Minneapolis City Council votes unanimously to pull another $8 million in police funding

Don't murder citizens and this doesn't happen. Since the police fight all reforms to make them more accountable this is what is left.
Tell that to the victims of violent street crime who were not dope heads resisting arrest
Pkpoop doesn't care about innocent citizens. He's a useless whining pawn.

Breonna Taylor was an innocent citizen.
Yeah, her boyfriend is responsible for her death.

Right, because blacks are not supposed to be armed and able to protect themselves from people breaking into their homes. You all are so transparent.
Propaganda. You know her boyfriend was a drug dealer. The cops announced themselves and had a warrant. You're talking with someone who's informed. Keep going.

Her ex-boyfriend that she left was a drug dealer. That doesn't give anyone the right to lie about you and break into your house.
What's your source for that information?

Many threads with hundreds of replies and thousands of news sources.......all of which you surely have read by now.
Give me a link.

You already know the facts.

A look at Breonna Taylor's connection to ex-boyfriend Jamarcus Glover before she died.
You should read your link. It says her boyfriend is responsible for her death and it also says police announced themselves, just like I said. That makes you a liar.

The only person who said they announced themselves changed his story.

Yours is a cowardly response. You can't even admit you were wrong.
Prove I'm wrong. I say you're a liar.

I already did.
Don't murder citizens and this doesn't happen. Since the police fight all reforms to make them more accountable this is what is left.
Tell that to the victims of violent street crime who were not dope heads resisting arrest
Pkpoop doesn't care about innocent citizens. He's a useless whining pawn.

Breonna Taylor was an innocent citizen.
Yeah, her boyfriend is responsible for her death.

Right, because blacks are not supposed to be armed and able to protect themselves from people breaking into their homes. You all are so transparent.
Propaganda. You know her boyfriend was a drug dealer. The cops announced themselves and had a warrant. You're talking with someone who's informed. Keep going.

Her ex-boyfriend that she left was a drug dealer. That doesn't give anyone the right to lie about you and break into your house.
What's your source for that information?

Many threads with hundreds of replies and thousands of news sources.......all of which you surely have read by now.
Give me a link.

You already know the facts.

A look at Breonna Taylor's connection to ex-boyfriend Jamarcus Glover before she died.
You should read your link. It says her boyfriend is responsible for her death and it also says police announced themselves, just like I said. That makes you a liar.

The only person who said they announced themselves changed his story.

Yours is a cowardly response. You can't even admit you were wrong.
Prove I'm wrong. I say you're a liar.

I already did.
Pitiful creature.
Which is irrelevant.
If she were not involved with shady characters she would be alive today

Anyone that voted for Trump has no issue with being associated with shady characters.

And yet Xidens son is the one who was fucking his dead brothers wife.

YOU are not one to talk.

I didn't vote for or support Biden. I have plenty of room to talk.

You have no room to talk. Instead of actual reforms for very real problems you support anarchy and the attendant harm to the innocent civil population. Then you compound your idiocy by claiming mental health issues aren't being taken care of, all while policies you support cause more mental health issues than the original cases.

Then you broadcast to the world your ignorant, feckless self by engaging in non sequitur attacks against Trump supporters.

Basically you're an idiot.
Which is irrelevant.
If she were not involved with shady characters she would be alive today

Anyone that voted for Trump has no issue with being associated with shady characters.

And yet Xidens son is the one who was fucking his dead brothers wife.

YOU are not one to talk.

I didn't vote for or support Biden. I have plenty of room to talk.

You have no room to talk. Instead of actual reforms for very real problems you support anarchy and the attendant harm to the innocent civil population. Then you compound your idiocy by claiming mental health issues aren't being taken care of, all while policies you support cause more mental health issues than the original cases.

Then you broadcast to the world your ignorant, feckless self by engaging in non sequitur attacks against Trump supporters.

Basically you're an idiot.

I replied in kind. If you can't take it..........
Which is irrelevant.
If she were not involved with shady characters she would be alive today

Anyone that voted for Trump has no issue with being associated with shady characters.

And yet Xidens son is the one who was fucking his dead brothers wife.

YOU are not one to talk.

I didn't vote for or support Biden. I have plenty of room to talk.

You have no room to talk. Instead of actual reforms for very real problems you support anarchy and the attendant harm to the innocent civil population. Then you compound your idiocy by claiming mental health issues aren't being taken care of, all while policies you support cause more mental health issues than the original cases.

Then you broadcast to the world your ignorant, feckless self by engaging in non sequitur attacks against Trump supporters.

Basically you're an idiot.

I replied in kind. If you can't take it..........

You replied like a simpleton. Your thinking is that of a moron. You have nothing to give, so I have no problem taking what you have to offer.
Defunding the police isn't enough. The police have to leave entirely. The police can go to where they are needed and wanted. The savages can burn their occupied area down. It just won't be rebuilt.

It's a win win all the way around.
Gee, I cant understand why there is a HUGE spike in crime in Minneapolis.


Liberals are so fucking stupid.

Police have recorded 532 gunshot victims this year as of last Thursday, more than double the same period a year ago. Carjackings have also spiked to 375 so far this year, up 331% from the same period last year. Violent crimes have topped 5,100, compared with just over 4,000 for the same period in 2019.

Time to ammo up!
Defunding the police isn't enough. The police have to leave entirely. The police can go to where they are needed and wanted. The savages can burn their occupied area down. It just won't be rebuilt.

It's a win win all the way around.
Except that the hard working taxpayer usually ends up rebuilding what they destroy and some of what they destroy is inevitably owned by hard working tax payers. Kind of a lose-lose ultimately.
Defunding the police isn't enough. The police have to leave entirely. The police can go to where they are needed and wanted. The savages can burn their occupied area down. It just won't be rebuilt.

It's a win win all the way around.
Except that the hard working taxpayer usually ends up rebuilding what they destroy and some of what they destroy is inevitably owned by hard working tax payers. Kind of a lose-lose ultimately.
No rebuilding. There are huge parts of Los Angeles that was never rebuilt from the 1965 Watts riots. It's not the taxpayer that builds stores and homes. It's developers. It took years to get a CVS in Ferguson. That's gone and it's not coming back. That's the way it should be. Burn down a neighborhood and KB Homes won't be building more. Actually without police no one will build anything.
Defunding the police isn't enough. The police have to leave entirely. The police can go to where they are needed and wanted. The savages can burn their occupied area down. It just won't be rebuilt.

It's a win win all the way around.
Except that the hard working taxpayer usually ends up rebuilding what they destroy and some of what they destroy is inevitably owned by hard working tax payers. Kind of a lose-lose ultimately.
No rebuilding. There are huge parts of Los Angeles that was never rebuilt from the 1965 Watts riots. It's not the taxpayer that builds stores and homes. It's developers. It took years to get a CVS in Ferguson. That's gone and it's not coming back. That's the way it should be. Burn down a neighborhood and KB Homes won't be building more. Actually without police no one will build anything.
I'm not opposing you, I would love to see that, however, the reality is the taxpayer still picks up a bunch of those bills and they are more expensive than police.
Gee, I cant understand why there is a HUGE spike in crime in Minneapolis.


Liberals are so fucking stupid.

Police have recorded 532 gunshot victims this year as of last Thursday, more than double the same period a year ago. Carjackings have also spiked to 375 so far this year, up 331% from the same period last year. Violent crimes have topped 5,100, compared with just over 4,000 for the same period in 2019.

People of Minneapolis need to withdraw "qualified immunity" from City Government before they even THINK of applying it to the cops..

I'd love to see every Mayor and Governor lose their qualified immunity.. So every time a cop aint available -- there's a lawyer on their asses..
I'd love to see every Mayor and Governor lose their qualified immunity.. So every time a cop aint available -- there's a lawyer on their asses..
I would like to see armed police protection removed from City Hall and the city council members homes

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