Miss. Senator Hyde-Smith Posts Photo Wearing Confederate Hat

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Show where Lincoln said he would deport every Negro to save the union
Lincoln would have rather kept things status quo if it meant the union was saved..

Funny thing about white supremacists is that they try to have it both ways about lincoln..

When they are trying to play the game of "the democrats were the confederates" --- they proudly proclaim Lincoln as the benevolent figure who freed the slaves -- he was a republican blah blah...

But these idiots can go from that straight to making the claim that lincoln didn't like blacks and never wanted to free them....

All of which are distractions from the fact that TODAY -- it is conservatives who are married to the Confederacy....

YOu see that because you falsely see white supremacy where it is not.

There are differing views on Lincoln, because his words were not consistent.

And CONSERVATIVES are not a hive mind, like you libs tend to be. Thus different conservatives have different opinions on the man.

Actual White Supremacists don't try to claim Lincoln, you fool.
but funny how actual white supremacists claim to be conservatives, confederates, Trump supporters...and run for office as republicans...that's funny too ain't it?

Not really. The two go hand in hand. It benefits them to claim to be something they are not, to give the false image of more relevance then they have,

and it benefits you to support that narrative, to inflate the numbers of white supremacists so that you can smear your enemies, falsely.

It is a fine political alliance you libs and white supremacists have.

The problem with you and idiots like you is that white supremacy is so core to your ideology, so core to the political affiliation you align yourself with --- that when people oppose white supremacy, you think they are opposing you -- so you will always reflexively get all defensive and have hissy fits like the bitch you are...

Stop spending so much time accusing good people who oppose you, of being white supremacists and we won't be so defensive when you open your pie holes.

Wearing a cap with a confederate flag on it, is not a reason to call someone a White Supremacist, you race baiting asshole.

As I have demonstrated with my example.
Look at you being all triggered and emotional.....the confederacy lost before and they are losing now...no amount of hissy fits and tantrum you throw on this thread will change that.....

and every time folks like you try to revise it and water it down, others after me when be there to knock that down too
'Mississippi history at its best!' — GOP Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith wore Confederate cap in Facebook post

When you are in a run-off election down in Mississippi against a black guy, its best to go full Confederate. Personally, I don't care if a republican candidate wants to wrap herself in the confederate flag and opine about how great the Confederacy was -- I just wish someone would tell them that its the Democrats who are the party of the confederacy, duh!

From the article: Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith smilingly posed for a photo in 2014 while wearing a Confederate cap and holding a rifle, then put the image on her Facebook page with the words "Mississippi history at its best!" <<-- Was the confederacy really the time when Mississippi was at its finest? I would assume a significant portion of the population would disagree with that.

"That image, taken at a Mississippi museum, resurfaced Tuesday as AT&T, Leidos and Walmart joined two other companies, Union Pacific and Boston Scientific, in asking Hyde-Smith, a Republican, to return campaign contributions because of controversy over her recent jest about being willing to attend a public "hanging."

Now like I said, its not big deal to me if a republican wants to go full confederate, I would have expected to see the Democrats do it first tho, since they are still the party that most supports the Confederate cause -- however, I fully expect for Hyde-Smith to win her run-off against the former Democrat klan leader, Mike Espy.

The Confederacy has long since morphed from a partisan political issue to a general regional pride.

As you should well know.


ya............kinda like them thar whacky lovable nazis..........


The heroes of that show were Hogan and his guerrillas. The two "nazis" were portrayed as bumbling cowardly fools, sympathetic only in they were not bloodthirsty as the SS character, who represented the regime.

Bo and Luke were stereotypical heroes, brave, handsome, almost always saving someone, ect. ect ect.

YOur counter example is a very different show and does not undermine my point, that the success of the Dukes of Hazzard proves that the Flag was for generations accepted as a harmless symbol of regional pride.
Again, your idiocy is limitless

They were fucking television shows --- not period pieces...

Germans never showed excerpts from Hogans Heroes to make the claim "see, being a Nazi wasn't just about murdering 6 million jews" -- besides murdering jews wouldn't make good TV would it?

Well, Bo and Luke going around lynching little black boys for looking a white women wouldn't make for a good comedy sit-com.....but as with most things in Hollywood --- its make believe....so you stick to the make believe, I will stick with the actual history...

Hogans Heroes did not present the Nazis as sympathetic heroes. If it did, it would never had been made and if it was, it would never have been accepted, because the American viewer did not and would not accept that the Swastika was a harmless symbol.

The Dukes of Hazzard DID present proud Southern Boys as sympathetic heroes. It was made and was widely accepted because the American view did accept the Confederate Battle Flag as a harmless symbol.

This is my point. That flag, until recently was accepted by the nation as a whole as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

And thus attacking Senator Smith for wearing it, is historically ignorant and the act of race baiting asshole.
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Show where Lincoln said he would deport every Negro to save the union
Lincoln would have rather kept things status quo if it meant the union was saved..

Funny thing about white supremacists is that they try to have it both ways about lincoln..

When they are trying to play the game of "the democrats were the confederates" --- they proudly proclaim Lincoln as the benevolent figure who freed the slaves -- he was a republican blah blah...

But these idiots can go from that straight to making the claim that lincoln didn't like blacks and never wanted to free them....

All of which are distractions from the fact that TODAY -- it is conservatives who are married to the Confederacy....

YOu see that because you falsely see white supremacy where it is not.

There are differing views on Lincoln, because his words were not consistent.

And CONSERVATIVES are not a hive mind, like you libs tend to be. Thus different conservatives have different opinions on the man.

Actual White Supremacists don't try to claim Lincoln, you fool.
but funny how actual white supremacists claim to be conservatives, confederates, Trump supporters...and run for office as republicans...that's funny too ain't it?

Not really. The two go hand in hand. It benefits them to claim to be something they are not, to give the false image of more relevance then they have,

and it benefits you to support that narrative, to inflate the numbers of white supremacists so that you can smear your enemies, falsely.

It is a fine political alliance you libs and white supremacists have.

The problem with you and idiots like you is that white supremacy is so core to your ideology, so core to the political affiliation you align yourself with --- that when people oppose white supremacy, you think they are opposing you -- so you will always reflexively get all defensive and have hissy fits like the bitch you are...

Stop spending so much time accusing good people who oppose you, of being white supremacists and we won't be so defensive when you open your pie holes.

Wearing a cap with a confederate flag on it, is not a reason to call someone a White Supremacist, you race baiting asshole.

As I have demonstrated with my example.
Look at you being all triggered and emotional.....the confederacy lost before and they are losing now...no amount of hissy fits and tantrum you throw on this thread will change that.....

and every time folks like you try to revise it and water it down, others after me when be there to knock that down too

You falsely call me an idiot, and I call you, truthfully, and asshole back, and I'm the one that is having a hissy fit?

That was just the weak dodge of a lib losing, no, who has lost the argument.

My point stands.

YOu don't want conservatives to be defensive, stop attacking them. Especially falsely.
'Mississippi history at its best!' — GOP Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith wore Confederate cap in Facebook post

When you are in a run-off election down in Mississippi against a black guy, its best to go full Confederate. Personally, I don't care if a republican candidate wants to wrap herself in the confederate flag and opine about how great the Confederacy was -- I just wish someone would tell them that its the Democrats who are the party of the confederacy, duh!

From the article: Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith smilingly posed for a photo in 2014 while wearing a Confederate cap and holding a rifle, then put the image on her Facebook page with the words "Mississippi history at its best!" <<-- Was the confederacy really the time when Mississippi was at its finest? I would assume a significant portion of the population would disagree with that.

"That image, taken at a Mississippi museum, resurfaced Tuesday as AT&T, Leidos and Walmart joined two other companies, Union Pacific and Boston Scientific, in asking Hyde-Smith, a Republican, to return campaign contributions because of controversy over her recent jest about being willing to attend a public "hanging."

Now like I said, its not big deal to me if a republican wants to go full confederate, I would have expected to see the Democrats do it first tho, since they are still the party that most supports the Confederate cause -- however, I fully expect for Hyde-Smith to win her run-off against the former Democrat klan leader, Mike Espy.

The Confederacy has long since morphed from a partisan political issue to a general regional pride.

As you should well know.


ya............kinda like them thar whacky lovable nazis..........


The heroes of that show were Hogan and his guerrillas. The two "nazis" were portrayed as bumbling cowardly fools, sympathetic only in they were not bloodthirsty as the SS character, who represented the regime.

Bo and Luke were stereotypical heroes, brave, handsome, almost always saving someone, ect. ect ect.

YOur counter example is a very different show and does not undermine my point, that the success of the Dukes of Hazzard proves that the Flag was for generations accepted as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

careful you don't get dizzy with all your spinning.....

'Mississippi history at its best!' — GOP Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith wore Confederate cap in Facebook post

When you are in a run-off election down in Mississippi against a black guy, its best to go full Confederate. Personally, I don't care if a republican candidate wants to wrap herself in the confederate flag and opine about how great the Confederacy was -- I just wish someone would tell them that its the Democrats who are the party of the confederacy, duh!

From the article: Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith smilingly posed for a photo in 2014 while wearing a Confederate cap and holding a rifle, then put the image on her Facebook page with the words "Mississippi history at its best!" <<-- Was the confederacy really the time when Mississippi was at its finest? I would assume a significant portion of the population would disagree with that.

"That image, taken at a Mississippi museum, resurfaced Tuesday as AT&T, Leidos and Walmart joined two other companies, Union Pacific and Boston Scientific, in asking Hyde-Smith, a Republican, to return campaign contributions because of controversy over her recent jest about being willing to attend a public "hanging."

Now like I said, its not big deal to me if a republican wants to go full confederate, I would have expected to see the Democrats do it first tho, since they are still the party that most supports the Confederate cause -- however, I fully expect for Hyde-Smith to win her run-off against the former Democrat klan leader, Mike Espy.

The Confederacy has long since morphed from a partisan political issue to a general regional pride.

As you should well know.


ya............kinda like them thar whacky lovable nazis..........


The heroes of that show were Hogan and his guerrillas. The two "nazis" were portrayed as bumbling cowardly fools, sympathetic only in they were not bloodthirsty as the SS character, who represented the regime.

Bo and Luke were stereotypical heroes, brave, handsome, almost always saving someone, ect. ect ect.

YOur counter example is a very different show and does not undermine my point, that the success of the Dukes of Hazzard proves that the Flag was for generations accepted as a harmless symbol of regional pride.
Again, your idiocy is limitless

They were fucking television shows --- not period pieces...

Germans never showed excerpts from Hogans Heroes to make the claim "see, being a Nazi wasn't just about murdering 6 million jews" -- besides murdering jews wouldn't make good TV would it?

Well, Bo and Luke going around lynching little black boys for looking a white women wouldn't make for a good comedy sit-com.....but as with most things in Hollywood --- its make believe....so you stick to the make believe, I will stick with the actual history...

Hogans Heroes did not present the Nazis as sympathetic heroes. If it did, it would never had been made and if it was, it would never have been accepted, because the American viewer did not and would not accept that the Swastika was a harmless symbol.

The Dukes of Hazzard DID present proud Southern Boys as sympathetic heroes. It was made and was widely accepted because the American view did accept the Confederate Battle Flag as a harmless symbol.

This is my point. That flag, until recently was accepted by the nation as a whole as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

And thus attacking Senator Smith for wearing it, is historically ignorant and the act of race baiting asshole.

hogan's heroes portrayed nazi's & SS officers as likable & nonthreatening in nature. much like those CONfed flag owners on the dukes of hazzard.

nowadays, that would be considered soft propaganda.
The crying never ends. I'd rather see a confed hat than a pussy hat. My God you idiots are deranged.
'Mississippi history at its best!' — GOP Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith wore Confederate cap in Facebook post

When you are in a run-off election down in Mississippi against a black guy, its best to go full Confederate. Personally, I don't care if a republican candidate wants to wrap herself in the confederate flag and opine about how great the Confederacy was -- I just wish someone would tell them that its the Democrats who are the party of the confederacy, duh!

From the article: Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith smilingly posed for a photo in 2014 while wearing a Confederate cap and holding a rifle, then put the image on her Facebook page with the words "Mississippi history at its best!" <<-- Was the confederacy really the time when Mississippi was at its finest? I would assume a significant portion of the population would disagree with that.

"That image, taken at a Mississippi museum, resurfaced Tuesday as AT&T, Leidos and Walmart joined two other companies, Union Pacific and Boston Scientific, in asking Hyde-Smith, a Republican, to return campaign contributions because of controversy over her recent jest about being willing to attend a public "hanging."

Now like I said, its not big deal to me if a republican wants to go full confederate, I would have expected to see the Democrats do it first tho, since they are still the party that most supports the Confederate cause -- however, I fully expect for Hyde-Smith to win her run-off against the former Democrat klan leader, Mike Espy.

The Confederacy has long since morphed from a partisan political issue to a general regional pride.

As you should well know.


ya............kinda like them thar whacky lovable nazis..........


The heroes of that show were Hogan and his guerrillas. The two "nazis" were portrayed as bumbling cowardly fools, sympathetic only in they were not bloodthirsty as the SS character, who represented the regime.

Bo and Luke were stereotypical heroes, brave, handsome, almost always saving someone, ect. ect ect.

YOur counter example is a very different show and does not undermine my point, that the success of the Dukes of Hazzard proves that the Flag was for generations accepted as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

careful you don't get dizzy with all your spinning.....


Your admission that you cannot refute anything I said, is accepted.

My point stands

The heroes of that show were Hogan and his guerrillas. The two "nazis" were portrayed as bumbling cowardly fools, sympathetic only in they were not bloodthirsty as the SS character, who represented the regime.

Bo and Luke were stereotypical heroes, brave, handsome, almost always saving someone, ect. ect ect.

YOur counter example is a very different show and does not undermine my point, that the success of the Dukes of Hazzard proves that the Flag was for generations accepted as a harmless symbol of regional pride.
'Mississippi history at its best!' — GOP Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith wore Confederate cap in Facebook post

When you are in a run-off election down in Mississippi against a black guy, its best to go full Confederate. Personally, I don't care if a republican candidate wants to wrap herself in the confederate flag and opine about how great the Confederacy was -- I just wish someone would tell them that its the Democrats who are the party of the confederacy, duh!

From the article: Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith smilingly posed for a photo in 2014 while wearing a Confederate cap and holding a rifle, then put the image on her Facebook page with the words "Mississippi history at its best!" <<-- Was the confederacy really the time when Mississippi was at its finest? I would assume a significant portion of the population would disagree with that.

"That image, taken at a Mississippi museum, resurfaced Tuesday as AT&T, Leidos and Walmart joined two other companies, Union Pacific and Boston Scientific, in asking Hyde-Smith, a Republican, to return campaign contributions because of controversy over her recent jest about being willing to attend a public "hanging."

Now like I said, its not big deal to me if a republican wants to go full confederate, I would have expected to see the Democrats do it first tho, since they are still the party that most supports the Confederate cause -- however, I fully expect for Hyde-Smith to win her run-off against the former Democrat klan leader, Mike Espy.

The Confederacy has long since morphed from a partisan political issue to a general regional pride.

As you should well know.


ya............kinda like them thar whacky lovable nazis..........


The heroes of that show were Hogan and his guerrillas. The two "nazis" were portrayed as bumbling cowardly fools, sympathetic only in they were not bloodthirsty as the SS character, who represented the regime.

Bo and Luke were stereotypical heroes, brave, handsome, almost always saving someone, ect. ect ect.

YOur counter example is a very different show and does not undermine my point, that the success of the Dukes of Hazzard proves that the Flag was for generations accepted as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

careful you don't get dizzy with all your spinning.....


Your admission that you cannot refute anything I said, is accepted.

My point stands

The heroes of that show were Hogan and his guerrillas. The two "nazis" were portrayed as bumbling cowardly fools, sympathetic only in they were not bloodthirsty as the SS character, who represented the regime.

Bo and Luke were stereotypical heroes, brave, handsome, almost always saving someone, ect. ect ect.

YOur counter example is a very different show and does not undermine my point, that the success of the Dukes of Hazzard proves that the Flag was for generations accepted as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

lol... of course you believe your point stands. you are a deplorable.
Hogans Heroes did not present the Nazis as sympathetic heroes. If it did, it would never had been made and if it was, it would never have been accepted, because the American viewer did not and would not accept that the Swastika was a harmless symbol.

The Dukes of Hazzard DID present proud Southern Boys as sympathetic heroes. It was made and was widely accepted because the American view did accept the Confederate Battle Flag as a harmless symbol.

Yes, they did. They also thought funny Nazis were harmless, which is how Hogan's Heroes got greenlit. (They'd never make that show today.)

This is my point. That flag, until recently was accepted by the nation as a whole as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

yes, until people remembered, "Oh, yeah, wasn't that used by people who wanted to maintain slavery and segregation".

Let's use another example. This was the symbol of the 45th Infantry Division until World War II


It had nothing to do with Nazism, but was considered a lucky Native American symbol.

When the war broke out they changed to this.


Good thing, too... some guys could have gotten shot..
The Confederacy has long since morphed from a partisan political issue to a general regional pride.

As you should well know.


ya............kinda like them thar whacky lovable nazis..........


The heroes of that show were Hogan and his guerrillas. The two "nazis" were portrayed as bumbling cowardly fools, sympathetic only in they were not bloodthirsty as the SS character, who represented the regime.

Bo and Luke were stereotypical heroes, brave, handsome, almost always saving someone, ect. ect ect.

YOur counter example is a very different show and does not undermine my point, that the success of the Dukes of Hazzard proves that the Flag was for generations accepted as a harmless symbol of regional pride.
Again, your idiocy is limitless

They were fucking television shows --- not period pieces...

Germans never showed excerpts from Hogans Heroes to make the claim "see, being a Nazi wasn't just about murdering 6 million jews" -- besides murdering jews wouldn't make good TV would it?

Well, Bo and Luke going around lynching little black boys for looking a white women wouldn't make for a good comedy sit-com.....but as with most things in Hollywood --- its make believe....so you stick to the make believe, I will stick with the actual history...

Hogans Heroes did not present the Nazis as sympathetic heroes. If it did, it would never had been made and if it was, it would never have been accepted, because the American viewer did not and would not accept that the Swastika was a harmless symbol.

The Dukes of Hazzard DID present proud Southern Boys as sympathetic heroes. It was made and was widely accepted because the American view did accept the Confederate Battle Flag as a harmless symbol.

This is my point. That flag, until recently was accepted by the nation as a whole as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

And thus attacking Senator Smith for wearing it, is historically ignorant and the act of race baiting asshole.

hogan's heroes portrayed nazi's & SS officers as likable & nonthreatening in nature. much like those CONfed flag owners on the dukes of hazzard.

nowadays, that would be considered soft propaganda.

Actually NEITHER of the German characters were nazis.

List of Hogan's Heroes characters - Wikipedia

Werner Klemperer as Col. Klink

Colonel Wilhelm Klink (portrayed by Werner Klemperer) – Kommandant Oberst (Colonel) Wilhelm Klink is an old-line Luftwaffe officer of aristocratic (Junker) Prussian descent. He is shown to be inept, a bit dimwitted, cowardly, and often clueless and rather gullible....

Klink is for the most part portrayed as a vain, muddling, and incompetent career officer rather than as an evil German or ardent Nazi. Many typical scenarios are played out in which Hogan will entangle Klink, as he is easily manipulated by Hogan through a combination of flattery, chicanery, and playing on Klink's fear of being sent to the Russian Front or of being arrested by the Gestapo.

Sergeant Hans Schultz (portrayed by John Banner) – Oberfeldwebel (During World War II the equivalent to Master Sergeant) Hans Schultz is Klink's inept, clumsy and somewhat dimwitted, yet affable Sergeant of the Guard. ...

Schultz on several occasions is shown to be very disgusted by the war and Hitler's rule, as he mentions how much he preferred having a kaiser rule Germany."

Hogans Heroes did not present the Nazis as sympathetic heroes. If it did, it would never had been made and if it was, it would never have been accepted, because the American viewer did not and would not accept that the Swastika was a harmless symbol.

The Dukes of Hazzard DID present proud Southern Boys as sympathetic heroes. It was made and was widely accepted because the American view did accept the Confederate Battle Flag as a harmless symbol.

This is my point. That flag, until recently was accepted by the nation as a whole as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

And thus attacking Senator Smith for wearing it, is historically ignorant and the act of race baiting asshole.
The Confederacy has long since morphed from a partisan political issue to a general regional pride.

As you should well know.


ya............kinda like them thar whacky lovable nazis..........


The heroes of that show were Hogan and his guerrillas. The two "nazis" were portrayed as bumbling cowardly fools, sympathetic only in they were not bloodthirsty as the SS character, who represented the regime.

Bo and Luke were stereotypical heroes, brave, handsome, almost always saving someone, ect. ect ect.

YOur counter example is a very different show and does not undermine my point, that the success of the Dukes of Hazzard proves that the Flag was for generations accepted as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

careful you don't get dizzy with all your spinning.....


Your admission that you cannot refute anything I said, is accepted.

My point stands

The heroes of that show were Hogan and his guerrillas. The two "nazis" were portrayed as bumbling cowardly fools, sympathetic only in they were not bloodthirsty as the SS character, who represented the regime.

Bo and Luke were stereotypical heroes, brave, handsome, almost always saving someone, ect. ect ect.

YOur counter example is a very different show and does not undermine my point, that the success of the Dukes of Hazzard proves that the Flag was for generations accepted as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

lol... of course you believe your point stands. you are a deplorable.

Standard lib. Loses a debate and starts name calling.

The heroes of that show were Hogan and his guerrillas. The two "nazis" were portrayed as bumbling cowardly fools, sympathetic only in they were not bloodthirsty as the SS character, who represented the regime.

Bo and Luke were stereotypical heroes, brave, handsome, almost always saving someone, ect. ect ect.

YOur counter example is a very different show and does not undermine my point, that the success of the Dukes of Hazzard proves that the Flag was for generations accepted as a harmless symbol of regional pride.
ya............kinda like them thar whacky lovable nazis..........


The heroes of that show were Hogan and his guerrillas. The two "nazis" were portrayed as bumbling cowardly fools, sympathetic only in they were not bloodthirsty as the SS character, who represented the regime.

Bo and Luke were stereotypical heroes, brave, handsome, almost always saving someone, ect. ect ect.

YOur counter example is a very different show and does not undermine my point, that the success of the Dukes of Hazzard proves that the Flag was for generations accepted as a harmless symbol of regional pride.
Again, your idiocy is limitless

They were fucking television shows --- not period pieces...

Germans never showed excerpts from Hogans Heroes to make the claim "see, being a Nazi wasn't just about murdering 6 million jews" -- besides murdering jews wouldn't make good TV would it?

Well, Bo and Luke going around lynching little black boys for looking a white women wouldn't make for a good comedy sit-com.....but as with most things in Hollywood --- its make believe....so you stick to the make believe, I will stick with the actual history...

Hogans Heroes did not present the Nazis as sympathetic heroes. If it did, it would never had been made and if it was, it would never have been accepted, because the American viewer did not and would not accept that the Swastika was a harmless symbol.

The Dukes of Hazzard DID present proud Southern Boys as sympathetic heroes. It was made and was widely accepted because the American view did accept the Confederate Battle Flag as a harmless symbol.

This is my point. That flag, until recently was accepted by the nation as a whole as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

And thus attacking Senator Smith for wearing it, is historically ignorant and the act of race baiting asshole.

hogan's heroes portrayed nazi's & SS officers as likable & nonthreatening in nature. much like those CONfed flag owners on the dukes of hazzard.

nowadays, that would be considered soft propaganda.

Actually NEITHER of the German characters were nazis.

List of Hogan's Heroes characters - Wikipedia

Werner Klemperer as Col. Klink

Colonel Wilhelm Klink (portrayed by Werner Klemperer) – Kommandant Oberst (Colonel) Wilhelm Klink is an old-line Luftwaffe officer of aristocratic (Junker) Prussian descent. He is shown to be inept, a bit dimwitted, cowardly, and often clueless and rather gullible....

Klink is for the most part portrayed as a vain, muddling, and incompetent career officer rather than as an evil German or ardent Nazi. Many typical scenarios are played out in which Hogan will entangle Klink, as he is easily manipulated by Hogan through a combination of flattery, chicanery, and playing on Klink's fear of being sent to the Russian Front or of being arrested by the Gestapo.

Sergeant Hans Schultz (portrayed by John Banner) – Oberfeldwebel (During World War II the equivalent to Master Sergeant) Hans Schultz is Klink's inept, clumsy and somewhat dimwitted, yet affable Sergeant of the Guard. ...

Schultz on several occasions is shown to be very disgusted by the war and Hitler's rule, as he mentions how much he preferred having a kaiser rule Germany."

Hogans Heroes did not present the Nazis as sympathetic heroes. If it did, it would never had been made and if it was, it would never have been accepted, because the American viewer did not and would not accept that the Swastika was a harmless symbol.

The Dukes of Hazzard DID present proud Southern Boys as sympathetic heroes. It was made and was widely accepted because the American view did accept the Confederate Battle Flag as a harmless symbol.

This is my point. That flag, until recently was accepted by the nation as a whole as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

And thus attacking Senator Smith for wearing it, is historically ignorant and the act of race baiting asshole.

you must eat antivert like it was candy.
ya............kinda like them thar whacky lovable nazis..........


The heroes of that show were Hogan and his guerrillas. The two "nazis" were portrayed as bumbling cowardly fools, sympathetic only in they were not bloodthirsty as the SS character, who represented the regime.

Bo and Luke were stereotypical heroes, brave, handsome, almost always saving someone, ect. ect ect.

YOur counter example is a very different show and does not undermine my point, that the success of the Dukes of Hazzard proves that the Flag was for generations accepted as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

careful you don't get dizzy with all your spinning.....


Your admission that you cannot refute anything I said, is accepted.

My point stands

The heroes of that show were Hogan and his guerrillas. The two "nazis" were portrayed as bumbling cowardly fools, sympathetic only in they were not bloodthirsty as the SS character, who represented the regime.

Bo and Luke were stereotypical heroes, brave, handsome, almost always saving someone, ect. ect ect.

YOur counter example is a very different show and does not undermine my point, that the success of the Dukes of Hazzard proves that the Flag was for generations accepted as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

lol... of course you believe your point stands. you are a deplorable.

Standard lib. Loses a debate and starts name calling.

The heroes of that show were Hogan and his guerrillas. The two "nazis" were portrayed as bumbling cowardly fools, sympathetic only in they were not bloodthirsty as the SS character, who represented the regime.

Bo and Luke were stereotypical heroes, brave, handsome, almost always saving someone, ect. ect ect.

YOur counter example is a very different show and does not undermine my point, that the success of the Dukes of Hazzard proves that the Flag was for generations accepted as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

does it hurt when your braincells would rather commit suicide than spend any more time in that brain of yours?
The heroes of that show were Hogan and his guerrillas. The two "nazis" were portrayed as bumbling cowardly fools, sympathetic only in they were not bloodthirsty as the SS character, who represented the regime.

Bo and Luke were stereotypical heroes, brave, handsome, almost always saving someone, ect. ect ect.

YOur counter example is a very different show and does not undermine my point, that the success of the Dukes of Hazzard proves that the Flag was for generations accepted as a harmless symbol of regional pride.
Again, your idiocy is limitless

They were fucking television shows --- not period pieces...

Germans never showed excerpts from Hogans Heroes to make the claim "see, being a Nazi wasn't just about murdering 6 million jews" -- besides murdering jews wouldn't make good TV would it?

Well, Bo and Luke going around lynching little black boys for looking a white women wouldn't make for a good comedy sit-com.....but as with most things in Hollywood --- its make believe....so you stick to the make believe, I will stick with the actual history...

Hogans Heroes did not present the Nazis as sympathetic heroes. If it did, it would never had been made and if it was, it would never have been accepted, because the American viewer did not and would not accept that the Swastika was a harmless symbol.

The Dukes of Hazzard DID present proud Southern Boys as sympathetic heroes. It was made and was widely accepted because the American view did accept the Confederate Battle Flag as a harmless symbol.

This is my point. That flag, until recently was accepted by the nation as a whole as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

And thus attacking Senator Smith for wearing it, is historically ignorant and the act of race baiting asshole.

hogan's heroes portrayed nazi's & SS officers as likable & nonthreatening in nature. much like those CONfed flag owners on the dukes of hazzard.

nowadays, that would be considered soft propaganda.

Actually NEITHER of the German characters were nazis.

List of Hogan's Heroes characters - Wikipedia

Werner Klemperer as Col. Klink

Colonel Wilhelm Klink (portrayed by Werner Klemperer) – Kommandant Oberst (Colonel) Wilhelm Klink is an old-line Luftwaffe officer of aristocratic (Junker) Prussian descent. He is shown to be inept, a bit dimwitted, cowardly, and often clueless and rather gullible....

Klink is for the most part portrayed as a vain, muddling, and incompetent career officer rather than as an evil German or ardent Nazi. Many typical scenarios are played out in which Hogan will entangle Klink, as he is easily manipulated by Hogan through a combination of flattery, chicanery, and playing on Klink's fear of being sent to the Russian Front or of being arrested by the Gestapo.

Sergeant Hans Schultz (portrayed by John Banner) – Oberfeldwebel (During World War II the equivalent to Master Sergeant) Hans Schultz is Klink's inept, clumsy and somewhat dimwitted, yet affable Sergeant of the Guard. ...

Schultz on several occasions is shown to be very disgusted by the war and Hitler's rule, as he mentions how much he preferred having a kaiser rule Germany."

Hogans Heroes did not present the Nazis as sympathetic heroes. If it did, it would never had been made and if it was, it would never have been accepted, because the American viewer did not and would not accept that the Swastika was a harmless symbol.

The Dukes of Hazzard DID present proud Southern Boys as sympathetic heroes. It was made and was widely accepted because the American view did accept the Confederate Battle Flag as a harmless symbol.

This is my point. That flag, until recently was accepted by the nation as a whole as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

And thus attacking Senator Smith for wearing it, is historically ignorant and the act of race baiting asshole.

you must eat antivert like it was candy.

You just said that the show portrayed nazis as likable.

I just demonstrated that that was not true.

You are ignoring the fact that your point was crushed.

The fact that the Dukes was accepted by the nationwide tv viewing audience proves my point that the Flag has been seen as a symbol of harmless regional pride for generations.

Thus, your lefty attempt to cry racism is wrong.

You know this, that is why you are playing dodging games instead of addressing my counter point.
The one constant of a universe in flux - progtards crying over someone who they don't like.
Again, your idiocy is limitless

They were fucking television shows --- not period pieces...

Germans never showed excerpts from Hogans Heroes to make the claim "see, being a Nazi wasn't just about murdering 6 million jews" -- besides murdering jews wouldn't make good TV would it?

Well, Bo and Luke going around lynching little black boys for looking a white women wouldn't make for a good comedy sit-com.....but as with most things in Hollywood --- its make believe....so you stick to the make believe, I will stick with the actual history...

Hogans Heroes did not present the Nazis as sympathetic heroes. If it did, it would never had been made and if it was, it would never have been accepted, because the American viewer did not and would not accept that the Swastika was a harmless symbol.

The Dukes of Hazzard DID present proud Southern Boys as sympathetic heroes. It was made and was widely accepted because the American view did accept the Confederate Battle Flag as a harmless symbol.

This is my point. That flag, until recently was accepted by the nation as a whole as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

And thus attacking Senator Smith for wearing it, is historically ignorant and the act of race baiting asshole.

hogan's heroes portrayed nazi's & SS officers as likable & nonthreatening in nature. much like those CONfed flag owners on the dukes of hazzard.

nowadays, that would be considered soft propaganda.

Actually NEITHER of the German characters were nazis.

List of Hogan's Heroes characters - Wikipedia

Werner Klemperer as Col. Klink

Colonel Wilhelm Klink (portrayed by Werner Klemperer) – Kommandant Oberst (Colonel) Wilhelm Klink is an old-line Luftwaffe officer of aristocratic (Junker) Prussian descent. He is shown to be inept, a bit dimwitted, cowardly, and often clueless and rather gullible....

Klink is for the most part portrayed as a vain, muddling, and incompetent career officer rather than as an evil German or ardent Nazi. Many typical scenarios are played out in which Hogan will entangle Klink, as he is easily manipulated by Hogan through a combination of flattery, chicanery, and playing on Klink's fear of being sent to the Russian Front or of being arrested by the Gestapo.

Sergeant Hans Schultz (portrayed by John Banner) – Oberfeldwebel (During World War II the equivalent to Master Sergeant) Hans Schultz is Klink's inept, clumsy and somewhat dimwitted, yet affable Sergeant of the Guard. ...

Schultz on several occasions is shown to be very disgusted by the war and Hitler's rule, as he mentions how much he preferred having a kaiser rule Germany."

Hogans Heroes did not present the Nazis as sympathetic heroes. If it did, it would never had been made and if it was, it would never have been accepted, because the American viewer did not and would not accept that the Swastika was a harmless symbol.

The Dukes of Hazzard DID present proud Southern Boys as sympathetic heroes. It was made and was widely accepted because the American view did accept the Confederate Battle Flag as a harmless symbol.

This is my point. That flag, until recently was accepted by the nation as a whole as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

And thus attacking Senator Smith for wearing it, is historically ignorant and the act of race baiting asshole.

you must eat antivert like it was candy.

You just said that the show portrayed nazis as likable.

I just demonstrated that that was not true.

You are ignoring the fact that your point was crushed.

The fact that the Dukes was accepted by the nationwide tv viewing audience proves my point that the Flag has been seen as a symbol of harmless regional pride for generations.

Thus, your lefty attempt to cry racism is wrong.

You know this, that is why you are playing dodging games instead of addressing my counter point.

oh my god - you made a distinction that has no difference. what else am i supposed to do?

'harmless regional pride'? pride in what exactly?

pride in the attempted treasonous act of succession because the lower US wanted to maintain the right to own people?

THAT pride?

Hogans Heroes did not present the Nazis as sympathetic heroes. If it did, it would never had been made and if it was, it would never have been accepted, because the American viewer did not and would not accept that the Swastika was a harmless symbol.

The Dukes of Hazzard DID present proud Southern Boys as sympathetic heroes. It was made and was widely accepted because the American view did accept the Confederate Battle Flag as a harmless symbol.

This is my point. That flag, until recently was accepted by the nation as a whole as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

And thus attacking Senator Smith for wearing it, is historically ignorant and the act of race baiting asshole.

hogan's heroes portrayed nazi's & SS officers as likable & nonthreatening in nature. much like those CONfed flag owners on the dukes of hazzard.

nowadays, that would be considered soft propaganda.

Actually NEITHER of the German characters were nazis.

List of Hogan's Heroes characters - Wikipedia

Werner Klemperer as Col. Klink

Colonel Wilhelm Klink (portrayed by Werner Klemperer) – Kommandant Oberst (Colonel) Wilhelm Klink is an old-line Luftwaffe officer of aristocratic (Junker) Prussian descent. He is shown to be inept, a bit dimwitted, cowardly, and often clueless and rather gullible....

Klink is for the most part portrayed as a vain, muddling, and incompetent career officer rather than as an evil German or ardent Nazi. Many typical scenarios are played out in which Hogan will entangle Klink, as he is easily manipulated by Hogan through a combination of flattery, chicanery, and playing on Klink's fear of being sent to the Russian Front or of being arrested by the Gestapo.

Sergeant Hans Schultz (portrayed by John Banner) – Oberfeldwebel (During World War II the equivalent to Master Sergeant) Hans Schultz is Klink's inept, clumsy and somewhat dimwitted, yet affable Sergeant of the Guard. ...

Schultz on several occasions is shown to be very disgusted by the war and Hitler's rule, as he mentions how much he preferred having a kaiser rule Germany."

Hogans Heroes did not present the Nazis as sympathetic heroes. If it did, it would never had been made and if it was, it would never have been accepted, because the American viewer did not and would not accept that the Swastika was a harmless symbol.

The Dukes of Hazzard DID present proud Southern Boys as sympathetic heroes. It was made and was widely accepted because the American view did accept the Confederate Battle Flag as a harmless symbol.

This is my point. That flag, until recently was accepted by the nation as a whole as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

And thus attacking Senator Smith for wearing it, is historically ignorant and the act of race baiting asshole.

you must eat antivert like it was candy.

You just said that the show portrayed nazis as likable.

I just demonstrated that that was not true.

You are ignoring the fact that your point was crushed.

The fact that the Dukes was accepted by the nationwide tv viewing audience proves my point that the Flag has been seen as a symbol of harmless regional pride for generations.

Thus, your lefty attempt to cry racism is wrong.

You know this, that is why you are playing dodging games instead of addressing my counter point.

oh my god - you made a distinction that has no difference. what else am i supposed to do?

'harmless regional pride'? pride in what exactly?

pride in the attempted treasonous act of succession because the lower US wanted to maintain the right to own people?

THAT pride?

No, not that, but since your kind cannot accept facts, you will just have to go on being a poor liar.
ya............kinda like them thar whacky lovable nazis..........


The heroes of that show were Hogan and his guerrillas. The two "nazis" were portrayed as bumbling cowardly fools, sympathetic only in they were not bloodthirsty as the SS character, who represented the regime.

Bo and Luke were stereotypical heroes, brave, handsome, almost always saving someone, ect. ect ect.

YOur counter example is a very different show and does not undermine my point, that the success of the Dukes of Hazzard proves that the Flag was for generations accepted as a harmless symbol of regional pride.
Again, your idiocy is limitless

They were fucking television shows --- not period pieces...

Germans never showed excerpts from Hogans Heroes to make the claim "see, being a Nazi wasn't just about murdering 6 million jews" -- besides murdering jews wouldn't make good TV would it?

Well, Bo and Luke going around lynching little black boys for looking a white women wouldn't make for a good comedy sit-com.....but as with most things in Hollywood --- its make believe....so you stick to the make believe, I will stick with the actual history...

Hogans Heroes did not present the Nazis as sympathetic heroes. If it did, it would never had been made and if it was, it would never have been accepted, because the American viewer did not and would not accept that the Swastika was a harmless symbol.

The Dukes of Hazzard DID present proud Southern Boys as sympathetic heroes. It was made and was widely accepted because the American view did accept the Confederate Battle Flag as a harmless symbol.

This is my point. That flag, until recently was accepted by the nation as a whole as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

And thus attacking Senator Smith for wearing it, is historically ignorant and the act of race baiting asshole.

hogan's heroes portrayed nazi's & SS officers as likable & nonthreatening in nature. much like those CONfed flag owners on the dukes of hazzard.

nowadays, that would be considered soft propaganda.

Actually NEITHER of the German characters were nazis.

List of Hogan's Heroes characters - Wikipedia

Werner Klemperer as Col. Klink

Colonel Wilhelm Klink (portrayed by Werner Klemperer) – Kommandant Oberst (Colonel) Wilhelm Klink is an old-line Luftwaffe officer of aristocratic (Junker) Prussian descent. He is shown to be inept, a bit dimwitted, cowardly, and often clueless and rather gullible....

Klink is for the most part portrayed as a vain, muddling, and incompetent career officer rather than as an evil German or ardent Nazi. Many typical scenarios are played out in which Hogan will entangle Klink, as he is easily manipulated by Hogan through a combination of flattery, chicanery, and playing on Klink's fear of being sent to the Russian Front or of being arrested by the Gestapo.

Sergeant Hans Schultz (portrayed by John Banner) – Oberfeldwebel (During World War II the equivalent to Master Sergeant) Hans Schultz is Klink's inept, clumsy and somewhat dimwitted, yet affable Sergeant of the Guard. ...

Schultz on several occasions is shown to be very disgusted by the war and Hitler's rule, as he mentions how much he preferred having a kaiser rule Germany."

Hogans Heroes did not present the Nazis as sympathetic heroes. If it did, it would never had been made and if it was, it would never have been accepted, because the American viewer did not and would not accept that the Swastika was a harmless symbol.

The Dukes of Hazzard DID present proud Southern Boys as sympathetic heroes. It was made and was widely accepted because the American view did accept the Confederate Battle Flag as a harmless symbol.

This is my point. That flag, until recently was accepted by the nation as a whole as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

And thus attacking Senator Smith for wearing it, is historically ignorant and the act of race baiting asshole.

So, now Neo-Prussians aren't German???????

News to me.

Anyways, why is the Confederacy ranked as so evil, but not the Union?????
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