Mississippi about to turn up the stupid?

Adult? ADULT? Run through this whole thread and see who is being the "Adults" in the room. It's our Conservative brethren that only see things in black and white and hold your breath till they pass out at any differing opinion.

In short.... I knew what you were saying. I'm just saying that this is getting ridiculous.

As an Aside... i don't think any child should be tried as an adult. You put 13-18 year olds in big boy prison, you get psychological disasters... Sociopaths that don't care if they live or die because they've been ass raped, beaten within an inch of their lives, shanked and taught how to become REAL monsters when they get out.

That's not what trying a child as an adult means. It doesn't mean sentenced as an adult. It means tried without the protections afforded children, but the protections afforded as an adult. Trying a child as an adult only means that different rules are applied. Even if tried as an adult, when sentenced they are still sent to a juvenile facility.

no, they aren't. Children in Adult Prison | Equal Justice Initiative

There are 2200 kids waiting to die on Death Row, and that's just Death Row... Not the rest of the teenage prison population.

I call BULLSHIT on that!!
Explain this quote:

"Who are you or anyone else to decide what one person does with that life?"

If it doesn't mean that a mother has the soul right to decide if her child should live or die, then what does it mean?

I'll gladly explain my OWN quote, thank you very much...

Were we talking about living breathing Children here? It's OK... i'll wait..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Ok... times up. Nope, we weren't.... were we? We were talking about the equivalent of a parasite inside of another human being. How that parasite got there is irrelevant. It is an unwanted life inside another person... robbing them of nutrients and if left go... robbing them of 18 years MINIMUM of pain and suffering.

Only a fool would equate what I said into an infanticide situation... but that's how far you numbnuts take stuff... Just like the Gay Marriage thing... "What if I decided to marry my dog???"


We are talking about a life. I'm assuming a new life would be that of a child. But it's obvious you view a pregnant woman as someone with a parasitic infection.
If pregnancy is such a horrible, dangerous thing, it's a wonder the human species has survived.
It's a great example of how utterly stupid you are.

Life does not have a beginning..... good grief!!

"Life" began millions of years ago. He already said that. Since the, life has continued. Why is that such a difficult idea to grasp? The fact that you can't shows how utterly stupid you are.
Mississippi has only one abortion clinic in the state. There simply isnt demand for abortion there. I dont think this referendum will be a big deal there.

But it will become a big deal. It will start setting a precedent about Roe v Wade.
Look at the midwest, Ohio, Indiana and Wisconsin. All are advocating getting rid of collective bargaining rights and other states are looking at similar bills in the state legislature.
So if it does not bother you that these right wing conservative can dictate your medical care, don't worry about this precedent setting bill.
I for one, hate the religious right pushing their religion on to me.
And I hate that the religious left (if socialism is a religion) is pushing their religion on me. Especially when that religion has proven to be an historical failure time and time again.
People who are against abortion shouldn't have one.
People who do not want and/or cannot support a baby shouln't have one that's going to live on the public's dime either on the streets or prison.

Thank you! This guy hits the nail on the head. I love the way these supposedly "CHRISTIAN" Conservatives will try to dictate to pregnant women, but as soon as that baby's born abandon it and the mother they will have forced into birthing a baby she didn't want or was able to take care of.

They want their cake and eat it too.
We were talking about the equivalent of a parasite inside of another human being. How that parasite got there is irrelevant. It is an unwanted life inside another person... robbing them of nutrients and if left go... robbing them of 18 years MINIMUM of pain and suffering.

Wow. That's an entirely fucked-up view of parenthood.

I hope you don't have children.

No... I don't have a fucked up view of parenthood. I have a REALISTIC view of an unwanted pregnancy.

Yes, in fact I do have Children. I have a 25 year old son who graduated with honors from Penn State University in the field of Forestry who is working in the industry and I have an 18 year old daughter who is attending the University of Pittsburgh/Johnstown Campus.... but is transferring to Penn State Harrisburg for the spring semester. I love my kids dearly and am very proud of them. Their mother and I have worked very hard to raise them up to be responsible and Compassionate people. We also work very hard, sacrificing and scrimping to help them pay for their educations, because we don't qualify for grants, only loans and we will not see our kids starting their life off with a massive debt load.

But all you see is irresponsible liberal when you see my posts... fuck off Koch sucker.
Have you ever been pregnant?
That's not what trying a child as an adult means. It doesn't mean sentenced as an adult. It means tried without the protections afforded children, but the protections afforded as an adult. Trying a child as an adult only means that different rules are applied. Even if tried as an adult, when sentenced they are still sent to a juvenile facility.

no, they aren't. Children in Adult Prison | Equal Justice Initiative

There are 2200 kids waiting to die on Death Row, and that's just Death Row... Not the rest of the teenage prison population.

I call BULLSHIT on that!!

Bullshit on what? My link, or the practice of sentencing kids to die or spend the rest of their lives in prison without the possibility of parole.... in other words a painstakingly SLOW death sentence?
Wow. That's an entirely fucked-up view of parenthood.

I hope you don't have children.

No... I don't have a fucked up view of parenthood. I have a REALISTIC view of an unwanted pregnancy.

Yes, in fact I do have Children. I have a 25 year old son who graduated with honors from Penn State University in the field of Forestry who is working in the industry and I have an 18 year old daughter who is attending the University of Pittsburgh/Johnstown Campus.... but is transferring to Penn State Harrisburg for the spring semester. I love my kids dearly and am very proud of them. Their mother and I have worked very hard to raise them up to be responsible and Compassionate people. We also work very hard, sacrificing and scrimping to help them pay for their educations, because we don't qualify for grants, only loans and we will not see our kids starting their life off with a massive debt load.

But all you see is irresponsible liberal when you see my posts... fuck off Koch sucker.
Have you ever been pregnant?

Obviously not.
No... I don't have a fucked up view of parenthood. I have a REALISTIC view of an unwanted pregnancy.

Yes, in fact I do have Children. I have a 25 year old son who graduated with honors from Penn State University in the field of Forestry who is working in the industry and I have an 18 year old daughter who is attending the University of Pittsburgh/Johnstown Campus.... but is transferring to Penn State Harrisburg for the spring semester. I love my kids dearly and am very proud of them. Their mother and I have worked very hard to raise them up to be responsible and Compassionate people. We also work very hard, sacrificing and scrimping to help them pay for their educations, because we don't qualify for grants, only loans and we will not see our kids starting their life off with a massive debt load.

But all you see is irresponsible liberal when you see my posts... fuck off Koch sucker.
Have you ever been pregnant?

Obviously not.
Oh. Okay. Then how can you have a view on unwanted pregnancy?

Oh, that's right. You're a liberal. You're qualified to speak for everyone.

Well, everyone but the unborn, that is.
It's a great example of how utterly stupid you are.

Life does not have a beginning..... good grief!!

I am not "utterly stupid." You are utterly ignorant (on this subject). Which is excusable, as all of us are ignorant about one thing or another. What is less excusable is refusing to correct your ignorance.

Life began approximately 3.8 billion years ago. Since then, there has been no end to life, and hence no beginning. That each of us is a "single organism" is an illusion; we are each a collection of a great many living organisms called cells, which have learned to act in cooperation rather than in competition, most of the time. (When that fails, we call it a cancer.) Each cell is a living organism. Each living cell is "a human life" in the only sense that phrase has biological meaning.

This is useless for determining when murder has been committed.
First, let's look at the quality that makes us "human". It's our ability to think and reason mainly.

Next, I'd suggest that people on here watch Discovery Channel's "Curiosity" sometime on life in the womb. It takes you from the second sperm is released into the vagina, all the way up through the egg getting fertilized, as well as the many stages of development.

You might learn something.

At the moment of conception, the sperm burrows into the egg, setting off an electrical reaction which closes the egg off from all other sperm. At that point, it is simply just a mass of cells dividing wildly. When the egg gets into the uterus, the protective protein coating is dissolved, and the cell burrows into the wall of the uterus, and starts at that time to be a parasitic mass of cells which is still dividing.

It's not until the 7 or 8 week point that mass starts to develop a brain, nervous system, heart and limb buds.

Prior to the 7 or 8 week point? It's not really a person, because it has no nervous system and can't "think", nor does it even have any organs.

No................a fertilized egg is no more a person than a blueprint for a house is an actual house. Until you get the lumber, start assembling it into some kind of structure, only THEN does the blueprint start to actualize into a house.

My opinion? Until the egg develops both a heart and a nervous system, it's not yet a person.
no, they aren't. Children in Adult Prison | Equal Justice Initiative

There are 2200 kids waiting to die on Death Row, and that's just Death Row... Not the rest of the teenage prison population.

I call BULLSHIT on that!!

Bullshit on what? My link, or the practice of sentencing kids to die or spend the rest of their lives in prison without the possibility of parole.... in other words a painstakingly SLOW death sentence?

On the portion I highlighted. "There are 2200 kids waiting to die on Death Row"

It's bullshit and you know it.
It's a great example of how utterly stupid you are.

Life does not have a beginning..... good grief!!

I am not "utterly stupid." You are utterly ignorant (on this subject). Which is excusable, as all of us are ignorant about one thing or another. What is less excusable is refusing to correct your ignorance.

Life began approximately 3.8 billion years ago. Since then, there has been no end to life, and hence no beginning. That each of us is a "single organism" is an illusion; we are each a collection of a great many living organisms called cells, which have learned to act in cooperation rather than in competition, most of the time. (When that fails, we call it a cancer.) Each cell is a living organism. Each living cell is "a human life" in the only sense that phrase has biological meaning.

This is useless for determining when murder has been committed.

No you are stupid, the conversation was about human life and since you idiots can't win that argument you divert to a different subject.

But to your recent point I must ask, do you contradict yourself on a regular basis?

I don't know of anyone that stated we were a single cell organism. But you create a lovely strawman for yourself.

Carry on!
Have you ever been pregnant?

Obviously not.
Oh. Okay. Then how can you have a view on unwanted pregnancy?

Oh, that's right. You're a liberal. You're qualified to speak for everyone.

Well, everyone but the unborn, that is.

Have you ever been pregnant? I am assuming you are male, so unless otherwise, we'll dispense with the bullshit.

How can you have a view on unwanted pregnancy? Perhaps us males ought to just STFU about the whole thing and let the women of the country decide. After all, they are the only ones that seem to be qualified to discuss the subject.

Oh.... that's right, your a Conservative... you are qualified to not only speak for everyone, but are also qualified to dictate their actions.
I call BULLSHIT on that!!

Bullshit on what? My link, or the practice of sentencing kids to die or spend the rest of their lives in prison without the possibility of parole.... in other words a painstakingly SLOW death sentence?

On the portion I highlighted. "There are 2200 kids waiting to die on Death Row"

It's bullshit and you know it.

Did you read the article? Just because you don't want it to be true doesn't make it a lie.
Bullshit on what? My link, or the practice of sentencing kids to die or spend the rest of their lives in prison without the possibility of parole.... in other words a painstakingly SLOW death sentence?

On the portion I highlighted. "There are 2200 kids waiting to die on Death Row"

It's bullshit and you know it.

Did you read the article? Just because you don't want it to be true doesn't make it a lie.

Yes I did and nowhere does it state that 2200 kids are waiting to die on death row.
I call BULLSHIT on that!!

Bullshit on what? My link, or the practice of sentencing kids to die or spend the rest of their lives in prison without the possibility of parole.... in other words a painstakingly SLOW death sentence?

On the portion I highlighted. "There are 2200 kids waiting to die on Death Row"

It's bullshit and you know it.

Ok... I was reading two different articles and mixed them up. My Bad. Ok.... there are 2200 kids in Prison that will die a slow and painful death in Prison without the possibility of parole... still a death penalty.
Here are some things to think about naming it a "child" at conception.

If it is a child... that means it a stand alone life. It also downgrades a woman to nothing but an incubator.

It also means that giving it birth at any point from the time of conception works.

Remarkable the ability for so many to miss the point.

It has noting to do with abortion, when life begins, or who is a human being.

It has to do with the people of Mississippi taking it upon them to decide whom will and who will not have his right to privacy, in violation of the Constitution and the rule of law.

This the State of Mississippi may not do.

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