Missouri Doctor Claims Patients Are Wearing Disguises To Get Vaccinated

"A doctor in Missouri says some patients have worn disguises to their vaccinations to avoid letting people know they got the shot. “I’ve had several people come in to get vaccinated who have sort of tried to disguise their appearance and even went so far as to say, ‘Please, please, please don’t let anybody know that I got this vaccine. I don’t want my friends to know,’” Dr Priscilla Frase told ABC News.

In Missouri, only 50.6 per cent of adults are fully vaccinated -- but people in conservative states are still resisting the shots, at least partly because of misinformation from right-wing pundits and politicians. Dr Frase said the shots were so unpopular patients do not want their friends or families to know they received one -- According to ABC News, her hospital now offers a “private setting” for vaccinations."

I want to believe that this doctor is either lying or greatly exaggerating people's fear of having friends and neighbors find out they were vaccinated -- but still tho....the idea of someone walking in with a bad wig, glasses and a fake mustache for a vaccine is still pretty funny.

If I was getting paid $100 per jab, I would start wearing a diguise, and get 50 jabs.
It is not unsafe at all, brainwashed functional moron. Every vaccine has a few deaths very few extremely few. You people are unbelievable and are going to keep this thing going until there finally is a bad strain.
Total b******* and anyway just more loads of crap to confuse the yokels like you. Get the damn shot this is out of control the delta variant. This article doesn't seem to know that there is a new game in town, the Delta variant. Just stupid stuff. The vaccine is extremely effective, no more deaths and very very few hospitalizations. And the only way to get rid of this damn thing. You people are totally a catastrophe for the country, brainwashed functional moron.
Follow the science. It’s a fact. Millions of people now have developed a natural immunity. I’m not sure what your problem is.
Nothing works with this Delta variant except vaccinations which cut down on hospitalizations greatly and death totally. Change the channel get the reality...
.... working out like complete crap because of the brainwashed ignoramus GOP base. Next stop fatal variant. GREAT JOB

This "ignoramus GOP base"?

Does it even make any sense? This is a completely nonsensical story allegedly related by an M.D. to ABC. Is the town so tiny that locals are paying attention to who goes in and out of a Dr.'s office? A freaking disguise would make them stand out even more. The only thing that makes sense is ABC pretending that it is real.
It does not impact everyone. Millions of people have a natural immunity to this virus. People really should consider minding their own business
But an employee is not "minding his own business." And employer has no way to know whether an employee would lie and say "oh I had it last month" just to avoid the vaccine. The person can still mind his own biz, but not on his former employer's property and get paid.
But an employee is not "minding his own business." And employer has no way to know whether an employee would lie and say "oh I had it last month" just to avoid the vaccine. The person can still mind his own biz, but not on his former employer's property and get paid.
I'm not sure where you were going with that one.

Someone's personal health care decisions are not your business because you work with each other.

"A doctor in Missouri says some patients have worn disguises to their vaccinations to avoid letting people know they got the shot. “I’ve had several people come in to get vaccinated who have sort of tried to disguise their appearance and even went so far as to say, ‘Please, please, please don’t let anybody know that I got this vaccine. I don’t want my friends to know,’” Dr Priscilla Frase told ABC News.

In Missouri, only 50.6 per cent of adults are fully vaccinated -- but people in conservative states are still resisting the shots, at least partly because of misinformation from right-wing pundits and politicians. Dr Frase said the shots were so unpopular patients do not want their friends or families to know they received one -- According to ABC News, her hospital now offers a “private setting” for vaccinations."

I want to believe that this doctor is either lying or greatly exaggerating people's fear of having friends and neighbors find out they were vaccinated -- but still tho....the idea of someone walking in with a bad wig, glasses and a fake mustache for a vaccine is still pretty funny.
"boo" !!!

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