never stated corporations weren't corrupt, I asked if he didn't think government wasn't corrupt, it has to do with power, power is the corrupting force.
OK, then why not make it $50/hour? If $10/hour is good why isn't $50 better? No answer? of course not, because your whole argument is bullshit.

Exactly. $10 still isn't a living wage, so what have they accomplished? It's likely just another tiny step in their quest to eventually level out all incomes, regardless of education or skill. I'm sure some believe that a person with no high school diploma flipping hamburgers should be making the same as a college graduate with lots of experience.

Minimum wage is meant for teens starting in the job market. If the liberals would stop attacking middle class and small businesses, there would be a lot more jobs that pay well. If personal responsibility was demanded, there would be more qualified people to fill those middle class jobs. But, the left doesn't care about middle class and are systematically destroying us. They bitch about income inequality when it was mostly their fault that the ladder of success had too many rungs taken out. Those in poverty worked their way up to lower middle class and on up from there. No government programs used to be needed for the able bodied. I used to hear that I need to keep my shit together or I'd end up on welfare and destroy my future. Now liberals want to save people from themselves by absolving them of personal responsibility and artificially "elevating" them. People who want to improve their lot in life should rely more on themselves than government. I believe that the left made it difficult for people to do that because they hate the thought of people leaving the nest and becoming successful (Republicans).

Who works at a minimum wage job for years with no raises or promotions and opts to have a large family? Probably those who receive aid and know more children mean more $$. A lot of illegals get welfare for their many children while working for money under the table. A lot of government dependents don't try to get a better job because federal and state aid picks up the slack for people. I am tired of hearing that a person should be able to support a family on minimum. I don't recall ever being able to support yourself on a minimum wage job even when you're single. We need to have good safety nets, but the way it's designed, able-bodied people tend to do less for themselves simply because they don't have to. If they were to further their education (takes work) just so they could get a better job, they know they'd have the same quality of life they do now. Difference is that they would pay for their own insurance, food and housing instead of being subsidized. And because so many grew up with no role models to teach them the right way of doing things, the prospect of leaving the gubmint plantation must be scary.

Raising the minimum will still mean people qualify for all kinds of aid, but will have more spending money (at least till prices rise because of the wage increase).

It's sad that so many people who used to have good jobs are now vying for the crappy, low skill jobs, but that is another consequence of Obamacare and other idiotic policies.

I have heard so many arguments from liberals that the illegal aliens take jobs for low pay and that they are jobs no American wants. They defended illegals working (even though it means stealing identities or SS numbers of citizens) because it kept the cost of produce down since most had farm jobs. It's the shipping that raises prices because of the cost of gas theses days. It was okay with the left to use illegals as slave labor (below minimum) to make produce affordable, but now they want better wages for the low skilled labor jobs. It's insane.

We will pay more for everything, which means those who make a little more due to increasing the minimum wage will be even more broke than before because their raise won't cover the increase in costs. Then they will keep raising it until we get to the point where government will start dictating what businesses can charge.

What will be the incentive to further your education when the government will see to it that you'll get paid what they think is fair? No need to go the extra distance and get yourself a promotion or work hard.

Forcing companies, especially small businesses, to pay more wages just hurts everyone in the long run. But the left knows that it's not hard to convince people that they should have more money without having to change anything about themselves, such as furthering their education or putting in more hours or more effort to get promoted. Forcing companies to pay more for non-skilled workers is just another form of welfare. It's all about taking from one group and giving it to another.

The only "loophole" as far as liberals are concerned is that they can't force companies to hire people. Of course, when people can't find a job, that means more government dependents. Either way, nanny government wins.

When I look at some of the idiots in Ferguson who think nothing of destroying a city, I realize that many people are not desirable to employers for a host of reasons, from a lack of education to a lengthy police record. The left has helped create them by destroying families and encouraging dependency and discouraging personal responsibility. These are the folks the left caters to when they create policies because they need those votes and it seems there is only one way to make their supporters happy. Take from others and give to them regardless of what they do.
Poverty can only be eliminated by a robust thriving economy with more job openings than workers.

Just like we had under Bill Clinton's administration. Everything was fine until Bush jr started giving massive tax cuts to the highest earners and then the "robust economy" disappeared, wages stagnated and jobs became scarce because Republicans outsourced them.

you fricken moron. Congress passed those tax cuts, and Obama continued them for the last 6 years. If they were so awful why didn't barry cancel them? or get the dem controlled congress in 09 and 10 to cancel them?

Interesting how your ignore that it was the GOP congress that passed those massive tax cuts for the wealthy (using controversial reconciliation procedures) that racked up the national debt to record setting levels while increasing poverty levels that had been declining under Clinton. Furthermore the Dems did repeal them in 2012.

You wear your partisan ignorance so proudly.

it was a bipartisan bill that passed the Bush tax cuts. They cut taxes for everyone who pays taxes, not just the rich. Obama continued those tax rates because even he realized they had helped the economy.

the ignorance is yours, my little friend.
OK, then why not make it $50/hour? If $10/hour is good why isn't $50 better? No answer? of course not, because your whole argument is bullshit.

Exactly. $10 still isn't a living wage, so what have they accomplished? It's likely just another tiny step in their quest to eventually level out all incomes, regardless of education or skill. I'm sure some believe that a person with no high school diploma flipping hamburgers should be making the same as a college graduate with lots of experience.

Minimum wage is meant for teens starting in the job market. If the liberals would stop attacking middle class and small businesses, there would be a lot more jobs that pay well. If personal responsibility was demanded, there would be more qualified people to fill those middle class jobs. But, the left doesn't care about middle class and are systematically destroying us. They bitch about income inequality when it was mostly their fault that the ladder of success had too many rungs taken out. Those in poverty worked their way up to lower middle class and on up from there. No government programs used to be needed for the able bodied. I used to hear that I need to keep my shit together or I'd end up on welfare and destroy my future. Now liberals want to save people from themselves by absolving them of personal responsibility and artificially "elevating" them. People who want to improve their lot in life should rely more on themselves than government. I believe that the left made it difficult for people to do that because they hate the thought of people leaving the nest and becoming successful (Republicans).

Who works at a minimum wage job for years with no raises or promotions and opts to have a large family? Probably those who receive aid and know more children mean more $$. A lot of illegals get welfare for their many children while working for money under the table. A lot of government dependents don't try to get a better job because federal and state aid picks up the slack for people. I am tired of hearing that a person should be able to support a family on minimum. I don't recall ever being able to support yourself on a minimum wage job even when you're single. We need to have good safety nets, but the way it's designed, able-bodied people tend to do less for themselves simply because they don't have to. If they were to further their education (takes work) just so they could get a better job, they know they'd have the same quality of life they do now. Difference is that they would pay for their own insurance, food and housing instead of being subsidized. And because so many grew up with no role models to teach them the right way of doing things, the prospect of leaving the gubmint plantation must be scary.

Raising the minimum will still mean people qualify for all kinds of aid, but will have more spending money (at least till prices rise because of the wage increase).

It's sad that so many people who used to have good jobs are now vying for the crappy, low skill jobs, but that is another consequence of Obamacare and other idiotic policies.

I have heard so many arguments from liberals that the illegal aliens take jobs for low pay and that they are jobs no American wants. They defended illegals working (even though it means stealing identities or SS numbers of citizens) because it kept the cost of produce down since most had farm jobs. It's the shipping that raises prices because of the cost of gas theses days. It was okay with the left to use illegals as slave labor (below minimum) to make produce affordable, but now they want better wages for the low skilled labor jobs. It's insane.

We will pay more for everything, which means those who make a little more due to increasing the minimum wage will be even more broke than before because their raise won't cover the increase in costs. Then they will keep raising it until we get to the point where government will start dictating what businesses can charge.

What will be the incentive to further your education when the government will see to it that you'll get paid what they think is fair? No need to go the extra distance and get yourself a promotion or work hard.

Forcing companies, especially small businesses, to pay more wages just hurts everyone in the long run. But the left knows that it's not hard to convince people that they should have more money without having to change anything about themselves, such as furthering their education or putting in more hours or more effort to get promoted. Forcing companies to pay more for non-skilled workers is just another form of welfare. It's all about taking from one group and giving it to another.

The only "loophole" as far as liberals are concerned is that they can't force companies to hire people. Of course, when people can't find a job, that means more government dependents. Either way, nanny government wins.

When I look at some of the idiots in Ferguson who think nothing of destroying a city, I realize that many people are not desirable to employers for a host of reasons, from a lack of education to a lengthy police record. The left has helped create them by destroying families and encouraging dependency and discouraging personal responsibility. These are the folks the left caters to when they create policies because they need those votes and it seems there is only one way to make their supporters happy. Take from others and give to them regardless of what they do.

great summary, but our lib friends will not bother to read it. the truth is something they are incapable of dealing with.
Poverty can only be eliminated by a robust thriving economy with more job openings than workers.

Just like we had under Bill Clinton's administration. Everything was fine until Bush jr started giving massive tax cuts to the highest earners and then the "robust economy" disappeared, wages stagnated and jobs became scarce because Republicans outsourced them.

you fricken moron. Congress passed those tax cuts, and Obama continued them for the last 6 years. If they were so awful why didn't barry cancel them? or get the dem controlled congress in 09 and 10 to cancel them?

Interesting how your ignore that it was the GOP congress that passed those massive tax cuts for the wealthy (using controversial reconciliation procedures) that racked up the national debt to record setting levels while increasing poverty levels that had been declining under Clinton. Furthermore the Dems did repeal them in 2012.

You wear your partisan ignorance so proudly.

it was a bipartisan bill that passed the Bush tax cuts. They cut taxes for everyone who pays taxes, not just the rich. Obama continued those tax rates because even he realized they had helped the economy.

the ignorance is yours, my little friend.

BZZZT Wrong! The GOP had to use the reconciliation BS to force through those taxcuts and they repealed for the wealthy in 2012 by the Dems which is why the top rate in now back to 39/6%. Onus is on you to prove otherwise.
So your solution is to force them to do what you want on a federal level

You mean like the right did when it passed DOMA?

You mean the DOMA that was signed into law by President Bill Clinton?

That bill by the way, doesn't force states to do anything, it gives them the freedom to make their own choice on the matter.

DOMA prohibited the Federal government from recognizing same sex marriage spouses thereby denying them their Constitutional equal protection under the law rights.

And it was passed by veto proof Republican majorities in both houses of Congress so it would have gone into law regardless as to whether Clinton signed it or not.
So your solution is to force them to do what you want on a federal level

You mean like the right did when it passed DOMA?

You mean the DOMA that was signed into law by President Bill Clinton?

That bill by the way, doesn't force states to do anything, it gives them the freedom to make their own choice on the matter.

DOMA prohibited the Federal government from recognizing same sex marriage spouses thereby denying them their Constitutional equal protection under the law rights.

And it was passed by veto proof Republican majorities in both houses of Congress so it would have gone into law regardless as to whether Clinton signed it or not.

Nice deflection. Clinton still signed it into law when he could of easily protested it and not signed it. A Democratic President signed it into law, that is a fact you cannot lie your way out of.

DOMA does not prohibit states from allowing gay marriage, and thus only "prohibits" Federal benefits to citizens of states that choose to not recognize gay marriage in the first place.

So much for the "party of choice".

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