Missouri becomes first state to outlaw abortion...

That's just it. There are many reasons for having an abortion, and they occur throughout the pregnancy. The other day they talked about a woman who was married had a daughter with her husband and we're expecting another daughter. They told the little girl she would have a sister. They were preparing the nursery. But on our 20th week checkup they got some horrible news. The fetus suffered from non-viable genetic disorder. The best choice of action was immediate abortion. Are you going to sit and judge her say she can't have an abortion? That's the whole problem in a nutshell. This decision is between a woman and her doctor. No state, no court should be involved in this process it's as simple as that.
By the way this woman lived in one of the states that already passed an egregious abortion Bill and wasn't allowed to have an abortion so she had to go out of state and when she went out of state as she entered the clinic she was met by angry, so-called pro-life protesters who jeered her. Isn't that nice. They don't understand the situation and they wrongly judged her.
That's just it. There are many reasons for having an abortion, and they occur throughout the pregnancy. The other day they talked about a woman who was married had a daughter with her husband and we're expecting another daughter. They told the little girl she would have a sister. They were preparing the nursery. But on our 20th week checkup they got some horrible news. The fetus suffered from non-viable genetic disorder. The best choice of action was immediate abortion. Are you going to sit and judge her say she can't have an abortion? That's the whole problem in a nutshell. This decision is between a woman and her doctor. No state, no court should be involved in this process it's as simple as that.

And what percentage of abortions are made because the fetus is not viable? 1%? 2?

How about we talk about the more normal example of the drunken tramp who hooked up with a guy and then when she found she was pregnant, didn't want to bother?

What is that? About 50%? more?
And what percentage of abortions are made because the fetus is not viable? 1%? 2?

How about we talk about the more normal example of the drunken tramp who hooked up with a guy and then when she found she was pregnant, didn't want to bother?

What is that? About 50%? more?
The bottom line is you are judging other people you obviously do not know or care about. What could be more bigoted.
The bottom line is you are judging other people you obviously do not know or care about. What could be more bigoted.

You asked me to. You just gave me a very unlikely scenario and asked me to judge them based on something that would very, very, very rarely be true, instead of what is far more likely.

The concept of law, requires that we judge people ahead of time, not knowing who they will be....

That is not bigotry. That is just the nature of Law.
You asked me to. You just gave me a very unlikely scenario and asked me to judge them based on something that would very, very, very rarely be true, instead of what is far more likely.

The concept of law, requires that we judge people ahead of time, not knowing who they will be....

That is not bigotry. That is just the nature of Law.
The concept of law requires that we judge people ahead of time. I don't think so, laws are supposed to protect us not incriminate us.
The concept of law requires that we judge people ahead of time. I don't think so, laws are supposed to protect us not incriminate us.

You are playing word games. When we pass laws against hate crimes, we are judging the people that will commit them.

Is that bigotry?
You are playing word games. When we pass laws against hate crimes, we are judging the people that will commit them.

Is that bigotry?
You are the one who's playing mind games. Hate crime laws were passed because it's quite obvious crimes committed against groups of people on purpose are especially offensive, because of that extreme bigotry.
You are the one who's playing mind games. Hate crime laws were passed because it's quite obvious crimes committed against groups of people on purpose are especially offensive, because of that extreme bigotry.

You are judging them, based on their actions of which you disapprove.

It is one thing if you disagree with someone. It is another if you pretend to not understand how laws work.
You are judging them, based on their actions of which you disapprove.

It is one thing if you disagree with someone. It is another if you pretend to not understand how laws work.
I'm not judging anyone, the law is making that judgment. If the evidence proves the case, then it's all history. We are talking about crimes here. Not medical procedures.
I'm not judging anyone, the law is making that judgment. If the evidence proves the case, then it's all history. We are talking about crimes here. Not medical procedures.

That is the judgement we are making. Always with laws.

Just because you have a different opinion, does nto make it "bigotry".
The bottom line is you are judging other people you obviously do not know or care about. What could be more bigoted.
Do you think PP putting the clinics in minority neighborhoods is a mistake? Seems like they have made a business judgement.
How can the people that say women rights are in jeopardy and they will become second class citizens when they have made them second in their sports. They do not respect women.
That's over the head of the Biden voter
We had a huge liar for president named donald trump. Unfortunately, he found three people who were also liars, who succeeded in getting appointed to the supreme Court. Now if that's not a disgrace, I don't know what is. And they deserve all the blame for the current crisis.
It's clear that you don't even understand what going on with this decision

Even so, if the Supreme Court "passed a law" allowing a mother to kill her child at 2 years old, a saner Court has every right to overturn that "law"
We had a huge liar for president named donald trump. Unfortunately, he found three people who were also liars, who succeeded in getting appointed to the supreme Court. Now if that's not a disgrace, I don't know what is. And they deserve all the blame for the current crisis.

It was morally and legally wrong for you people to make compliance with bad law, a litmus test to be on the Court.

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