Miss. Senator Hyde-Smith Posts Photo Wearing Confederate Hat

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It is interesting to note that Democrats from northern states voted overwhelmingly for the bill, 141 to 4, while Democrats from southern states voted overwhelmingly against the bill, 92 to 11."
Google Answers: Voting record for the Civil Rights Act


Roll Call Vote Tally on S. 1564, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, May 26, 1965

The bill passed with a huge margin.

National consensus on civil rights was reached when the dems gave up on their resistance.

Since them both parties have been pro-civil rights, up to the current day, at least pro-minority civil rights.
I mean what I said, republicans.
Northerners. Southerners of both parties voted overwhelmingly against it. Southern Pride, don't you know...

THe claim was made that this is when the parties switched. THe voting record does not support that view.

The GOP gave the bill massive support at a higher rate than the dems did.
The bill passed with a huge margin.
All representatives from Mississippi voted nay. Southerners opposed it, Northerners supported it. That you can't admit this simple fact shows how ingrained is Southern White Superiority.

TO PASS H.R. 6400, THE 1965 VOTING RIGHTS ACT. -- House Vote #87 -- Jul 9, 1965

THe topic is, is this the vote that showed the parties flipping.

Republicans, with their massive support of the bill, obviously did not flip on civil rights on that day.

This is the point that YOU CAN'T ADMIT.

And the reason is, that on some level, you know that you can't find a single date or vote to support the lib lie that the parties flipped.
The gop voted almost in a bloc, in support of the bill.
Yes. The exceptions were the Southern Republicans. Racists, in other words.

The difficulties of a republican getting elected in the South in that day and age, are another matter, of historical discussion.

The fact remains though, that there is no evidence that the parties flipped, on civil rights on this day.

The dems gave up their resistance, but the gop was still very strongly pro-civil rights.
THe topic is, is this the vote that showed the parties flipping.
Complete deflecting bullshit. The topic is that the Republican candidate for Mississippi is a racist in a racist state, shown by Mississippi's representatives voting against the Voting Rights Act and its candidate's support of Confederate heritage.
THe topic is, is this the vote that showed the parties flipping.
Complete deflecting bullshit. The topic is that the Republican candidate for Mississippi is a racist in a racist state, shown by Mississippi's representatives voting against the Voting Rights Act and its candidate's support of Confederate heritage.

From over 50 years ago?

OK, connect the dots for me. 50 years ago, a racist senator from that state, might have been a republican that voted against the Voting Rights Act.

How does that prove that Hyde-Smith is a racist?
How does that prove that Hyde-Smith is a racist?
Hyde-Smith's adoption of Confederate heritage shows she is a racist. After all, that was a government, a culture and a society based on the inferiority of the black man.
Dude. Playtime made the claim that the parties flipped. I was addressing his claim.
That is not the OP. You made the claim Republicans supported the Voting Rights Act. Northerners mostly supported it. Southerners mostly voted against it. You just can't admit that, can you?
How does that prove that Hyde-Smith is a racist?
Hyde-Smith's adoption of Confederate heritage shows she is a racist. After all, that was a government, a culture and a society based on the inferiority of the black man.

To draw a line to that dot, you have to ignore generations of history during which the flag was accepted by the nation as a whole, as a harmless symbol of regional pride, NOT a symbol of the Confederate Government, treason, nor racism.

As demonstrated by my example of the Dukes of Hazzard.

It is almost certain that Hyde-Smith disagrees with you on the meaning of that flag.
Dude. Playtime made the claim that the parties flipped. I was addressing his claim.
That is not the OP. You made the claim Republicans supported the Voting Rights Act. Northerners mostly supported it. Southerners mostly voted against it. You just can't admit that, can you?

Sure I can. But it does not support Playtime's claim that that was went the parties flipped, no matter how you count the votes, nor how you group them.

There were a lot more democratic southerns voting against the Bill than Republican southerns.
You are a joke.

There has been a nation wide consensus in favor of civil right since the 60s when the dems stopped fighting it.

That is no joke, it is a good thing. Why do you want to think the worst of your fellow Americans?
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