Mississippi about to turn up the stupid?

Nothing to prove. Once that sperm burrows in, Life has started.

Prove it doesnt!!

You are arguing from ignorance. I, nor anybody else, has any burden to prove you wrong. You have to prove the proposition. And you need to prove the proposition within the context of the argument. Nobody is saying that a fertilized egg isn't "life." A virus is a form of life, after all. But a fertilized egg is not a human being. Medical science certainly does not support such a notion. If you want to believe that it is, that's your right. But it is well beyond the legitimate exercise of government power to legislate the adoption of a belief that will require people to roll over and die, based on a belief that is not supported by facts.

Life begins when the sperm burrows in and takes hold. That is science fact.

Try something else straw man.

In terms of the law, what rights does the woman have at that point; if she is raped, the victim of incest? Is she now legally bound to carry the baby to term?
Referendum will define a fertilized egg as a legal person.

Will a miscarriage become murder? Or is that suicide? .

Is it murder or suicide every time a person dies?

You mentioned 'turning up the stupid'? :rolleyes:

You were in such a hurry to make what you thought was just an oh-so-clever comment that you poured the stupid all over yourself.

Finding a lot of satisfaction in your pro-death agenda, are you?

What about the non life-and-death matters? If a pregnant woman drinks, smokes, or rides a horse? Is she endangering a child at that point? Can she be charged as such?

What if she doesn't know she is pregnant?
Referendum will define a fertilized egg as a legal person.

Will a miscarriage become murder? Or is that suicide?

This is a mind numbingly extreme measure. And for what? To preempt people's abortion rights? It's not going to do that. The state can define personhood all they want, but if their murder laws are extended to preclude a woman's abortion rights, the Supreme Court will knock down those statutes as violating the US Constitution. But hey, who cares about that, right? Let extremist mindsets reign supreme and enjoy the train wreck in the meantime.

He is making a point that you are stupid.

Wow.... brilliant retort...How could we ever have doubted you? You see, this is what happens when a "Conservative" gets blown out of the water.... their Supposedly wonderful sense of "Critical thinking" goes out of the window.... and they say... because your stupid, that's why!!!
I have not been "blown out of the water". You would have to be right in the first place, and you are not. As far as left or right being smarter than the other, they are not. Point is what they believe. Conservative views are more in line with common sense while libtard views are in line with irresponsibility.

ahhh... bullshit. You and Daveman ought to get a room to do your circle jerks in.

Conservative viewpoints are all about control and power. You want a select few to have it all and the rest to go fuck off. Just like the scared pregnant teen you want to Crucify so bad with a murder rap for ending her pregnancy. It's not you so you feel you have the right to dictate her actions. Just like homosexuality..... it's not you, so you feel you have the right to dictate their actions. Just like people with different faiths or no faith at all..... you feel you have the right to force them to consent and concede to your faith.

You are fascist sympathizers with no clue of the ramifications of what you stand for. Those John Birch Society Koch Brothers do though... they know exactly what they want, and they will suck the free will out of as many people as they can to get what they want.
Referendum will define a fertilized egg as a legal person.

Will a miscarriage become murder? Or is that suicide?

This is a mind numbingly extreme measure. And for what? To preempt people's abortion rights? It's not going to do that. The state can define personhood all they want, but if their murder laws are extended to preclude a woman's abortion rights, the Supreme Court will knock down those statutes as violating the US Constitution. But hey, who cares about that, right? Let extremist mindsets reign supreme and enjoy the train wreck in the meantime.

The right is getting more and more extreme.
Referendum will define a fertilized egg as a legal person.

Will a miscarriage become murder? Or is that suicide? .

Is it murder or suicide every time a person dies?

You mentioned 'turning up the stupid'? :rolleyes:

You were in such a hurry to make what you thought was just an oh-so-clever comment that you poured the stupid all over yourself.

Finding a lot of satisfaction in your pro-death agenda, are you?

What about the non life-and-death matters? If a pregnant woman drinks, smokes, or rides a horse? Is she endangering a child at that point? Can she be charged as such?

What if she doesn't know she is pregnant?

Would having sex with a pregnant woman make the man a sex offender for reveling himself to a child?
In simplistic terms, if an organ donor is in an automobile accident and is on life support in a hospital, the physician cannot "pull the plug" and scavenge his organs unless the patient is "brain dead" and his heart is not beating on its own.

This is false. How do you think the harvest a heart for transplantation?

Heart Transplant

Common questions about heart transplant:
Where does a donor heart come from?

Your new heart must come from someone who has been declared brain dead and whose family consents to donate the organs. It is an anonymous gift. Brain death is a permanent condition usually due to a head injury from a car accident, gun shot wound, or hemorrhage into the brain (like a stroke). It is diagnosed by many tests and confirmed by two physicians who are not involved with the donor's care to determine if it is suitable for a heart transplant.

The donor's heart continues to beat independently and may be supported by dopamine. Respirations are maintained by mechanical ventilation. The donor will undergo blood work similar to your evaluation. The donor will also have an electrocardiogram, echocardiogram, and occasionally a coronary angiogram to make sure the heart is suitable for transplant.

This information is then entered into the UNOS computer and a list of suitable recipients is printed. The list is based on blood type, body size, UNOS status, and length of time on the waiting list. Race and gender of the donor has no bearing on the match.

Because we only have a few hours to perform a heart transplant, we do a crossmatch after your transplant. This involves comparing your blood to the blood of your donor. This test is helpful to us in your post-transplant care. It may help to determine if you will have any rejection.
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Wow.... brilliant retort...How could we ever have doubted you? You see, this is what happens when a "Conservative" gets blown out of the water.... their Supposedly wonderful sense of "Critical thinking" goes out of the window.... and they say... because your stupid, that's why!!!
I have not been "blown out of the water". You would have to be right in the first place, and you are not. As far as left or right being smarter than the other, they are not. Point is what they believe. Conservative views are more in line with common sense while libtard views are in line with irresponsibility.

ahhh... bullshit. You and Daveman ought to get a room to do your circle jerks in.

Conservative viewpoints are all about control and power. You want a select few to have it all and the rest to go fuck off. Just like the scared pregnant teen you want to Crucify so bad with a murder rap for ending her pregnancy. It's not you so you feel you have the right to dictate her actions. Just like homosexuality..... it's not you, so you feel you have the right to dictate their actions. Just like people with different faiths or no faith at all..... you feel you have the right to force them to consent and concede to your faith.

You are fascist sympathizers with no clue of the ramifications of what you stand for. Those John Birch Society Koch Brothers do though... they know exactly what they want, and they will suck the free will out of as many people as they can to get what they want.
:lol: You really are a useful idiot.

A human being is human, isn't it?

So infanticide should be legal?


God is love
Love is blind
Stevie Wonder is blind
Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

So much for your lonestar "logic."

Explain this quote:

"Who are you or anyone else to decide what one person does with that life?"

If it doesn't mean that a mother has the soul right to decide if her child should live or die, then what does it mean?

I'll gladly explain my OWN quote, thank you very much...

Were we talking about living breathing Children here? It's OK... i'll wait..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Ok... times up. Nope, we weren't.... were we? We were talking about the equivalent of a parasite inside of another human being. How that parasite got there is irrelevant. It is an unwanted life inside another person... robbing them of nutrients and if left go... robbing them of 18 years MINIMUM of pain and suffering.

Only a fool would equate what I said into an infanticide situation... but that's how far you numbnuts take stuff... Just like the Gay Marriage thing... "What if I decided to marry my dog???"

Is it murder or suicide every time a person dies?

You mentioned 'turning up the stupid'? :rolleyes:

You were in such a hurry to make what you thought was just an oh-so-clever comment that you poured the stupid all over yourself.

Finding a lot of satisfaction in your pro-death agenda, are you?

What about the non life-and-death matters? If a pregnant woman drinks, smokes, or rides a horse? Is she endangering a child at that point? Can she be charged as such?

What if she doesn't know she is pregnant?

Would having sex with a pregnant woman make the man a sex offender for reveling himself to a child?


Try to lampoon it all you wish but when laws are written they are to be applied right down the middle though admittedly seldom does that happen. If the embryo is elevated to child-status, the laws that protect children should come in to play so a pregnant woman's responsibilities will be broadened along with the definition of childhood.

Even to draw the matter out further, lets say that little Timmy or Tammy commit some sort of crime as a teen--and lets call it murder. Does the nine month gestation period now weigh toward their being tried as an adult? I mean, if life does begin at conception and in THE EYES OF THE LAW, an embryo is now a child, this is a matter of legal implications. And it goes through to voting age, drinking age, when you may qualify for retirement, social security, etc...
I have not been "blown out of the water". You would have to be right in the first place, and you are not. As far as left or right being smarter than the other, they are not. Point is what they believe. Conservative views are more in line with common sense while libtard views are in line with irresponsibility.

ahhh... bullshit. You and Daveman ought to get a room to do your circle jerks in.

Conservative viewpoints are all about control and power. You want a select few to have it all and the rest to go fuck off. Just like the scared pregnant teen you want to Crucify so bad with a murder rap for ending her pregnancy. It's not you so you feel you have the right to dictate her actions. Just like homosexuality..... it's not you, so you feel you have the right to dictate their actions. Just like people with different faiths or no faith at all..... you feel you have the right to force them to consent and concede to your faith.

You are fascist sympathizers with no clue of the ramifications of what you stand for. Those John Birch Society Koch Brothers do though... they know exactly what they want, and they will suck the free will out of as many people as they can to get what they want.
:lol: You really are a useful idiot.

The funny thing is... you think only Liberals can be useful idiots... all because Lenin was the one that said it. BTW.... another brilliant retort...
What about the non life-and-death matters? If a pregnant woman drinks, smokes, or rides a horse? Is she endangering a child at that point? Can she be charged as such?

What if she doesn't know she is pregnant?

Would having sex with a pregnant woman make the man a sex offender for reveling himself to a child?


Try to lampoon it all you wish but when laws are written they are to be applied right down the middle though admittedly seldom does that happen. If the embryo is elevated to child-status, the laws that protect children should come in to play so a pregnant woman's responsibilities will be broadened along with the definition of childhood.

Even to draw the matter out further, lets say that little Timmy or Tammy commit some sort of crime as a teen--and lets call it murder. Does the nine month gestation period now weigh toward their being tried as an adult? I mean, if life does begin at conception and in THE EYES OF THE LAW, an embryo is now a child, this is a matter of legal implications. And it goes through to voting age, drinking age, when you may qualify for retirement, social security, etc...

I think the little bastard child ought to be charged with accessory after the fact as soon as it's born and spend the rest of it's life in a privately run prison so rich people can make money off of it.
We were talking about the equivalent of a parasite inside of another human being. How that parasite got there is irrelevant. It is an unwanted life inside another person... robbing them of nutrients and if left go... robbing them of 18 years MINIMUM of pain and suffering.

Wow. That's an entirely fucked-up view of parenthood.

I hope you don't have children.
ahhh... bullshit. You and Daveman ought to get a room to do your circle jerks in.

Conservative viewpoints are all about control and power. You want a select few to have it all and the rest to go fuck off. Just like the scared pregnant teen you want to Crucify so bad with a murder rap for ending her pregnancy. It's not you so you feel you have the right to dictate her actions. Just like homosexuality..... it's not you, so you feel you have the right to dictate their actions. Just like people with different faiths or no faith at all..... you feel you have the right to force them to consent and concede to your faith.

You are fascist sympathizers with no clue of the ramifications of what you stand for. Those John Birch Society Koch Brothers do though... they know exactly what they want, and they will suck the free will out of as many people as they can to get what they want.
:lol: You really are a useful idiot.

The funny thing is... you think only Liberals can be useful idiots... all because Lenin was the one that said it. BTW.... another brilliant retort...
When you stop being one of Uncle Vlad's useful idiots, I'll stop calling you a useful idiot. Deal?
What about the non life-and-death matters? If a pregnant woman drinks, smokes, or rides a horse? Is she endangering a child at that point? Can she be charged as such?

What if she doesn't know she is pregnant?

Would having sex with a pregnant woman make the man a sex offender for reveling himself to a child?


Try to lampoon it all you wish but when laws are written they are to be applied right down the middle though admittedly seldom does that happen. If the embryo is elevated to child-status, the laws that protect children should come in to play so a pregnant woman's responsibilities will be broadened along with the definition of childhood.

Even to draw the matter out further, lets say that little Timmy or Tammy commit some sort of crime as a teen--and lets call it murder. Does the nine month gestation period now weigh toward their being tried as an adult? I mean, if life does begin at conception and in THE EYES OF THE LAW, an embryo is now a child, this is a matter of legal implications. And it goes through to voting age, drinking age, when you may qualify for retirement, social security, etc...

If it is a "child" a person unto itself, life of its own... can it c sectioned out so that it can be a child all on its own? I am all for that.... cool. I have no problem removing a lump of cells and letting them live as a stand alone life.

Would having sex with a pregnant woman make the man a sex offender for reveling himself to a child?


Try to lampoon it all you wish but when laws are written they are to be applied right down the middle though admittedly seldom does that happen. If the embryo is elevated to child-status, the laws that protect children should come in to play so a pregnant woman's responsibilities will be broadened along with the definition of childhood.

Even to draw the matter out further, lets say that little Timmy or Tammy commit some sort of crime as a teen--and lets call it murder. Does the nine month gestation period now weigh toward their being tried as an adult? I mean, if life does begin at conception and in THE EYES OF THE LAW, an embryo is now a child, this is a matter of legal implications. And it goes through to voting age, drinking age, when you may qualify for retirement, social security, etc...

I think the little bastard child ought to be charged with accessory after the fact as soon as it's born and spend the rest of it's life in a privately run prison so rich people can make money off of it.

I'll give you more attention that you apparently deserve:

We don't know the child is a "bastard". The question was whetehr or not the time of the additional nine months would perhaps come into play at some point in being tried as an adult.

You should try being an adult yourself, by the way.
In simplistic terms, if an organ donor is in an automobile accident and is on life support in a hospital, the physician cannot "pull the plug" and scavenge his organs unless the patient is "brain dead" and his heart is not beating on its own.

This is false. How do you think the harvest a heart for transplantation?

Heart Transplant

Common questions about heart transplant:
Where does a donor heart come from?

Your new heart must come from someone who has been declared brain dead and whose family consents to donate the organs. It is an anonymous gift. Brain death is a permanent condition usually due to a head injury from a car accident, gun shot wound, or hemorrhage into the brain (like a stroke). It is diagnosed by many tests and confirmed by two physicians who are not involved with the donor's care to determine if it is suitable for a heart transplant.

The donor's heart continues to beat independently and may be supported by dopamine. Respirations are maintained by mechanical ventilation. The donor will undergo blood work similar to your evaluation. The donor will also have an electrocardiogram, echocardiogram, and occasionally a coronary angiogram to make sure the heart is suitable for transplant.

This information is then entered into the UNOS computer and a list of suitable recipients is printed. The list is based on blood type, body size, UNOS status, and length of time on the waiting list. Race and gender of the donor has no bearing on the match.

Because we only have a few hours to perform a heart transplant, we do a crossmatch after your transplant. This involves comparing your blood to the blood of your donor. This test is helpful to us in your post-transplant care. It may help to determine if you will have any rejection.

That's the exact link I presented. However in my initial statement I was not limiting it to only heart donors. It was a general statement about the prerequisites of organ donation. He/she decided to make it about only the heart. And I countered with a link that states that a non-beating heart can also be transplanted.

Would having sex with a pregnant woman make the man a sex offender for reveling himself to a child?


Try to lampoon it all you wish but when laws are written they are to be applied right down the middle though admittedly seldom does that happen. If the embryo is elevated to child-status, the laws that protect children should come in to play so a pregnant woman's responsibilities will be broadened along with the definition of childhood.

Even to draw the matter out further, lets say that little Timmy or Tammy commit some sort of crime as a teen--and lets call it murder. Does the nine month gestation period now weigh toward their being tried as an adult? I mean, if life does begin at conception and in THE EYES OF THE LAW, an embryo is now a child, this is a matter of legal implications. And it goes through to voting age, drinking age, when you may qualify for retirement, social security, etc...

If it is a "child" a person unto itself, life of its own... can it c sectioned out so that it can be a child all on its own? I am all for that.... cool. I have no problem removing a lump of cells and letting them live as a stand alone life.

Very interesting observation.

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