Minnesota's Long Purple Hostage Crisis is Over

The Vikes go to the NFC Championshop game or Childress is gone.

That was my bet B.F. and I'm sticking to it now.
The Vikes have a great running game, a very good defense, decent special teams, and Percy Harvin. All they need is a guy under center who can hit the slant and read a blitz and a coach who can call some plays. We now have the first. Not sure about the second. Plus EJ Henderson is back and is a frickin' monster! Maybe the best MLB in the NFC.
The Vikes have a great running game, a very good defense, decent special teams, and Percy Harvin. All they need is a guy under center who can hit the slant and read a blitz and a coach who can call some plays. We now have the first. Not sure about the second. Plus EJ Henderson is back and is a frickin' monster! Maybe the best MLB in the NFC.

I don't have a clear memory of a time when i did not root for the Vikes. As such, it doesn't take much to make me think SB Champion and then in a bang! bang! thought sequence i see Joe Kapp being helped off the field, Brent McClanahan fumbling on the 2, The refs ruling the Steeler down instead of allowing the vikes to recover and Chuck Foreman with tears in his eyes as another one slips away.

Hoping to get to the Super Bowl for a Vikings Fan is a thing of pain. Well, if you have to go there, might as well go there with a hall of fame QB. This looks to be a hell of a team. Brett said he wants to play on Friday against the Chiefs.

I watched him in practice and his passes were not really on target, but his release is just sweet. If he can be at about 90% of the 90's Favre, peterson will run for 2000 as defenses must play him honest.

This could be a very interesting season.
Yeah, well, to be honest, I'm not holding my breath.

I fully expect that if they have a successful season, they will be the first team to ever lose five Super Bowls.
Farve is already setting up his excuses, revealing he has a 'tear' in the rotator cuff that he will attempt to 'play through.'
Word on ESPN is half the team wants Jackson, the other half wants Rosenfels.

NOBODY wants Farve.
Indeed we will.

Also, if anyone in the world has a reason to be seriously tweaked about all of this, it's Sage Rosenfels. He wanted to be traded to the Vikes and is being a total good sport about this whole mess.
He's fucked, his one shot at starting went down in flames.
I don't think so at all.

The Vikes win it all this year and Farrrve retires - yet again. Of course, he could always break a hip or something. and Sage rides in to save the day.

Also, Rosenfels has a lot of career left in his tank and is relatively inexpensive for a QB.

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