Miss. Senator Hyde-Smith Posts Photo Wearing Confederate Hat

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The only ones who see it was racist are the phucken brain damaged anal holes who have no knowledge of history whatsoever and are so easily lead, lack education so much so they believe the CONFEDERATE FLAG is racist lmfao. You have to be one stupid SOB to think that.

Political correctness has decreed that reading bedtime stories to your kids is racist, citing having a loving family an “unfair advantage.” Trump it. Read more stories to your kids. Double down, and thoroughly P-O the left by including reading the Rush Revere children's books to your kids.

Political correctness has decreed that peanut butter and jelly is racist. Why? Wait for it...“it leads to cultural sensitivity.” These people on the left are nuts. I say, Trump it, folks. Let's start National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day. Just kidding, but you get my point.

America's Trump Card Trumping the Left
Abraham Lincoln said he'd deport every Negro to save the Union.

So much for the claim he was like you, some sort of anti-Racist ANTIFA minded guy.

The Confederacy was probably hardly, if at all more racist.

Remember they supported the Blacks to be here for profits, the Confederate types bought Blacks here, to begin with.

More like Capitalist scumbags, rather than White supremacists, if you ask me.

Lehman Brothers Admits Past Ties to Slavery

Lincoln the Devil

Tracing Center | Northern Involvement in the Slave Trade

Do you ever get tired of getting smacked around on this forum???

Show where Lincoln said he would deport every Negro to save the union
Abraham Lincoln said he'd deport every Negro to save the Union.

So much for the claim he was like you, some sort of anti-Racist ANTIFA minded guy.

The Confederacy was probably hardly, if at all more racist.

Remember they supported the Blacks to be here for profits, the Confederate types bought Blacks here, to begin with.

More like Capitalist scumbags, rather than White supremacists, if you ask me.

Lehman Brothers Admits Past Ties to Slavery

Lincoln the Devil

Tracing Center | Northern Involvement in the Slave Trade

Do you ever get tired of getting smacked around on this forum???

Show where Lincoln said he would deport every Negro to save the union

Waiting for slavery to die naturally worked for Lincoln because it preserved the Union. Like the Founders, Lincoln believed that the existence of the United States was crucial to the quotient of good in the world. Lincoln believed he was obligated to live with slavery on this basis, waiting for it to die on its own. He also didn’t know how black people could be integrated into white American society. He did not believe black and white people could live peacefully together, not after hundreds of years of slavery had driven them so far apart. Lincoln felt that black people would never be given their full rights as Americans, and that black people could never really forgive whites for enslaving them. He knew that there was no point in “[freeing black Americans] and [keeping] them among us as underlings.” Therefore, he decided the only solution, once slavery ended naturally, was to send all the black people in America “back” to Africa, “their own native land.” This despite the fact that America was their own native land.

Lincoln, Slavery, and Racism
Lincoln investigated whether setting up a seperate nation was feasible
He never advocated deporting all blacks free and slave to another nation

My article I just showed, indeed supports Lincoln was a White Separatist, much like I am.

Lincoln thought that Whites & Blacks would forever resent each other, News flash, it's still true.

But, the article went further to support that Lincoln considered sending all Black people back to Africa.

So, what does that mean, slick???????
Hyde Smith is one creepy broad

The type who would enjoy herself at a public lynching

Whites were lynched too, in fact the biggest singular lynching occurred in New Orleans region, against Italians.

But, somehow it's just little poor Black victims, of big bad racists.
Italians were not subject to Jim Crow laws
Hyde Smith is one creepy broad

The type who would enjoy herself at a public lynching

Whites were lynched too, in fact the biggest singular lynching occurred in New Orleans region, against Italians.

But, somehow it's just little poor Black victims, of big bad racists.
Italians were not subject to Jim Crow laws

Ultimately there's a Confederate boogie-man, everywhere.

Neither were Mexicans, or Puerto Ricans involve with Jim Crow Laws, yet your type tend to say "Oh Hispanics are so oppressed" but people like Italians aren't.

You think like screw-balls, with a few screws loose.

I'd have to hit my head a bunch of times, to get that stupid.
The Confederate Flag has long been seen as a harmless symbol of regional pride.
Except to black pandering Democrats who insist it go away, But what do they do about their own state flag ? >>

And the name of their University of Mississippi >


Give it time

Those symbols of oppression will soon be gone

Your ANTIFA types should thank Nazis, and Confederates.

I mean there was not ANTIFA, before you, and your ilk started kicking, and screaming Nazi, Confederate, to create a massive Liberal backlash.

Where's the thanks?????????

The modern stupidity society, you support was made possible because of mostly Nazis, but I suppose you are oblivious, as usual.
LOL at the rights obsession with Antifa

It is a tiny movement with no power

Yet, you think Confederates are so threatening, talk about grand hypocrisy.

There's probably more ANTIFA sympathizers in America, than Confederate sympathizers, yet somehow it's just Confederates who are to be kicked to the curb, as the boogie-man?????

The Bolsheviks started off with a 'Riot" in 1905, but the Tsar kicked them out, they came back 12 years later, and killed 6 - 16 million in a few years.

So, I don't see how ANTIFA is automatically not to be considered as threat?
your avatar is racist it symbolize a black man i'm offended it should be a person of NO color. you will hurt the feelings of those who do not have a black man as their avatar, so you are being racist you are smearing that into the face of people who might be offended by it. Change it we don't like it. ( do you see how pathetically stupid your confederate flag bs is) that's the same thing you leftist loons do to everyone over everything and America is tired of all you retards and your bs.

Today, dumbass racist xenophobe movements try to appropriate this symbol, under a new narrative of racism, white supremacism and neo-nazism, all in a country that was founded and made great by immigrants and had hundreds of thousands of deads fighting Nazism.

I think we - and I mean everyone who believes in freedom and equality - should not let them do this, and should not let political correctness based on a “slavers vs abolitionist” simplistic vision help them in doing so. There’s much, much more to the confederate flag, then and today as well, than the narrow-minded, mean views of a bunch of far-right extremists.

Why the Confederate Flag is not a racist symbol
your avatar is racist it symbolize a black man i'm offended it should be a person of NO color. you will hurt the feelings of those who do not have a black man as their avatar, so you are being racist you are smearing that into the face of people who might be offended by it. Change it we don't like it. ( do you see how pathetically stupid your confederate flag bs is) that's the same thing you leftist loons do to everyone over everything and America is tired of all you retards and your bs.

Today, dumbass racist xenophobe movements try to appropriate this symbol, under a new narrative of racism, white supremacism and neo-nazism, all in a country that was founded and made great by immigrants and had hundreds of thousands of deads fighting Nazism.

I think we - and I mean everyone who believes in freedom and equality - should not let them do this, and should not let political correctness based on a “slavers vs abolitionist” simplistic vision help them in doing so. There’s much, much more to the confederate flag, then and today as well, than the narrow-minded, mean views of a bunch of far-right extremists.

Why the Confederate Flag is not a racist symbol

I'm only "Black where it counts" in the pants, I'm also only "Asian where it counts" in the head.

Oh, but I'm the Confederate boogie-man, because I think Abe Lincoln was just as bad.
The Confederate Flag has long been seen as a harmless symbol of regional pride.
Except to black pandering Democrats who insist it go away, But what do they do about their own state flag ? >>

And the name of their University of Mississippi >


Give it time

Those symbols of oppression will soon be gone

Your ANTIFA types should thank Nazis, and Confederates.

I mean there was not ANTIFA, before you, and your ilk started kicking, and screaming Nazi, Confederate, to create a massive Liberal backlash.

Where's the thanks?????????

The modern stupidity society, you support was made possible because of mostly Nazis, but I suppose you are oblivious, as usual.
LOL at the rights obsession with Antifa

It is a tiny movement with no power

Yet, you think Confederates are so threatening, talk about grand hypocrisy.

There's probably more ANTIFA sympathizers in America, than Confederate sympathizers, yet somehow it's just Confederates who are to be kicked to the curb, as the boogie-man?????

The Bolsheviks started off with a 'Riot" in 1905, but the Tsar kicked them out, they came back 12 years later, and killed 6 - 16 million in a few years.

So, I don't see how ANTIFA is automatically not to be considered as threat?
Antifa is a right wing bogeyman
Right up there with George Soros
your avatar is racist it symbolize a black man i'm offended it should be a person of NO color. you will hurt the feelings of those who do not have a black man as their avatar, so you are being racist you are smearing that into the face of people who might be offended by it. Change it we don't like it. ( do you see how pathetically stupid your confederate flag bs is) that's the same thing you leftist loons do to everyone over everything and America is tired of all you retards and your bs.

Today, dumbass racist xenophobe movements try to appropriate this symbol, under a new narrative of racism, white supremacism and neo-nazism, all in a country that was founded and made great by immigrants and had hundreds of thousands of deads fighting Nazism.

I think we - and I mean everyone who believes in freedom and equality - should not let them do this, and should not let political correctness based on a “slavers vs abolitionist” simplistic vision help them in doing so. There’s much, much more to the confederate flag, then and today as well, than the narrow-minded, mean views of a bunch of far-right extremists.

Why the Confederate Flag is not a racist symbol
It is a racist symbol used to keep blacks in their place
Except to black pandering Democrats who insist it go away, But what do they do about their own state flag ? >>

And the name of their University of Mississippi >


Give it time

Those symbols of oppression will soon be gone

Your ANTIFA types should thank Nazis, and Confederates.

I mean there was not ANTIFA, before you, and your ilk started kicking, and screaming Nazi, Confederate, to create a massive Liberal backlash.

Where's the thanks?????????

The modern stupidity society, you support was made possible because of mostly Nazis, but I suppose you are oblivious, as usual.
LOL at the rights obsession with Antifa

It is a tiny movement with no power

Yet, you think Confederates are so threatening, talk about grand hypocrisy.

There's probably more ANTIFA sympathizers in America, than Confederate sympathizers, yet somehow it's just Confederates who are to be kicked to the curb, as the boogie-man?????

The Bolsheviks started off with a 'Riot" in 1905, but the Tsar kicked them out, they came back 12 years later, and killed 6 - 16 million in a few years.

So, I don't see how ANTIFA is automatically not to be considered as threat?
Antifa is a right wing bogeyman
Right up there with George Soros

Any ideal can be dangerous.

You as a hypocrite just tend to think the Conferderacy is the boogie- man.
Hyde Smith is a piece of work

If she has to fight for her political life in deep red Mississippi she must be really bad

I still don’t see what she finds funny about a public hanging
Give it time

Those symbols of oppression will soon be gone

Your ANTIFA types should thank Nazis, and Confederates.

I mean there was not ANTIFA, before you, and your ilk started kicking, and screaming Nazi, Confederate, to create a massive Liberal backlash.

Where's the thanks?????????

The modern stupidity society, you support was made possible because of mostly Nazis, but I suppose you are oblivious, as usual.
LOL at the rights obsession with Antifa

It is a tiny movement with no power

Yet, you think Confederates are so threatening, talk about grand hypocrisy.

There's probably more ANTIFA sympathizers in America, than Confederate sympathizers, yet somehow it's just Confederates who are to be kicked to the curb, as the boogie-man?????

The Bolsheviks started off with a 'Riot" in 1905, but the Tsar kicked them out, they came back 12 years later, and killed 6 - 16 million in a few years.

So, I don't see how ANTIFA is automatically not to be considered as threat?
Antifa is a right wing bogeyman
Right up there with George Soros

Any ideal can be dangerous.

You as a hypocrite just tend to think the Conferderacy is the boogie- man.
They are

One of the more reprehensible governments ever formed
Hyde Smith is a piece of work

If she has to fight for her political life in deep red Mississippi she must be really bad

I still don’t see what she finds funny about a public hanging
Because she is sick. That is why it is funny to her and her Republican/ racist friends.
Your ANTIFA types should thank Nazis, and Confederates.

I mean there was not ANTIFA, before you, and your ilk started kicking, and screaming Nazi, Confederate, to create a massive Liberal backlash.

Where's the thanks?????????

The modern stupidity society, you support was made possible because of mostly Nazis, but I suppose you are oblivious, as usual.
LOL at the rights obsession with Antifa

It is a tiny movement with no power

Yet, you think Confederates are so threatening, talk about grand hypocrisy.

There's probably more ANTIFA sympathizers in America, than Confederate sympathizers, yet somehow it's just Confederates who are to be kicked to the curb, as the boogie-man?????

The Bolsheviks started off with a 'Riot" in 1905, but the Tsar kicked them out, they came back 12 years later, and killed 6 - 16 million in a few years.

So, I don't see how ANTIFA is automatically not to be considered as threat?
Antifa is a right wing bogeyman
Right up there with George Soros

Any ideal can be dangerous.

You as a hypocrite just tend to think the Conferderacy is the boogie- man.
They are

One of the more reprehensible governments ever formed

There's probably 100 regimes who killed more than Confederates.
Hyde Smith is a piece of work

If she has to fight for her political life in deep red Mississippi she must be really bad

I still don’t see what she finds funny about a public hanging
Because she is sick. That is why it is funny to her and her Republican/ racist friends.
It amazes me that her and her friends find a lynching to be funny
LOL at the rights obsession with Antifa

It is a tiny movement with no power

Yet, you think Confederates are so threatening, talk about grand hypocrisy.

There's probably more ANTIFA sympathizers in America, than Confederate sympathizers, yet somehow it's just Confederates who are to be kicked to the curb, as the boogie-man?????

The Bolsheviks started off with a 'Riot" in 1905, but the Tsar kicked them out, they came back 12 years later, and killed 6 - 16 million in a few years.

So, I don't see how ANTIFA is automatically not to be considered as threat?
Antifa is a right wing bogeyman
Right up there with George Soros

Any ideal can be dangerous.

You as a hypocrite just tend to think the Conferderacy is the boogie- man.
They are

One of the more reprehensible governments ever formed

There's probably 100 regimes who killed more than Confederates.
None in the US
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