Mississippi about to turn up the stupid?

In simplistic terms, if an organ donor is in an automobile accident and is on life support in a hospital, the physician cannot "pull the plug" and scavenge his organs unless the patient is "brain dead" and his heart is not beating on its own.

This is false. How do you think the harvest a heart for transplantation?

What part of "and" did you not understand?
Science has quite clearly and decidedly proven that human life begins at conception (i.e. fertilization).

This is false. I defy you to find any doctor or biologist who will state that an ovum is not alive before conception.
Explain this quote:

"Who are you or anyone else to decide what one person does with that life?"

If it doesn't mean that a mother has the soul right to decide if her child should live or die, then what does it mean?

God is love
Love is blind
Stevie Wonder is blind
Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God

Every time you commit a fallacious equivocation, I'm going to repeat this.
The entire basis for life beginning at conception stems from well documented, universally recognized scientific fact.

Science has quite clearly and decidedly proven that human life begins at conception (i.e. fertilization. AKA the moment sperm and ovum meet and form an entirely new, self-directing living organism of the human species with its own individual DNA distinct from both mother and father.)

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

You get dizzy going in circles like that? Question begging at it's finest (or worst).
In simplistic terms, if an organ donor is in an automobile accident and is on life support in a hospital, the physician cannot "pull the plug" and scavenge his organs unless the patient is "brain dead" and his heart is not beating on its own.

This is false. How do you think the harvest a heart for transplantation?

What part of "and" did you not understand?

I understand "and." Do you? :lol: Your claim is false. How do you think they harvest a heart for transplantation? They cut it out, beating on it's own. If a heart is not beating on its own, it's unsuitable for transplantation. How are you going to give someone a transplant of a heart that won't beat on its own? :lol: God, you're ignorant.
Explain this quote:

"Who are you or anyone else to decide what one person does with that life?"

If it doesn't mean that a mother has the soul right to decide if her child should live or die, then what does it mean?

God is love
Love is blind
Stevie Wonder is blind
Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God

Every time you commit a fallacious equivocation, I'm going to repeat this.

Your concession is duly noted.
This is false. How do you think the harvest a heart for transplantation?

What part of "and" did you not understand?

I understand "and." Do you? :lol: Your claim is false. How do you think they harvest a heart for transplantation? They cut it out, beating on it's own. If a heart is not beating on its own, it's unsuitable for transplantation. How are you going to give someone a transplant of a heart that won't beat on its own? :lol: God, you're ignorant.

Damn you are stupid.

A new heart must come from someone who has been declared brain dead.

Heart Transplant
Damn you are stupid.

A new heart must come from someone who has been declared brain dead.

Heart Transplant

:lol: :lol: :lol:

And that's not what you said. You argued that it requires the heart to no longer be beating on its own. :lol: :lol: :lol: Just like a wing-nut. Speak about things you don't know, and when facts prove you wrong, change your claims after the fact. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Damn you are stupid.

A new heart must come from someone who has been declared brain dead.

Heart Transplant

:lol: :lol: :lol:

And that's not what you said. You argued that it requires the heart to no longer be beating on its own. :lol: :lol: :lol: Just like a wing-nut. Speak about things you don't know, and when facts prove you wrong, change your claims after the fact. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Maybe you should tell him that "nobody" means "somebody".
Damn you are stupid.

A new heart must come from someone who has been declared brain dead.

Heart Transplant

:lol: :lol: :lol:

And that's not what you said. You argued that it requires the heart to no longer be beating on its own. :lol: :lol: :lol: Just like a wing-nut. Speak about things you don't know, and when facts prove you wrong, change your claims after the fact. :lol: :lol: :lol:

This is what I said:

"In simplistic terms, if an organ donor is in an automobile accident and is on life support in a hospital, the physician cannot "pull the plug" and scavenge his organs unless the patient is "brain dead" and his heart is not beating on its own."

Now if the heart is to be harvested it is not neccesary that it keep beating on it's own. There are mechanical methods that can keep is beating for prolonged periods of time. In the early years of heart transplantation they would inject pottasium (sp) into the heart to stop it from beating and then ice it down for transport.

Ever hear of "Non-Heart-Beating Organ Transplantation"?
Referendum will define a fertilized egg as a legal person.

Will a miscarriage become murder? Or is that suicide?

This is a mind numbingly extreme measure. And for what? To preempt people's abortion rights? It's not going to do that. The state can define personhood all they want, but if their murder laws are extended to preclude a woman's abortion rights, the Supreme Court will knock down those statutes as violating the US Constitution. But hey, who cares about that, right? Let extremist mindsets reign supreme and enjoy the train wreck in the meantime.

No a miscarriage will be the same as it always has, an accidental and unitended death of an unborn life.

For what you ask, I believe the people there believe life begins at the moment of conception so they are doing this to save innocent lives from murder in their opinion.

How would such a law violate the constitution?

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