Missouri Attorney General Finds No Evidence Planned Parenthood Mishandled Fetal Tissue

Three states have investigated PP and found nothing illegal.
But GOP Congress doesn't want to investigate, they just want to cut funding because of their typical knee jerk reaction. And these yahoos want to govern the U.S. using knee jerk reactions? Knee jerk reactionary us into Iraq, over 4000 troops lost their lives.tens of thousands came back with their lives ruined thanks to maimed bodies and minds.
The far right willing lynch anyone without any proof. And they want to lead this country? God help is all!
You don't know me. If it somehow makes you feel alive to insult me, knock yourself out.

You're dealing with a spamming retard.
she was posting to me not you

Republicans In Freefall: Majorities In US and GOP Oppose Govt. Shutdown Over Planned Parenthood

The Republican Party is in disarray as a new Quinnipiac University Poll found that 69% of Americans and 56% of Republicans oppose shutting down the government over defunding…
Ho hum yeah sure you all are moral as hell pro lifers uh huh LOL
Laugh on with your smoking Jesus avi. I don't care what you think of me. I'm praying for you anyway.
I am praying for you "not a dude" that you actually become a moral agent instead of a Forced Birth pro War phony........
I feel sorry for you.
No you do not feel sorry for me you are snarking....
The investigation found that all tissue from abortions was examined at a pathology lab then incinerated.

Sept 28 (Reuters) - An investigation in Missouri found no evidence that Planned Parenthood's St. Louis clinic mishandled fetal tissue or engaged in unlawful activity, Attorney General Chris Koster's office said on Monday.

Koster's office had launched an investigation after an anti-abortion group released videos over the summer alleging that Planned Parenthood in other states illegally sold fetal tissue.

"The evidence reviewed by my investigators supports Planned Parenthood's representation that fetal tissue is handled in accordance with Missouri law," Koster said in a news release. "We have discovered no evidence whatsoever to suggest that Planned Parenthood's St. Louis facility is selling fetal tissue."

The Attorney General's Office interviewed workers at Planned Parenthood, the only licensed surgical abortion facility in Missouri, and reviewed documents from all 317 abortions during a 30-day audit, according to the statement. The investigation found that all tissue from abortions was examined at a pathology lab then incinerated.

More: Missouri Attorney General Finds No Evidence Planned Parenthood Mishandled Fetal Tissue

Well, there it is. More proof that Planned Parenthood has broken no laws.

Irrelevant. Conservatives are all about 'feels'. It 'feels' like PP broke the law. Ergo, they did.

you have no idea what conservatives feels. because you liberals/left don't care about the UNBORN human being, getting sucked out of a womans womb.
Just go pine over the cecil the lion. leave the rest of us alone

When it comes to PP breaking the law, consevatives have told us. First, in direct accusation that PP broke the law. Which it didn't. Then in awkward attempts to defund PP because it broke the law.

The fact that PP broke no law is gloriously irrelevant to them. As they really don't care about reality. They care about how they feel about reality.

They broke no laws at one clinic in one city in one state. It is total BS to even think that they didn't break any laws in the other 49 states.

that's right. it should be investigated from state to state. that is how we the peoples government should work. PP shouldn't have a say OVER US the people in this country
so do it. then come back trying to punish them. don't skip the investigation
Three states have investigated PP and found nothing illegal.
But GOP Congress doesn't want to investigate, they just want to cut funding because of their typical knee jerk reaction. And these yahoos want to govern the U.S. using knee jerk reactions? Knee jerk reactionary us into Iraq, over 4000 troops lost their lives.tens of thousands came back with their lives ruined thanks to maimed bodies and minds.
The far right willing lynch anyone without any proof. And they want to lead this country? God help is all!

Yabut is the absence of evidence Evidence of ab...or whatever the fuck twisted logic they pull out of their asses
Geez, 317 fetal killings in a single month in Missouri. What about the other 49 states?

I'm not a fan of abortion at the drop of a hat. As a matter of fact I'm pro- life except for rape, incest or a mother's life endangered.
But I see a the positives of all the things PP has done to lower abortions and abortions are legal.
I do agree, 317 in a month seems like way too many.
"An investigation in Missouri found no evidence that Planned Parenthood's St. Louis clinic mishandled fetal tissue or engaged in unlawful activity, Attorney General Chris Koster's office said on Monday."

Of course it didn't.

Yet another ridiculous lie from the right exposed as such.
Everyone is pro-life.

Everyone agrees that abortion must end.

The conflict concerns how to end the practice, where there are those who seek to 'ban' abortion and compel a woman to give birth against her will, in violation of a woman's right to privacy.
"An investigation in Missouri found no evidence that Planned Parenthood's St. Louis clinic mishandled fetal tissue or engaged in unlawful activity, Attorney General Chris Koster's office said on Monday."

Of course it didn't.

Yet another ridiculous lie from the right exposed as such.

It doesn't matter if the accusation is real. What matters is the accusation exists. And is repeated. Repetition is far more important to many conservatives than factual veracity or a semblance of evidence. Repetition is in fact their bread and butter.
The investigation found that all tissue from abortions was examined at a pathology lab then incinerated.

Sept 28 (Reuters) - An investigation in Missouri found no evidence that Planned Parenthood's St. Louis clinic mishandled fetal tissue or engaged in unlawful activity, Attorney General Chris Koster's office said on Monday.

Koster's office had launched an investigation after an anti-abortion group released videos over the summer alleging that Planned Parenthood in other states illegally sold fetal tissue.

"The evidence reviewed by my investigators supports Planned Parenthood's representation that fetal tissue is handled in accordance with Missouri law," Koster said in a news release. "We have discovered no evidence whatsoever to suggest that Planned Parenthood's St. Louis facility is selling fetal tissue."

The Attorney General's Office interviewed workers at Planned Parenthood, the only licensed surgical abortion facility in Missouri, and reviewed documents from all 317 abortions during a 30-day audit, according to the statement. The investigation found that all tissue from abortions was examined at a pathology lab then incinerated.

More: Missouri Attorney General Finds No Evidence Planned Parenthood Mishandled Fetal Tissue

Well, there it is. More proof that Planned Parenthood has broken no laws.

More proof that the anti choices are lying through their teeth.


If they have to lie, how valid is their opinion and why should anyone pay any attention to them?
Ho hum yeah sure you all are moral as hell pro lifers uh huh LOL
Laugh on with your smoking Jesus avi. I don't care what you think of me. I'm praying for you anyway.
I am praying for you "not a dude" that you actually become a moral agent instead of a Forced Birth pro War phony........
I feel sorry for you.
With a handle like compost......you might as well be shit.
I stand corrected, with Missouri it's6 states have investigated PP and found nothing wrong.
5 States Investigated Planned Parenthood — Here Are the Shocking Results

What about the ones they have found issues? Why don't you dig them up, you know, be unbiased and shit

Regarding what the questionable videos implied, so far nothing, zip.
But go ahead, declare them guilty anyways. That's your M.O. anyways.

Haven't you found it interesting PP hasn't denied the allegations? All they have done is stomp their little feet and scream the videos were "heavily edited". You people are being played.

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