Miss. Senator Hyde-Smith Posts Photo Wearing Confederate Hat

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Hogans Heroes did not present the Nazis as sympathetic heroes. If it did, it would never had been made and if it was, it would never have been accepted, because the American viewer did not and would not accept that the Swastika was a harmless symbol.

But that was the point, it was continuing the old myth of the "Good German", who was just as disgusted by Hitler as the west was.

There were no "Good Germans". The Germans followed Hitler to the bitter end, fighting to the last little boy and old man. Yeah, guys like Klink and Schulz weren't "Nazis", but they were enablers.

The Dukes of Hazzard DID present proud Southern Boys as sympathetic heroes. It was made and was widely accepted because the American view did accept the Confederate Battle Flag as a harmless symbol.

This is my point. That flag, until recently was accepted by the nation as a whole as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

And thus attacking Senator Smith for wearing it, is historically ignorant and the act of race baiting asshole.

Except their was nothing "Harmless" about it. The Confederate Battle Flag was adopted as a symbol of defiance to northern attempt so secure civil rights for Blacks.

So saying the Stars and Bars are harmless if there are no black people around (Almost no black people ever appeared on the show. The only two I recall is a character in the pilot who was never seen again and the driver for Abraham Lincoln Hogg, the twin brother of Boss Hogg.)

Isn't that kind of like saying that the Swastika was harmless as long as no one talked about the Jews?

Here's the thing... In the period of the 1960 and 70's, a lot of the war movies made kind of downplayed the Germans as the bad guys. German officers were shown as sympathetic professional soldiers... and this was the problem. The problem is that although almost everyone thought Hitler was a buffoon, they all went along with it.

The same with the Confederate Flag. Most of the people who got killed so a few white people could keep owning slaves didn't directly benefit, but they fought anyway...
So, now Neo-Prussians aren't German???????

News to me.

Anyways, why is the Confederacy ranked as so evil, but not the Union?????

Because the Confederacy was fighting to perpetuate slavery. That's why it was evil.

About time we grew up and admitted as such.

99% of slavery's existence in the U.S.A, happened under American flags, FACT.

The Confederacy was merely continuing on an American tradition.
hogan's heroes portrayed nazi's & SS officers as likable & nonthreatening in nature. much like those CONfed flag owners on the dukes of hazzard.

nowadays, that would be considered soft propaganda.

Actually NEITHER of the German characters were nazis.

List of Hogan's Heroes characters - Wikipedia

Werner Klemperer as Col. Klink

Colonel Wilhelm Klink (portrayed by Werner Klemperer) – Kommandant Oberst (Colonel) Wilhelm Klink is an old-line Luftwaffe officer of aristocratic (Junker) Prussian descent. He is shown to be inept, a bit dimwitted, cowardly, and often clueless and rather gullible....

Klink is for the most part portrayed as a vain, muddling, and incompetent career officer rather than as an evil German or ardent Nazi. Many typical scenarios are played out in which Hogan will entangle Klink, as he is easily manipulated by Hogan through a combination of flattery, chicanery, and playing on Klink's fear of being sent to the Russian Front or of being arrested by the Gestapo.

Sergeant Hans Schultz (portrayed by John Banner) – Oberfeldwebel (During World War II the equivalent to Master Sergeant) Hans Schultz is Klink's inept, clumsy and somewhat dimwitted, yet affable Sergeant of the Guard. ...

Schultz on several occasions is shown to be very disgusted by the war and Hitler's rule, as he mentions how much he preferred having a kaiser rule Germany."

Hogans Heroes did not present the Nazis as sympathetic heroes. If it did, it would never had been made and if it was, it would never have been accepted, because the American viewer did not and would not accept that the Swastika was a harmless symbol.

The Dukes of Hazzard DID present proud Southern Boys as sympathetic heroes. It was made and was widely accepted because the American view did accept the Confederate Battle Flag as a harmless symbol.

This is my point. That flag, until recently was accepted by the nation as a whole as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

And thus attacking Senator Smith for wearing it, is historically ignorant and the act of race baiting asshole.

you must eat antivert like it was candy.

You just said that the show portrayed nazis as likable.

I just demonstrated that that was not true.

You are ignoring the fact that your point was crushed.

The fact that the Dukes was accepted by the nationwide tv viewing audience proves my point that the Flag has been seen as a symbol of harmless regional pride for generations.

Thus, your lefty attempt to cry racism is wrong.

You know this, that is why you are playing dodging games instead of addressing my counter point.

oh my god - you made a distinction that has no difference. what else am i supposed to do?

'harmless regional pride'? pride in what exactly?

pride in the attempted treasonous act of succession because the lower US wanted to maintain the right to own people?

THAT pride?

No, not that, but since your kind cannot accept facts, you will just have to go on being a poor liar.

lol, m'k... so then what regional pride does that CONfed flag represent?
Actually NEITHER of the German characters were nazis.

List of Hogan's Heroes characters - Wikipedia

Werner Klemperer as Col. Klink

Colonel Wilhelm Klink (portrayed by Werner Klemperer) – Kommandant Oberst (Colonel) Wilhelm Klink is an old-line Luftwaffe officer of aristocratic (Junker) Prussian descent. He is shown to be inept, a bit dimwitted, cowardly, and often clueless and rather gullible....

Klink is for the most part portrayed as a vain, muddling, and incompetent career officer rather than as an evil German or ardent Nazi. Many typical scenarios are played out in which Hogan will entangle Klink, as he is easily manipulated by Hogan through a combination of flattery, chicanery, and playing on Klink's fear of being sent to the Russian Front or of being arrested by the Gestapo.

Sergeant Hans Schultz (portrayed by John Banner) – Oberfeldwebel (During World War II the equivalent to Master Sergeant) Hans Schultz is Klink's inept, clumsy and somewhat dimwitted, yet affable Sergeant of the Guard. ...

Schultz on several occasions is shown to be very disgusted by the war and Hitler's rule, as he mentions how much he preferred having a kaiser rule Germany."

Hogans Heroes did not present the Nazis as sympathetic heroes. If it did, it would never had been made and if it was, it would never have been accepted, because the American viewer did not and would not accept that the Swastika was a harmless symbol.

The Dukes of Hazzard DID present proud Southern Boys as sympathetic heroes. It was made and was widely accepted because the American view did accept the Confederate Battle Flag as a harmless symbol.

This is my point. That flag, until recently was accepted by the nation as a whole as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

And thus attacking Senator Smith for wearing it, is historically ignorant and the act of race baiting asshole.

you must eat antivert like it was candy.

You just said that the show portrayed nazis as likable.

I just demonstrated that that was not true.

You are ignoring the fact that your point was crushed.

The fact that the Dukes was accepted by the nationwide tv viewing audience proves my point that the Flag has been seen as a symbol of harmless regional pride for generations.

Thus, your lefty attempt to cry racism is wrong.

You know this, that is why you are playing dodging games instead of addressing my counter point.

oh my god - you made a distinction that has no difference. what else am i supposed to do?

'harmless regional pride'? pride in what exactly?

pride in the attempted treasonous act of succession because the lower US wanted to maintain the right to own people?

THAT pride?

No, not that, but since your kind cannot accept facts, you will just have to go on being a poor liar.

lol, m'k... so then what regional pride does that CONfed flag represent?
The kind you won't accept because you are a liar.
So, now Neo-Prussians aren't German???????

News to me.

Anyways, why is the Confederacy ranked as so evil, but not the Union?????

Because the Confederacy was fighting to perpetuate slavery. That's why it was evil.

About time we grew up and admitted as such.

99% of slavery's existence in the U.S.A, happened under American flags, FACT.

The Confederacy was merely continuing on an American tradition.

even our founding fathers owned people... that is a very sad but true fact. however, when it no longer was to be tolerated - the south wanted to keep on owning people & was willing to spill blood over it.

<psssst> they lost & still can't get over it, the poor snowflakes..............
you must eat antivert like it was candy.

You just said that the show portrayed nazis as likable.

I just demonstrated that that was not true.

You are ignoring the fact that your point was crushed.

The fact that the Dukes was accepted by the nationwide tv viewing audience proves my point that the Flag has been seen as a symbol of harmless regional pride for generations.

Thus, your lefty attempt to cry racism is wrong.

You know this, that is why you are playing dodging games instead of addressing my counter point.

oh my god - you made a distinction that has no difference. what else am i supposed to do?

'harmless regional pride'? pride in what exactly?

pride in the attempted treasonous act of succession because the lower US wanted to maintain the right to own people?

THAT pride?

No, not that, but since your kind cannot accept facts, you will just have to go on being a poor liar.

lol, m'k... so then what regional pride does that CONfed flag represent?
The kind you won't accept because you are a liar.

yaaaaaaaaaaso you got nuthin'. that's what i thought.
And an old Confederate hat, or uniform means, or proves someone is racist, how?
by wearing something that represents hatred & bigotry, one is at the very least promoting the ideology..........

So again liberal/progressives show their controlling, fascist nature by trying to mandate what others do, especially with societal Politically Correct pressure. No, I will not comply with your stupid ideology of over the top demonization of anything, and everything. Hats, flags, statues, symbols, etc an not hurt you, so stop being SO AFRAID OF THEM.
99% of slavery's existence in the U.S.A, happened under American flags, FACT.

The Confederacy was merely continuing on an American tradition.

no, the Confederacy started a bloody war merely because a guy who thought slavery was bad got elected..

That makes it ... kind of worse.
Hogans Heroes did not present the Nazis as sympathetic heroes. If it did, it would never had been made and if it was, it would never have been accepted, because the American viewer did not and would not accept that the Swastika was a harmless symbol.

The Dukes of Hazzard DID present proud Southern Boys as sympathetic heroes. It was made and was widely accepted because the American view did accept the Confederate Battle Flag as a harmless symbol.

This is my point. That flag, until recently was accepted by the nation as a whole as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

And thus attacking Senator Smith for wearing it, is historically ignorant and the act of race baiting asshole.

hogan's heroes portrayed nazi's & SS officers as likable & nonthreatening in nature. much like those CONfed flag owners on the dukes of hazzard.

nowadays, that would be considered soft propaganda.

Actually NEITHER of the German characters were nazis.

List of Hogan's Heroes characters - Wikipedia

Werner Klemperer as Col. Klink

Colonel Wilhelm Klink (portrayed by Werner Klemperer) – Kommandant Oberst (Colonel) Wilhelm Klink is an old-line Luftwaffe officer of aristocratic (Junker) Prussian descent. He is shown to be inept, a bit dimwitted, cowardly, and often clueless and rather gullible....

Klink is for the most part portrayed as a vain, muddling, and incompetent career officer rather than as an evil German or ardent Nazi. Many typical scenarios are played out in which Hogan will entangle Klink, as he is easily manipulated by Hogan through a combination of flattery, chicanery, and playing on Klink's fear of being sent to the Russian Front or of being arrested by the Gestapo.

Sergeant Hans Schultz (portrayed by John Banner) – Oberfeldwebel (During World War II the equivalent to Master Sergeant) Hans Schultz is Klink's inept, clumsy and somewhat dimwitted, yet affable Sergeant of the Guard. ...

Schultz on several occasions is shown to be very disgusted by the war and Hitler's rule, as he mentions how much he preferred having a kaiser rule Germany."

Hogans Heroes did not present the Nazis as sympathetic heroes. If it did, it would never had been made and if it was, it would never have been accepted, because the American viewer did not and would not accept that the Swastika was a harmless symbol.

The Dukes of Hazzard DID present proud Southern Boys as sympathetic heroes. It was made and was widely accepted because the American view did accept the Confederate Battle Flag as a harmless symbol.

This is my point. That flag, until recently was accepted by the nation as a whole as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

And thus attacking Senator Smith for wearing it, is historically ignorant and the act of race baiting asshole.

you must eat antivert like it was candy.

You just said that the show portrayed nazis as likable.

I just demonstrated that that was not true.

You are ignoring the fact that your point was crushed.

The fact that the Dukes was accepted by the nationwide tv viewing audience proves my point that the Flag has been seen as a symbol of harmless regional pride for generations.

Thus, your lefty attempt to cry racism is wrong.

You know this, that is why you are playing dodging games instead of addressing my counter point.

oh my god - you made a distinction that has no difference. what else am i supposed to do?

'harmless regional pride'? pride in what exactly?

pride in the attempted treasonous act of succession because the lower US wanted to maintain the right to own people?

THAT pride?


You posted a picture of two characters from the show and said that the show portrayed Nazis as likable.

I proved that neither of the two characters were Nazis, and that one fears actual nazis and that the other explicitly stated that he detested Hitler and preferred the rule of the Kaiser.

Nazis vs NOT Nazis is a pretty big distinction.

Your attempt to refute my point with a counter example has failed.

My point thus still stands.

The Dukes of Hazzard DID present proud Southern Boys as sympathetic heroes. It was made and was widely accepted because the American view did accept the Confederate Battle Flag as a harmless symbol.

This is my point. That flag, until recently was accepted by the nation as a whole as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

And thus attacking Senator Smith for wearing it, is historically ignorant and the act of race baiting asshole.
The heroes of that show were Hogan and his guerrillas. The two "nazis" were portrayed as bumbling cowardly fools, sympathetic only in they were not bloodthirsty as the SS character, who represented the regime.

Bo and Luke were stereotypical heroes, brave, handsome, almost always saving someone, ect. ect ect.

YOur counter example is a very different show and does not undermine my point, that the success of the Dukes of Hazzard proves that the Flag was for generations accepted as a harmless symbol of regional pride.
Again, your idiocy is limitless

They were fucking television shows --- not period pieces...

Germans never showed excerpts from Hogans Heroes to make the claim "see, being a Nazi wasn't just about murdering 6 million jews" -- besides murdering jews wouldn't make good TV would it?

Well, Bo and Luke going around lynching little black boys for looking a white women wouldn't make for a good comedy sit-com.....but as with most things in Hollywood --- its make believe....so you stick to the make believe, I will stick with the actual history...

Hogans Heroes did not present the Nazis as sympathetic heroes. If it did, it would never had been made and if it was, it would never have been accepted, because the American viewer did not and would not accept that the Swastika was a harmless symbol.

The Dukes of Hazzard DID present proud Southern Boys as sympathetic heroes. It was made and was widely accepted because the American view did accept the Confederate Battle Flag as a harmless symbol.

This is my point. That flag, until recently was accepted by the nation as a whole as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

And thus attacking Senator Smith for wearing it, is historically ignorant and the act of race baiting asshole.

hogan's heroes portrayed nazi's & SS officers as likable & nonthreatening in nature. much like those CONfed flag owners on the dukes of hazzard.

nowadays, that would be considered soft propaganda.

Actually NEITHER of the German characters were nazis.

List of Hogan's Heroes characters - Wikipedia

Werner Klemperer as Col. Klink

Colonel Wilhelm Klink (portrayed by Werner Klemperer) – Kommandant Oberst (Colonel) Wilhelm Klink is an old-line Luftwaffe officer of aristocratic (Junker) Prussian descent. He is shown to be inept, a bit dimwitted, cowardly, and often clueless and rather gullible....

Klink is for the most part portrayed as a vain, muddling, and incompetent career officer rather than as an evil German or ardent Nazi. Many typical scenarios are played out in which Hogan will entangle Klink, as he is easily manipulated by Hogan through a combination of flattery, chicanery, and playing on Klink's fear of being sent to the Russian Front or of being arrested by the Gestapo.

Sergeant Hans Schultz (portrayed by John Banner) – Oberfeldwebel (During World War II the equivalent to Master Sergeant) Hans Schultz is Klink's inept, clumsy and somewhat dimwitted, yet affable Sergeant of the Guard. ...

Schultz on several occasions is shown to be very disgusted by the war and Hitler's rule, as he mentions how much he preferred having a kaiser rule Germany."

Hogans Heroes did not present the Nazis as sympathetic heroes. If it did, it would never had been made and if it was, it would never have been accepted, because the American viewer did not and would not accept that the Swastika was a harmless symbol.

The Dukes of Hazzard DID present proud Southern Boys as sympathetic heroes. It was made and was widely accepted because the American view did accept the Confederate Battle Flag as a harmless symbol.

This is my point. That flag, until recently was accepted by the nation as a whole as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

And thus attacking Senator Smith for wearing it, is historically ignorant and the act of race baiting asshole.

So, now Neo-Prussians aren't German???????

News to me.

Anyways, why is the Confederacy ranked as so evil, but not the Union?????

They were German, but they were not Nazis.

The Confederacy is ranked as evil because modern libs hate the South.
You just said that the show portrayed nazis as likable.

I just demonstrated that that was not true.

You are ignoring the fact that your point was crushed.

The fact that the Dukes was accepted by the nationwide tv viewing audience proves my point that the Flag has been seen as a symbol of harmless regional pride for generations.

Thus, your lefty attempt to cry racism is wrong.

You know this, that is why you are playing dodging games instead of addressing my counter point.

oh my god - you made a distinction that has no difference. what else am i supposed to do?

'harmless regional pride'? pride in what exactly?

pride in the attempted treasonous act of succession because the lower US wanted to maintain the right to own people?

THAT pride?

No, not that, but since your kind cannot accept facts, you will just have to go on being a poor liar.

lol, m'k... so then what regional pride does that CONfed flag represent?
The kind you won't accept because you are a liar.

yaaaaaaaaaaso you got nuthin'. that's what i thought.

1. Regional Pride is Pride in the Region.

2. D'uh.
by wearing something that represents hatred & bigotry, one is at the very least promoting the ideology..........

So again liberal/progressives show their controlling, fascist nature by trying to mandate what others do, especially with societal Politically Correct pressure. No, I will not comply with your stupid ideology of over the top demonization of anything, and everything. Hats, flags, statues, symbols, etc an not hurt you, so stop being SO AFRAID OF THEM.

mandate? who said anything about mandate.

AFRAID? shirley you jest; or you are ignorant & poorly educated.

you can wear whatever you want & say whatever you want. but they can have consequences.
oh my god - you made a distinction that has no difference. what else am i supposed to do?

'harmless regional pride'? pride in what exactly?

pride in the attempted treasonous act of succession because the lower US wanted to maintain the right to own people?

THAT pride?

No, not that, but since your kind cannot accept facts, you will just have to go on being a poor liar.

lol, m'k... so then what regional pride does that CONfed flag represent?
The kind you won't accept because you are a liar.

yaaaaaaaaaaso you got nuthin'. that's what i thought.

1. Regional Pride is Pride in the Region.

2. D'uh.

what did that flag represent, exactly? pride in the region for doing WHAT, exactly?

the american flag has colors, stripes, & stars to signify specific things for a specific reason.

you can't or won't answer honestly.
mandate? who said anything about mandate.

AFRAID? shirley you jest; or you are ignorant & poorly educated.

you can wear whatever you want & say whatever you want. but they can have consequences.

Yes, Mandate. The Media, liberal/progressive Society, and Corporate pressure is attempting to MANDATE what people say, and do with Political Correctness, and accusations of RACISM. It is a form of tyranny. No, there should be no consequences for someone wearing a Confederate hat for God's sake. It was not big deal for well over a Century, now all of a sudden their needs to be CONSEQUENCES? Get a life!
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Again, your idiocy is limitless

They were fucking television shows --- not period pieces...

Germans never showed excerpts from Hogans Heroes to make the claim "see, being a Nazi wasn't just about murdering 6 million jews" -- besides murdering jews wouldn't make good TV would it?

Well, Bo and Luke going around lynching little black boys for looking a white women wouldn't make for a good comedy sit-com.....but as with most things in Hollywood --- its make believe....so you stick to the make believe, I will stick with the actual history...

Hogans Heroes did not present the Nazis as sympathetic heroes. If it did, it would never had been made and if it was, it would never have been accepted, because the American viewer did not and would not accept that the Swastika was a harmless symbol.

The Dukes of Hazzard DID present proud Southern Boys as sympathetic heroes. It was made and was widely accepted because the American view did accept the Confederate Battle Flag as a harmless symbol.

This is my point. That flag, until recently was accepted by the nation as a whole as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

And thus attacking Senator Smith for wearing it, is historically ignorant and the act of race baiting asshole.

hogan's heroes portrayed nazi's & SS officers as likable & nonthreatening in nature. much like those CONfed flag owners on the dukes of hazzard.

nowadays, that would be considered soft propaganda.

Actually NEITHER of the German characters were nazis.

List of Hogan's Heroes characters - Wikipedia

Werner Klemperer as Col. Klink

Colonel Wilhelm Klink (portrayed by Werner Klemperer) – Kommandant Oberst (Colonel) Wilhelm Klink is an old-line Luftwaffe officer of aristocratic (Junker) Prussian descent. He is shown to be inept, a bit dimwitted, cowardly, and often clueless and rather gullible....

Klink is for the most part portrayed as a vain, muddling, and incompetent career officer rather than as an evil German or ardent Nazi. Many typical scenarios are played out in which Hogan will entangle Klink, as he is easily manipulated by Hogan through a combination of flattery, chicanery, and playing on Klink's fear of being sent to the Russian Front or of being arrested by the Gestapo.

Sergeant Hans Schultz (portrayed by John Banner) – Oberfeldwebel (During World War II the equivalent to Master Sergeant) Hans Schultz is Klink's inept, clumsy and somewhat dimwitted, yet affable Sergeant of the Guard. ...

Schultz on several occasions is shown to be very disgusted by the war and Hitler's rule, as he mentions how much he preferred having a kaiser rule Germany."

Hogans Heroes did not present the Nazis as sympathetic heroes. If it did, it would never had been made and if it was, it would never have been accepted, because the American viewer did not and would not accept that the Swastika was a harmless symbol.

The Dukes of Hazzard DID present proud Southern Boys as sympathetic heroes. It was made and was widely accepted because the American view did accept the Confederate Battle Flag as a harmless symbol.

This is my point. That flag, until recently was accepted by the nation as a whole as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

And thus attacking Senator Smith for wearing it, is historically ignorant and the act of race baiting asshole.

So, now Neo-Prussians aren't German???????

News to me.

Anyways, why is the Confederacy ranked as so evil, but not the Union?????

They were German, but they were not Nazis.

The Confederacy is ranked as evil because modern libs hate the South.

The Confederacy is ranked evil because if people actually learn about it, they'll realize that the Dems were slaveholders who opposed civil rights for freed slaves during Reconstruction and promoted Jim Crow laws. Now they have created a narrative that Republicans were responsible for the oppression of blacks and must destroy all evidence to the contrary.
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