Mississippi...more gun carrying, and after a year....nothing happens...

There is no gun control in this country, idiot.
That's an outright lie, especially when looking at the state of MA.
But then, you can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty, so I'm not surprised

And I thank you for your post; it gave me great pleasure to add to my sig.

You think myopically, that's why you lose. Take Japan for instance. Sorry, Sparky, but this world isn't just about a bunch of rednecks in America.

A Land Without Guns: How Japan Has Virtually Eliminated Shooting Deaths
A Land Without Guns How Japan Has Virtually Eliminated Shooting Deaths The Atlantic

here is a look at how Japan does it......

Japanese Gun Control

In practice, the special law for weapons searches is not necessary, since the police routinely search at will. They ask suspicious characters to show them what is in their purse or sack.[34] In the rare cases where a policeman's search (for a gun or any other contraband) is ruled illegal, it hardly matters; the Japanese courts permit the use of illegally seized evidence.[35] And legal rules aside, Japanese, both criminals and ordinary citizens, are much the more willing than their American counterparts to consent to searches and to answer questions from the police.[36]

'Home visit is one of the most important duties of officers assigned to police...' explains the Japanese National Police Agency. In twice-a-year visit, officers fill out Residence Information Cards about who lives where and which family member to contact in case of emergency, what relation people in the house have to each other, what kind of work they do, if they work late, and what kind of cars they own.[37] The police also check on all gun licensees, to make sure that no gun has been stolen or misused, that the gun is securely stored, and that the licensees are emotionally stable.[38]...............

There is no right to bear arms in Japan. In practical terms, there is no right to privacy against police searches. Other Western-style rights designed to protect citizens from a police state are also non-existent or feeble in Japan.

After the arrest, a suspect may be detained without bail for up to 28 days before the prosecutor brings the suspect before a judge.[42] Even after the 28 day period is completed, detention in a Japanese police station may continue on a variety of pretexts, such as preventing the defendant from destroying evidence. Rearrest on another charge, bekken taihö, is a common police tactic for starting the suspect on another 28 day interrogation process. 'Rearrest' may (p.30)occur while the suspect is still being held at the police station on the first charge. Some defendants may be held for several months without ever being brought before a judge.[43] Courts approve 99.5 per cent of prosecutors' requests for detentions.[44]

Criminal defense lawyers are the only people allowed to visit a suspect in custody, and those meetings are strictly limited. In the months while a suspect is held prisoner, the defense counsel may see his or her client for one to five meetings lasting about 15 minutes each. Even that access will be denied if it hampers the police investigation. While under detention, suspects can be interrogated 12 hours a day, allowed to bathe only every fifth day, and may be prohibited from standing up, lying down, or leaning against the wall of their jail cells.[45]Amnesty International calls the Japanese police custody system a 'flagrant violation of United Nations human rights principles'.[46]

The confession rate is 95 per cent.[47] As a Tokyo police sergeant observes, 'It is no use to protest against power'.[48] Suspects are not allowed to read confessions before they sign them, and suspects commonly complain that their confession was altered after signature. The police use confession as their main investigative technique, and when that fails, they can become frustrated and angry. The Tokyo Bar Association states that the police routinely 'engage in torture or illegal treatment'. The Tokyo Bar is particularly critical of the judiciary for its near-total disinterest in coercion during the confession process. 'Even in cases where suspects claimed to have been tortured and their bodies bore physical traces to back their claims, courts have still accepted their confessions'.[49]


so...which of you lefties want to live in this police state...because without a police state you aren't going to come close to their crime rates.........and they still have gun crime and guns are still smuggled in by organized crime...
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and the main point about Japanese gun control and the U.S......

Japanese Gun Control

Summing up the perspective of many gun prohibitionists, one Japanese newspaper reporter writes, 'It strikes me as clear that there is a distinct correlation between gun control laws and the rate of violent crime. The fewer the guns, the less the violence'.[126] But the claim that fewer guns correlates with less violence is plainly wrong. America experienced falling crime and homicide rates in the 1940s, 1950s, and early 1980s, all periods during which per capita gun (p.40)ownership, especially handgun ownership, rose.[127] And Japan, with its severe gun control, suffers no less murder than Switzerland, one of the most gun-intensive societies on earth.[128]

Japan's gun control does play an important role in the low Japanese crime rate, but not because of some simple relation between gun density and crime. Japan's gun control is one inseparable part of a vast mosaic of social control. Gun control underscores the pervasive cultural theme that the individual is subordinate to society and to the Government. The same theme is reflected in the absence of protection against Government searches and prosecutions. The police are the most powerful on earth, partly because of the lack of legal constraints and particularly because of their social authority.


so...anti gun nuts....try researching the topic before you comment on it......you guys pee your pants and stomp your feet at the thought of our police and illegal searches, cruel interrogation techniques and illegal confinement....everything the Japanese do to keep all of their crime rate down, not just gun crime.....and if the police arrest you...you are going to be convicted....

You guys can't even stand the thought of stop and frisk.......you really, really need to do some research....
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thanks...you have provided an opportunity to see why anti gun nut journalists,can't be trusted....the article you posted on Japanese gun control in the Atlantic..is taken from David Kopel's paper that I just posted.........notice how they lied about why Japanese gun crime..all Japanese crime, is so low.....read both and yo will see why you can't trust anti gun nuts...ever...

A Land Without Guns How Japan Has Virtually Eliminated Shooting Deaths The Atlantic

Japanese Gun Control

I already posted the actual points in his paper...but you can read both of them for yourself...
And I can point our countries with more lax gun laws that have a lower murder rate then NYC


Please do that and we can talk

When the appropriate thread presents itself

BTW- Can't blame it on the failed black culture experiment here in the US.


Why don't you start here

List of countries by intentional homicide rate - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

New York has a murder rate of 3.3 ....show me a country with a lower murder rate that has lax gun controls

Israel would be a good place for you to research.. 1.3


I am willing to accept Israels gun laws

Are you?

I don't have to accept anything... Well, except the Bill of Rights

You asked me a question for which I answered.

Israel has a lower murder rate than NYC.

What the gun grabber fail to reason is the complete fail relative to their arguments

Many countries have lax gun laws with low murder rates. At the same time, I can point out countries with high murder rates and strict gun control

But even my comparison is weak since in these other countries gun ownership is a privilige, not a right like here in America

Baton Rouge and New Orleans...run by democrats.....on the top 25 list of most violent cities in the U.S. 2013...

Most Dangerous Cities In America - Business Insider

The gun laws are made by Republucans for the entire state

Why aren't they keeping people safe?

Police and poverty creation policies are made at the city level......

Damn boy! You really are in the NRA Dog House now

Guns in the hands of civilians are supposed to keep people safe not girly man police. Louisiana has some of the most gun friendly laws in the country and THE highest murder rate to show for it
Please do that and we can talk

When the appropriate thread presents itself

BTW- Can't blame it on the failed black culture experiment here in the US.


Why don't you start here

List of countries by intentional homicide rate - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

New York has a murder rate of 3.3 ....show me a country with a lower murder rate that has lax gun controls

Israel would be a good place for you to research.. 1.3


I am willing to accept Israels gun laws

Are you?

I don't have to accept anything... Well, except the Bill of Rights

You asked me a question for which I answered.

Israel has a lower murder rate than NYC.


Israel has tougher gun laws than NYC

Are you advocating we use them?
What the gun grabber fail to reason is the complete fail relative to their arguments

Many countries have lax gun laws with low murder rates. At the same time, I can point out countries with high murder rates and strict gun control

But even my comparison is weak since in these other countries gun ownership is a privilige, not a right like here in America


Yet you have failed to name a single country that meets your example
When the appropriate thread presents itself

BTW- Can't blame it on the failed black culture experiment here in the US.


Why don't you start here

List of countries by intentional homicide rate - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

New York has a murder rate of 3.3 ....show me a country with a lower murder rate that has lax gun controls

Israel would be a good place for you to research.. 1.3


I am willing to accept Israels gun laws

Are you?

I don't have to accept anything... Well, except the Bill of Rights

You asked me a question for which I answered.

Israel has a lower murder rate than NYC.


Israel has tougher gun laws than NYC

Are you advocating we use them?

Why should I advocate what you suggest?

I advocate we follow the Constitution

What say you?

When the appropriate thread presents itself

BTW- Can't blame it on the failed black culture experiment here in the US.


Why don't you start here

List of countries by intentional homicide rate - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

New York has a murder rate of 3.3 ....show me a country with a lower murder rate that has lax gun controls

Israel would be a good place for you to research.. 1.3


I am willing to accept Israels gun laws

Are you?

I don't have to accept anything... Well, except the Bill of Rights

You asked me a question for which I answered.

Israel has a lower murder rate than NYC.


Israel has tougher gun laws than NYC

Are you advocating we use them?

Israel has very low ownership per capita.
Number of guns per capita by country - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
What the gun grabber fail to reason is the complete fail relative to their arguments

Many countries have lax gun laws with low murder rates. At the same time, I can point out countries with high murder rates and strict gun control

But even my comparison is weak since in these other countries gun ownership is a privilige, not a right like here in America


Yet you have failed to name a single country that meets your example

Are you a slow reader?

Israel and South Africa

Why don't you start here

List of countries by intentional homicide rate - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

New York has a murder rate of 3.3 ....show me a country with a lower murder rate that has lax gun controls

Israel would be a good place for you to research.. 1.3


I am willing to accept Israels gun laws

Are you?

I don't have to accept anything... Well, except the Bill of Rights

You asked me a question for which I answered.

Israel has a lower murder rate than NYC.


Israel has tougher gun laws than NYC

Are you advocating we use them?

Why should I advocate what you suggest?

I advocate we follow the Constitution

What say you?


Way to back out of your claim. Wow.
Why don't you start here

List of countries by intentional homicide rate - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

New York has a murder rate of 3.3 ....show me a country with a lower murder rate that has lax gun controls

Israel would be a good place for you to research.. 1.3


I am willing to accept Israels gun laws

Are you?

I don't have to accept anything... Well, except the Bill of Rights

You asked me a question for which I answered.

Israel has a lower murder rate than NYC.


Israel has tougher gun laws than NYC

Are you advocating we use them?

Israel has very low ownership per capita.
Number of guns per capita by country - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Oh, so we're modifying the original question since I clearly slammed it as a fail?

Israel would be a good place for you to research.. 1.3


I am willing to accept Israels gun laws

Are you?

I don't have to accept anything... Well, except the Bill of Rights

You asked me a question for which I answered.

Israel has a lower murder rate than NYC.


Israel has tougher gun laws than NYC

Are you advocating we use them?

Why should I advocate what you suggest?

I advocate we follow the Constitution

What say you?


Way to back out of your claim. Wow.

What claim, it's a fact.

Israel has a lower murder rate than NYC and has lax gun priviliges

I am willing to accept Israels gun laws

Are you?

I don't have to accept anything... Well, except the Bill of Rights

You asked me a question for which I answered.

Israel has a lower murder rate than NYC.


Israel has tougher gun laws than NYC

Are you advocating we use them?

Why should I advocate what you suggest?

I advocate we follow the Constitution

What say you?


Way to back out of your claim. Wow.

What claim, it's a fact.

Israel has a lower murder rate than NYC and has lax gun priviliges


And has very few guns. Is that the key then to a low murder rate?
And more news to ponder

In South Africa the homicide rate is 32.2 and guns sales and transfers are PROHIBITED!

Many other ways to die it appears :badgrin:

What the gun grabber fail to reason is the complete fail relative to their arguments

Many countries have lax gun laws with low murder rates. At the same time, I can point out countries with high murder rates and strict gun control

But even my comparison is weak since in these other countries gun ownership is a privilige, not a right like here in America


Yet you have failed to name a single country that meets your example

Are you a slow reader?

Israel and South Africa


I'm ready to adopt Israels gun control policies that you claim are more lax....are you?

Overview of gun laws by nation - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Civilians must obtain a firearms license to lawfully acquire, possess, sell, or transfer firearms and ammunition

The list of below personnel are eligible for licenses allowing them to possess firearms:
  • Israel Defense Forces officers honorably discharged with the rank of non-commissioned officer
  • Reservists honorably discharged with the rank of regimental commander
    • Eligible to possess one rifle.
  • Ex–special forces enlisted men
  • Retired police officers with the rank of sergeant
  • Retired prison guards with the rank of squadron commander
  • Licensed public transportation drivers transporting a minimum of five people
  • Full-time dealers of jewellery or large sums of cash or valuables
  • Civil Guard volunteers
    • Civil Guard snipers may possess one rifle.
  • Residents of militarily strategic buffer zones considered essential to state security
    • Such personnel are may possess one handgun.
  • Residents of Israeli settlements
    • Settlers may possess handguns and can be issued automatic rifles by the army for personal protection. The automatic rifles are property of the army and may be confiscated at any time.
  • Licensed hunters
    • May possess one shotgun
To obtain a firearms license, an applicant must be a resident of Israel for at least three consecutive years, pass a background check that considers the applicant's health, mental, and criminal history, establish a genuine reason for possessing a firearm (such as self-defense, hunting, or sport), and pass a weapons-training course.
The Israeli government maintains an official registry of all residents with firearms licence

Those licensed to possess firearms may not carry them in public without a permit. Separate permits exist for being allowed to carrying open and concealed weapons.[45]
Around 40% of applications for firearms permits are rejected

Under Israeli law, the maximum penalty for unlawful possession of a firearm is 10 years in prison
And more news to ponder

In South Africa the homicide rate is 32.2 and guns sales and transfers are PROHIBITED!

Many other ways to die it appears :badgrin:


Interesting that you would point to South Africa as an example

Their gun laws are surprisingly close to ours and they have a murder rate of 31.0 compared to our 4.7

I guess the Dodge City of South Africa is what the NRA aspires to
What the gun grabber fail to reason is the complete fail relative to their arguments

Many countries have lax gun laws with low murder rates. At the same time, I can point out countries with high murder rates and strict gun control

But even my comparison is weak since in these other countries gun ownership is a privilige, not a right like here in America


Yet you have failed to name a single country that meets your example

Are you a slow reader?

Israel and South Africa


I'm ready to adopt Israels gun control policies that you claim are more lax....are you?

Overview of gun laws by nation - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Civilians must obtain a firearms license to lawfully acquire, possess, sell, or transfer firearms and ammunition

The list of below personnel are eligible for licenses allowing them to possess firearms:
  • Israel Defense Forces officers honorably discharged with the rank of non-commissioned officer
  • Reservists honorably discharged with the rank of regimental commander
    • Eligible to possess one rifle.
  • Ex–special forces enlisted men
  • Retired police officers with the rank of sergeant
  • Retired prison guards with the rank of squadron commander
  • Licensed public transportation drivers transporting a minimum of five people
  • Full-time dealers of jewellery or large sums of cash or valuables
  • Civil Guard volunteers
    • Civil Guard snipers may possess one rifle.
  • Residents of militarily strategic buffer zones considered essential to state security
    • Such personnel are may possess one handgun.
  • Residents of Israeli settlements
    • Settlers may possess handguns and can be issued automatic rifles by the army for personal protection. The automatic rifles are property of the army and may be confiscated at any time.
  • Licensed hunters
    • May possess one shotgun
To obtain a firearms license, an applicant must be a resident of Israel for at least three consecutive years, pass a background check that considers the applicant's health, mental, and criminal history, establish a genuine reason for possessing a firearm (such as self-defense, hunting, or sport), and pass a weapons-training course.
The Israeli government maintains an official registry of all residents with firearms licence

Those licensed to possess firearms may not carry them in public without a permit. Separate permits exist for being allowed to carrying open and concealed weapons.[45]
Around 40% of applications for firearms permits are rejected

Under Israeli law, the maximum penalty for unlawful possession of a firearm is 10 years in prison

I said they were lax yes, but in comparison to what? You chose US law
And more news to ponder

In South Africa the homicide rate is 32.2 and guns sales and transfers are PROHIBITED!

Many other ways to die it appears :badgrin:


Interesting that you would point to South Africa as an example

Their gun laws are surprisingly close to ours and they have a murder rate of 31.0 compared to our 4.7

I guess the Dodge City of South Africa is what the NRA aspires to

They are nothing close to our laws idiot


What the gun grabber fail to reason is the complete fail relative to their arguments

Many countries have lax gun laws with low murder rates. At the same time, I can point out countries with high murder rates and strict gun control

But even my comparison is weak since in these other countries gun ownership is a privilige, not a right like here in America


Yet you have failed to name a single country that meets your example

Are you a slow reader?

Israel and South Africa


I'm ready to adopt Israels gun control policies that you claim are more lax....are you?

Overview of gun laws by nation - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Civilians must obtain a firearms license to lawfully acquire, possess, sell, or transfer firearms and ammunition

The list of below personnel are eligible for licenses allowing them to possess firearms:
  • Israel Defense Forces officers honorably discharged with the rank of non-commissioned officer
  • Reservists honorably discharged with the rank of regimental commander
    • Eligible to possess one rifle.
  • Ex–special forces enlisted men
  • Retired police officers with the rank of sergeant
  • Retired prison guards with the rank of squadron commander
  • Licensed public transportation drivers transporting a minimum of five people
  • Full-time dealers of jewellery or large sums of cash or valuables
  • Civil Guard volunteers
    • Civil Guard snipers may possess one rifle.
  • Residents of militarily strategic buffer zones considered essential to state security
    • Such personnel are may possess one handgun.
  • Residents of Israeli settlements
    • Settlers may possess handguns and can be issued automatic rifles by the army for personal protection. The automatic rifles are property of the army and may be confiscated at any time.
  • Licensed hunters
    • May possess one shotgun
To obtain a firearms license, an applicant must be a resident of Israel for at least three consecutive years, pass a background check that considers the applicant's health, mental, and criminal history, establish a genuine reason for possessing a firearm (such as self-defense, hunting, or sport), and pass a weapons-training course.
The Israeli government maintains an official registry of all residents with firearms licence

Those licensed to possess firearms may not carry them in public without a permit. Separate permits exist for being allowed to carrying open and concealed weapons.[45]
Around 40% of applications for firearms permits are rejected

Under Israeli law, the maximum penalty for unlawful possession of a firearm is 10 years in prison

Why would I want to adopt their process?

You asked me to point out other countries with a lower homicide rate than NYC

You don't like the answer so now you want to compare laws

Straw man much?


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