Missouri Attorney General Finds No Evidence Planned Parenthood Mishandled Fetal Tissue

Uh huh, case closed! Until they release the umpteenth video, this time featuring Missouri PP staff describing how they harvest baby parts to make lots of money to buy fancy cars and lots of wine to drink at lunch.

Maybe someone will investigate how these folks sleep at night. Oh yeah. No laws were broken. Only God's laws...
All these phonies who proclaim themselves " pro Life " say their being pro war is changing the subject...why ? because it proves they are not "pro Life" they are anti choice forced parturition advocates and they want to pretend a commitment to morals is what motivates them ...its Bull shit
Hey lets just charge them with murder to make the republicans feel better because really, thats what its all about
Better yet lets convict them then have the trial...like Alice in Wonderland..

these pro forced birthers are "more moral than thou" except of course they worship WAR
The investigation found that all tissue from abortions was examined at a pathology lab then incinerated.

Sept 28 (Reuters) - An investigation in Missouri found no evidence that Planned Parenthood's St. Louis clinic mishandled fetal tissue or engaged in unlawful activity, Attorney General Chris Koster's office said on Monday.

Koster's office had launched an investigation after an anti-abortion group released videos over the summer alleging that Planned Parenthood in other states illegally sold fetal tissue.

"The evidence reviewed by my investigators supports Planned Parenthood's representation that fetal tissue is handled in accordance with Missouri law," Koster said in a news release. "We have discovered no evidence whatsoever to suggest that Planned Parenthood's St. Louis facility is selling fetal tissue."

The Attorney General's Office interviewed workers at Planned Parenthood, the only licensed surgical abortion facility in Missouri, and reviewed documents from all 317 abortions during a 30-day audit, according to the statement. The investigation found that all tissue from abortions was examined at a pathology lab then incinerated.

More: Missouri Attorney General Finds No Evidence Planned Parenthood Mishandled Fetal Tissue

Well, there it is. More proof that Planned Parenthood has broken no laws.
Course....if you aren't really looking for any wrongdoing. ......
The Blight to Life movement more moral than thou
with make up

without make up
You don't know me. If it somehow makes you feel alive to insult me, knock yourself out.
I know your positions on this issue of forced birth and that is exactly what makes you uncomfortable "not a dude but pro war Right to Lifer"

The Utah branch of Planned Parenthood sued the governor on Monday for ordering state agencies to cut off federal funding to the organization following the release of secretly recorded ... (AP)
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So since the AG isnt a Democrat, what will be the new hair brained reason why PP did it and theres no evidence of it?

Something something Obama..

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