“Misinformation” means “information that journalists don’t like and want to censor.”

Maga fuckup plans for the nation.


Rioters Set Fire to Federal Courthouse in Portland One Day after Fencing Removed
It should be evident that government is actively trying to shelter it's propaganda from 'we the peeps' via media toadies by now folks.....

Good example, yesterday, the ship hit the bridge and it was off and running at the races with all kinds of 'theories'. Now videos are out 'enhanced' trying to show preplanted explosives. I saw many on the news shocked and in horror at the speed all this happened and were offering solutions to curtail it, like not showing pictures, limiting comment and so on. Basically censoring it until the 'proper' people can issue statements.

That's the way it is with speed of light response time on the net. Beyond all that, they do exactly the same thing trying to get a jump on a scoop.

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