Miss. Senator Hyde-Smith Posts Photo Wearing Confederate Hat

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They were German, but they were not Nazis.

The Confederacy is ranked as evil because modern libs hate the South.

The Confederacy is ranked evil because if people actually learn about it, they'll realize that the Dems were slaveholders who opposed civil rights for freed slaves during Reconstruction and promoted Jim Crow laws. Now they have created a narrative that Republicans were responsible for the oppression of blacks and must destroy all evidence to the contrary.

not true. nobody denies the original (D)s were the racists.... hence the party of lincoln.

however them thar roles flipped decades ago. do try 'n catch up to the reality of today.

Spin spin spin. The roles have not flipped. The Dems think of blacks as their property, hence the virtual lynching of black conservatives who dare to challenge the Prog orthodoxy.

uh-huh. how'de that whole #walkaway thingy work out for ya?

Excellent! The GOP kept the Senate, and Trump can keep appointing judges who grok The Constitution. He can also continue paring down the permanent bureaucracy in the Exec branch.

You must be on some powerful shit.
They were German, but they were not Nazis.

The Confederacy is ranked as evil because modern libs hate the South.

The Confederacy is ranked evil because if people actually learn about it, they'll realize that the Dems were slaveholders who opposed civil rights for freed slaves during Reconstruction and promoted Jim Crow laws. Now they have created a narrative that Republicans were responsible for the oppression of blacks and must destroy all evidence to the contrary.

not true. nobody denies the original (D)s were the racists.... hence the party of lincoln.

however them thar roles flipped decades ago. do try 'n catch up to the reality of today.

When did the roles flip? HInt: Good luck supporting any date you pick, liar.

i would say it started with the voting rights act............. ironically signed into law by LBJ.

you're welcome.

The voting rights act that 82 per cent of republicans in the House voted for?

ummm.... ya. because there were still (R)s of that time who were moderates. like i said................ it started around then. you think there was any defining moment? lol......

oh & my point still stands about your dishonesty in not explaining exactly what 'regional pride' the CONfed flag represented, so i'll explain it for you.


the southern states


to help identify with a cause

why part 1:

to secede from the union

why part 2:

for the right to own people

See how we came full circle there?

you're welcome again.

They were German, but they were not Nazis.

The Confederacy is ranked as evil because modern libs hate the South.

The Confederacy is ranked evil because if people actually learn about it, they'll realize that the Dems were slaveholders who opposed civil rights for freed slaves during Reconstruction and promoted Jim Crow laws. Now they have created a narrative that Republicans were responsible for the oppression of blacks and must destroy all evidence to the contrary.

not true. nobody denies the original (D)s were the racists.... hence the party of lincoln.

however them thar roles flipped decades ago. do try 'n catch up to the reality of today.

Spin spin spin. The roles have not flipped. The Dems think of blacks as their property, hence the virtual lynching of black conservatives who dare to challenge the Prog orthodoxy.

uh-huh. how'de that whole #walkaway thingy work out for ya?

Excellent! The GOP kept the Senate, and Trump can keep appointing judges who grok The Constitution. He can also continue paring down the permanent bureaucracy in the Exec branch.

the GOP keeps the senate for 2 years. but now there are checks & balances that tinkles' ain't gonna like too much. oh the popcorns apoppin'.
Lol, comical delusions....

Democrats hate blacks so much they nominated one for president

Republicans adore blacks so much that they still pander to white supremacist neo-nazis and train other self hating blacks to be ok with it...

And the minute one of those blacks speak off code (Michael Steele) -- he is exiled.

Basically all you folks do is self project the shit you have actually done onto others and hope we don't notice....but we do....

Democrats nominated a half white man who, according to Joe Biden:

"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man."

The Dems supported him because he would fall in line with the agenda of the Permanent Bureaucracy Fusion Party Status Quo. And he did.
Repubs had a chance to nominate Allan Keyes...they didn't even come close.....

Repubs had a chance to nominate Herman Cain -- we saw how that ended...

Repubs had a chance to nominate Ben Carson -- then Trump said about old Ben "You don’t cure a child molester. There’s no cure for it. Pathological, there’s no cure for that" -- and just like that, no more Ben for president.

In fact, Trump seems to really get a boost behind saying baseless shit against black people -- we know how much of a boost being the head cheerleader for the birther movement got him

Yes, they lost to better campaigners, (except for Cain who was just buried under lib media lies)

That is how those examples "ended".

Nothing wrong with that. (except for Cain, you libs should be ashamed)

Sorry it wasn't libs that made Uncle Cain cheat on his wife.

And yet you support candidates such as hiLIARy who enabled her husband to serially abuse women.

Go figure.

Actually I thought both candidates were trash. You have never seen me defending Hillary.
The Confederacy is ranked evil because if people actually learn about it, they'll realize that the Dems were slaveholders who opposed civil rights for freed slaves during Reconstruction and promoted Jim Crow laws. Now they have created a narrative that Republicans were responsible for the oppression of blacks and must destroy all evidence to the contrary.

not true. nobody denies the original (D)s were the racists.... hence the party of lincoln.

however them thar roles flipped decades ago. do try 'n catch up to the reality of today.

Spin spin spin. The roles have not flipped. The Dems think of blacks as their property, hence the virtual lynching of black conservatives who dare to challenge the Prog orthodoxy.

uh-huh. how'de that whole #walkaway thingy work out for ya?

Excellent! The GOP kept the Senate, and Trump can keep appointing judges who grok The Constitution. He can also continue paring down the permanent bureaucracy in the Exec branch.

You must be on some powerful shit.

I am. It's called REALITY.
The Confederacy is ranked evil because if people actually learn about it, they'll realize that the Dems were slaveholders who opposed civil rights for freed slaves during Reconstruction and promoted Jim Crow laws. Now they have created a narrative that Republicans were responsible for the oppression of blacks and must destroy all evidence to the contrary.

not true. nobody denies the original (D)s were the racists.... hence the party of lincoln.

however them thar roles flipped decades ago. do try 'n catch up to the reality of today.

Spin spin spin. The roles have not flipped. The Dems think of blacks as their property, hence the virtual lynching of black conservatives who dare to challenge the Prog orthodoxy.

uh-huh. how'de that whole #walkaway thingy work out for ya?

Excellent! The GOP kept the Senate, and Trump can keep appointing judges who grok The Constitution. He can also continue paring down the permanent bureaucracy in the Exec branch.

the GOP keeps the senate for 2 years. but now there are checks & balances that tinkles' ain't gonna like too much. oh the popcorns apoppin'.

I've noted before and I'll note it again: I am perfectly fine seeing gridlock in Congress. The less they do the better. Trump can do a lot just cleaning up the exec branch and appointing judges.
Democrats nominated a half white man who, according to Joe Biden:

"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man."

The Dems supported him because he would fall in line with the agenda of the Permanent Bureaucracy Fusion Party Status Quo. And he did.
Repubs had a chance to nominate Allan Keyes...they didn't even come close.....

Repubs had a chance to nominate Herman Cain -- we saw how that ended...

Repubs had a chance to nominate Ben Carson -- then Trump said about old Ben "You don’t cure a child molester. There’s no cure for it. Pathological, there’s no cure for that" -- and just like that, no more Ben for president.

In fact, Trump seems to really get a boost behind saying baseless shit against black people -- we know how much of a boost being the head cheerleader for the birther movement got him

Yes, they lost to better campaigners, (except for Cain who was just buried under lib media lies)

That is how those examples "ended".

Nothing wrong with that. (except for Cain, you libs should be ashamed)

Sorry it wasn't libs that made Uncle Cain cheat on his wife.

And yet you support candidates such as hiLIARy who enabled her husband to serially abuse women.

Go figure.

Actually I thought both candidates were trash. You have never seen me defending Hillary.

If you support Dem candidates, you support the nasty identity politics which enable the abuse of women. I bet you support Keith Ellison.
Repubs had a chance to nominate Allan Keyes...they didn't even come close.....

Repubs had a chance to nominate Herman Cain -- we saw how that ended...

Repubs had a chance to nominate Ben Carson -- then Trump said about old Ben "You don’t cure a child molester. There’s no cure for it. Pathological, there’s no cure for that" -- and just like that, no more Ben for president.

In fact, Trump seems to really get a boost behind saying baseless shit against black people -- we know how much of a boost being the head cheerleader for the birther movement got him

Yes, they lost to better campaigners, (except for Cain who was just buried under lib media lies)

That is how those examples "ended".

Nothing wrong with that. (except for Cain, you libs should be ashamed)

Sorry it wasn't libs that made Uncle Cain cheat on his wife.

And yet you support candidates such as hiLIARy who enabled her husband to serially abuse women.

Go figure.

Actually I thought both candidates were trash. You have never seen me defending Hillary.

If you support Dem candidates, you support the nasty identity politics which enable the abuse of women. I bet you support Keith Ellison.

Abuse of women and you are a Trump Supporter. Just take the rest of the year off
Yes, they lost to better campaigners, (except for Cain who was just buried under lib media lies)

That is how those examples "ended".

Nothing wrong with that. (except for Cain, you libs should be ashamed)

Sorry it wasn't libs that made Uncle Cain cheat on his wife.

And yet you support candidates such as hiLIARy who enabled her husband to serially abuse women.

Go figure.

Actually I thought both candidates were trash. You have never seen me defending Hillary.

If you support Dem candidates, you support the nasty identity politics which enable the abuse of women. I bet you support Keith Ellison.

Abuse of women and you are a Trump Supporter. Just take the rest of the year off

Trump hasn't abused women. He loves women...sometimes too much.
'Mississippi history at its best!' — GOP Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith wore Confederate cap in Facebook post

When you are in a run-off election down in Mississippi against a black guy, its best to go full Confederate. Personally, I don't care if a republican candidate wants to wrap herself in the confederate flag and opine about how great the Confederacy was -- I just wish someone would tell them that its the Democrats who are the party of the confederacy, duh!

From the article: Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith smilingly posed for a photo in 2014 while wearing a Confederate cap and holding a rifle, then put the image on her Facebook page with the words "Mississippi history at its best!" <<-- Was the confederacy really the time when Mississippi was at its finest? I would assume a significant portion of the population would disagree with that.

"That image, taken at a Mississippi museum, resurfaced Tuesday as AT&T, Leidos and Walmart joined two other companies, Union Pacific and Boston Scientific, in asking Hyde-Smith, a Republican, to return campaign contributions because of controversy over her recent jest about being willing to attend a public "hanging."

Now like I said, its not big deal to me if a republican wants to go full confederate, I would have expected to see the Democrats do it first tho, since they are still the party that most supports the Confederate cause -- however, I fully expect for Hyde-Smith to win her run-off against the former Democrat klan leader, Mike Espy.

I don't understand why a person who hates America would want to be a senator in our government.

The confederacy hated the union. They went to war against the union to be able to own people as slaves.

To say you believe that the confederacy is Mississippi history at it's finest is a huge load of garbage. The confederacy LOST. I guess that she believes that being losers who want to own people as slaves is Mississippi at it's finest but no decent human being would.

If you fly the flag of people who attacked the United States and killed hundreds of thousands of Americans, you have absolutely no business being in our government at any level.

Anyone who supports that old confederacy or flies their flag is a traitor to the United States of America.
NOTHING but all racist shit, from the party of racism and HATE..... the DemonRAT party....when are you left wing bigots going to learn?

Anyone want to guess why this poster posted this picture? Anyone?

It's a photoshop job.

They didn't bother to copy and paste the correct sky behind him. In 3 quarters of the photo there's very dark clouds behind him. In 1 quarter there isn't but it's the upper right corner. The lower right corner does have the darker clouds. It's like a big white spot in the photo.

Look at the shadow on his arm. It's scolloped yet the flag that is supposed to have cast that shadow isn't.

I've been using Photoshop since it's first version in the 80s. I can spot a Photoshopped altered image a mile away.

It's not a bad job but can't fool experts like me.
Wait ! This is the picture that has the left outraged ?!!!!!! ROTFLOL !!!!


I don't think that's a true photo.

If it was the image of the man would have not been so out of focus while the image of the woman next to him is totally in focus. If it was an honest photo, you wouldn't see one side of the image would be in focus while the other side isn't. They aren't moving so the only explanation to one spot of the image being that badly out of focus has to be a photoshop job.

One of them has been inserted into that photo
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Sorry it wasn't libs that made Uncle Cain cheat on his wife.

And yet you support candidates such as hiLIARy who enabled her husband to serially abuse women.

Go figure.

Actually I thought both candidates were trash. You have never seen me defending Hillary.

If you support Dem candidates, you support the nasty identity politics which enable the abuse of women. I bet you support Keith Ellison.

Abuse of women and you are a Trump Supporter. Just take the rest of the year off

Trump hasn't abused women. He loves women...sometimes too much.

You're living in a fantasyland.
And yet you support candidates such as hiLIARy who enabled her husband to serially abuse women.

Go figure.

Actually I thought both candidates were trash. You have never seen me defending Hillary.

If you support Dem candidates, you support the nasty identity politics which enable the abuse of women. I bet you support Keith Ellison.

Abuse of women and you are a Trump Supporter. Just take the rest of the year off

Trump hasn't abused women. He loves women...sometimes too much.

You're living in a fantasyland.

I am quite grounded in reality. The accusations against Trump consist of women who had consensual relationship that he paid off to stay quiet. That is far different than Bubba and hiLIARy smearing the women Bubba used and abused.
Actually I thought both candidates were trash. You have never seen me defending Hillary.

If you support Dem candidates, you support the nasty identity politics which enable the abuse of women. I bet you support Keith Ellison.

Abuse of women and you are a Trump Supporter. Just take the rest of the year off

Trump hasn't abused women. He loves women...sometimes too much.

You're living in a fantasyland.

I am quite grounded in reality. The accusations against Trump consist of women who had consensual relationship that he paid off to stay quiet. That is far different than Bubba and hiLIARy smearing the women Bubba used and abused.

So you think it is perfectly normal for a married man to sleep with other women. You think it's ok for a married man to pay off women he has slept with. The man has multiple lawsuits pending against him, but in your mind he is a standup guy.
If you support Dem candidates, you support the nasty identity politics which enable the abuse of women. I bet you support Keith Ellison.

Abuse of women and you are a Trump Supporter. Just take the rest of the year off

Trump hasn't abused women. He loves women...sometimes too much.

You're living in a fantasyland.

I am quite grounded in reality. The accusations against Trump consist of women who had consensual relationship that he paid off to stay quiet. That is far different than Bubba and hiLIARy smearing the women Bubba used and abused.

So you think it is perfectly normal for a married man to sleep with other women. You think it's ok for a married man to pay off women he has slept with. The man has multiple lawsuits pending against him, but in your mind he is a standup guy.

I don't care. You loons of the left have lectured us normals for 20 years that sex doesn't matter. Those of us who voted for Trump knew he was a hound dog - AND WE DON'T CARE...as long as he is not abusing subordinate employees at the office. There is no evidence that he has done a Bubba.
So you think it is perfectly normal for a married man to sleep with other women. You think it's ok for a married man to pay off women he has slept with. The man has multiple lawsuits pending against him, but in your mind he is a standup guy.

Was Trump in PUBLIC OFFICE or running for public office at the time. I really don't care what Private Citizens do. It's none of my business. Politicians, yes, and Clinton was in office during all his rapes, and affairs.
Abuse of women and you are a Trump Supporter. Just take the rest of the year off

Trump hasn't abused women. He loves women...sometimes too much.

You're living in a fantasyland.

I am quite grounded in reality. The accusations against Trump consist of women who had consensual relationship that he paid off to stay quiet. That is far different than Bubba and hiLIARy smearing the women Bubba used and abused.

So you think it is perfectly normal for a married man to sleep with other women. You think it's ok for a married man to pay off women he has slept with. The man has multiple lawsuits pending against him, but in your mind he is a standup guy.

I don't care. You loons of the left have lectured us normals for 20 years that sex doesn't matter. Those of us who voted for Trump knew he was a hound dog - AND WE DON'T CARE...as long as he is not abusing subordinate employees at the office. There is no evidence that he has done a Bubba.

So now the party of family values and morality have basically shown that they don't give a damn about any of those values it's a farce. You don't know what he has or hasn't done at this point.
So you think it is perfectly normal for a married man to sleep with other women. You think it's ok for a married man to pay off women he has slept with. The man has multiple lawsuits pending against him, but in your mind he is a standup guy.

Was Trump in PUBLIC OFFICE or running for public office at the time. I really don't care what Private Citizens do. It's none of my business. Politicians, yes, and Clinton was in office during all his rapes, and affairs.

That's a cop out, all of that goes straight to a man's character.
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