Minimum wage

How is that anyone's problem but yours?
How is you bitching about your taxes anyone's problem but yours?
So I can stop paying taxes and fix my problem?
yes, either become really poor or really rich.

he aspires to be unemployed and paid 30K a year for jerking off
at least he won't be paying the taxes you do.
he'll never get paid for doing nothing he'll pay taxes of some sort
Really? Prove that.

Moreover, everyone will take something for nothing. If you are stupid enough to pay me to sit at home, I'll take your money. Who wouldn't?

As I've said many times, my problem isn't with people taking welfare. I don't sit here and say "I can't believe people are taking welfare and food stamps!".... I don't say that.

I say... "I can't believe we are stupid enough to give everyone food stamps and welfare".

People adapt to the incentives you give them. If you give something for nothing, they'll take something for nothing. It's YOUR fault for being that dumb. Not their fault for taking advantage of your incompetence.

Again, I pointed out that the Native Americans are the absolute most subsidized group in the US today. And they have the lowest income, and wealth in the entire country.

Why? Because they sit there, do nothing, and collect handouts.

The native American tribe not recognized by the government, which collects no handouts, lives an American standard of living.

Same was true in Japan with the Zombie Firms. These dead firms with zero chance of being profitable, but collecting government bailouts to keep them open. They had no reason to move on to profitable adventures, because they were being paid to do nothing. The result was stagnation for the entire country.

Was it the firms fault for taking the money? No. Why wouldn't they? Everyone is going to take what they can get. It's human nature.

It's your fault for subsidizing stupidity.

So when you say Trump is taking money.... (assuming it's true), why wouldn't he? It's your fault for giving out the money.

End all those government grants. End the subsidies. I don't see right-wing people demanding more government handouts. I don't see Right-wingers demanding more hand outs.

You show me the conservative on this forum, promoting more government grants to business? Where's that thread?

When you complain about "so and so gets government handouts!"..... the only person you can blame is yourself and other left-wingers like you. Not us. We don't push that ideology. We want less government spending, and less taxes, and less handouts.
A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and fourteen dollars an hour for unemployment compensation means less people will need welfare.
you need a valid rebuttal; unless you don't have one and cartoons are all you can come up with.

A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and fourteen dollars an hour for unemployment compensation means less people will need welfare.
Who pays for that?
It is a State based program. It depends on the State. In some States, employers pay all of it; in others they pay some proportion.
It can be complicated.

It is why I am advocating a simple, general tax, instead of our current regime. Firms have the most vested interest in potential labor, and should pay the unemployment tax to fund unemployment compensation on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States.

That simplification could lower our tax burden and reduce litigation costs for employers.
so you want to raise the tax burden of working people so you can sit on your ass all day long

Tell you what. Move out of your mama's house, get a fucking job and support yourself then what you say might actually mean something to those of us who work for a living
The fact remains, that most minimum wage type jobs are not even close to being worth $10 an hour let alone $14-15 an hour. Minimum-wage jobs are beginners jobs and should be paid as so, should never be considered a career.
The nanny state needs to die, for the real America to thrive... fact
Worth is relative. That point is moot and not relevant in our argument.

Congress can regulate Values, along with fixing Standards.

To coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin, and fix the standard of weights and measures:
Worth only means something if there is a profit. Without profit there is no economic success... no country. Fact
Good capitalists like Henry Ford were able to invent an efficiency wage and realize gains from efficiency to cover costs. Bad capitalists, cannot. it really is that simple under Any form of Capitalism.
Stocking shelves, flipping burgers, etc never constitutes anything other than a beginners wage 6-7 dollars max. No one should inspire to be a career burger flipper…
doesn't matter what you want; social services cost around fourteen dollars an hour. capitalism works.
I don't receive any social services I don't pay for already
what if your too stupid to do anything else?

Are you smart enough to do anything productive enough that people will pay you to do so?


We know you're not. We're trying to educate you in spite of your chosen handicap.

BTW, You choose to be stupid. People here have been trying to educate you.

let's say im not lets say I'm barely smart enough to push a broom or flip a burger? what should I do?

How is that anyone's problem but yours?
How is you bitching about your taxes anyone's problem but yours?
Perhaps you should know what it is you're talking about before replying. I advocate for lower taxes for principled reasons. My advocation does not force you or anyone else to provide Me with a phony sense of accomplishment.
How is you bitching about your taxes anyone's problem but yours?
So I can stop paying taxes and fix my problem?
yes, either become really poor or really rich.

he aspires to be unemployed and paid 30K a year for jerking off
at least he won't be paying the taxes you do.
he'll never get paid for doing nothing he'll pay taxes of some sort
why do you whine about it, if the poor still have to pay some sort of tax.
A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and fourteen dollars an hour for unemployment compensation means less people will need welfare.
you need a valid rebuttal; unless you don't have one and cartoons are all you can come up with.

A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and fourteen dollars an hour for unemployment compensation means less people will need welfare.
Who pays for that?
It is a State based program. It depends on the State. In some States, employers pay all of it; in others they pay some proportion.
It can be complicated.

It is why I am advocating a simple, general tax, instead of our current regime. Firms have the most vested interest in potential labor, and should pay the unemployment tax to fund unemployment compensation on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States.

That simplification could lower our tax burden and reduce litigation costs for employers.
so you want to raise the tax burden of working people so you can sit on your ass all day long

Tell you what. Move out of your mama's house, get a fucking job and support yourself then what you say might actually mean something to those of us who work for a living
Only the fantastical right wing, prefers to lower our Standard of living, merely so the rich can get richer faster. We have our expensive and First World standard of living, for a reason.
Worth is relative. That point is moot and not relevant in our argument.

Congress can regulate Values, along with fixing Standards.
Worth only means something if there is a profit. Without profit there is no economic success... no country. Fact
Good capitalists like Henry Ford were able to invent an efficiency wage and realize gains from efficiency to cover costs. Bad capitalists, cannot. it really is that simple under Any form of Capitalism.
Stocking shelves, flipping burgers, etc never constitutes anything other than a beginners wage 6-7 dollars max. No one should inspire to be a career burger flipper…
doesn't matter what you want; social services cost around fourteen dollars an hour. capitalism works.
I don't receive any social services I don't pay for already
i don't even have to pay for it, to get it for free.
what if your too stupid to do anything else?

Are you smart enough to do anything productive enough that people will pay you to do so?


We know you're not. We're trying to educate you in spite of your chosen handicap.

BTW, You choose to be stupid. People here have been trying to educate you.

let's say im not lets say I'm barely smart enough to push a broom or flip a burger? what should I do?

How is that anyone's problem but yours?
How is you bitching about your taxes anyone's problem but yours?
Perhaps you should know what it is you're talking about before replying. I advocate for lower taxes for principled reasons. My advocation does not force you or anyone else to provide Me with a phony sense of accomplishment.
the point is; if you don't want the poor to care how the rich make their money or pay in personal income taxes; then don't care about the poor for that same exact reason.
Minimum Wage e. williams

  1. While legislative bodies have the power to order wage increases, they have not as of yet found a way to order commensurate increases in worker productivity that make the worker’s output worth the higher wage.
  2. Further, while Congress can legislate the wage at which labor transactions occur, it cannot require that the transaction actually be made, and the worker hired.
Double talk.

Employees make all the money for their employers.

Williams also stated that if you voted for Trump, you are an idiot.​

Of course, you don't really believe that.

David Mamet writes in "The Secret Knowledge"...
1. The adolescent, the Marxist, and the Liberal dream of “fairness,” brought about by the state. Silly. This would mean usurping the society decision that the skilled worker is entitled to higher pay than the unskilled. This decision is never pronounced by any authority other than the free market. It was arrived at via the interaction of human beings perfectly capable of ordering their own affairs.

2. Government cannot and will not correct itself- thus the necessity for elections. But society, convened as the free market, can and does correct itself…and quickly, ‘else the risk of impoverishment.

3. If the Leftist is interested in a more ‘fair’ redistribution of wealth, let him vote for lower taxes, and then he can distribute his now larger share of his wealth to the lesser compensated folks.

4. Illustrative of reality is the fact that the Leftist refrains from paying above the stated price for goods and services…he wants, as everyone else does, competition between said services. Only then does he stand a chance of getting a “fair” price. In his own enterprise, he strives to improve quality or lower price…’else his potential customers will take their business to others. Unless he has the power of government!

Soooo.....when have you demanded to pay more than a posted price?


I present two facts, and you present Libertarian bull shit.

Here more fact: Libertarianism Makes You Stupid


Did you just ask for facts????

No prob....and sans vulgarity:

1. "Milton Friedman provides some critically clarifying truthiness on the unholy coalitions between 'do-gooders', 'special interests', 'trade unions', and the vicious circle that this non-market-based decision will create. "Do-Gooders believe passing a law saying nobody shall get less than [a minimum wage] is helping poor people (who need the money). You're doing nothing of the kind. What you're doing is to ensure that people whose skills do not justify that wage will be unemployed." Milton Friedman On The Unholy Coalitions Of The Minimum Wage | Zero Hedge

Did you get that?
Friedman's saying you're a fool

2. FDR talked Congress into imposing the nation’s first comprehensive minimum-wage law in 1938. While to this day he gets a great deal of credit for these two measures from the general public, many economists have a different perspective. The minimum-wage law prices many of the inexperienced, the young, the unskilled, and the disadvantaged out of the labor market. For example, the minimum-wage provisions passed as part of another act in 1933 threw an estimated 500,000 blacks out of work.

3. The weight of research by academic scholars concludes that unemployment among some segments of the work force is directly related to legal minimum wages, See K.R. Kearl, et al., “What Economists Think,” and Alston, Kearl, and Vaughn, “Is There Global Economic Consensus,” both in the ‘American Economic Review.’

4. Minimum wage laws actually lower the cost of discriminating against the racially less-preferred individuals. To understand, consider this nonracial example on the effects of such ‘price-setting.’
a. Consider filet mignon and chuck steak. For argument’s sake, and in reality, consumers prefer the former.

b. Now ask, then why does chuck steak sell at all? And, in fact, why is it that chuck steak outsells filet mignon?? It is less preferred…yet competes favorably with something more preferred??

c. The answer is in what economists call ‘compensating differences.’ In effect the chuck says to you: “I’m not as tender nor tasty, but not as expensive,either! I sell for $4/pound, and filet mignon sells for $9/pound.”

d. Chuck steak, in effect, offers to ‘pay’ you $5/pound for its ‘inferiority,’ a compensating difference.

e. What if filet mignon sellers wanted to raise their sales against the less-preferred competitor, but couldn’t get a law passed forbidding the sale of chuck, what should they aim to do?

f. Push for a law establishing a minimum steak-price, say, $9/pound for all steak.

g. Now…chuck steak says: I don’t look as nice, I’m not tender or tasty as filet mignon, and I sell for the same price….Buy me!

h. Prior to legislation, the cost of discriminating against chuck steak was $5/pound…Now?
Race and Economics, Walter E. Williams.

5. Thus, any mandated minimum lowers the cost (encourages) indulging in racial preference, or increases the cost of training unskilled labor.

6. Now, if there are mandated minimums, employers will seek the more highly qualified candidate. Due to a number of socioeconomic reasons, white youths have higher levels of educational attainment and training.

7. It should be pointed out that minimum wage increases gives employers an economic incentive to make other changes: substitute machines for labor; change production techniques; relocate overseas; and eliminate certain jobs altogether. Race and Economics, Walter E. Williams.

More anecdotal bull shit?

One thing Williams got right: "If one needed more evidence of the steep decay in academia, Donald Trump's victory provided it."

Trump and College Chaos by Walter E.Williams

Yeah, most of academia is left-wing idiots. Every survey confirms this. If you are saying Williams is right about that, you are saying that you agree left-wing ideology is a steep decay of academia.

I would agree. But I'm surprised you finally figured that out. If you agree with that, then you should stop being a left-winger. Join the conservatives, and view the world correctly again.
you need a valid rebuttal; unless you don't have one and cartoons are all you can come up with.

A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and fourteen dollars an hour for unemployment compensation means less people will need welfare.
Who pays for that?
It is a State based program. It depends on the State. In some States, employers pay all of it; in others they pay some proportion.
It can be complicated.

It is why I am advocating a simple, general tax, instead of our current regime. Firms have the most vested interest in potential labor, and should pay the unemployment tax to fund unemployment compensation on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States.

That simplification could lower our tax burden and reduce litigation costs for employers.
so you want to raise the tax burden of working people so you can sit on your ass all day long

Tell you what. Move out of your mama's house, get a fucking job and support yourself then what you say might actually mean something to those of us who work for a living
Only the fantastical right wing, prefers to lower our Standard of living, merely so the rich can get richer faster. We have our expensive and First World standard of living, for a reason.

No what you suggest don't hurt the rich it hurts the middle class... We wised up

you need a valid rebuttal; unless you don't have one and cartoons are all you can come up with.

A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and fourteen dollars an hour for unemployment compensation means less people will need welfare.
Who pays for that?
It is a State based program. It depends on the State. In some States, employers pay all of it; in others they pay some proportion.
It can be complicated.

It is why I am advocating a simple, general tax, instead of our current regime. Firms have the most vested interest in potential labor, and should pay the unemployment tax to fund unemployment compensation on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States.

That simplification could lower our tax burden and reduce litigation costs for employers.
so you want to raise the tax burden of working people so you can sit on your ass all day long

Tell you what. Move out of your mama's house, get a fucking job and support yourself then what you say might actually mean something to those of us who work for a living
Only the fantastical right wing, prefers to lower our Standard of living, merely so the rich can get richer faster. We have our expensive and First World standard of living, for a reason.

No what you suggest don't hurt the rich it hurts the middle class... We wised up

How does it hurt the middle class? Henry Ford created an upper middle class that could afford his cars.

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