Miraculously Cured of Hepatitis C

They have probably figured out the right amount and combination to use to use for some natural herbs that kill that virus. Good news!
You also have to take a second helper pill which can cause anemia. My anemia became soo severe that they had to cut the dosage in half. Because part way thru my treatments I became extremely weak.

I once parked my car on a slight hill about a block away from the store. Walking back I totally ran out of energy, and had to crawl on the sidewalk the last 50 feet to reach my vehicle.

I was was surprised someone didn't call the cops, thinking I was a drunk about to drive. ... :lol:
Many years ago, I drank from the cup of a questionable person with bleeding gums. Afterwards, I had contracted jaundice, a symptom of hepatitis C which causes a yellowing of the skin. And I was diagnosed with hep C. At the time, it was an incurable disease. I read that this disease can take 10 years off your life! I cried out to Jesus! My test scores began coming back negative with no signs of ever having it in the first place. I believe it was Jesus as Healer who cured me. Jesus added 10 years to my life. And now, I have a job that requires clean blood and much of what I own, including this computer I'm typing on, comes from it. This is another way in which the Lord has truly provided for me and my family.

Mark 16:17-18 These signs will accompany those who believe: in my name they will drive out demons, they will speak new languages. They will pick up serpents [with their hands], and if they drink any deadly thing, it will not harm them. They will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.
So why doesn't Jesus cure everyone with hep C or AIDS...?
Do they have they faith to ask and believe in Him?
Faith is required to be healed by God.
They have probably figured out the right amount and combination to use to use for some natural herbs that kill that virus. Good news!
You also have to take a second helper pill which can cause anemia. My anemia became soo severe that they had to cut the dosage in half. Because part way thru my treatments I became extremely weak.

I once parked my car a slight hill about a block away from the store. Walking back I totally ran out of energy, and had to crawl on the sidewalk the last 50 feet to reach my vehicle.

I was was surprised someone didn't call the cops, thinking I was a drunk about to drive. :lol:
My notes on all the natural cures are in the other computer but if I remember this afternoon I'll boot it up and put what that is here.
The Harvoni [ledipasvir 90 mg/sofosbuvir 400 mg] from Gilead Science has a cure rate in the upper 90 s
About 3 years ago I was at the VA for my annual physical. The doctor asked me to check the boxes of what I wanted my blood work to be tested for. So I checked everything just so I could leave the office. A couple of days later the doctor calls to inform me I have Hep C

I was floored and couldn't believe it. Come to find out people who where born between 1945 - 1955 and Vietnam vets have a higher risk of carrying the disease than the average population. And you can have Hep C for decades and never know it. But once symptoms appear, things are very serious, and the out come isn't too good.

Anyway, I started the new drug treatment which has a 90% or better cure rate. One pill every day for 12 weeks (before this new drug the cure rate was dismal and took a year with severe side effects)

The pills costs $1,000 each and I had to take them for 12 weeks (84 days in a row) Thank God for the VA because I didn't have 84 grand in the bank to cover the cost.

Anyway, after the 3 month regimen of taking the pills. I was tested and no sign of the disease was found in my blood work. And no liver damage.

I was very fortunate for the Hep C to have stayed dormant for possibly decades. And that a new cure had been released exactly I need it. ....... :cool:
They have probably figured out the right amount and combination to use to use for some natural herbs that kill that virus. Good news!
I have heard that today they have cures with few side effects.
Many years ago, I drank from the cup of a questionable person with bleeding gums. Afterwards, I had contracted jaundice, a symptom of hepatitis C which causes a yellowing of the skin. And I was diagnosed with hep C. At the time, it was an incurable disease. I read that this disease can take 10 years off your life! I cried out to Jesus! My test scores began coming back negative with no signs of ever having it in the first place. I believe it was Jesus as Healer who cured me. Jesus added 10 years to my life. And now, I have a job that requires clean blood and much of what I own, including this computer I'm typing on, comes from it. This is another way in which the Lord has truly provided for me and my family.

Mark 16:17-18 These signs will accompany those who believe: in my name they will drive out demons, they will speak new languages. They will pick up serpents [with their hands], and if they drink any deadly thing, it will not harm them. They will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.
So why doesn't Jesus cure everyone with hep C or AIDS...?
Do they have they faith to ask and believe in Him?
Faith is required to be healed by God.
Plus the one's that will glorify the Lord, giving the Lord all of the credit and praise. My son not yet a two year old was pronounce fully brain dead. They ran those test for several days and had no hope he would be anything more than a vegetable if he lived. Praise God on the third day I carried him in my arms to take him home 'whole'. The doctors attributed it to nothing less than a miracle.
They have probably figured out the right amount and combination to use to use for some natural herbs that kill that virus. Good news!
Gilead Science purchased a small Gainesville Florida laboratory that had developed some anti viral molecules . I think the company was Pharmasset...they made a real score ..
They have probably figured out the right amount and combination to use to use for some natural herbs that kill that virus. Good news!
Gilead Science purchased a small Gainesville Florida laboratory that had developed some anti viral molecules . I think the company was Pharmasset...they made a real score ..
Licorice root kills certain viruses also. Too much though can damage the liver.
Indian companies make the Harvoni and sell it extremely cheap

How I Got the $84,000 Hepatitis C Drug For $1500 by Buying It From

contains a combination of ledipasvir and sofosbuvir are antiviral medications that prevent hepatitis C virus (HCV) cells from multiplying in your body. Hepcinat-LP is used to treat hepatitis C in adults. We are the exporters of Hepatitis Cure Medicines. We provide drop shipping facility around the globe.

Other details:

  • Contents: Ledipasvir 90mg Sofosbuvir 400mg
  • Manufacturer: Natco Pharma Ltd.
They have probably figured out the right amount and combination to use to use for some natural herbs that kill that virus. Good news!
Gilead Science purchased a small Gainesville Florida laboratory that had developed some anti viral molecules . I think the company was Pharmasset...they made a real score ..
Licorice root kills certain viruses also. Too much though can damage the liver.
Milk Thistle is also a liver supporting natural resource
They have probably figured out the right amount and combination to use to use for some natural herbs that kill that virus. Good news!
Gilead Science purchased a small Gainesville Florida laboratory that had developed some anti viral molecules . I think the company was Pharmasset...they made a real score ..
Licorice root kills certain viruses also. Too much though can damage the liver.
Milk Thistle is also a liver supporting natural resource
Yes and it will also help restore arteries and thin skin if a person is getting the proper nutrients when they are taking it. I think a lot of people at this point have damaged intestines from things like the chemicals now in everything and Giardia or other issues so the nutrients they get aren't really making it into their systems.
Many years ago, I drank from the cup of a questionable person with bleeding gums. Afterwards, I had contracted jaundice, a symptom of hepatitis C which causes a yellowing of the skin. And I was diagnosed with hep C. At the time, it was an incurable disease. I read that this disease can take 10 years off your life! I cried out to Jesus! My test scores began coming back negative with no signs of ever having it in the first place. I believe it was Jesus as Healer who cured me. Jesus added 10 years to my life. And now, I have a job that requires clean blood and much of what I own, including this computer I'm typing on, comes from it. This is another way in which the Lord has truly provided for me and my family.

Mark 16:17-18 These signs will accompany those who believe: in my name they will drive out demons, they will speak new languages. They will pick up serpents [with their hands], and if they drink any deadly thing, it will not harm them. They will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.
So why doesn't Jesus cure everyone with hep C or AIDS...?
Scripture states that only believers are healed.
Oh, so Jesus is vain and selfish. Got it.
Many years ago, I drank from the cup of a questionable person with bleeding gums. Afterwards, I had contracted jaundice, a symptom of hepatitis C which causes a yellowing of the skin. And I was diagnosed with hep C. At the time, it was an incurable disease. I read that this disease can take 10 years off your life! I cried out to Jesus! My test scores began coming back negative with no signs of ever having it in the first place. I believe it was Jesus as Healer who cured me. Jesus added 10 years to my life. And now, I have a job that requires clean blood and much of what I own, including this computer I'm typing on, comes from it. This is another way in which the Lord has truly provided for me and my family.

Mark 16:17-18 These signs will accompany those who believe: in my name they will drive out demons, they will speak new languages. They will pick up serpents [with their hands], and if they drink any deadly thing, it will not harm them. They will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.
So why doesn't Jesus cure everyone with hep C or AIDS...?
Scripture states that only believers are healed.
Oh, so Jesus is vain and selfish. Got it.
You unjustly speak ill of our Creator. The One that has given you everything good you have in this world. You would have nothing without Him and yet you call Him selfish and vain.
And your guilty conscience for picking up that gum bleeding hooker made you feel guilt.

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