Mis-Characterizing Trump

LOL, I guess that's all the military and LE folks we have in the United States.
LOL LOL that's only all our best national security experts...

SO where's the supposed "mis-characterization" of trump? LOL LOL LOL LULZzzz
That only the best? No one disagrees? Even those that water boarded the three that got us valuable intel? Doubt it. LOL back attcha.
The left has plenty to run on,but it's being drowned out by the right giving so many reasons to not vote republican.
They are running on obama's legacy, which isn't good by any stretch so no, you are incorrect. I don't even see you assholes talking about it.

With the spectacle the right wing is providing, Our Democratic nominee might not even bother to campaign in the election. He or she won't need to.
Might not be able to in jail.

You hold on to that dream as long as you can. At this point, it looks like all you have.
It looks like that to you because you have the brains of an ant.

If you say so. Get back with me when that actually happens, or at least come up with one logical reason to believe it might.
At a rally in Iowa early this year, Trump was warned in advance that there might be tomato-throwing protesters in attendance. So early in his remarks, he said, “There may be somebody with tomatoes in the audience. So if you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them, would you? Seriously. Okay? Just knock the hell — I promise you, I will pay for the legal fees. I promise, I promise. It won’t be so much ’cause the courts agree with us too.”


When members of his audience get physical with protesters, Trump has even brought them up on stage to honor them.

-- At a late February rally, Trump said of one protester, “I’d like to punch him in the face, I tell ya.” He added that in the “old days” protesters would have been “carried out on stretchers.” It was clear from the context that he felt a certain nostalgia for those times.

[URL="http://www.usmessageboard.com/posts/13742537/"]Trump calls for violence against protesters[/URL]
The left has plenty to run on,but it's being drowned out by the right giving so many reasons to not vote republican.

And yet Dems are jumping ship all over the country to get away from Hitlery.

Really? I'm sure Fox has found a few to put on TV in a country this big, but I haven't seen much evidence for it being a widespread occurrence..

Democratic identification has declined in recent years, falling five points from its recent high of 36% in 2008, the year President Barack Obama was elected. The current 31% of Americans identifying as Democrats matches the lowest annual average in the last 25 years.
Way back in November, after a protester was assaulted by members of his audience, Trump said, “Maybe he should have been roughed up, because it was absolutely disgusting what he was doing.”

It’s not hard to make the connection between Trump’s rhetoric and 78-year-old John McGraw, the supporter who blindsided a young African-American protester, Rakeem Jones, with a right hook on Wednesday night.

“Yes, he deserved it,” McGraw said in an interview with Inside Edition afterward. “The next time we see him we might have to kill him.”
March 11, 2016

Last week, some two dozen Black Lives Matter protesters were forcibly expelled from a Trump event in New Orleans, following a week in which the Republican front-runner initially refused to condemn the Ku Klux Klan and former K.K.K. leader David Duke.

The week before, about 30 black student protesters were ejected from another Trump rally in Georgia (local police said they were directed to remove them at the campaign’s request); a similar incident occurred the next day in Louisville as supporters who identified as members of a white nationalist group aggressively shoved a black protester toward the door as she was reportedly called racial slurs.

Two weeks earlier, Trump had suggested to his supporters at a rally in Las Vegas that he’d like to punch one protester in the face, reminiscing about the “good old days” when agitators would be carried out on a stretcher.

“So if you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of ’em, would you?” Trump urged the crowd at another rally last month in Iowa. “I promise you, I will pay for the legal fees. I promise. I promise.”

Donald Trump’s Rallies Are Becoming Increasingly Violent

^ no one actually had a tomato and those people were non violent protesters...
Donald Trump Poses an Unprecedented Threat to American Democracy

A report circulated highlighting his 1990 interview with Playboy in which he praised the brutality of the Tiananmen Square crackdown. This is not the first time I had seen Trump praise dictators.

My previous view of Trump was as a kind of vaccine. The Republican Party relies on the covert mobilization of racial resentment and nationalism. Trump, as I saw it, was bringing into the open that which had been intentionally submerged. It seemed like a containable dose of disease, too small to take over its host, but large enough to set off a counter reaction of healthy blood cells. But the outbreak of violence this weekend suggests the disease may be spreading far wider than I believed, and infecting healthy elements of the body politic.

I remain convinced that Trump cannot win the presidency. But what I failed to account for was the possibility that his authoritarian style could degrade American politics even in defeat. There is a whiff in the air of the notion that the election will be settled in the streets — a poisonous idea that is unsafe in even the smallest doses.

Here is another factor I failed to predict. Trump, as I’ve noted, lies substantively within the modern Republican racial political tradition that seamlessly incorporates such things as the Willie Horton ads and the uncontroversial service of Louisiana representative Steve Scalise, who once called himself “David Duke without the baggage,” as House Majority Whip. But Trump’s amplification of white racial resentment matters. His campaign has dominated the national discourse. Millions of Americans who have never heard of Steve Scalise are seized with mortal terror of Trump, whose ubiquity in campaign coverage makes him seem larger and more unstoppable than he is. And terror is corrosive.

Donald Trump Poses an Unprecedented Threat to American Democracy

Trump was asked about Gorbachev — who was nearing the end of his time in power. Trump said, “Russia is out of control and the leadership knows it. That’s my problem with Gorbachev. Not a firm enough hand.”

His interviewer asked, “You mean firm hand as in China?”

Trump answered, “When the students poured into Tiananmen Square, the Chinese government almost blew it. Then they were vicious, they were horrible, but they put it down with strength. That shows you the power of strength. Our country is right now perceived as weak … as being spit on by the rest of the world –”


"Get your people in line, Bernie," Trump said...

Donald Trump blames Sanders supporters for Chicago unrest - CNNPolitics.com

Trump ends wild day on campaign trail by calling for protesters' arrests

"I'm going to ask that you arrest them," Trump said to the police. "I'll file whatever charges you want. If they want to do this ... we're going to go strongly for your arrests."

Trump said arresting protesters would "ruin the rest of their lives" by giving them a "big arrest mark."

"Once that starts happening, we're not going to have any more protesters, folks," Trump said.
"We don't want to use our military, honestly. We don't want to use our military. But we're being scoffed at right now and we never fight to win."

“We're going to win so much. You're going to get tired of winning. you’re going to say, ‘Please Mr. President, I have a headache. Please, don't win so much. This is getting terrible.’ And I'm going to say, ‘No, we have to make America great again.’ You're gonna say, ‘Please.’ I said, ‘Nope, nope. We're gonna keep winning.’

25 quotes capturing Donald Trump’s final pitch to South Carolina
trump has characterized HIMSELF and now he's counting on America's short attention span to forget.

good luck with that! :doubt:

The left has plenty to run on,but it's being drowned out by the right giving so many reasons to not vote republican.

And yet Dems are jumping ship all over the country to get away from Hitlery.

Really? I'm sure Fox has found a few to put on TV in a country this big, but I haven't seen much evidence for it being a widespread occurrence..

Democratic identification has declined in recent years, falling five points from its recent high of 36% in 2008, the year President Barack Obama was elected. The current 31% of Americans identifying as Democrats matches the lowest annual average in the last 25 years.

Yet still nearly 10 points higher than for republicans who have the lowest annual average in 36 years. You got a link for your info? This is what I found.

Trends in Party Identification, 1939-2014
I am decidedly NOT a Trump supporter, but I am more than fed up with the intentional mis-characterization of everything the man says by the MSM.

The most recent example: Trump said, in effect, that Hillary has nothing but the "Woman Card" in this election. It is not difficult to understand what he meant. The only thing Hillary has going for her is "Vote for me because I'm a woman." I could elaborate the point but that is basically what was said and meant, and while it is somewhat controversial, it is a fair political characterization. Want to disagree? Feel free.

And the MSM reports that this comment is proof that Trump is a misogynist. Bullshit. Or that Trump wants to stomp all over wimmins' rights. Again, bullshit.

Trump rails about illegal immigration and the millions of illegals in the country. "Trump is a xenophobic bigot, who hates immigrants, especially Mexicans."

Wanting to take our EXISTING IMMIGRATION LAWS seriously is not being "anti-immigrant." Nor is it anti-Mexican. It is entirely about people who are here illegally, regardless of their race or ethnicity. It is not being a "bigot" to suggest that people who came here in violation of our laws be induced to leave.

Trump suggests a moratorium of Muslim immigration, until we can "figure this thing out." Figuring it out, refers to rational measures to identify which, if any, Muslim immigrants are from places or sects that have indicated they want to do us harm. Was it OK to stop Japanese immigration in 1942? It is a perfectly reasonable suggestion that has had many comparable examples by Presidents in American history. But Trump is labeled an "Islamophobe," and again, a bigot. Bullshit.

It's the same with everything he says. He says something, usually inartfully, and the next day that MSM is totally mischaracterizing what he said, and claiming that it is "proof" of some political or character flaw.

I have news for the people in the media: The American public is sick of your lies and bullshit, and every time you attack The Donald, his supporters become more and more energized.

Choose Cruz.
Military, Law Enforcement, & Intel Professionals Sign Anti-Torture Open Letter to Candidates

To candidates and elected officials:...
Military, Law Enforcement, & Intel Professionals Sign Anti-Torture Open Letter to Candidates

A list that is not even 0.0001% of all military personnel proves exactly NOTHING, dear.

there's nothing to prove... :rolleyes:

are you actually disputing the facts presented by the national security experts at the truman project?

Military, Law Enforcement, & Intel Professionals Sign Anti-Torture Open Letter to Candidates

Veteran: Trump Will Throw the Military into 'Crisis'

Click on the 'Listen' button above to hear our full interview with Mike Breen.
Way back in November, after a protester was assaulted by members of his audience, Trump said, “Maybe he should have been roughed up, because it was absolutely disgusting what he was doing.”

It’s not hard to make the connection between Trump’s rhetoric and 78-year-old John McGraw, the supporter who blindsided a young African-American protester, Rakeem Jones, with a right hook on Wednesday night.

“Yes, he deserved it,” McGraw said in an interview with Inside Edition afterward. “The next time we see him we might have to kill him.”
The truth of the matter is it's not hard to connect the retarded activist with the rhetoric of the left. Libs don't get a pass with talking shit then pointing their finger at someone else. That quit working on the playground.
the fact of the matter is, in response to the OP... trump characterized himself.

mis-characterization of trump is a myth! :thup:
I am decidedly NOT a Trump supporter, but I am more than fed up with the intentional mis-characterization of everything the man says by the MSM.

The most recent example: Trump said, in effect, that Hillary has nothing but the "Woman Card" in this election. It is not difficult to understand what he meant. The only thing Hillary has going for her is "Vote for me because I'm a woman." I could elaborate the point but that is basically what was said and meant, and while it is somewhat controversial, it is a fair political characterization. Want to disagree? Feel free.

And the MSM reports that this comment is proof that Trump is a misogynist. Bullshit. Or that Trump wants to stomp all over wimmins' rights. Again, bullshit.

Trump rails about illegal immigration and the millions of illegals in the country. "Trump is a xenophobic bigot, who hates immigrants, especially Mexicans."

Wanting to take our EXISTING IMMIGRATION LAWS seriously is not being "anti-immigrant." Nor is it anti-Mexican. It is entirely about people who are here illegally, regardless of their race or ethnicity. It is not being a "bigot" to suggest that people who came here in violation of our laws be induced to leave.

Trump suggests a moratorium of Muslim immigration, until we can "figure this thing out." Figuring it out, refers to rational measures to identify which, if any, Muslim immigrants are from places or sects that have indicated they want to do us harm. Was it OK to stop Japanese immigration in 1942? It is a perfectly reasonable suggestion that has had many comparable examples by Presidents in American history. But Trump is labeled an "Islamophobe," and again, a bigot. Bullshit.

It's the same with everything he says. He says something, usually inartfully, and the next day that MSM is totally mischaracterizing what he said, and claiming that it is "proof" of some political or character flaw.

I have news for the people in the media: The American public is sick of your lies and bullshit, and every time you attack The Donald, his supporters become more and more energized.

Choose Cruz.

You have explained exactly the reason why I like trump. He pisses off the right people. When the parasitical regressive vampires are pissed off, you know the guy is onto something.

Muslims are banned in many countries and nobody seems to bat an eye, or accuse them of being the next rising of Hitler. Japan being a prime example. Based on the statistics that are now out in Europe, this was an extremely smart move on their part.

I am pretty sure that the pro-Islam movement is in reality anti-west/anti-white/Marxist movement. The leftist regressive vote plantation is also involved, as always.
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