
Jun 17, 2008
Driver Responsibility Fee Hearing in Detroit Friday

Everyone here up in arms recently about this, our latest hooplah, Michigan's Driver Responsibility Fees--another midnight bill to test balloon, pushed through while the people slept.

~We've become so easily led, it seems most of us have forgotten we weren't to be tried twice for the same crime. But Today we can be punished thrice for it on the same soil our betters drafted with more scrutiny.

...A list of everyday traffic violations, apparently, gets you a hefty fine X 3, not sure if the fine's been bumped up itself, but I think so in certain groupings of offenses, they are grouping them by catgory, Some are Category one, some two. Not sure how that's working but they bill you a Second yr for the third penalty.

Not sure it's true but in another small town nearby, supposedly they're expressing concern with other new traffic related legislation as well; getting brought in, booked, mugshots and fingerprinted for No Proof of insurance.

Another they're trying out, not so sure where I fall on concerned with that, but teen driving just met with a Ten o'clock curfew here.

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