Minnesota Muslims Demand Welfare Food Bank Give Them Pork-free Food.

seemed like they were petitioning their city council for help in setting up a "food shelf" that would specialize in healthy, non-pork food. the horror! citizen activism at the local government level!
seemed like they were petitioning their city council for help in setting up a "food shelf" that would specialize in healthy, non-pork food. the horror! citizen activism at the local government level!
So, is the OP incorrect... the bit about them demanding that the local food bank do this?
Phukk 'em.

Let 'em raise their own regional food banks and neighborhood distribution centers and donor channels.

Just like the rest of the population has.

OH----them.....ok uhm----the food stamp
allotment is very generous----YOU BUY what you want to buy
seemed like they were petitioning their city council for help in setting up a "food shelf" that would specialize in healthy, non-pork food. the horror! citizen activism at the local government level!

oh---help------they need help for that?
what sort of "help"? one goes to places
that have food and ask for donations----the stuff goes to some place that the community
owns----like the mosque basement----and volunteer ladies do the rest
seemed like they were petitioning their city council for help in setting up a "food shelf" that would specialize in healthy, non-pork food. the horror! citizen activism at the local government level!
So, is the OP incorrect... the bit about them demanding that the local food bank do this?
not technically - but the connotation of 'demand' is a little different than 'requests' and i'm not sure that either one is completely accurate.

they definitely purposefully marched to their city council's offices and met with a councilman in the hopes of starting a new program or changing the existing.
And by invade you mean legally immigrant to the United States. (not everyone one I might add)

Who knows what is legal anymore?. Are the mexican dreamers legal because obozo says they are, even though the actual laws say they can't be here?? Rule of law is gone under obozo.

I know it isn't legal to hang all Muslims like you suggest.
They feel in Iran it's legal to hang all Gays.
they mentioned LABELS-----that's easy----
not all the muslim ladies in the world are
illiterate------a VOLUNTEER literate muslimah should always be on hand
seemed like they were petitioning their city council for help in setting up a "food shelf" that would specialize in healthy, non-pork food. the horror! citizen activism at the local government level!

oh---help------they need help for that?
what sort of "help"? one goes to places
that have food and ask for donations----the stuff goes to some place that the community
owns----like the mosque basement----and volunteer ladies do the rest
if it's a county or city run program they might need help in changing the priorities of the purchasers. or perhaps the local governments don't run the programs but instead fund them at least partially and they wanted to start up one of their own. is it so crazy to ask that a government run program to serve the community?
seemed like they were petitioning their city council for help in setting up a "food shelf" that would specialize in healthy, non-pork food. the horror! citizen activism at the local government level!

oh---help------they need help for that?
what sort of "help"? one goes to places
that have food and ask for donations----the stuff goes to some place that the community
owns----like the mosque basement----and volunteer ladies do the rest
if it's a county or city run program they might need help in changing the priorities of the purchasers. or perhaps the local governments don't run the programs but instead fund them at least partially and they wanted to start up one of their own. is it so crazy to ask that a government run program to serve the community?

ok I was under the impression that
food banks are PRIVATE CHARITY----
not actually government run. Government is FOOD STAMPS----actually an allotment on
a credit card Long ago----the government would SPORADICALLY give out free surplus cheese, and flour-------but I think that program went away, The problem with
"special consideration" is------if he is eligible---then so is he --and him etc etc

some persons demand special consideration
as a RIGHT even from private organizations-----as you already know--but I
thought I would throw it in anyway
seemed like they were petitioning their city council for help in setting up a "food shelf" that would specialize in healthy, non-pork food. the horror! citizen activism at the local government level!

oh---help------they need help for that?
what sort of "help"? one goes to places
that have food and ask for donations----the stuff goes to some place that the community
owns----like the mosque basement----and volunteer ladies do the rest
if it's a county or city run program they might need help in changing the priorities of the purchasers. or perhaps the local governments don't run the programs but instead fund them at least partially and they wanted to start up one of their own. is it so crazy to ask that a government run program to serve the community?

ok I was under the impression that
food banks are PRIVATE CHARITY----
not actually government run. Government is FOOD STAMPS----actually an allotment on
a credit card Long ago----the government would SPORADICALLY give out free surplus cheese, and flour-------but I think that program went away, The problem with
"special consideration" is------if he is eligible---then so is he --and him etc etc

some persons demand special consideration
as a RIGHT even from private organizations-----as you already know--but I
thought I would throw it in anyway
often you'll have programs that are non-governmental charities but that also get money from local or state governments.
SNAP benefits are government benefits, but their existence does not preclude states or local governments from running their own programs.
And by invade you mean legally immigrant to the United States. (not everyone one I might add)

Who knows what is legal anymore?. Are the mexican dreamers legal because obozo says they are, even though the actual laws say they can't be here?? Rule of law is gone under obozo.

I know it isn't legal to hang all Muslims like you suggest.
They feel in Iran it's legal to hang all Gays.

I am not sure we should be trying to emulate Iranian law.
And by invade you mean legally immigrant to the United States. (not everyone one I might add)

Who knows what is legal anymore?. Are the mexican dreamers legal because obozo says they are, even though the actual laws say they can't be here?? Rule of law is gone under obozo.

I know it isn't legal to hang all Muslims like you suggest.
They feel in Iran it's legal to hang all Gays.

I am not sure we should be trying to emulate Iranian law.

Let me know when we start.
And by invade you mean legally immigrant to the United States. (not everyone one I might add)

Who knows what is legal anymore?. Are the mexican dreamers legal because obozo says they are, even though the actual laws say they can't be here?? Rule of law is gone under obozo.

I know it isn't legal to hang all Muslims like you suggest.
They feel in Iran it's legal to hang all Gays.

I am not sure we should be trying to emulate Iranian law.

Let me know when we start.

You'll be waiting for a long time I bet.
Phukk 'em.

Let 'em raise their own regional food banks and neighborhood distribution centers and donor channels.

Just like the rest of the population has.

OH----them.....ok uhm----the food stamp
allotment is very generous----YOU BUY what you want to buy
This is about the supplemental food source known as a 'food bank'.

Sometimes, a neighborhood food distribution center will be confused with a real (regional) food bank, in the common parlance.

The nation has a preexisting network of food banks, stretching from coast to coast.

Feeding America - formerly known as Second Harvest.

For example, the Greater Chicago Food Depository is a city block -square warehouse, taking-in donations brokered by the national office, and its own local sources - complete with a dozen dock doors, huge shelving and refrigeration and freezer space within the building, and a staff of 50-100... warehouse folk, food-safety and quality-control folk, conveyer-belt sorting staff, food-donation marketeers, fundraising staff, office staff, neighborhood agency relations and health/safety inspection staff, and supplying truckloads of donated foodstuffs of all kinds, to 500+ neighborhood food pantries (mini food banks), soup kitchens, missions, churches, womens' and homeless and HIV shelters, etc., at a cost of 5-cents or 10-cents or 15-cents a pound to the neighborhood distribution agency - hundreds of whom show up at the dock-doors by appointment every week, to shop-for and carry-away their foodstuffs, to stock/re-stock their own neighborhood shelves.

The Boston Food Bank does the same thing, and the Los Angeles Food Bank, and the ones in Denver, Tampa, Seattle, Washington DC, Detroit, Minneapolis, and on and on and one... between 180-200 such monster regional food banks around the country. I think Illinois has 6 big ones that qualify to be called such and who are Feeding America members.

It's a huge hunger-relief and poverty-ameliorating effort that's been around since the 1970s and which, by the 1990s, had grown into a vast operation, moving untold truckloads and untold millions of pounds of donated food each year, in something of an un-sung heroes role. They're not exactly well-known outside their niche, and beyond the usual Thanksgiving or Christmas food drives that you hear advertised on radio and TV, but they're a huge part of the poverty-amelioration effort here in our own country.

Some of these (big, regional) Food Banks do, indeed, make an attempt to provide some modest amount of Kasher or Halal or Vegan foodstuffs, when these can be obtained, but, as one might expect upon reflection, both regional Food Banks and their National Headquarters (in Chicago) are stuck taking what is given to them.

A place like Kraft will happily donated a dozen truckloads of boxed macaroni and cheese every couple of months for nationwide distribution, but a specialty Kasher or Halal manufacturer or processor may only have a few hundred pounds of foodstuffs to donate, and that directly to one of the food banks rather than the national office, and, maybe, only as a one-time shot, or as an irregular donation, as circumstances warrant or permit.

It's true that food bank marketing (for that, read 'food donation solicitation') staff can develop and pursue ongoing and regular relationships with such specialty food makers and processors but they're usually of a considerably smaller scale than the Big Boys that the solicitors usually pursue and succeed with.

If that community wants to develop a source for its own purposes, then go for it, but 'demanding' such treatment from a charity which already does what it can with very few resources? Not so much. They'd be better off asking for a meeting with both local officials and the regional food bank management team, than taking to the streets, and pissing people off, who are already thin-stretched and doing what they can. If the OP's report (demanding) is correct, then, such a demand is nothing less than rude.
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If that community wants to develop a source for its own purposes, then go for it, but 'demanding' such treatment from a charity which already does what it can with very few resources? Not so much. They'd be better off asking for a meeting with both local officials and the regional food bank management team, than taking to the streets, and pissing people off, who are already thin-stretched and doing what they can. If the OP's report (demanding) is correct, then, such a demand is nothing less than rude.
the headline was sensational, but the linked article made it sound as if they organized, marched to a councilman's office, and had a meeting.
If that community wants to develop a source for its own purposes, then go for it, but 'demanding' such treatment from a charity which already does what it can with very few resources? Not so much. They'd be better off asking for a meeting with both local officials and the regional food bank management team, than taking to the streets, and pissing people off, who are already thin-stretched and doing what they can. If the OP's report (demanding) is correct, then, such a demand is nothing less than rude.
the headline was sensational, but the linked article made it sound as if they organized, marched to a councilman's office, and had a meeting.
Yeah... I was beginning to sense the same thing based on early posts... which is why I modified my stand to "...if that community wants to develop..." rather than a first shoot-from-the-hip "phukk 'em" gut reaction to demands being placed upon a hard-pressed charity.
the headline was sensational, but the linked article made it sound as if they organized, marched to a councilman's office, and had a meeting.

Where they DEMANDED better quality free stuff!!! I say tell them to shut up or get out of america.
seemed like they were petitioning their city council for help in setting up a "food shelf" that would specialize in healthy, non-pork food. the horror! citizen activism at the local government level!

These aren't citizens - they're muslims. THINK

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