Mississippi religious rights bill passed

Doesn't matter whether the bakery is Muslim or Christian or atheists- the business has to follow business law- and if it is illegal to discriminate based upon sexual orientation in your state- it is illegal. If not- it isn't.

That depends on if courts find the 1st Amendment or PA laws (for behaviors, remember, not race) dominant. That test will come. Place your bets..

Public Accommodation laws have been in place since 1964
Civil Rights Act of 1964: Public Accommodation

SEC. 201. (a) All persons shall be entitled to the full and equal enjoyment of the goods, services, facilities, and privileges, advantages, and accommodations of any place of public accommodation, as defined in this section, without discrimination or segregation on the ground of race, color, religion, or national origin.

Note- from the beginning of Public Accommodation laws, behavior- noted in red- has been among discriminatory reasons- along with race- for prohibiting refusal of service
I know that you care as little about handicapped Americans- and their rights- as you care about health and well being of children.

But I for one, am glad that the American's with Disabilities Act protects blind Americans with service dogs, and if a taxi driver refuses to provide an essential service to them- I would cheer on either a civil suit or a complaint leading to the driver loosing his driving privleges.
^^ More psychological manipulation... Why stop when you're on a roll? :lmao:

I know that you care as little about handicapped Americans- and their rights- as you care about health and well being of children.

But I for one, am glad that the American's with Disabilities Act protects blind Americans with service dogs, and if a taxi driver refuses to provide an essential service to them- I would cheer on either a civil suit or a complaint leading to the driver loosing his driving privleges.
Is this a thread about your crybully psychological manipulation or is this a thread about Mississippi passing a bill protecting Kim Davis types?
So Mississippi has passed a law protecting bigots. I am not the lest bit surprised. I was stationed there once. Mississippi is still a very backward place. Almost as behind the times as ISIS.

But you are really stupid if you think this law is about religion. It isn't. It has nothing to do with the Bible. At all.

"I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery."

A man can still marry his fifth wife in Mississippi, and you won't find any clerks self-righteously waving the Bible about when they do.

So don't kid yourselves this is about religion, mm-kay?

God knows exactly what this is.
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Keep calling voters "bigots" for defending Kim Davis and kids needing a mom and dad...

Should pan out really well for you at the polls all the way from faith to the factories and even into Hillary's camp....where everyone there had a mom and dad and even spent youth attending church...even if infrequently...
So Mississippi has passed a law protecting bigots. I am not the lest bit surprised. I was stationed there once. Mississippi is still a very backward place. Almost as behind the times as ISIS.

But you are really stupid if you think this law is about religion. It isn't. It has nothing to do with the Bible. At all.

"I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery."

A man can still marry his fifth wife in Mississippi, and you won't find any clerks self-righteously waving the Bible about when they do.

So don't kid yourselves this is about religion, mm-kay?

God knows exactly what this is.

Marry a fifth time?

Sounds like Kim Davis
So Mississippi has passed a law protecting bigots. I am not the lest bit surprised. I was stationed there once. Mississippi is still a very backward place. Almost as behind the times as ISIS.

But you are really stupid if you think this law is about religion. It isn't. It has nothing to do with the Bible. At all.

"I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery."

A man can still marry his fifth wife in Mississippi, and you won't find any clerks self-righteously waving the Bible about when they do.

So don't kid yourselves this is about religion, mm-kay?

God knows exactly what this is.

Marry a fifth time?

Sounds like Kim Davis
I actually knew a woman in Mississippi who married her fifth husband on her 28th birthday. She had her first kid when she was 15, impregnated by a 21 year old. She had her second kid by a different man when she was 17. The bible wants us to breed, amiright?

No one made a holy fuss when she showed up for her fifth marriage license.
Keep calling voters "bigots" for defending Kim Davis.

It's what they are.

And they are raging hypocrites, too. Don't forget that part. That part will be very important on Judgment Day.

As for voters and elections, "For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? "
Mississippi bill: OK to not help with same-sex marriage - Daily Journal

All knew this would happen. SC oversteps its boundaries and states pass laws protecting their workers from the nut case homosexual mafia.

So it's OK to disregard the Constitution?

Please tell us where in the constitution same sex marriage, hell, marriage in general, is ever mentioned?
Easy peasey!

No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
You get married in your church. Done, right? Well, God's done his part. But is it enough for you?

Oh hell no. We want to be able to march on down to the gubmint and demand some gifts from the State for our marriage! We DEMAND the government get all up in our marriages.

So we writes us some laws bestowing all kinds of cash and prizes on us for being married. Social Security Survivor benefits. Joint tax returns. Holy moley, there's like thousand things we give to ourselves from the government in them there laws!

What's that you say? These INTERRACIAL marriages want the same legal protections? Who do they think they are? Do they think they are SPECIAL!?!?! That's against GOD to give them the same government gifts we get.

And now these homos want equal protection of all these laws we wrote? WTF? If we let two gay men file a joint tax return, that would destroy the holiness of my fifth marriage!
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Mississippi bill: OK to not help with same-sex marriage - Daily Journal

All knew this would happen. SC oversteps its boundaries and states pass laws protecting their workers from the nut case homosexual mafia.

So it's OK to disregard the Constitution?

Please tell us where in the constitution same sex marriage, hell, marriage in general, is ever mentioned?
Easy peasey!

No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

This applies to criminal and civil due process, not marriage. Jesus, you leftwingers always invoke the constitution and then twist it beyond recognition to cover everything from marriage to apple pie making.
Mississippi bill: OK to not help with same-sex marriage - Daily Journal

All knew this would happen. SC oversteps its boundaries and states pass laws protecting their workers from the nut case homosexual mafia.

So it's OK to disregard the Constitution?

Please tell us where in the constitution same sex marriage, hell, marriage in general, is ever mentioned?
Easy peasey!

No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

This applies to criminal and civil due process, not marriage.

No, it applies to ALL laws.

And if you had sat and thought for two seconds, instead of allowing your bigotry to cause you to speak in haste, you would have realized it.

Show me where driver's licenses are in the Constitution.
So Mississippi has passed a law protecting bigots. I am not the lest bit surprised. I was stationed there once. Mississippi is still a very backward place. Almost as behind the times as ISIS.

But you are really stupid if you think this law is about religion. It isn't. It has nothing to do with the Bible. At all.

"I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery."

A man can still marry his fifth wife in Mississippi, and you won't find any clerks self-righteously waving the Bible about when they do.

So don't kid yourselves this is about religion, mm-kay?

God knows exactly what this is.

Marry a fifth time?

Sounds like Kim Davis
I actually knew a woman in Mississippi who married her fifth husband on her 28th birthday. She had her first kid when she was 15, impregnated by a 21 year old. She had her second kid by a different man when she was 17. The bible wants us to breed, amiright?

No one made a holy fuss when she showed up for her fifth marriage license.

Maybe if she was marrying a negro they would have found a way to stop it
Government cash and prizes have NOTHING to do with God.

Your marriage is recognized by God in your church.

What you people are whining about is STATE recognition, which has NOTHING to do with the Bible.

Two people filing a joint tax return, or collecting government benefits, has fuck-all to do with God.
Mississippi bill: OK to not help with same-sex marriage - Daily Journal

All knew this would happen. SC oversteps its boundaries and states pass laws protecting their workers from the nut case homosexual mafia.

So it's OK to disregard the Constitution?

Please tell us where in the constitution same sex marriage, hell, marriage in general, is ever mentioned?
Easy peasey!

No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

This applies to criminal and civil due process, not marriage.

No, it applies to ALL laws.

And if you had sat and thought for two seconds, instead of allowing your bigotry to cause you to speak in haste, you would have realized it.

Show me where driver's licenses are in the Constitution.

My bigotry? What bigotry? Have you ever been able to pull together a cogent thought? It's always the same with you... Bigot, racist, Nazi, piss and shit.

You leftwingers live in a in intolerant world of absolutes.
Mississippi bill: OK to not help with same-sex marriage - Daily Journal

All knew this would happen. SC oversteps its boundaries and states pass laws protecting their workers from the nut case homosexual mafia.

I thought it was telling that Mississippi republicans refused to include an amendment that would allow a government official to refuse to marry people that had been divorced. Despite the Bible being explicit that such remarriages were adultery.

So apparently its not 'religious belief' that is protected. But just discrimination against gays.
So it's OK to disregard the Constitution?

Please tell us where in the constitution same sex marriage, hell, marriage in general, is ever mentioned?
Easy peasey!

No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

This applies to criminal and civil due process, not marriage.

No, it applies to ALL laws.

And if you had sat and thought for two seconds, instead of allowing your bigotry to cause you to speak in haste, you would have realized it.

Show me where driver's licenses are in the Constitution.

My bigotry? What bigotry?

The bigotry that doesn't start or participate in topics about the unholiness of a fifth marriage, but can never resist defending the practice of discriminating against a gay marriage.

Bigotry and hypocrisy. We are all going to see how well that goes down with the God you all profess to believe in one day.
Mississippi bill: OK to not help with same-sex marriage - Daily Journal

All knew this would happen. SC oversteps its boundaries and states pass laws protecting their workers from the nut case homosexual mafia.
I'm glad my gay neighbors could get married. I thought the scotus case was wrongfully decided, but nobody asked me. The law doesn't really do anything courts in Kentucky have said is ok. Gays still get married. Being upset at gay marriage is just ... crazy. But people have right to be crazy.

I gotta say though that the story isn't that big down here. Some a-hole shot a killed a Narcotics officer and wounded three other officers. And some cop in Greenville got killed trying to stop a robbery last week.
Please tell us where in the constitution same sex marriage, hell, marriage in general, is ever mentioned?
Easy peasey!

No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

This applies to criminal and civil due process, not marriage.

No, it applies to ALL laws.

And if you had sat and thought for two seconds, instead of allowing your bigotry to cause you to speak in haste, you would have realized it.

Show me where driver's licenses are in the Constitution.

My bigotry? What bigotry?

The bigotry that doesn't start or participate in topics about the unholiness of a fifth marriage, but can never resist defending the practice of discriminating against a gay marriage.

Bigotry and hypocrisy. We are all going to see how well that goes down with the God you all profess to believe in one day.

Are you nuts? All I asked was where in the constitution is marriage addressed? And you light into a rant about five marriages, homosexuals, God and tax deductions.

There is something wrong with you.

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