Minimum wage

what if your too stupid to do anything else?

Are you smart enough to do anything productive enough that people will pay you to do so?


We know you're not. We're trying to educate you in spite of your chosen handicap.

BTW, You choose to be stupid. People here have been trying to educate you.

let's say im not lets say I'm barely smart enough to push a broom or flip a burger? what should I do?


I'm not sure what that has to do with anything.

If you are that incapable of working... no one is going to hire you for anything anyway, regardless of the minimum wage.

So the question is pretty well mute.
so when prolifers say that people who support abortion are really supporting eugenics theyre talking about you

Don't blame that on me asshole, those are regressive ideas.

it's not up to me to stop you from killing yourselves because quite frankly I see an upside to that aspect.
What is sad about this particular topic, is that in the first hundred plus years of this country, we all understood that a minimum wage, reduces employment.

It doesn't help the people you claim to care about. It harms them.

The very people that you supposedly want the minimum wage for.... are going to be harmed by it.

Again, this was well known and understood. In fact economists who supported and pushed for the minimum wage did so because........... they believed that blacks and Asians were a drain on society, and they wanted the minimum wage specifically because they knew it would reduce employment for these groups of people, and that would cause them to starve, and when they died off, society would be better off.

That was the rational for the minimum wage.

Funny how we have regressed in our educated society to the point the very policies they wanted to use to harm the lower class, we moronically think will benefit them.

I'm beginning to think American has become one of least intelligent countries in the world. We seem to know less about how the world works, than ever before.
the rest of world is already paying their citizens a guaranteed income... Universal minimum income: Finland and Norway pay from 2017-Xapuri

they figured out slavery is bad something republicans still have trouble understanding

First, only a few cities will be part of the trial program.

Second, there will be requirements people will have to meet, to get the money. Not a blanket system for "all citizens" as you claim.

Third, the Finland program is only $600 a month. That's 2/3rds of what the average US family gets in welfare benefits.

So we're already shelling out more money to people here, than they are there.

They figured out slavery to government is bad, something democrats still have trouble understanding.

Clearly isn't enough if you have to work between 53 and 92 hours at minimum wage simply to be able to afford accommodation.

Do You realize only 2 % of full time workers make minimum wage? Over half of minimum wage employees are under 25, and the vast majority are single.
Don't work for minimum wage all your life assholes. Try getting some skills and work experience.

There will always be minimum wage people, they're required to get other people rich, in case you didn't notice.
They're required to do the shit low level jobs any moron can accomplish in the hope they gain some work ethic and motivation to do better. In case you didn't notice.

A minimum wage job is not what you should have as your life goal to settle into and actually expect to raise a family and retire sailing the seas. That's not possible if all you can do is flip a burger when the timer tells you to.
So what should stupid people do? not everyone can be a brain surgeon
There will always be stupid people. And there's pretty much no law you can pass that makes them less stupid or even makes their lives equal to the people that aren't stupid. Maybe stupid people should just realize they are kinda fucking dumb and maybe it's their problem not ours. Maybe they should start thinking a child out of wedlock is pretty fucking bad. Maybe killing the next nigga on your street is not right. Maybe pulling up your pants would be advisable in a job interview.

Here's a thought. Why the hell should we base our entire society on what only stupid fucking people can do? They don't add anything to our country, our society or our neighborhood. Why the fuck should we consider them as the gauge of how we are doing? The best we can do is not allowing the stupid people to be part of anything, they're fucking stupid. You said so.

Who is dumber here. The idiot you are trying to give a voice to in how things work or you the complete fucking retard giving that idiot the voice? Maybe stupid people, like you, are to blame.
42% of americans earn less than $15 per hour

Join the Fight for 15 today!

Fight for $15

So you want to make 42% of Americans make Minimum wage?

I am sooooo sure the people making $15 bucks today will send you a thank you letter..

Hell they trained, went to school and thanks to the liberals they will just end up making minimum wage.

God you liberals are fucking stupid.

Don't work for minimum wage all your life assholes. Try getting some skills and work experience.

There will always be minimum wage people, they're required to get other people rich, in case you didn't notice.
They're required to do the shit low level jobs any moron can accomplish in the hope they gain some work ethic and motivation to do better. In case you didn't notice.

A minimum wage job is not what you should have as your life goal to settle into and actually expect to raise a family and retire sailing the seas. That's not possible if all you can do is flip a burger when the timer tells you to.
So what should stupid people do? not everyone can be a brain surgeon

You don't have to be a Dr for a good job.
Ask Obama where those jobs are.
And yes people who sweep floors don't deserve more.
what if your too stupid to do anything else?

you get elected to congress
42% of americans earn less than $15 per hour

Join the Fight for 15 today!

Fight for $15
Who is going to pay them without losing their business? If business shuts down there will be 0 an hour for those people.
If business can Only make it on cheap labor, how good can it be?

And, if some businesses fail, doesn't that mean there is more business for the businesses that remain?

Clearly isn't enough if you have to work between 53 and 92 hours at minimum wage simply to be able to afford accommodation.
clearly if you can't make more than MW you need to attain the skills that will garner more pay in the marketplace

Clearly isn't enough if you have to work between 53 and 92 hours at minimum wage simply to be able to afford accommodation.
clearly if you can't make more than MW you need to attain the skills that will garner more pay in the marketplace

Again, the problem is that there will always be minimum wage workers, and people should be able to afford accommodation, food etc, right? We're not talking about having the latest smart phone here, we're talking about a roof over your head, something everyone who is working should be able to afford with 1/3 of their wage.

Clearly isn't enough if you have to work between 53 and 92 hours at minimum wage simply to be able to afford accommodation.
clearly if you can't make more than MW you need to attain the skills that will garner more pay in the marketplace

Again, the problem is that there will always be minimum wage workers, and people should be able to afford accommodation, food etc, right? We're not talking about having the latest smart phone here, we're talking about a roof over your head, something everyone who is working should be able to afford with 1/3 of their wage.

If your skills don't allow you to earn what you need to support yourself then you have 2 options, work more hours or attain skills that will merit a higher pay

Where is it written that one 40 hour a week job has to be enough to pay all your bills?

Clearly isn't enough if you have to work between 53 and 92 hours at minimum wage simply to be able to afford accommodation.
clearly if you can't make more than MW you need to attain the skills that will garner more pay in the marketplace

Again, the problem is that there will always be minimum wage workers, and people should be able to afford accommodation, food etc, right? We're not talking about having the latest smart phone here, we're talking about a roof over your head, something everyone who is working should be able to afford with 1/3 of their wage.

If your skills don't allow you to earn what you need to support yourself then you have 2 options, work more hours or attain skills that will merit a higher pay

Where is it written that one 40 hour a week job has to be enough to pay all your bills?

Firstly, the US isn't doing enough to get people the skills that they need. Secondly the rich want people to be poor so they can work these minimum wage jobs and make others rich. Again, we're a society, shouldn't we at least make sure that people can afford a fucking roof over their head if they are actually being productive and actually making other people rich?

What kind of a selfish world do we live in where we say to people that 40 or even 50 hours isn't even enough to get a roof over their head, no matter what kind of work they're doing. The right moans and bitches that people don't work, then when they do work they couldn't give a fuck about whether it's actually worth their while to do so.

Clearly isn't enough if you have to work between 53 and 92 hours at minimum wage simply to be able to afford accommodation.
clearly if you can't make more than MW you need to attain the skills that will garner more pay in the marketplace

Again, the problem is that there will always be minimum wage workers, and people should be able to afford accommodation, food etc, right? We're not talking about having the latest smart phone here, we're talking about a roof over your head, something everyone who is working should be able to afford with 1/3 of their wage.

If your skills don't allow you to earn what you need to support yourself then you have 2 options, work more hours or attain skills that will merit a higher pay

Where is it written that one 40 hour a week job has to be enough to pay all your bills?

Firstly, the US isn't doing enough to get people the skills that they need. Secondly the rich want people to be poor so they can work these minimum wage jobs and make others rich. Again, we're a society, shouldn't we at least make sure that people can afford a fucking roof over their head if they are actually being productive and actually making other people rich?

What kind of a selfish world do we live in where we say to people that 40 or even 50 hours isn't even enough to get a roof over their head, no matter what kind of work they're doing. The right moans and bitches that people don't work, then when they do work they couldn't give a fuck about whether it's actually worth their while to do so.
it's not the government's responsibility to get people skills. never was never will be

it's YOUR responsibility to improve yourself

Clearly isn't enough if you have to work between 53 and 92 hours at minimum wage simply to be able to afford accommodation.
clearly if you can't make more than MW you need to attain the skills that will garner more pay in the marketplace

Again, the problem is that there will always be minimum wage workers, and people should be able to afford accommodation, food etc, right? We're not talking about having the latest smart phone here, we're talking about a roof over your head, something everyone who is working should be able to afford with 1/3 of their wage.

If your skills don't allow you to earn what you need to support yourself then you have 2 options, work more hours or attain skills that will merit a higher pay

Where is it written that one 40 hour a week job has to be enough to pay all your bills?

Firstly, the US isn't doing enough to get people the skills that they need. Secondly the rich want people to be poor so they can work these minimum wage jobs and make others rich. Again, we're a society, shouldn't we at least make sure that people can afford a fucking roof over their head if they are actually being productive and actually making other people rich?

What kind of a selfish world do we live in where we say to people that 40 or even 50 hours isn't even enough to get a roof over their head, no matter what kind of work they're doing. The right moans and bitches that people don't work, then when they do work they couldn't give a fuck about whether it's actually worth their while to do so.
Firstly, the US isn't doing enough to get people the skills that they need.

Its up to the US to get people trained?

I always thought that was MY job.

What kind of a selfish world do we live in where we say to people that 40 or even 50 hours isn't even enough to get a roof over their head, no matter what kind of work they're doing

The real world.

You should visit sometime
I don't feel bad for people who never aspire to do more than put french fries and burgers in paper bags for a living it's their choice to be unskiiled
There were times in my life when the amount i earned failed to cover the expenses my life style demanded.

So, I packed up all my earthly belongings in my little duffel bag and hitch hiked to nearest place where the returns for my labor were more generous.

Along the way I learned to speak English, earned a high school diploma, vowed - successfully - never to do manual labor, ever again, taught myself in my spare time to write beautiful programs in COBOL, and end up comfortably retired after almost forty years of not EVER, hoping to work for minimum wage.


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