Miss. Senator Hyde-Smith Posts Photo Wearing Confederate Hat

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'Mississippi history at its best!' — GOP Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith wore Confederate cap in Facebook post

When you are in a run-off election down in Mississippi against a black guy, its best to go full Confederate. Personally, I don't care if a republican candidate wants to wrap herself in the confederate flag and opine about how great the Confederacy was -- I just wish someone would tell them that its the Democrats who are the party of the confederacy, duh!

From the article: Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith smilingly posed for a photo in 2014 while wearing a Confederate cap and holding a rifle, then put the image on her Facebook page with the words "Mississippi history at its best!" <<-- Was the confederacy really the time when Mississippi was at its finest? I would assume a significant portion of the population would disagree with that.

"That image, taken at a Mississippi museum, resurfaced Tuesday as AT&T, Leidos and Walmart joined two other companies, Union Pacific and Boston Scientific, in asking Hyde-Smith, a Republican, to return campaign contributions because of controversy over her recent jest about being willing to attend a public "hanging."

Now like I said, its not big deal to me if a republican wants to go full confederate, I would have expected to see the Democrats do it first tho, since they are still the party that most supports the Confederate cause -- however, I fully expect for Hyde-Smith to win her run-off against the former Democrat klan leader, Mike Espy.

The Confederacy has long since morphed from a partisan political issue to a general regional pride.

As you should well know.

Why have regional pride over an organization/government that lasted four years (half the length of the Third Reich) and ended in crushing defeat? ...and then, not even use the correct flag?

The Heritage of stupid loser-dom?

And obama is good friends with actual racists and anti semites, Louis Farrakhan, al sharpton, and jeremiah wright, as well as good friends with actual, domestic terrorist bombers bill ayers and bernadine dorhn.......

She wore a hat, he is good friends with racists and anti semites....I bet you still voted for him...
Oh look! Over there! It's a Former President Obama reference.....in a thread that has nothing to do with Former President Obama. :71:
NOTHING but all racist shit, from the party of racism and HATE..... the DemonRAT party....when are you left wing bigots going to learn?

Anyone want to guess why this poster posted this picture? Anyone?
Give it time

Those symbols of oppression will soon be gone
How can you argue that they are not symbols of self-defense ? If soldiers traveled hundreds of miles to you hometown and were shooting at you, blowing up your buildings, burning down your churches, what would you do ? Nothing ? Say thank you ?
Then, those Con-federates shouldn't have started a war they couldn't finish, eh?
I remember plenty of episodes of the Dukes Of Hazzard where they opined about how blacks don't know their place since that tyrant Lincoln signed that dag-nabit Emancipation thingy

The more you idiots keep trying to pretend your party is the party where most white supremacists feel at home, the more pathetic your deflections will become

There were no such episodes. YOu are lying.

The few white supremacists have no home in the American political scene. There has been national unity on equal rights for blacks since the late 60s, when the dems finally gave up on Jim Crow.

The Confederate Flag has long been seen as a harmless symbol of regional pride.
My god you people are clueless -- the dukes of hazard was a hollywood show about a fictional place in the south -- it had ZERO to do with reality --- because during the same time period of that show -- people were still being lynched by the KKK -- right down there in Dukes Of Hazzard country....

And as much you keep trying to say "the few white supremacists" it is shit you tell yourself to make you feel better -- there are enough white supremacists for the republican party to keep pandering to them

and there was not national unity on equal rights in the 60's you idiot.....

1. The Dukes of Hazzard was a fictional tv show. ONe which became a NATIONWIDE hit, despite the fact that the main characters were proud southern boys, with a Confederate Flag painted on the top of their car, which they named the General Lee.

The fact that this show was popular OUTSIDE of the South, proves my point that historically the flag has been seen as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

2. The Dukes of Hazzard was not a period piece. It was set in the 80s. "lynching" was a vanishing rarity by that time.

3. No sane person would claim that the GOP panders to white supremacists.
Them Duke boys yearned for the days they could keep negroes as slaves

If they caught Daisy dating a negro they would lynch him

If, at any point, anything the characters said or did, gave that impression, the show would never have been accepted by the America viewer.

That is the point I have made, and nothing in your moronic post addressed that.

Try to be less stupid.
Yet, you think Confederates are so threatening, talk about grand hypocrisy.

There's probably more ANTIFA sympathizers in America, than Confederate sympathizers, yet somehow it's just Confederates who are to be kicked to the curb, as the boogie-man?????

The Bolsheviks started off with a 'Riot" in 1905, but the Tsar kicked them out, they came back 12 years later, and killed 6 - 16 million in a few years.

So, I don't see how ANTIFA is automatically not to be considered as threat?
Antifa is a right wing bogeyman
Right up there with George Soros

Any ideal can be dangerous.

You as a hypocrite just tend to think the Conferderacy is the boogie- man.
They are

One of the more reprehensible governments ever formed

There's probably 100 regimes who killed more than Confederates.
None in the US

Some 20th century US Dems & Repubs killed more.
'Mississippi history at its best!' — GOP Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith wore Confederate cap in Facebook post

When you are in a run-off election down in Mississippi against a black guy, its best to go full Confederate. Personally, I don't care if a republican candidate wants to wrap herself in the confederate flag and opine about how great the Confederacy was -- I just wish someone would tell them that its the Democrats who are the party of the confederacy, duh!

From the article: Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith smilingly posed for a photo in 2014 while wearing a Confederate cap and holding a rifle, then put the image on her Facebook page with the words "Mississippi history at its best!" <<-- Was the confederacy really the time when Mississippi was at its finest? I would assume a significant portion of the population would disagree with that.

"That image, taken at a Mississippi museum, resurfaced Tuesday as AT&T, Leidos and Walmart joined two other companies, Union Pacific and Boston Scientific, in asking Hyde-Smith, a Republican, to return campaign contributions because of controversy over her recent jest about being willing to attend a public "hanging."

Now like I said, its not big deal to me if a republican wants to go full confederate, I would have expected to see the Democrats do it first tho, since they are still the party that most supports the Confederate cause -- however, I fully expect for Hyde-Smith to win her run-off against the former Democrat klan leader, Mike Espy.

Try to know the difference between an adjective and a noun.
Dems support confeds?
You are kidding.
Heard of the civil rights act?
Lyndon "tell the dumbest white guy he is smarter than the smartest black guy and you can pick his pocket forever"
'Mississippi history at its best!' — GOP Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith wore Confederate cap in Facebook post

When you are in a run-off election down in Mississippi against a black guy, its best to go full Confederate. Personally, I don't care if a republican candidate wants to wrap herself in the confederate flag and opine about how great the Confederacy was -- I just wish someone would tell them that its the Democrats who are the party of the confederacy, duh!

From the article: Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith smilingly posed for a photo in 2014 while wearing a Confederate cap and holding a rifle, then put the image on her Facebook page with the words "Mississippi history at its best!" <<-- Was the confederacy really the time when Mississippi was at its finest? I would assume a significant portion of the population would disagree with that.

"That image, taken at a Mississippi museum, resurfaced Tuesday as AT&T, Leidos and Walmart joined two other companies, Union Pacific and Boston Scientific, in asking Hyde-Smith, a Republican, to return campaign contributions because of controversy over her recent jest about being willing to attend a public "hanging."

Now like I said, its not big deal to me if a republican wants to go full confederate, I would have expected to see the Democrats do it first tho, since they are still the party that most supports the Confederate cause -- however, I fully expect for Hyde-Smith to win her run-off against the former Democrat klan leader, Mike Espy.
That should get her elected by the old white fart trumpiesI
Racism is the opium of the Confederate/Republican party.

Jefferson Davis the leader of the Confederacy was a former Democrat.

I don’t see Democrat’s celebrating the confederacy. I see Republicans defending the memory

I'm not too thrilled with the South & that includes the Conferderacy.

Anglo- Saxons dominate the South, thus their violent chimp fits.
Antifa is a right wing bogeyman
Right up there with George Soros

Any ideal can be dangerous.

You as a hypocrite just tend to think the Conferderacy is the boogie- man.
They are

One of the more reprehensible governments ever formed

There's probably 100 regimes who killed more than Confederates.
None in the US

Some 20th century US Dems & Repubs killed more.
Any ideal can be dangerous.

You as a hypocrite just tend to think the Conferderacy is the boogie- man.
They are

One of the more reprehensible governments ever formed

There's probably 100 regimes who killed more than Confederates.
None in the US

Some 20th century US Dems & Repubs killed more.

W. Bush, LBJ, FDR & Truman killed a bunch too, and it's not just Confederates behind the Civil War, either.

If you think the Confederacy are at the top of the most brutal regimes, you're widely mistaken.
They are

One of the more reprehensible governments ever formed

There's probably 100 regimes who killed more than Confederates.
None in the US

Some 20th century US Dems & Repubs killed more.

W. Bush, LBJ, FDR & Truman killed a bunch too, and it's not just Confederates behind the Civil War, either.

If you think the Confederacy are at the top of the most brutal regimes, you're widely mistaken.
There's probably 100 regimes who killed more than Confederates.
None in the US

Some 20th century US Dems & Repubs killed more.

W. Bush, LBJ, FDR & Truman killed a bunch too, and it's not just Confederates behind the Civil War, either.

If you think the Confederacy are at the top of the most brutal regimes, you're widely mistaken.

Why should I link because of your lazinessness?

Truman probably killed the most of U.S leaders, he killed 100's of thousands in Japan, and way more than that in Korea.

The Confederacy can't even be compared, to such a Anglo-Saxon Free-mason scum Democrat.
None in the US

Some 20th century US Dems & Repubs killed more.

W. Bush, LBJ, FDR & Truman killed a bunch too, and it's not just Confederates behind the Civil War, either.

If you think the Confederacy are at the top of the most brutal regimes, you're widely mistaken.

Why should I link because of your lazinessness?

Truman probably killed the most, he killed 100's of thousands in Japan, and way more than that in Korea.

The Confederacy can't even be compared, to such a Anglo-Saxon Free-mason scum Democrat.

Did Truman create a country that gave 40 percent of its citizens no more rights than an animal?

That is the confederacy
Some 20th century US Dems & Repubs killed more.

W. Bush, LBJ, FDR & Truman killed a bunch too, and it's not just Confederates behind the Civil War, either.

If you think the Confederacy are at the top of the most brutal regimes, you're widely mistaken.

Why should I link because of your lazinessness?

Truman probably killed the most, he killed 100's of thousands in Japan, and way more than that in Korea.

The Confederacy can't even be compared, to such a Anglo-Saxon Free-mason scum Democrat.

Did Truman create a country that gave 40 percent of its citizens no more rights than an animal?

That is the confederacy

Truman's behind killing 100's of thousands of civilians in Japan, and 100's of thousands of civilians in Korea.

Truman was a mad-man, as was Jefferson Davis, and also Abraham Lincoln.

Just Truman was the biggest of scumbags of the 3.

Why is that so shocking???????

The Confederacy wasn't the biggest mass-murdering American government.
Some 20th century US Dems & Repubs killed more.

W. Bush, LBJ, FDR & Truman killed a bunch too, and it's not just Confederates behind the Civil War, either.

If you think the Confederacy are at the top of the most brutal regimes, you're widely mistaken.

Why should I link because of your lazinessness?

Truman probably killed the most, he killed 100's of thousands in Japan, and way more than that in Korea.

The Confederacy can't even be compared, to such a Anglo-Saxon Free-mason scum Democrat.

Did Truman create a country that gave 40 percent of its citizens no more rights than an animal?

That is the confederacy

The Confederacy didn't create such a country, they merely continued on an American tradition.
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