Mississippi about to turn up the stupid?


Try to lampoon it all you wish but when laws are written they are to be applied right down the middle though admittedly seldom does that happen. If the embryo is elevated to child-status, the laws that protect children should come in to play so a pregnant woman's responsibilities will be broadened along with the definition of childhood.

Even to draw the matter out further, lets say that little Timmy or Tammy commit some sort of crime as a teen--and lets call it murder. Does the nine month gestation period now weigh toward their being tried as an adult? I mean, if life does begin at conception and in THE EYES OF THE LAW, an embryo is now a child, this is a matter of legal implications. And it goes through to voting age, drinking age, when you may qualify for retirement, social security, etc...

I think the little bastard child ought to be charged with accessory after the fact as soon as it's born and spend the rest of it's life in a privately run prison so rich people can make money off of it.

I'll give you more attention that you apparently deserve:

We don't know the child is a "bastard". The question was whetehr or not the time of the additional nine months would perhaps come into play at some point in being tried as an adult.

You should try being an adult yourself, by the way.

Adult? ADULT? Run through this whole thread and see who is being the "Adults" in the room. It's our Conservative brethren that only see things in black and white and hold your breath till they pass out at any differing opinion.

In short.... I knew what you were saying. I'm just saying that this is getting ridiculous.

As an Aside... i don't think any child should be tried as an adult. You put 13-18 year olds in big boy prison, you get psychological disasters... Sociopaths that don't care if they live or die because they've been ass raped, beaten within an inch of their lives, shanked and taught how to become REAL monsters when they get out.
God is love
Love is blind
Stevie Wonder is blind
Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

So much for your lonestar "logic."

Explain this quote:

"Who are you or anyone else to decide what one person does with that life?"

If it doesn't mean that a mother has the soul right to decide if her child should live or die, then what does it mean?

I'll gladly explain my OWN quote, thank you very much...

Were we talking about living breathing Children here? It's OK... i'll wait..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Ok... times up. Nope, we weren't.... were we? We were talking about the equivalent of a parasite inside of another human being. How that parasite got there is irrelevant. It is an unwanted life inside another person... robbing them of nutrients and if left go... robbing them of 18 years MINIMUM of pain and suffering.

Only a fool would equate what I said into an infanticide situation... but that's how far you numbnuts take stuff... Just like the Gay Marriage thing... "What if I decided to marry my dog???"


We are talking about a life. I'm assuming a new life would be that of a child. But it's obvious you view a pregnant woman as someone with a parasitic infection.
Mississippi has only one abortion clinic in the state. There simply isnt demand for abortion there. I dont think this referendum will be a big deal there.

But it will become a big deal. It will start setting a precedent about Roe v Wade.
Look at the midwest, Ohio, Indiana and Wisconsin. All are advocating getting rid of collective bargaining rights and other states are looking at similar bills in the state legislature.
So if it does not bother you that these right wing conservative can dictate your medical care, don't worry about this precedent setting bill.
I for one, hate the religious right pushing their religion on to me.
I think the little bastard child ought to be charged with accessory after the fact as soon as it's born and spend the rest of it's life in a privately run prison so rich people can make money off of it.

I'll give you more attention that you apparently deserve:

We don't know the child is a "bastard". The question was whetehr or not the time of the additional nine months would perhaps come into play at some point in being tried as an adult.

You should try being an adult yourself, by the way.

Adult? ADULT? Run through this whole thread and see who is being the "Adults" in the room. It's our Conservative brethren that only see things in black and white and hold your breath till they pass out at any differing opinion.

In short.... I knew what you were saying. I'm just saying that this is getting ridiculous.

As an Aside... i don't think any child should be tried as an adult. You put 13-18 year olds in big boy prison, you get psychological disasters... Sociopaths that don't care if they live or die because they've been ass raped, beaten within an inch of their lives, shanked and taught how to become REAL monsters when they get out.

How many prisons have you been incarcerated in?
We were talking about the equivalent of a parasite inside of another human being. How that parasite got there is irrelevant. It is an unwanted life inside another person... robbing them of nutrients and if left go... robbing them of 18 years MINIMUM of pain and suffering.

Wow. That's an entirely fucked-up view of parenthood.

I hope you don't have children.

No... I don't have a fucked up view of parenthood. I have a REALISTIC view of an unwanted pregnancy.

Yes, in fact I do have Children. I have a 25 year old son who graduated with honors from Penn State University in the field of Forestry who is working in the industry and I have an 18 year old daughter who is attending the University of Pittsburgh/Johnstown Campus.... but is transferring to Penn State Harrisburg for the spring semester. I love my kids dearly and am very proud of them. Their mother and I have worked very hard to raise them up to be responsible and Compassionate people. We also work very hard, sacrificing and scrimping to help them pay for their educations, because we don't qualify for grants, only loans and we will not see our kids starting their life off with a massive debt load.

But all you see is irresponsible liberal when you see my posts... fuck off Koch sucker.
Will a miscarriage become murder? Or is that suicide?

I'll give you more attention that you apparently deserve:

We don't know the child is a "bastard". The question was whetehr or not the time of the additional nine months would perhaps come into play at some point in being tried as an adult.

You should try being an adult yourself, by the way.

Adult? ADULT? Run through this whole thread and see who is being the "Adults" in the room. It's our Conservative brethren that only see things in black and white and hold your breath till they pass out at any differing opinion.

In short.... I knew what you were saying. I'm just saying that this is getting ridiculous.

As an Aside... i don't think any child should be tried as an adult. You put 13-18 year olds in big boy prison, you get psychological disasters... Sociopaths that don't care if they live or die because they've been ass raped, beaten within an inch of their lives, shanked and taught how to become REAL monsters when they get out.

How many prisons have you been incarcerated in?

None... you? I work for the Commonwealth of PA and I have many friends who work in our prison system... they will tell you the same thing.
Adult? ADULT? Run through this whole thread and see who is being the "Adults" in the room. It's our Conservative brethren that only see things in black and white and hold your breath till they pass out at any differing opinion.

In short.... I knew what you were saying. I'm just saying that this is getting ridiculous.

As an Aside... i don't think any child should be tried as an adult. You put 13-18 year olds in big boy prison, you get psychological disasters... Sociopaths that don't care if they live or die because they've been ass raped, beaten within an inch of their lives, shanked and taught how to become REAL monsters when they get out.

How many prisons have you been incarcerated in?

None... you? I work for the Commonwealth of PA and I have many friends who work in our prison system... they will tell you the same thing.

None? That's what I thought.

I was incarcerated at the age of 17 for aggravated assault w/ intent and spent almost three years in the Texas Department of Corrections, Ferguson Unit.

Never was raped, shanked, beaten within an inch of my life or taught to be a monster. You should stop watching prison movies.
How many prisons have you been incarcerated in?

None... you? I work for the Commonwealth of PA and I have many friends who work in our prison system... they will tell you the same thing.

None? That's what I thought.

I was incarcerated at the age of 17 for aggravated assault w/ intent and spent almost three years in the Texas Department of Corrections, Ferguson Unit.

Never was raped, shanked, beaten within an inch of my life or taught to be a monster. You should stop watching prison movies.

How old are you now? How long ago was it that you were incarcerated? Times change... downsizing, minimal staffing Privatization of Prisons, etc.

In short... I'll trust my correction officer friends' opinions over an anonymous poster on a political message board. They are overworked and many are burned out. They can't keep an eye on everything and shit happens.... a lot.
None... you? I work for the Commonwealth of PA and I have many friends who work in our prison system... they will tell you the same thing.

None? That's what I thought.

I was incarcerated at the age of 17 for aggravated assault w/ intent and spent almost three years in the Texas Department of Corrections, Ferguson Unit.

Never was raped, shanked, beaten within an inch of my life or taught to be a monster. You should stop watching prison movies.

How old are you now? How long ago was it that you were incarcerated? Times change... downsizing, minimal staffing Privatization of Prisons, etc.

In short... I'll trust my correction officer friends' opinions over an anonymous poster on a political message board. They are overworked and many are burned out. They can't keep an eye on everything and shit happens.... a lot.

I was incarcerated in 1978.

I don't blame you, why listen to an opinion of someone that's actually been there and done that.

It's quite a difference in being a convict and in being a CO.
I think the little bastard child ought to be charged with accessory after the fact as soon as it's born and spend the rest of it's life in a privately run prison so rich people can make money off of it.

I'll give you more attention that you apparently deserve:

We don't know the child is a "bastard". The question was whetehr or not the time of the additional nine months would perhaps come into play at some point in being tried as an adult.

You should try being an adult yourself, by the way.

Adult? ADULT? Run through this whole thread and see who is being the "Adults" in the room. It's our Conservative brethren that only see things in black and white and hold your breath till they pass out at any differing opinion.

In short.... I knew what you were saying. I'm just saying that this is getting ridiculous.

As an Aside... i don't think any child should be tried as an adult. You put 13-18 year olds in big boy prison, you get psychological disasters... Sociopaths that don't care if they live or die because they've been ass raped, beaten within an inch of their lives, shanked and taught how to become REAL monsters when they get out.

That's not what trying a child as an adult means. It doesn't mean sentenced as an adult. It means tried without the protections afforded children, but the protections afforded as an adult. Trying a child as an adult only means that different rules are applied. Even if tried as an adult, when sentenced they are still sent to a juvenile facility.
None? That's what I thought.

I was incarcerated at the age of 17 for aggravated assault w/ intent and spent almost three years in the Texas Department of Corrections, Ferguson Unit.

Never was raped, shanked, beaten within an inch of my life or taught to be a monster. You should stop watching prison movies.

How old are you now? How long ago was it that you were incarcerated? Times change... downsizing, minimal staffing Privatization of Prisons, etc.

In short... I'll trust my correction officer friends' opinions over an anonymous poster on a political message board. They are overworked and many are burned out. They can't keep an eye on everything and shit happens.... a lot.

I was incarcerated in 1978.

I don't blame you, why listen to an opinion of someone that's actually been there and done that.

It's quite a difference in being a convict and in being a CO.

so... because you were incarcerated 30 years ago for three years, you think you are an authority on what prisons are like now? back in the 70's, you didn't have the gang influence that you do now. Also, it was before Reaganomics took hold and gutted our federal dollars that "trickled down" to the state level... meaning there was more money for more CO's in prisons, Aides in Mental hospitals and Institutions for the developmentally disabled.

yeah... I'll pass.
I asked a simple question and you refused to answer it.

I consider that a concession on your part.

Your "question" is illogical. You're committing fallacy of equivocation. Pointing that out is not a concession on my part. Your continuing to follow the same line of thinking IS a concession on your part, however, that you don't have a logical argument to offer.
How old are you now? How long ago was it that you were incarcerated? Times change... downsizing, minimal staffing Privatization of Prisons, etc.

In short... I'll trust my correction officer friends' opinions over an anonymous poster on a political message board. They are overworked and many are burned out. They can't keep an eye on everything and shit happens.... a lot.

I was incarcerated in 1978.

I don't blame you, why listen to an opinion of someone that's actually been there and done that.

It's quite a difference in being a convict and in being a CO.

so... because you were incarcerated 30 years ago for three years, you think you are an authority on what prisons are like now? back in the 70's, you didn't have the gang influence that you do now. Also, it was before Reaganomics took hold and gutted our federal dollars that "trickled down" to the state level... meaning there was more money for more CO's in prisons, Aides in Mental hospitals and Institutions for the developmentally disabled.

yeah... I'll pass.

Yea I have more experience about prison life than you or your CO friends do. And that is a fact.
I asked a simple question and you refused to answer it.

I consider that a concession on your part.

Your "question" is illogical. You're committing fallacy of equivocation. Pointing that out is not a concession on my part. Your continuing to follow the same line of thinking IS a concession on your part, however, that you don't have a logical argument to offer.

Just because you either don't understand it or simply refuse to answer it , doesn't make it illogical.

Your concession is still noted.
Now if the heart is to be harvested it is not neccesary that it keep beating on it's own.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Yes, it is. You really don't know what you are talking about here. A dead heart cannot be transplanted into a person, if the patient is to survive. What would be the point? It a donor's heart stops beating, the heart is not viable for transplantation.

What you're trying to do now is to back away from your earlier claims and arguments, and twist other non-relevant facts in an attempt to support your position. Your argument is that a heart beat and brain activity together is sufficient to establish the presence of a human life. That's actually not quite true. It's not quite that simple, but you're not far off either so I'll give that much to you. But from there you claim that a person must both be brain dead and their heart must stop beating on its own before that person could be legally and ethically a viable organ donor. And that is where you are wrong. A person can be brain dead, but the rest of their biological functions could be in tact, and the person's family could make the decision to "pull the plug" and to donate their organs for transplant recipients.

My main issue in all of this is that you clearly do not have a full understanding of clinical indications of life and death. Not to mention, none of it suffices to establish that a zygote is a human being.

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